Chapter- 12) Good Vs Evil...

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•Rose's Pov•

My head feels like it's about to explode.

"Stop! St--ahh!" I feel vessel in my brain pop and hear her laugh as my nose bleeds yet again.

"This is fun, and now we wait for you to heal and start all over again-"

"I'm not your enemy Rosemary!" I snap at her as I feel my injuries healing. "But Rosey, you are. For as long as you breathe, you will always be my enemy." She raises her hand and I can't help but flinch.

She laughs and lowers her hand. "This is fun, but I'm growing bored. I wonder..." She gets up and walks out of the room for a brief moment.

I look over and see Jesse in her cell and across from me I see a man in a metal mask behind a cell as well.

Who is that?

•Rosemary's Pov•

I grab a metal ball and glance at Zoom. "Go find my father, he's here, and if I know him, he'll be coming for them."

"As you wish." I stop him before he goes. "Put out a man hunt. I want some entertainment." He nods and I let him go running off to do as I told.

I walk back and hear Rose talking to my sister again.

"Awe, Jesse, we never had that kind of sisterly bonding. I'm hurt." I say with a pout. She instantly shuts up and I walk over to Rose.

"You know what I hate about you? That you have hope in your spirit."

"Hope is something we all need."

"Yeah, well my hope was snatched out of me a long time ago..."

My mother was a single parent, and when I asked about my father, she told me, he passed away saving a family in a burning building.

So I went with the notation that my father, died a hero.

Which made me want to be like him, a hero.

My fondest memory, was when I was in the second grade, and I had asked the teacher if I could get a drink of water. She allowed me to and I walked down the hall to hear someone groan in pain.

What made me go and seek them?

I don't know.

But I ran and found a girl, on the floor.

"You deserve that, West." I look up and see some boy smirking. I can't explain why I felt attached to this girl on the floor, or why I felt the need to defend her honor.

But I tackled that bully down and I hit him, over and over with the wooden hall pass.

I guess you can say, my violent behavior began.

I was sitting in the office with the girl, while the nurse was fixing up the bully.

"Thank you." The girl said to me. "My pleasure, I'm Rosemary."

"Iris." We shook hands and that's when I made friends with Iris West.

"Rosemary V. Hapstall, why in the world would you hurt him like that? Do you know he's going to have to get stitches?"

From the corner of my eye I see the boy and he flinched when I smirked.

"Vincent!" I hear my mother call me by my boy name and I straighten up.

"I'm sorry mama. But he hurt Iris, and I wanted to be the hero." She took me out into the hall and took my hand in hers.

"Being a hero, doesn't always mean, getting into fights and hurting the bad guy. Sometimes it mean you be the bigger person. Hear me?"

"Yes mama." She sighs and gives me a kiss on my cheek. "Alright, Angelcakes, let's go-" The look on my mother's when she looked over at Iris and her father walk out seem to make her want to faint.

"Come on."

"Bye Ir-"

"I said come on!" My mother snaps.

I've always taken my mother's words to heart from that day forward, until I saw how sick she was becoming.

When I asked her, what was wrong, she would smile and lie.




I soon discovered that my mother, my own Wonder Woman, was diagnosed with lung cancer.

The chemo alone made me want to preserve her back in her healthy state so she would never get sick, grow old, or hurt.

The smiles left, but the lies stayed.

"Happy...birthday, Rosemary." My mother coughed as she gave me my present.

"Mom, you didn't have to." She waves me off. "It's not everyday you turn nine, Angelcakes. Now open it, open it." I sigh and rip open the small neatly wrapped package.

She had given me a giant notepad. "I know you like the draw so-" I placed the notepad down and just hug her. "Thank you, mom...."

As I got older, the more I saw the world wasn't black and white, but red.

I felt it in my heart when she left me.

She was there for her appointment for chemo and I just felt her...leave me.

"Rosemary!" I heard my teacher tell after me but I kept running. I ran until my legs felt like they were about to fall out of my joints.

I see a big bird fly up to the hospital and I run inside.

I know the room, I hear the nurses yelling after me.

But my mother, she left me.

"Excuse me-"

"Mom! Mommy! Mom!!" I feel someone yank me back and I swing my book bag heavy with books and hear the crunch of a bone when it made contact.

"Mo-" I see them wheel a body out and I see her hand.

I drop to my knees, and the world became a blood red mess with loss and hate.


