Chapter - 11) As We Enter The Twilight Zone...

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**Before we go into our regularly awesome story I want to put this out there, I do not like when people correct my grammar in my books, you may think you're helping but you're not. I am not blind. I see the misspellings and the misplaced words. I type this all on my phone and I plan on editing this before I enter this book into the 2016 watty's.
Also I do not want to hear oh this is just annoying to read because it's not edited, that's fine, keep that comment to yourself and go read another book. I work my ass off for these books, on each one of my profiles. If I'm coming off rude then hey I'm not saying sorry because for those people that correct me, you don't even say sorry you just correct my grammar and think that's fine. That's not, cut that crap out and just read the book cause honestly no one is perfect at typing. Now back to our story shall we :)**

~Rose's Pov~

Barry and I were running/flying all over town closing each breach and I have to say it felt good hearing Caitlyn and Cisco saying that there was only one left, which happened to be in our very own basement at the lab.

"How freakin cool was that?" I say taking off my mask.

"You guys did great."

"That says a lot for a guy who got an C in gym class." Barry comments. "D-."

Cisco scoffs. "I got an F."

"B+ wow this is what it feels like to be better at something than everyone in the room. I should really remember this moment." I say as I walk over to the monitor.

"It feels so good to know that all the other breaches are closed." Barry says behind me. We hear footsteps and turn to see Harry all set.

"You guys ready?"

"Uh, yeah. We just need to handle a few things first." I say glancing at Barry. "Remember the clocks ticking on this."

When isn't it...

That night my dad made his famous lasagna.

"The last time you made this was when I left for college."

"Yeah, I remember that day. Rose was crying like a baby, thinking you'd fall I love with someone there." Iris says teasing.

"Iris, how much do you like your cell phone?" I say twitching my finger and it slowly sliding off the table.

"Rose, Iris. Behave."

"Yes, dad."

"Yes father dearest." I glance at Iris and stick my tongue out at her.

"Besides, I want to have a good dinner with my kids." Dad looks at all of us and I can't help but feel a bit teary eyed.

"You know we will come back." I comment as I take a sip of water. "Well earth-2 is far. I just want to remember this. Barry, did you tell Henry?" Barry shakes his head.

"No, look, if he knew, he would just try to talk me out of it and he probably would, so..."

"And then I'd be all by my lonesome, with Harry and Cisco. Wait, if there's a single Oliver Queen o-"

"And I'd still come just for that comment." Barry says cutting me off. I touch his hand under the table.

"Hey dad, can you give us a minute?" Iris asks. "Yeah, I'll make some coffee." Dad leaves the room and I hear my sister clear her throat.

"I know you don't like this, but-"

"Rose, I know you. You're a helper. You will help anyone and there's no changing you mind.
But I'm just concerned about the safety. I know you guys will have each other's back, but I'm your sister. I'll always be and I'll always have this wanting to protect instinct instilled into me."

"We'll be careful, Iris. Promise. Then again it's not like we haven't done dangerous stuff before." Barry says to her. "I know, but still this is an all new. It's a different version of the world."

"Do you think they have hover boards there? Not the crappy ones we have but the ones they predicted in back to the future?"

"Rose, I swear your head is always somewhere else."

It is, my head is racing over the things that's happened in the past few days. As well as getting answers from the earth 2 me.

"Be sure you guys come home." Iris says as she gets up and gives me a hug. "No problem, sis."


The next morning we were in the basement of the lab looking at the last breach.

"All right, Rose and Barry. You're about to go through the looking glass."

I flinch when he says that and quickly recover before anyone could notice.

"You're gonna see things that look and feel familiar, but they're not. Up is down. Black is white, and do not let yourself get sucked in emotionally, also good luck."

I strap my book bag on tight and hear Barry sigh. "Look, if we're not back in 48 hours, that means that Zoom has us. If that happens, you have to close the breach."

I was about to speak but Caitlyn beats me to it. "We're not gonna do that." My dad gives a somber look to Barry and I.

