Chapter - 1 (Part2) Who Is Zoom?

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•Barry's Pov•

"Hey this is Ros-Barry! You drank my strawberry mil-hold on..."


"Hey, Rose. Um, it's Barry. I'm pretty sure you're tired of me leaving you messages but since your voicemail isn't full yet. I assume you're checking them. So, the Flash and Avenging Angel day is still going on...just wanted to see if you were coming...hope you you...bye." I hang up and think about six and a half months ago...

Six and a half months earlier...

I'm weak.

I guess what Rose's split personality said about me was true, because without her I am weak.

I know that I should question Wells or whatever his name is, but...when I think about Rose and her sacrificing herself it makes me weak.

Physically and mentally, I am weak without her which explains why, I'm standing at the Lazarus pit with her wrapped in a cloth.

"Bringing her back, doesn't mean you'll bring back the right one, Barry." Oliver says as he keeps look out.

"I don't care, I just need her back. Whatever the outcome it, I'll handle it later." I step into the water until it's up to my waist and I unwrap the cloth from her face.

She's been dead for the past sixteen hours and I wasn't about to have her away from me a minute later.

I gently let her down in the water and let her go as she slowly sinks.

Nothing happens so far and I start to worry, but then the water begins to bubble and Oliver yanks me out of it.

The pit does a ghostly bubble effect and I look at Oliver.

"Is that suppose to happen?"

"That's never happened before.." Okay I don't like the sound of that.

I think about grabbing her out but then the water behind go bubble over and I see the white cloth I had wrapped around Rose floating above the water.

"What's happening?"

"I don't kn-"

A large mass begins to float out of the pit and I notice it's covered in a black thick material.

In a way it looks like a cocoon...of feathers.

"Rose?" I call out. The mass moves a bit and I then see a hand shoot out causing the rocks above us to shake.

Another limb shoots out, and then a leg. Soon I see the black mass fall into the pit and I see Rose but her hair is in her face.

"Rose?" When I call out this time she looks up and and slowly floats down.

I reach for her and the look in her eye went from a vacant doll to a murderous savage.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!" She charges at me and her hands wrap around my throat.

"Rose! Stop!" I try to shake her off but she just grips my neck even harder.

"Ro-se sto..p!"

Her eyes were milk white and she was growling like an animal.

I see Oliver behind her and before I can say anything, he hits her in the back of the head causing her to black out....

Present Day...

I stand in the now broken S.T.A.R. Labs main room looking at it.

Just six and a half months ago, Rose came back and we saved the city.

But the last thing she said to me made my chest feel tight.

When I had brought her back to the lab, she was quiet. Almost sad.

"Why?" She said as she sat in the pipeline cell.


"Don't act stupid, why did you bring me back? I'm dangerous, I was doing the world a favor by killing myself."

"No, you were taking the cowards way out."

Suddenly she slams herself against the glass and I see tears in her eyes.

"A coward? If saving the people I love means I'm a coward? So be it, if saving my father from the memories of what I did to him means I'm a coward? So be it. If saving the man that I have loved since the day I met him, means I'm a coward, be it. But when I get a chance, I will do it permanently this time."

"Why are you so hell bent on killi-"

"Because I don't want to kill you!" She was shaking and I open her cell and she jumps back away from me.

"I can help you."

"No, you can't help me. Get away from me." I reach for her and she backs away.

"Rose-" She raises her hand and I was slammed against the wall. She then let's me fall and she kneels down beside me as I catch my breath.

"I saw the future...I saw the people we will associate ourselves with...I saw the dark world I created and I..." She places her hand on my chest and she looks me in the eye.

"I saw myself killing you. I saw the life in your eyes die. And do you know what I remember, Barry? I remember how much I loved seeing you die. How I crushed your heart and felt like I was God. I never want that feeling again, because it makes me sick. And seeing your face right now, right at this moment makes me sick, because you remind me of the monster I will become. Now...get out and let me go. Please..."

I'm now standing there looking at her suit next to mine and I can't help but want to see her.

Hear her voice.

Hear her say I love you back...

When I tried to go back to save my mom, the future me...stopped me. I was ready but my mind flashed to my present.

If I changed this one event, this one detail of my life. What would happen to Joe? Iris? Rose?