"Rosemary, you need to stop running away from the homes." My social worker tells me from the front seat. I turn to the window and blow my breath, fogging it up and I draw symbols.

When she parks at the red light, I glance past the symbols, and see a man and a woman with a little girl.

The girl looks over at me and smiles. I just look at her and then I look at the man and woman.

My thoughts were simple. I hated that little girl, because she had what I didn't. She has happiness. She has a mother and father.

I look back at the girl and smile at her.

I want her to hurt just like me.

My worker drives off and I keep that happy family in mind....

•Barry's Pov•

"Where's Rose?" Wells asks.

"Her doppelgänger took her." I answer. "What!"

"When we tracked down killer frost and deathstorm, and ran into my own doppelgänger. She showed up and she took Rose."

"Did you know?" I ask with venom in my voice. "Kno-"

"Did you know she was evil! That her doppelgänger was going to kidnap her." Harry goes silent and I want to punch him in his face. "I'm not doing this again."

"Barry, this isn't going to happen again. Killer Frost is our best way on getting Rose back."

"Wait, she didn't hurt either of you?"

"No, your evil offspring didn't even bother."

Harry walks away from us. "Was Zoom around at all?"

"No, why?" I ask. "My daughter, she doesn't do leave a plan half done. She might have Zoom follow you two."

"No, I seen heat like an infinite amount of times. I know how to shake a trail, but check this out." Cisco takes out a pair of glasses and as they talk I pace.

She's gone.

Just like last time, just when she's in front of me, someone or something takes her away and I'm chasing her ghost.

"We don't have time for this, Ramon! Rosemary is out there and with Zoom as her lap dog, she's going to have him hunt us down. We need to make an alternate plan because if we don't. We're all going to die."

"No, we won't. We came here to find Jesse and we're going to get Rose back from Rosemary-"

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I hear my voice and that's when I remember my doppelgänger was in the broom closet.

"Oh fuck..."

We get him out and all he does is stare at me. "Dr. Wells, have you been gene splicing?" We circle each other and he looks at Harry. "No, now if you want to live you will stay quiet and follow me."

"Why? And where is Rosemary? If you did something to her mister, you and I are going to have some words." He points his finger into my chest and I slap it away.

"Come on, your fiancé is probably torturing my girlfriend." I get this feeling in my chest and I just know, we need to hurry before Rose is dead. And I can't bring her back again.

An alarm alerts and Harry freezes.

"He's here." We hear indistinctive yelling in the distance and Harry gets back into action.

Harry rushes us into a room and he pushes us back against a wall.

"What's going on here?"

"Be quiet and whatever you do. Do not move." He orders. Bart goes to talk but I slap my hand over his mouth and a second later, the doors to the room opens and there stood Zoom.

He steps into the room and looks around, and I swear he looks right at me and then he leaves the room.

What just happened here?

Bart gasps as I take my hand away. "Breathe, Bart. Breathe." He chants to himself.


"Fake wall. He's not gonna fall for another fake wall. We need to move. We need to find a different place to hide and make a plan." We start to move and Bart panics.

"Hey! Wait wait--no. I think before we do anything, you three need to explain everything that is going on here...."

God where do we begin?

•Rose's Pov•

I watch as she morphs that strange metal ball with her mind and she then looks at me.

"Tell me, do you get headaches?"

She's kidding me right?

"Oh no, I just get these mind blowing ideas every time I see you." She chuckles and the ball morphs into a long spike.

"I use still get headaches from time to time you know. It's her. She keeps trying to break the hold and take over. Which would be boring since she carries this annoying emotion, such as love. But yours? Oh I bet she's just vile."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask as she has the metal spike glide against the glass of my cell.

"Your other half. Don't tell me you think she's gone." I swallow hard and that makes her laugh. "Oh baby girl, I wish getting rid of your conscience was that easy. But it's not. It makes the go quiet, maybe even sleep like they're in a coma but they never leave you. I bet she claws at your sanity when you're sleeping. Tell me, have you looked at a mirror lately?"

I close my eyes and feel the back of my head ring.

"There she is, trying to get out."

"Shut up." I try to control my anger but hearing her talk doesn't help.

"Come on, live a little. Have some devilish fun."

"No! She's not me! She's never getting out!" I lash at her. The spike jabs at the glass and melts down forming a ball again.