"Both of you get yourselves back here in one piece, you hear me?"

"Got it Joe."

"Sure thing dad." I give my dad a hug and he holds me for a moment. "I love you, dad." I whisper inhaling his scent just to I can remember. I let him go and Barry goes in for a hug as well.

Caitlyn was talking to Cisco and I was feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"You okay?" Barry asks. "Yeah. I mean I'm a little nervous like I could puke. But I won't puke. I hope..."

He pulls me in and kisses me. Then he leans in and whispers in my ear.

"When we get back, I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?" He shrugs. "It's a surprise." He smiles and walks away. "Come on a hint? Please? Pretty please?"

Caitlyn then gives me a hug and tells me to be careful. "I will. You too." She nods and then goes to give Barry a hug.

"Rose?" I turn to Jay and he gives me a soft smile. "You'll get your speed back. That's next on the agenda."

"Thank you, but I especially want to warn you. When you go over there, stay away from the earth-2 Rosemary." I frown hearing that. "Why?" He was about to answer but Harry clears his throat.

"Let's go." I wish Jay could've told me why I should stay away from her, but it's time we go and save Harry's girls.

"Anyone else getting this panicky feeling? I mean there was this time when I was 18 and I chickened out of bungee jumping, but this is categorically a lot scarier." Cisco says beside me.

"Once I turn the speed cannon on, the four of you will be able to pass through unharmed, but Barry and Rose. You two need to make sure you keep your speeds up." We both look at Jay and nod.

"I--I got not spit." Cisco says in a panic. "Jaws."

"No, Harry. I'm not just quoting jaws. I mean my mouth is really dry right now."

"Do not get distracted by anything you see along the way." Jay warns. Cisco turns to him. "What are we gonna see?"


"Do it Jay." Barry says as he takes my hand and squeezes it. I look over at him and he looks over at me.

This is the right thing.

Jay turns on the speed cannon and I tie my jacket tight around my waist.

I grab a hold of Cisco while Barry grabs a hold of Harry. I open my wings and feel Cisco breathing on the side of my face. "Don't."

"Don't what?"

"You look like you're gonna throw up, I'll drop you." He swallows hard and I ruffle his hair. "I'm kidding...maybe." I mutter the last part.

Barry and I both speed through and along the way we see...everything.

We see our friends.

I see the other members of the justice league.

I see Clark's cousin, and...I see me hugging someone and...why does that girl kind of look like Barry?

Hey! Stay focused!

Suddenly we land and we're in earth 2.

"See I didn't throw up."

"Cause you know I would've dropped you. Wow I like this rustic look." I say pulling my wings in and throwing on my jacket.

"Rose, while you're here. You need to wear this." Harry hands me a pair of shades.

"Really? A pair of glasses is going to disguise her?" Cisco says with a scoff.

"Why not? It works for Clark."

"Who's Clark?" Barry asks. "Hm? Give me those." I take the shades and put them on. "Why do I need to wear these?" I ask. "Just for your safety." Harry says as he ushers us out.

We open some doors and wow, this earth looks like something out of a comic book.

No pun intended of course.

"This is amazing." I say while walking in between Cisco and Barry. "This is sick, I swear this place is the future."

"Welcome to earth 2." Harry says as he looks up...

"Earth to Dorothy, I gotta feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." Cisco says as we walk into S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Can we go to a comic shop?"

"No, we need to stay focused, Vincent."

"Hey, my dad calls me that. Don't you start too Harrison." I say with a pouty lip.

"Don't worry. I'll get you a souvenir." Barry says in my ear.

"Do you see this? Half of the stuff here is just ideas on our earth. I mean..." Barry shuts his mouth and Cisco grabs us over so we can take a selfie.

"Tag me in that, when you post it, Cisco."


"This isn't a sight seeing tour. Let's go."

"Alright, pooper." We keep walking and stop dead in our tracks when we see Henry Hewitt. On our earth he was the hot head who we had to take down.