Would I still have my other father and sister figure?

Would Rose be in love with someone else?

Would I love someone else?

I honestly can't picture my future without them.

So when I came back, I caused a worm hold above central city and I couldn't do it alone.

Which made me ask Rose and she agreed on one condition.

She would help but only if after she left Central City for good.

As I reach for her suit a computer beeps and I snatch my hand back and grab mine in a flash.

I whiz through the streets and just think.

I hate thinking now, because I then think of all
the bad things.

One Ronnie is dead, because when he helped Rose and I. He and Professor Stein separated in the worm hole and he just vanished.

Two Eddie and Wells are both dead, since Eddie shot himself, him being Wells' relative made Wells become extinct. Iris lost Eddie and due to that stress she lost the baby. Since Wells never gave his confession, my dad is still stuck in prions for a crime he didn't commit.

Three, I'm alone now. I figure that keeps the people I care about safe.

And four, she's gone. It's like Rose had disappeared off of the face of the earth. Joe was trying to track her down, but he lost contact about a week after she left.

So with all the bad thought swarming in my head.

I just run...


I was at a crime scene and feel someone watching me.

When I look up it was Joe.


"Uh, hey. How are you doing?" I ask. "Good."

I nod and look back down, dusting off the body to see if I could get any prints.

"So, the victim. His name is Al Rothstein. He's a welder here at the nuclear plant. Co-worker going him this morning. So, why do you got?" Joe asks me.

"Uh, petechiae on his face and the whites of his eyes, and bruising around his neck..."

"So he was strangled."

"Exactly. By someone very strong and very large."

"Or something?"

"This wasn't Grodd."

"Oh, thank god." I can see the relief in Joe's face.

"I'll let you know when I find more."

"So, Rose is back in town..." My chest gets tight, as I pack up my things. If she's back why didn't she-

No she wouldn't want to see me.

"Yeah? That's good, I guess. Have you talked to her?" Joe shakes his head. " No, but I did hear a report this morning about a very large bird flying around Central City."

I nod and he stops me as I walk away. "About this Angel and Flash day thing. I'm hoping you two plan on making an appearance."

"I don't think so."

"Hey, if she doesn't make it that doesn't mean you shouldn't. I heard the mayor is trying to give you both the key to the city."

"Well I don't need an award reminding me that she's not here."

"She could be here-"

"Yeah and it could actually be a bird. Besides, I don't deserve the reward. I'll let you know what I find out, alright." Before he can say anything I leave the crime scene dialing Iris' number...

•Rose's Pov•

I was standing on the ledge of a building with my eyes closed.

I shift all of my weight on to the balls of my feet and carefully lift my hands in the air.

"You got this..." I let out a breath and feel my hips gravitate so that I'm free falling from the building.

I continue to keep my eyes closed as I feel the wind in my face as I free fall.

I can hear someone screaming in my head and I open my eyes just as my face was about to hit the pavement and I release my wings.

They snatch me up and I let them out all the way so I'm back high up in the air.

I guess you can say I'm a dare devil.

"Whoohoo!!" I yell as I pull my hood down landing on an abandon building.

It's been six and a half months since I've come back to life.

I'm still upset with Barry but, everything is okay now.


No, no, no.

I leap off of the building and flap my now pure black wings as hard as I can.

The split personality is gone. Must be from the Lazarus pit.

But the fear..

It still clings to me.

I'm not sure what is haunting my dreams but it's chilling and it makes me feel like I'm a child again.

Which I hate.

I land on top of the daily planet and take a sandwich and a strawberry milk out of my bag.

"Lunch for champs..." When I pop the top off I take a long chug but stop as the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

I smirk and stand up, pulling my hood back on my head.

"We've got to stop meeting like this, handsome." I turn and there the man of Steele stood with his hands crossed over his chest of course.

"You come out of nowhere. You save people time after time and yet, you want no one to know you exist. Who are you?"

"Just a villain trying to right her wrongs." I take a small step backwards and he notices.

"At least give me a name so that the people know." I smile at him. "Trust me, Clark. You won't see the last of me." His eyes widen as I give away his true name and I fall back spreading my wings hard.

I've met the few people that will fight by Barry's side.