"You will, and when she gets out. Oh I bet the all my brains that she won't be leaving anytime soon."

She turns on her heel and walks out, leaving Jesse and I, along with a man in a metal mask alone.

I get and start to look around for a way to escape.

"You're waisting your time you know. I've been trying to get out of here for a while and it's like she's keeping us locked tight."

"Don't think like that, Jesse. Look, your dad, my friend and boyfriend are going to come find us and when they do, we're all getting out of here."

Tap tap tap....tap tap.

I look over at the man in the mask and he was tapping again the glass cell.

"Who is that?" I ask Jesse. "I don't know. He's been here since before I was here."

Tap tap tap....tap tap.

"Stop, okay? You know she doesn't like that." Jesse tells the tapping masked man.

"I think he's trying to help us, somehow."

"Nothing is going to help us."

"That's not true..."

Tap tap tap....tap tap.

What is he trying to tell us?

A thunderous clap snaps in the room and it took all of my strength not to cry out.

"What are my two favorite ladies talking about?" Rosemary asks. "Leave her alone!"
I yell.

"You know Jesse, I did think that we became closer. I looked up to you in away. I mean, truly...but then again, I remember why you're still alive and that's so I can snap your spine in two while our father watches. Doesn't that sound sweet? And don't think I forgot about you, Rosey. You're alive for one purpose. And that's so I can get your speed." She says looking at me from across the room...

•Barry's Pov•

We decide to get help from Bartholomew's Earth 2 Iris West.

And let's just say she wasn't too thrilled to find out her real sister is a bad guy.

"So, the Bartholomew and Rosemary from yesterday were not my friends?"

"No." She nods. "So that explains why I didn't see rings on either of your fingers.

"This is insane, Iris. You and I both know Rosemary like the back of our hands. I mean she's in a wheel chair for Christ sak-"

"Quite frankly Mr. Allen, you don't know shit about my daughter." Harry says to him as he checks on the goggle with Cisco.

"Excuse me, but I don't know how you view your daughter Mr. Wells. But Rosemary and I shared a lot of things. She loves me, she wouldn't be this vile person that you keep telling me about."

"Look, he's telling the truth. Rosemary literally threw me and Cisco across the room and she high jacked my girlfriend. Now before we get into an agreement, I hear you've been tracking Zoom?" I ask Iris. "Yeah, him and his accomplice. Which now I can assume is Rosemary."

"We need to find where they're lair is." Cisco comments. "Lair?" Harry asks. "They're bad guys, bad guys have lairs."

"Look I want to find Zoom and Rosemary just as much as anyone else, but no one can track them. The only person who would know where they're hiding would be a meta that's worked for them."

"A mets like Killer Frost?" Cisco suggests. "Yeah maybe, but she's very loyal to Rosemary. There is no way that she's gonna tell you where the lair is."

"I'm not so sure about that. If she lived Deathstorm as much as our Caitlyn loved Ronnie, I think she'd be more than upset at Rosemary for killing him." I point out.

"Well, if that true then finding her is gonna be just as hard as finding the lair. But if anyone can do it, Rosemary's fiancé can." We all look at Bartholomew.

"Right, uh, yes. I actually can." He gets up and goes to his computer. "Okay, well looks like Patty Spivot was a CSI tech on most of the Killer Frost cases. She's pretty throughout..."

"What's this?" Cisco asks over his shoulder. "Oh, this is Killer Frost meta-data collected from numerous crime scenes--DNA trace movements facial recognition, temperature fluctuations specific to her. My algorithm complies all the data and gives us an approximate location. It works on most metas except for Zoom, and I guess Rosemary." He whispers her name and goes back on his computer.

His computer beeps. "Okay, looks like the best bet's the woodlands."

"Best CSI in Central City." Iris comments.

"You know where this is right?" I ask Harry. He nods. "Alright, let's go."

"Wait I'm going with you guys. You're gonna need some help." Iris says as she grabs her vest.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Bartholomew says to her. "I need some answers, and those answers can only come from Rosemary. Now I'm going."

"Then I'm going too."

"No, you-"

"This girl is the love of my life. Now I'm going and I don't care what you say, you're not going to stop me." Bartholomew gets up as well and we all walk out together...

•Rose's Pov•

Rosemary and Zoom were out while Jesse and I were trying to figure out what the hell tappy feet was trying to say.