"Are your friends okay, Dr. Wells?" He asks. I keep my distance from him and see he's looking at me. "You look familiar-"

"If you need anything please don't hesitate. Now if you excuse me, my colleagues and I need to handle a project." Harry takes my hand and ushers us further down the hall.

"In our defense, Henry was a bad guy on our earth." Cisco comments.

"Yeah but he seems nice, can he sign my comic when we're done?"

"No, no detours. You're here to help." He brings us into a room and he lets me go.

"I've seen this room before." I say as I try to figure out where.

Harry turns on his television and immediately the news is bad.

"A reminder that a citywide curfew has been issued. No unauthorized person is to be out after 9:00 p.m. A recent increase in Zoom attacks has led Mayor Snart to extend the curfew. The curfew was first issued after a series of terror attacks throughout the city...-"

"It's gotten worse. Why is she doing this?"

Did he just say she?

"Let's find Zoom, fast. Cisco, do your thing." Cisco takes out his Vibe glasses.

"All right, can run but you can't hide." He says while putting in the glasses.

We wait...and nothing.

"All right, you know what? You guys are crowding my space a little bit. I can't perform like this under pressure, okay? If you guys could just step back just a little bit, I need to do my thing. My mojo is off."

We step back away from him and he goes at it again.

"Take two...Alright Zoom you can-"

"Ramon, what's going on!" Harry snaps. "I don't know, okay? I can't see anything.
I don't know what's wrong. Maybe I lost my powers."

"Rose and I didn't lose our powers. Why would you lose your powers?"

"Oh, here we go, the wave link triggers not responding but that only happens if--"

"Frequency is imbalanced."

"English?" I say taking off the shades. "Our earth vibrates at a different frequency than yours." Harry explains. "Harry without that frequency..."

"We're up a creek."

I hear a familiar voice and look at the tv.

"This is trippy." I say as I see Barry's earth two counter part on tv.

"...The latest attack was orchestrated by Zoom, and we understand that citizens of central city are scared, but I can assure you the CC PD has been working diligently around the clock..."

"That's me."

I nod. "Yeah and your nerd-dar is cranked up. Are you wearing slacks?" I can't help but laugh.

"Check it out, he is rocking the bow tie look." Cisco laughs with me and in one second Barry was gone and the next he was back...with the other Barry.

"What the hell?" I say as the other Barry tries to catch his breath. "Hear me out, I've got a plan. Since I'm still a CSI here-"

"Rosemary? can walk? Where have you been? Why haven't yo--no don't answer that. I'm just glad you're safe."

Earth 2 Barry runs over and he was all over me. I have to say, he's a pretty good kisser.

But don't tell my Barry that.

Barry had pulled him off and tazed him.

He drops to the floor and I take a step back. "That was weird."

"Tell me about it, I don't know if I want to punch myself in the face or feel bad for him."

"So earth 2 me still has a thing for Barry? Cool."

"What is wrong with you people? Are you evil now?" Cisco says looking at us.

"Relax, it just knocked him out."

"Oh, then why'd you even bring him here?"

"So he can become him." Harry says to Cisco.

"Exactly, and while you guys work on the goggles, Rose and I will go to the CCPD and see if we can figure out what information they ha d on Zoom's previous sightings."

"You wouldn't happen to have some clothes that Rosemary would wear would you?" Harry raises a brow and for some reason, I feel like I should regret asking.


"Why would she wear this itchy ass dress? I mean does she not know the greatness of pants?" I was wearing one of Rosemary's dresses as well as sitting in one of her wheel chairs. Can't explain why Rosemary can walk again now can I?

I hear a snicker behind me and see Barry and Cisco. "Either of you speak of this, and you both will wake up on a air mattress in the middle of the ocean."

"You look cute." Barry says with a smirk. "Shut up poin dexter. Let's go-"

"Rose?" Harry calls out. "Yeah?"

"Be safe out there."