I've been doing a little time searching but I can't seem to get there just like Barry.

The good thing is I've seen the good times, though I'm always reminded about the bad.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and I feel annoyed.

"I thought I turned this off." I suddenly hit something hard.

"Fuck!" I look up and I see Clark again.

"Really, Clark? Put a bell on."

"How do you know who I am?" Guess I have to lose the so called speeding bullet.

"Like I said..." I raise my hand and he goes flying into the abandon building. "Sorry! We will laugh about that in the later." I call out as I speed off in the sky....

I land close by Central City and look at my messages.

I have three from Barry and two from Iris.

I then get a text from her and read it.

*Come home asap, dads hurt*

I don't hesitate I just take off.

It's not like I haven't came back. I've been back to check up on everyone.

Well not everyone.

I pull my now curly hair into a sloppy bun and yank my bae all cap down over my eyes as I land quietly in the back yard.

Please don't let Barry be here.

Please don't let Barry be here.

I say over and over again in my head.

I use the spare key and creep inside then listen.

I don't hear anyone but the tv.

"...flash and Avenging Angel day is almost here. A special downtown rally to honor the man and woman who saved Central City. It's been six and a half months since both the Flash and Avenging Angel shaved Central City from the freak black hole that erupted in the sky..."

"Rose?" I turn around on guard and see it was Iris. She looks at me and walks over giving me a hug.

I tense up, because I haven't had that kind of human contact in a while.

"I missed you. Wow, you're letting your hair go curly?" She touches the loose tips and I nod. "Yeah, where's dad? Is it bad?"

Her eyes shift and I move back.


"Okay, I told a little white lie." I cross my arms over my chest. "A little white lie? You did a boy cry wolf kind of lie. Bye." I go to leave but she grabs me.

"Please, just at least listen to me." I sigh and face her so she lets me go.

"You need to come home--and before you say no. I need you. Dad, Cisco, Caitlyn and most of all Ba-"

"Don't say his name. Please." She nods. "He spoke to me today. He said he wasn't going to show up because he didn't believed he deserved it."

"He's stupid. He knows he's a hero and yet he wants to act like a spoiled brat?" She raises a brow at me. "Can you really talk?"

I open my mouth to say something but close it up.

"Please, just go to the rally tomorrow. You can stay at a room until then." I shake my head. "I'm sorry. I just can't."

"Well if you can't for yourself, then at least do it in honor of Eddie." Her hand instantly goes to her stomach when she mentions his name and I sigh.

She really pulled that card.

"Fine, but you need to do me a favor."

"Sure, what's up?"

"Two actually. Can you get me an extra large meat lovers pizza? And I'm going to need my suit. It's still you know."

"Got it. I'll be right back." She kisses my cheek and heads out the house while I stand there feeling like I don't belong.

I sit on the couch and it just feels too squishy so I get up and decide to head up and shower upstairs.

As I turn on the hot water I can't help but think about when I was last here.

When everything went to hell and we lost two friends that day, but also an enemy...


A few hours later we were at a little hotel in the middle of downtown.

"You can stay here for a while."

"I'll only be here until after the rally. And thanks for the pizza."

"You're welcome."



"You haven't told anyone I'm here right? I mean I've tried very hard to go around quietly and I don't want-"

"I didn't tell anyone. Not even dad. You get some rest okay?" As she starts to leave I stop her with a hug.

"I missed you too."


My sister delivered, on her favors and now it was my turn.

I put on my suit and it had fit like a glove.

As I go to put on my mask I look at my eyes in the mirror.

They turn pure white on command and I take a deep breath.

"You got this, Rose. You got this." As I shut off the light I put on my hood and head to the roof of the hotel.

I open my wings wide and take off in the air.

I see a mass of red and black in the middle on Central City park as well as a sign saying Flash and Avenging Angel day.

Down below I hear the mayor announce The Flash and Avenging Angel.

I circle around and see a streak of red rush to the stage.

My heart flutters and I hate that it still does that when it comes to him.

I then hear the mayor call for me.

I quickly think that maybe I can just leave, go off the grid completely and never come back. But a small voice inside my head, which belonged to me said to go on the stage and not be a coward.

I fly by and land right beside Barry.