"That's not morse code. But he's trying to say something. I just know know what." I saw as I watch him tap once more.

"He has a pattern, Rose. On every fifth tap, he stops." Jesse points out. I watch and sure enough on the fifth tap he stops.

"Any clue what that means?" I ask her. "He's...he's using a code that POW's used. Are you familiar with it?"

"Someone, I read something about it in a comic once. But if it helps, then let's work together and solve this mystery."

"I'm up for it if you are." The tapper looks more willing and he sits up straight, and continues to tap.


"Okay, so two down and five across."

"It's J." Jesse tells me.

"J? Is that what you're tapping. The letter J?"  The man in the metal mask nods. "Okay, now what's next?"

He taps twice and Jesse tells me, A.

"Okay, good progress here." He taps some more and I see Jesse frown. "Five down, four across...Y."

"J-A-Y? You're spelling Jay. As in...Jay Garrick?" The metal masked man nods and it doesn't make sense why would he be mentioning Jay?

"He's alive if that's what you're wondering." He shakes his head and bangs his head up against the glass of his cell.

"Hey, sto--stop that. I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean. Just stop hurting yourself. Listen, Jay Garrick didn't come with us."

"Look, just keep tapping please. We don't understand." Jesse encourages him. "Please."

He goes to tap and Zoom was right in front of his glass cell.

"Don't talk to them again." Zoom says to the masked man. He was then in front of my cell and I back up.

"I took your wings, how about I take your hope." He phases into my cell and grabs me by the throat.

He then throws me to the ground and I notice something, if he can phase in, then I can phase out.

"I'm gonna get out of here, and when I finish with you, I'm going after her." The moment I say her he kicks me right into the stomach and all the air was knocked out of me.

"You will never be good enough. You'll never beat her.." He snatches me up and slams my face against the glass. I hear my nose crunch and I see Jesse look away.

I feel the blood leak and he throws me again, this time he makes sure I hit my mouth.

Blood pools in my mouth and I spit up. He kicks me across the face and I can feel my eye swell up.

He keeps hitting me and hitting me until I can barely move. I throws me in the corner and I hear clapping.

"Let's not break my doppelgänger, I still need her." Rosemary says. Zoom growls at me but phases out of my cell and I'm left there, bleeding out and barley able to move.

Zoom might have been able to beat the hell out of me. But not hope.

No, I know how to get out of my cell.

Check one for the good guys....

•Barry's Pov•

My mouth hurts, and I feel anxious. We walk in the woodlands and man the temp dropped a lot. "You're sure this is the place?" Cisco ask.

Harry blows out cold air. "This is definitely the place." I look behind and notice Bartholomew was lagging.

"Hey, you okay?" He nods. "No, I just can't get around this whole, Rosemary being evil. She was just always a good person to me."

"Maybe you're her weakness. Either way, you need answers and I need to save Jesse and Rose."

"You're right, I suppose."

"You lost?" Killer Frost walks out in front of us and we stop.

"We just came here to talk." Harry says as he aims his gun at her. "Oh, really? Did you bring your little toys to every conversation you have? Or do you just want to see me burn again?" She keeps a safe distance and walks.

"Considering you killed my father, The thought has crossed my mind." Iris says.

Bartholomew stays by my side and I keep my eyes on her.

"Tell us--where does Rosemary keep her prisoners?" I ask. "Seems to me, your long haired friend really doesn't know how to use his abilities." Killer Frost says while looking St Cisco.

"It's a work in progress, Elsa."

I step forward with my hands up.

"Look, I know Rosemary killed the love of your life. It hurts, even for somebody with a heart as cold as yours."

"If you think that would make me turn on her, you're sadly mistaken."

"Look, she has someone I care about in there. Just help us."

"What's that got to do with me? Besides if I tell you, she'll kill me....but if I kill them and bring you to her, I bet she'd be pretty pleased with me again. She may even let me off my leash." She starts to walk towards us with her hands frosted and ready to attack.

"Run!" Iris yells. Bartholomew throws a stick at Killer Frost and we all run away as she throws a frost blast in our direction.

"That did not go as planned."

"Gee, you think? I mean with her name starting as Killer and all." I snap at him.

"I'll cover you." Harry says to Iris. "Got it."