Barry and I arrived at the CCPD and everything seemed so backwards as we stepped off of the elevator.

For example Captain Singh was a bad guy.

"Are you sure this isn't the twilight zone?"

"Hey doll face." He winks at me as they haul him off and I look at Barry. "This is the twilight zone."

"Deadshot, wh--"

"That's not funny, Allen. I hate that nickname. I know I'm not the best shot..."

I hear footsteps behind me and hear someone clears their throat. "Lawton, we all know you're the worst shot in the department. Now be a doll and get me those Parker files."

I turn in the chair and there was Iris, but...

"Does dad know you're a detective?" She gives me a funny look. "I should be throwing you into a cell for making Bartholomew and I both sick looking for you. Never do that again. Do you hear me?"

"Yes ma'am." She frowns as she stands between Barry and I.

"That's funny my meta-human app is going off. Must be on the frits again. Well since you're back and I'm starving, how about we go out to eat--where's your rings?" Iris asks as she looks down at our hands.

"We're getting them, cleaned." I say. She tsks. "I still think you two getting married is a bit of a rush but hey, what do I know. I'm only just your best friend."

Somethings not right. Why is she just a best friend? Technically isn't she my sister as well?

"You two coming?"

"Yeah." Barry wheels me off and I can't help but feel that somethings not right...

~Rosemary's Pov~

I see as Killer Frost and Deathstorm kiss and I clap. "Brava my favorite power couple."

Killer Frost smiles at me and Deathstorm gives me a wink. "Hello gorgeous." She says as I let my wings disintegrate.

"If you two can keep each other's hands to yourselves, I believe I can give you a task."

"What do you need boss?" Deathstorm asks. "A little spy told me that some breachers came to our neck of the woods."

"Can we kill them?" She asks. "Yes, but I want the girl. And if either of you harms her, I'll cook your brain as you beg me for mercy. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." I kick off into the air and take flight. I wonder where Bartholomew is right now?

~Rose's Pov~

Okay I was thinking on the fly here that Earth 2 me would have her own place, and I was right. In the Millows.

"Uh, make yourself at home." I say to Iris as Barry wheels me  inside.

I look around the living room and wow, Earth 2 me has some pretty cool taste especially when it came to the ramps all over the house.

"This is so cool...I mean this is just you know cool since I've been out for a while." Yeah good save on that one Rose.

"I'm gonna go grab me something to drink from the fridge, that okay?" I nod and Iris leaves the room.

"Rose, come here." I wheel over to Barry and I see pictures of us. Er..of Earth 2 us.

"He must really love her." I smile at the picture and hear the phone ring.

"I'll get it." Barry walks over t the phone and I pick up the picture. They look happy...but something is off about her smile.

"What's going on here?" I question.

"" I turn and Barry sat there on the couch, like he was about to cry. He mouths that his mother was on the phone.

I place the picture down and wheel over to be by his side. "I, I'm good it's just been a while..."

I hold Barry's hand as he continues to talk to his mother.

"Rosemary? She's back. She's with me right now...oh okay." He hands me the phone and I take it. "Hello Mrs. Allen."

"Rosemary, you gave us all a scare."

"I apologize for that. I really do."

"I wanted to tell you that when you're ready, we can have that lunch and go to that clinic we talked about. I know it's a touchy subject but I believe you and Bart can have children. I know you have tried and there wasn't any good results but maybe they can have answers for you..."

Rosemary and Bartholomew can't have kids?


"Yes, um I'll let your son talk to you some more." I hand Barry the phone and sit there thinking.

Poor girl, for some odd reason, her life is so upside down, she can't have kids, she's been kidnapped by Zoom, what else has gone wrong for her?

"I love you too, mom."

"Rosemary, I hope it isn't too late..."


We arrive to this place called Jitterbugs and I hear a strong voice singing.

"Rosemary, you guys enjoy the entertainment while I go pick a table, okay?"

"Sure.." My eyes wonder until they go up stage and there was dad.