The crowd chants our aliases and Barry leans over making my knees weak as I smell his faint cologne.

"I didn't think you'd make it."

"I only came to see you in that dopey red outfit." We both laugh and I feel him reach for my hand but instead I cross my arms over my chest.

"The doors to Central City will forever be open for both of you." The mayor says as he holds up two sets of keys.

Barry and I step forward but we stop as we hear someone scream in the crowd.

Barry runs the mayor off of the stage and I raise my hand stopping the hotdog stand and placing it on the ground.

I scan the crowd as the rest of the problem go running off and I see some big macho wannabe guy wearing all black.

"Seriously? You do know what I can do right?"

"Hate to rain on your parade. But you need to die."

He lifts a police car like its a sack of potatoes and throws it right at me.

I don't flinch as I go to raise my hand but I do however feel someone yank me off the stage as the car collides with it.

"Why did you stop me? I had him!" I snap at Barry. "No, you almost had a car on top of you. Now stay back!" He snaps at me.

He charges towards macho black and gets slapped into another police car.

I run over to Barry and see my dad firing his gun at the black macho. But the bullets just ricochet off of him.

He just pushes another police car into a group of police, injuring them.

My dad then gets this weird device from Cisco and shoots it at the guy.

But that does nothing.

I stand before him and raise my hand. "Why are you here?"

"Zoom, wants you dead..."

Something triggers in me and my palms get sweaty. My heart races, I feel cold all over.

No, not now.

I freeze up from fear and he goes to charge at me but Barry saves me again.

"Stay here. Please, I can't have you hurt too." I nod as I try to shake this fear.

Barry speeds over grabbing two gas tanks and he stands by my dad.

Come on, Barry needs my help!

I can't be scared like this!

I watch Barry throw the two tanks and dad shoots at them. They ignite and blow the guy back, as well as putting Barry and dad on their backs.

The guys shows his face and I get a surge of anger. But fear still grips me.

Stop, stop, stop!

"Ahhhh!" I scream making the fear crawl away from me. But it was too late, the mega meta flees the scene and I feel helpless.

Why the hell did I come back to get my ass handed to me?


I feel weird being back in Barry's lab at the police station, but Barry wouldn't take no for an answer.

He had a piece of metal removed from his leg, and me?

How do you patch up fear?

I sit there thinking, I wasn't afraid of the meta, but he said something that triggered my fear.

What was it?

"You did good." I suck my teeth at him. "I was garbage and you know it." He walks over to me. "You showed up. You faced the meta."

"I froze because I wa..."

"Was?" He finishes.

"Nothing, look I gotta go." I go to get up but he doesn't budge. "No, we need to talk."

I shake my head. "No we don't. I need to go find that meta and make sure he never hurts anyone ever again."


"Stop trying to make me feel better."

We hear a someone clear their throat and we both turn to see a man.

"Miss West?"

"Yeah?" I look this guy over, making sure to keep my guard up.

"I'm Greg Turk. I'm an attorney at Weathersby and Stone. I don't usually make house calls, but I've been trying to get in touch with you for several months..." He places his hand out but I don't take it. Instead Barry does."

"I'll leave you tw-"

"Actually, Mr. Allen. This concerns you as well. We need to talk about S.T.A.R. Labs. As you two know, Harrison Wells left the property to both of you as part of his living trust."

Wait what?

"I did not ask him to do that. But I've personally been keeping the place up."

"Well, Mr. Allen, it's going to take more than cleaning the floors to retain it, I'm afraid. The facility in the real estate are scheduled to go up into receivership at the end of this week unless..." He takes a flash drive out of his pocket and hands it to me.

" two watch this."

"What is this?" I ask as I accept the flash drive.

"A video message drafted by Dr. Wells."

"What's on it? Have you seen it?" Barry asks. Greg Turk shakes his head. "No. He was very specific. It was only to be watched by you two. The device will send me a notification after you've viewed it. And at that point, I'll have everything ready to execute."

"I don't know about him. But I'm not gonna watch this."

"Well that's up to you, Miss West. I'm only here to represent Harrison Wells' final request. Good day." He leaves and I toss the flash drive to Barry.

"Have fun with that." He goes to speak but a beep came to his computer. I glance at the screen and see that there was a warning message about S.T.A.R. Labs.