"Hey, wait. This is a bad idea. Guys-" I yank Bartholomew with me and Killer Frost throws more of her ice as we all separate. Harry and Iris all shoot and I make sure Bartholomew was keeping up with me.

I move Bartholomew out of the way and use my speed to immobilize her.

Cisco and Iris both had their guns pointed at Killer Frost.

"Don't even think about it." Cisco warns...

We all had her surrounded.

"Where's the lair?" Iris asks while still pointing the gun. Harry cocks his gun and points. "Where is it?"

"If I tell you, she will kill me." Cisco scoffs. "She'll kill you anyway, Caitlyn."

"Stop calling me that. It's not my name."

"Yes, it is. You just don't want to hear it because it reminds you of someone you used to be. And trust me, I know that person very well."

"You don't know anything about me."

"I know the Caitlyn snow on my earth. I know that when she loves someone, that person is her world. That person was Ronnie Raymond. And he died too. It devastated her, and I can see it's doing the same to you. Rosemary took that. His daughter--my friend--she's gonna take them away from us, just like she took Ronnie from you. Caitlyn...all you have to do is tell us where she's keeping them. And then you'll never hear from us again, and you can go. Please." Cisco pleads with her.

She sighs. "Fine, I'll show you where it is. But that's it." She stand up and starts to walk.

"Wh--where are we going?" Bartholomew asks.

"Ascension Cliffs." She answers.

As we get to a cliff I hear Bartholomew gasp.

"Um, please tell me there's stairs. I mean I'm wearing penny loafers, and they don't have much tread."

"This place is only for a speedster to get to." I comment as I keep looking at the cliff.

"How are we getting up there?" Cisco asks. "I can make you something to climb on, darling."

"Dear god we're gonna slip in ice and die."

"Hey, Bart. I know throughout this entire journey you've been hanging in there. But now is time where you either stay out of this, or you go all the way."

"I'm gonna go all the way. Just, please make sure I don't fall to my death before we get to the top." I pat his back. "You got it buddy."

"Let's go before I change my mind." Killer Frost raises her hands and makes a way for us to get to the opening of the cliff.

And to keep my word, I made sure Bartholomew didn't fall.

•Rose's Pov•

I try again and all that happens is I hit the damn glass cell again.




And again.

Yet I can't phase through like he did.

"Ahh!" I hit the glass with my fist and I slide down with my head in my hands.

"Rose, Rose are you okay?"

I can't do it...

I'll never get out...

I can't do it...

"I can't do it... I'm not fast enough, not strong enough. I'm not like her."

"Rose? Rose, you can do it, okay? Just you're body needs to have the same resonance as the glass cell."

I shake my head. "No, it's not that, I'm going fast enough, it's something else. It's...something."

"Then...then maybe you're resonating at a different frequency."

I look up at her. "Yeah, your earth vibrates at a different frequency than mine. Same reason Cisco can't vibe. I just need to get to that frequency..."

I get up and stand back.

I flap my wings and start again....

I sit in the middle of my cell and I rock back and forth.

How do I phase at a different frequency? How do I do it? How? How? How!

And to make matters worse...we have an hour left to get back home.

"Rose?" I hear Barry's voice but I must be hallucinating.

"Rose?" I look up and there he stood, with Cisco, Harry as well as earth two Iris and earth two Barry.

"Barry?" I get up and I can see the anger in his eyes. "Who did th-I'm gonna kill them."

"My face will heal. How did you find this place?"

"Had some help." Cisco says while looking at Killer Frost who was walking right out of the shadows.

Harry goes to his daughter and I press my hand against the glass of my cell. "I'm stuck."

"We'll get you out of there." Barry says as he sees Killer Frost free Jesse from her cell.

She walks over to my cell and...her powers down work.

"Why isn't it working?" Iris asks. "I don't know, I've never had this problem before."

"Dr. Wells?" I ask with worry in my voice. He looks at my glass cell.

"Carbyne. It's some form of carbyne. This cell is made out of some form of carbyne. You'll never be able to freeze her out of there."

"You can't phase out of there." Cisco asks.

I feel tears falling.

"I can''s hard and I keep hitting the glass, I just--I just--Just go. Go save yourselves, before Zoom or Rosemary comes back.."

"No, we're not leaving without out you."

"I can't get out Barry. I tried and I can't. I'm not fast enough to phase through this. Just go."

"I'm not going."