"I didn't know Joe could sing." Barry whispers.
"Me either."

I wheel over to him and give him a great big smile.

He looks right at me and then looks away. No smile, no wink. Nothing.


When his set finishes I clap and he gives me a dirty look.

"Dad that was great."

"Yeah Joe that was amazing." Barry comments. "Good show dad." The look he gave me seemed like I murdered a puppy. "I'm not your father, get that through your head, Miss Wells."

He walks off and Iris moves me to the side. "What are you doing?" I look off after Joe and I see a sad look in his eyes. "Nothing, um sorry." Iris sighs and shakes her head.

"Just don't do that again you know that freaks him out." She walks off and Barry stands beside me. "He hates me."

"Rose, he doesn't ha-"

"He looked at me like I was scum, Barry. He hates me." Iris gets us a table and Joe makes sure he's not seated near me. "I'll be right back." She walks off and Barry clears his throat.

"That was a great set, Joe really. Right Rosemary?" Barry tries to include me into the conversation but I feel him glaring as I play with my napkin in my lap.

The last time my dad was this mad at me...was...was never.


"The names Joseph." He corrects. "Why do you hate me?" I look up and I see the hurt in his eyes. "I...I need a drink." He gets up and I feel a tear fall.

"Rose, you gotta remember what Jay said."

"I know, but he has my dads face, and I feel like I did something wrong. An...and I don't want him to hate me. I want to fix it." I feel the table shake a bit and Barry pulls me close.

"Don't cry. I'll get to the bottom of this if I have to." I nod and wipe my tears. Iris came back and she looks right at me.

"Where is he?"


"My dad. He made you cry again didn't he, Rosemary?"

"No, it-I got a lash in my eye."

"Don't stick up for him. I don't know why he's rude to you but I'll go talk to him." Iris pats my arm and walks over to Joe.

I'm starting to think coming here was a big mistake...

As we listen to Joe sing on the stage, I sit there with my eyes closed.

Just as I open my eyes there was a beeping going off around the room.

"The meta-human app. It's going crazy." Iris says as she came back with some drinks.

Right on cue, a very villainous Ronnie and Caitlyn came into the room.

"Don't stop singing old man."

"That's our song." Caitlyn says smiling wickedly.

"So, which One of you lounge lizards is in the wrong universe? Hmm? Show of hands. Don't be shy." Iris looks like she's about to reach for her gun but Barry stops her.

"Well hello gorgeous." She looks right over at me and I swallow hard.

I can make something hit her but I don't want to put anyone else in danger.

"You look awfully familiar." I shake my head. "Guess I have one of those faces."

She then turns to Ronnie with a pout. "Baby, no one wants to talk to me."

"How about I make them scream?"

"CCPD! Everyone out of here!" Iris says while pointing her gun at Ronnie and Caitlyn. "You two are under arrest."

"Ladies first." Caitlyn steps up and I see her hands frost over.

"Caitlyn, don't do this, please." Barry pleads. "I haven't heard that name in a long time."

"But that is your name, isn't it?" I say making sure to keep her talking. "I know you, don't do this. You're better than this."

"You're right, I am better than this. Then again, why be right when it's so much fun being bad?" She throws her frost towards me and I hear a man scream.

I look and see it was Joe.

He was running towards me and Ronnie had hit him with a fire ball.


I wheel towards him. "Don't worry, you're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay." I absorb the flame from him and he gasps.

"How" Barry had took Ronnie and Caitlyn out and Iris kneels down beside me.
"Keep pressure on him. I'll be back."

I wheel off quickly and feel the back of the dress rip as I get out of the chair and take off in the air.

I see Barry facing the two and I feel anger crawling down my spine.

"You'll pay for that."

"Oh I'm shaking in my boots." I feel my eyes frost over and I raise my hands causing the ground the shake.

"Get her!" Caitlyn yells at Ronnie. He flies right towards me and throws a fire ball but I absorb it and charge him.