We don't hesitate we both take off and get there in three seconds flat.

We both stand there with Cisco, Professor Stein, dad and Iris there.

"What are you guys doing here?" Barry asks.

"Working." My sister replies. "So, Caitlyn was right."

"Yes, all humans contain a small amount of radiation due to contact with cell phones, microwaves, televisions, et cetera. Our bodies are natural conductors."

"I think our meta's been sucking up all the radiation around him using it to power himself."

"Which is why the x-Ray machines at the hospital failed the day of the rally."

"So if we want to find him, we gotta look for places without radiation."

Why do I feel so sleepy?

Oh cause they're explaining science.

I sigh and Barry stops me. "Guys. I don't want any of you here right now."

"Tough. You need each other and you need your partners. You need your friends." Dad says to Barry.

"Dad, I can find him m-"

"Vincent, don't even think about it." I can't help but give a corner smile. "I haven't heard that name in a it sad that I kind of miss it?" He smiles at me and pulls me into a hug.

"I missed calling you that." I hug my dad back and then look at everyone.

"Since you all are so hell bent on helping, and I feel like it's no use to saying stay out of it. Let's get to work."

Because when this is all done...I'll be gone in the morning.

"Got him, there's a near hazardous waste reclamation plant. It should be blooming with rads, and right now it's a zero." Cisco confirms.

"That's where you'll find your atom smasher." Did Stein just name a meta?

He chuckles and Cisco looks at him. Cisco hugs him and I guess that's him giving his blessing. "That's a great name. Welcome to the team."

"Well, Rose and I got it. Ready?"

"Barry, how are we going to face this guy? You saw me at the Rally. I was useless."

"You got me."

"Barry, you really should let Stein and Cisco help you two."

"We got it, Joe." Barry speeds into his flash suit and I can't let him go like that so I put my suit on.

"Keep each other safe." Dad says as we both fly/run out towards the hazard plant.

We both find the meta, sniffing the radiation gasses and I cringe.

"Oh that's nasty." I comment.

He looks over at us dropping the can. "Well, this is a curve ball. I thought I was going to have to come looking for you.." He says as he stares me down.

"I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone else." Barry retorts. "I'm only here to hurt her...and you, buddy."

"Yeah? Then why'd you kill Albert Rothstein? And why do you look like him?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I chuckle at that. "Try me."

"Oh, I'm about to."

Barry uses his wind fists and I fly up high gathering the empty cans around him, ready to make them all crush him.

He just digs his feet into the ground so that he doesn't fly off from Barry's wind.

I send all of the cans flying, but they don't do anything to him.

So Barry runs over and starts sending massive fast punches.

He kicks Barry away and smiles.

"My turn." He grows massive and snatches me out of the air, grabbing me by the throat.

All he has to do is squeeze a fragment of his strength and I'm a goner with a broken neck. With his other hand he slams Barry into a wall and I try to claw at his hand.

"He said that you two were some time of big heroes. But you don't seem worthy of him or this city." He says to both of us.

Suddenly the alarms goes off and I take this chance and send a purple flame up his arm making him let me go quick. I raise my hand again and he goes flying letting Barry go.

I grab Barry's hand and we both get the hell out of there.

When I land I fall on my side and feel my body trying to heal it's self.

"Rose? Rose!" I can hear Barry's voice echo but I can't help but pass out...

"Where's my little Rose bud?"

"Mommy!" I run to her as she walks through the door. "There she is!" She picks me up and kisses my face.

"Where's your aunt?" She asks as she looks around. "On the couch. Sleeping. She smells funny."

Mom looks concerned but she just brings me out on the back porch and sits down with me in her lap.

"You're going to be so brave, you know that right?"

"I am?"

"Yes, you are. Wanna know why?"

"Why, mommy?"

She pulls me into a big hug. "Because you got a light in you that no one can smother out."

"You're silly mommy." I kiss her cheek and she looks at me with a tear falling down her cheek.

"I'm so glad you came into my life, Rose. My little light."

"Love you most mommy..."

I groan feeling my eyes slowly open. As I look around I see I'm on a bed.

"Ugh, if I'm in the hospital I'm going to break out." I hear a chuckle and look over to see my dad.

"You always know how to make a serious situation, funny. Huh baby girl." Dad leans over and kisses my forehead.

"I'm a West. Life has to be funny. Even the darkest moments." I say as I sit up. But my throat hurts and he stops me.

"You're okay, but bruised. I'm sure you'll heal up nicely." I nod and look around. I see we're in S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Is Barry okay?"

"He's upset with himself, that you got hurt."

"No, it's on me too. He's not allowed to be upset."

I hear a knock and see him standing there.

"I'll leave you two." Dad gets up and pats Barry's shoulder on his way out.

"How are you feeling?" Barry asks. "Fine, seeing that I almost got my soul choked out of me." I give a light chuckle and Barry just looks more sad.

"Hey, come here." I beckon to him. He walks over and sits beside me.

"Don't beat yourself up. We were both dumb going in blind. We'll learn from this and next time we'll take atom smasher down."

"How do you do that?" He asks. "Do what?"

"Make light of every situation." I shrug. "It's in my nature, I guess." Barry leans over and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you for coming back."

"Who else is going to save your butt, Allen?" We both laugh at that and I can't help but realize that Barry was close enough that if I moved my head, I'd be able to kiss him.


"Yes, Rose?" We both get quiet and I lean in close towards his lips.

I close my eyes and so does he.

We kiss and I feel like I'm whole again.

He's my other half.

He's the one I want to be with.

He's my soulmate.

I wince from my neck and he moves back.

"Did I-"

"No, you didn't. Help me up, please. We need to go look at something." He helps me up and I lean on him.

"What are we going to watch?"

"Whatever's on that flash drive. I'm sure I'll make light of that situation too..." I say with a smirk.


We sit down and press play.

A moment later we see Dr. Wells looking at the screen and I get the urge to punch the computer.

I take a deep breath and feel Barry hold my hand.

"Hello, Rose. Barry. If you two are watching this, that means something has gone horribly wrong. I'm dead in the last 15 years have been for nothing. Bummer. 15 years. You know, when I realize that and all those years helping both of you, become the man and woman that you two will become, we were never truly enemies. I'm not the thing you hate. And so to honor your wishes. Rose, the clues are all in your comic books. I'm sure you'll know what in talking about. As for you, Barry. I will give you the thing that you want most. It won't matter. You'll never be truly happy, trust me. I know you. Now, erase everything I said up to this point. Give the following message to the police. My name is Harrison Wells. Being of sound mind and body, I freely confessed to the murder of Nora Allen. In her home, on the night of March 18th, in the year 2000. I attacked Nora Allen in her dining room...."

"Oh my god." I look at Barry and he had tears in his eyes as he continued to listen to the confession.

"This is it. This is what I need to free my dad." He gets up and goes on his cell.

I look back at the video and something bothers me.

Why did he mention my comics?

What does he mean by clues?


My father had confirmed to Barry that the video confession was definitely enough to free his dad.

Barry told everyone and they were all happy for him.

"Henry's coming home." I smile at that and Barry picks me up hugging me.

"Before we celebrate to the nines. We need to figure out how to take care of Atom Smasher."

"Indeed, when the last time you two faced him. It didn't go so well." Professor Stein says as Barry keeps his hand on my hip.

"No, it did not. Clearly, we can't stop him by ourselves. So how are we gonna beat him?"

Caitlyn, gives a nod and looks at us. "Well, ever since I was shown a drained radiation tag, which I haven't been able to stop thinking about. Thank you, Cisco." She says as she looks over at Cisco.

"You're welcome, Caitlyn."

"If this guy likes radiation so much, I say we give it to him."

Barry and I both understand the plan and we wait at the location for Atom Smasher to show.

As he approaches, Barry turns the flash/angel signal light off.

"What's up? I see you got my message."

"You want us? You're gonna have to catch us." I say with a smirk.

Barry and I whiz past him and head towards the radiation plant.

"It's working guys, Rothstein's following." Cisco says over the radio.

We both stop and turn to see if he's close.

He smashes from under ground and lands in front of us. As he walks towards us, we back up into a radiation cell.

"Didn't think I could catch you, huh?"

"No, we knew you would. Now Cisco!" Barry says over his radio.