"You hurt my father!" I slam into him and as he tries to burn me I feel numb in my hands and eat more of his flame.

"You're lucky she wants you alive!" He hits me but I use his momentum and he throws some of his flame past me.

And it hits Caitlyn. He throws me off and flies to her. "This isn't over breachers." He takes off and I land.

"Rose!" I hear Iris and run inside to see that Joe looked even more worse.

"Barry call the ambulance." I order. I go back over to him and he wasn't breathing.


Barry and I told Harry everything and I was feeling so angry.

"The point is, our whole come in with a surprise attack is now out of question. They know that we're here."

"Wait so Caitlyn and Ronnie's doppelgängers are evil? They have some dope names though. Deathstorm and Killer Frost." Cisco says as he keeps working on his goggles.

"The point is now this small mission is being side tracked. You need to be focused, Miss West."

"Look, I'm involved. They came there for me and now Joe is in the hospital."

"No, Rose. Joe West, your father he's back on earth 1 waiting for you and Barry to come back home. So is Caitlyn, so is Iris. Rose, those are your people. You need to open your eyes, the people here are mere reflections as far as you're concerned? They don't exist. Deathstorm and Killer Frost, they know you're here which means soon Zoom will and all hell will break lose and that's all on you Rose."

"Your girls still have time, okay? Iris and Joe need Rose and I go wherever she goes. We need to get back to them!"

"They are not your family!"

"Yes they are! They are my family and I could be in earth 696 and they will always be my dad and my sister. Come on Barry." I grab my jacket and walk out of there with Barry behind me.

When we get to the hospital, Iris was sitting beside him. As the doctors were speaking briefly.

Joe groans and I wheel over and hold his hand.

When he opens his eyes. He smiles at Iris and at me as well.

"I wish I was a better father."

"Dad you're a great father." Iris tells him. Joe shakes his head. "No, I wasn't. Are you okay Rosebud?" When he says that all I could do was nod without bawling my eyes out.

"I don't hate you. It's just--" He winces as he sits up. "I got it, Iris." He looks back at me and he holds my cheek. "You look so much like Francine, and it scares me. I wasn't faithful to your mother Iris, that much you know. And Rose is your sister...."

Iris looks at me and I see pain in her eyes.

"Don't be angry with her. This was all on me. I kept this secret and I thought I could die with it but, truth is when you brought Rosemary around I just felt that my secret was walking around taunting me. I am so sorry I missed you growing up. But you're a beautiful woman just like your mother was."

He uses his thumb to wipe my tears away and I feel my lip tremble. "Don't cry baby girl. I was a mean old bastard to you."

"No, you were just scared dad. And I still love you. That's not gonna change. You're my dad and I'll always love you."

He smiles and looks at Iris. "This is all I ever wanted, was to see my girls here, right in front of me."

"Dad, don't speak like that." Iris wipes a tear away and Joe looks over at Barry. "You take care of my little girl."

"I will, Joe. I promise." Just then Joe's heart monitor goes off and he holds his chest.


"Dad, Barry get the nurse."

"Dad?" He flatlines and my body felt cold as his hand falls from my cheek and on the bed.

This isn't really happening, this isn't real.

"" Barry wheels me out and I sit there with my hands in my head crying. "It's okay, Rose it's okay..." My heart hurts, how is this okay?

Barry and Cisco go and help Iris at the CCPD and I was standing there feeling broken.


"I know, it's not real. But it felt real...and you know what makes this even worse? He confessed his sins to the wrong girl." I turn to Harry.

"How come Rosemary never went with Joe?"

"Her close to kin at the time wasn't available. And since Joe wasn't in her life, she became a ward of the state. So I adopted her."

"Was she born here?"

"As far as her records show? No, she wasn't." I think for a moment. "Why did she come here?"

"She didn't."

"Why is she such a mystery? Why is there no straight answers for her?"

"I don't know."

"What do you know?" I snap at him. "Hey, everything okay?" Barry asks as he walks into the room.