As the alarm blares, Barry and I speed out leaving Atom Smasher inside.

We both look through the window as Atom Smasher tries to absorb all of the radiation in the room but he then screams and falls shrinking back to his normal size.

"The radiation's been cleared. It's safe for both of you to go in." Cisco says on the radio.

The door opens and we both step inside.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't let you hurt anyone else." I say to him.

"Why? Why did you want to kill us?" Barry asks. Rothstein was gasping as he tries to talk.

"He promised he'd take me home...if I killed her and you."

Why does this sound familiar?

"Who? Who promised you that?"

He gasps again and looks right at me. "Zoom..."

I get that feeling again as he dies in front of us...

The next day...

I didn't sleep well but I wasn't concerned about myself.

Barry was bringing his dad home and the rest of us were setting up.

"I hear them coming!" Iris says.

We all gather around as we hear the front door open.

"Welcome home!" We all yell in unison.

I give Henry a big hug and he smiles at me.

"How's the flying?"

"Still cool as hell." As he says hello to everyone else, I find Barry smiling as he looks at the news paper.

"Bet you were waiting for this day to happen huh?" He pulls me close and holds from behind. "You have no idea."

"Gather around everyone, please." Professor Stein announces.

"Looking at all of you, thinking how far we've all come, and remembering those who are no longer with us, I am reminded by Hebrew word used during times of graduation. Kadima. It means, forward. Forward." He holds his glass up and so do we.

"Forward." We say together. As we clink our glasses I can't help but feel like this is all familiar.

"I'll be right back." I tell Barry as I walk upstairs and head to the attic.

What Wells had said on that video was still bothering me.

"Come on I know you're up here." I say as I search through my old boxes.

I find a box marked, comics and open it up.

I see a few old Captain America comics and some power puff girls one, but then I see the three thick issues that I got back when I was in middle school.

I take them out and thumb through them and get that fear feeling as I look at a certain panel.

I pay closer attention and my eyes go wide.

The panel showed a little girl staring at her closet.

This scares me because this is my memory.

The fear that gripped me so when I was a kid. The boogeyman wasn't just some old scary story parents told their kids...

It was real.


I was quiet as I gripped the comic to my chest.

Barry and the others were all waiting for me at S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Hey." Caitlyn says as I walk into the main room. Everyone else smiles at me and I see Barry giving me a suspicious look.

"Rose, check it out. I added a few upgrades to Barry's suit and yours." I look at it and smile.


"Rose what's wrong?" Barry asks me. I look at him and I feel my hands shaking.

"Dad, do you remember when I was little? How you use to find me always sitting in front of my closet."

"Yeah, sometimes you'd sit in front of it for hours. Why?" I open the book and point to the panel.

"What's this?" Barry and Joe both look at the comic. "It's my fear on a page. I remember hearing thunder every time the boogeyman walked out of my closet."

"Rose, you know that wasn't real."

"Then the page dad..." He does and they both freeze because the next page panel showed night time and it showed a black hand reaching for my sheets.

"This is some joke right?"

I hold myself and feel like I'm about to fall from fear.

"Hey, you're going to be okay. Cisco, just set up a security system that's going to alert us if anyone shows up." Dad reassures me.

"Yup, nothing is getting through here without us knowing."

"No more people just waltzing in and out of here." Barry tells me along with Cisco.

Iris gasps and we all turn as a dark figure enters the room.

"For real?" Cisco comments.

My dad points his gun at the man. "Stay where you are."

"Who are you?" Barry asks.

"You don't know me, but I know you two...Barry Allen and Rose West." The mans steps out of the shadows. I look and something in my brain tells me, I've met the mystery man before.

But where?

"Take one more step, and it'll be the last step you take. The man asked you a question. Who the hell are you?"

"My name is Jay Garrick, and I'm here to tell you...Rose. That's not the boogeyman who tormented you as a child...that was Zoom. And if he's here, your world is in danger...



OMG! So this chapter was so cool to plan! What do you guys think? Comment below and don't forget to vote. Also, heads up. Rose and Barry will definitely be shaky as far as a relationship, sorry folks gotta do it :) also Zoom was the boogeyman in Rose's childhood? Now I see why she hates lightening. Well gotta go up up & away!!

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