"Everything's fine, lets get ready. I'm sure Cisco is going to call us any minute now." I grab my suit and go change in the back room.

Barry was standing there when I was done and he stops me. "Hey, talk to me."

"I can't help but feel off when I'm here. And it's all pointing to Rosemary Wells or West I don't know but she had the answers I'm looking for."

"When we save her, and Jesse I'm sure she will give you all the answers you need."

A beeping came on our earpieces and we both know it's show time.

Barry and I crash into a large warehouse and I punch Killer Frost right in the face and give Deathstorm a good left boot to his nose.

I see Barry and he punched Cisco, no Cisco's doppelgänger.

"That didn't hurt you did it?" Barry asks. "No, why would it?"

Barry shrugs.

I suddenly feel my body lock up.

"I...I can't breathe." I was trying hard to push air into my lungs but I couldn't.

I fall to the ground and I see Barry and Cisco running towards me but then I hear a thunderous clap and it scares me.

The last thing I see was woman with dark eyes staring down at me...

~Rosemary's Pov~

As Rose passes out, I turn to Barry and raise my hand sending him flying.

"You're a bad guy too?" Cisco asks. "Wrong, I'm the bad guy." I send him flying into Iris and Lawton.

"What was it you said, Reverb? You run the show?"

"I d-" Before he could finish his sentence I think about his brains exploding in his skull and he drops the the ground dead.

"Deathstorm, I hear you killed Joe West? Such a pity. You were handsome."

"Please no!" Killer Frost screams but I had already shredded his heart and killed him.

"You, what should I do with you?" I look at her and she falls back moving away from me.

I hear Rose groan and I look at her. "I won't be so merciful next time." I turn and scoop up Rose and open my wings.

I take off into the night and glare at the sleeping beauty in my arms.

"You're going to wish you had stayed in your own universe, little girl..."


"What are you going to do to her?" Jesse asks. I look over at her and raise my hand making her drag close to the glass of her cell.

"Want me to show you what I'm going to do?" I see the fear in her eyes and I laugh as I send her back.

I walk over to Rose's cell and tap the glass.

"Oh Rosey? Wake up....ashes...ashes...we all...fall...DOWN!"

She wakes up with a jolt and she looks discombobulated.

"Where? What is this?"

She looks at Jesse and then her eyes land right on me.

"Rosemary? What's going on?"

"I captured you."

"Did Zoom put you up to this? Listen, I can help you-" I laugh at her and look at my nicely done nails.

"Zoom didn't put me up to anything. If anything Zoom's the one listening to my orders." Rose gives me a strange look and I smirk.

"Let me guess, my dad didn't say that it's been me the entire time? Typical of him. I bet he even thinks he can cure me. Can't cure something that isn't sick. Now, how about you and I have a heart to heart chat?"

"Why are you doing this? You're not a bad person."

"Oh but I am. You see on your earth you save people, you're a hero, in their eyes. But over on my earth? In my eyes? All people are guilty. They're pathetic and disgusting."

"How could you say that? That doesn't apply to all people. What about Bartholomew?"

I feel a twitch in my face when she says his name. "He's the exception. When this is all over I'm going to make him into my own image. He will be perfect. But enough about me, I want to have an intellectual conversation with my doppelgänger. Think about all those bad times, when your mother died. When you first became afraid of thunder...when you believe Zoom to be your boogeyman..."

She looks at me and her face becomes pale.

" was you? Why?"

"Because, I don't like you. In fact I hate everything about you. Your life is better, you have a better upbringing than my own. Why you?"

"It's not my fa-"

"Yes it is. We make a ripple every time in the lake of life. Your ripples just so happen to disturb mine. And now, let me give you a proper welcoming to Earth 2." I look her deep in the eyes and her eyes frost over.

She holds her head and starts to scream bloody murder.

"You want justice, and answers? How about I give you injustice and pain?" I laugh as I watch Rose's nose slowly starting to bleed...

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