"Leave...just leave." I back away from the glass and I hold myself, because in my own mind, I know I'm doomed.

"Do you know what we did to get here, Rose?" I look up and Bartholomew was stepping up to the glass.

"We convinced her--" He points to Killer Frost. "--Killer Frost--to show us the way. Then we climbed some insanely steep cliffs outside on footholds made of ice--ice. While your boyfriend kept going forward, because he knew that you were here and he didn't give up. Now I don't know you but if you're anything like he says, you don't give up. You help people no matter the cost and you keep going forward. If I can go through this impossible day, then I know you can, Rose. I'm just Barry Allen. But you? You're a super hero."

I nod and take a step back. I close my eyes and feel my wings release.

You can do this, you can phase out.

You can beat the impossible...

I open my eyes and I strike forward and I feel my body slowly going through the glass and I keep going forward, I keep pressing on, I am not giving up.

I will get out of this, because I am hero.

And like that I get through and I land right into my Barry's arms. I look past his shoulder as I hug him and see the man in the mask nod.

"Okay let's go." Cisco tells us.

"No! Wait, wait, we're not leaving him behind."

"Rose, there's no time."

"You're right dad, there's no time. Because your time just ran out." Rosemary walks to us and I hear Bartholomew say something.

"Rosemary?" She looks over at him and I see she's conflicted. "This isn't you, Rosemary."

"You're...wrong." Her eyes turn pitch black and I see her raise her hand causing a fire ball to form.

Get out of here!" Killer Frost throws an ice ball and it hits Rosemary clean in the chest, freezing her for a moment.

"I will come back for you." I tell the masked man. He nods and we all take off running the the breach that is going to take us home.

When we get to earth two S.T.A.R. Labs, I go over to Bartholomew and hug him. "Thank you, and I'm sorry you had to see that side of her."

He hugs me back. "The truth had to come out eventually."

"You two get out of Central City okay?" I say to him and Iris. "Yeah, I know a place."

"Okay good. Hey, you might not have been struck by lightning, but you're the real hero, Bart." He blushes and Iris touches my hand.

"Rose, our father still alive on your earth?" I nod. "Yes, he is."

"Give him a hug for me, will you?"

"You got it sis."

"Love you."

"Love you more." I say to her. "Love you most." I hear Harry and I walk over to the group.

"You guys ready?"

Barry and I manage to get Cisco and Jesse through. Then we get ready to bring Harry through.

"Forgetting someone?" I take a step back and Zoom was holding Harry by his shirt while Rosemary was picking ice off of her shirt.

"Go...tell Jesse I love her." Harry says to Barry and I. I look as see Harry has a dart to slow down Zoom and I know I can do the mind tricks to my doppelgänger just like she did to me.

"Tell her yourself." I raise my hand and Rosemary goes down screaming. Barry grabs for Harry, and Harry jams the dart into Zoom's neck. Immobilizing him.


I hold Barry's hand and the three of us speed through the breech and land back in our earth.

"Close it now!" I yell. Jay throws the breach bomb and we all stand back.

"You did it. You made it back." Caitlyn hugs me and as she does I glance over at Jay.

Rosemary's hand rams through his chest and she drags him back to earth two.


And just like that...the breach was closed...

•Rosemary's Pov•

I drop his body while Zoom yanks the dart out of his neck. "I do hate getting my hands dirty." I say as I wipe the blood off of my hands.

"They got away." Zoom says as he stands beside me. "Mm, they did. But they'll come back. After all, she did make a promise to the prisoner." Zoom growls and I yank his chin close to me.

"You didn't fail me, after all, Hunter. I guess that's a step up for you." He takes off his mask and I look into the eyes of my little puppet.

"My loyalty is to you." I nod and bring him close. "And loyal you are." I kiss him and he grabs me up and presses me against the wall.

"Oh, Hunter, you know how rough I want it." I say as he bites my neck. "I do.."

He takes me to our private room and the first thing I think of, is how I can't wait to melt Rose's brain inside of her skull the next time I see her...

Okay I know I have been away for a while, but! It's because life, and other various excuses haha :) now for the next chapter, I'm going to throw a huge Easter egg at you because well remember Rose hugging a girl who looked an awful like Barry? 😈 haha I'm going to have fun with that chapter and as you all know season two is about to come to an end so that means so will this book..No worries, there will be a book two and it will start off with a tragedy :0!

Also as some of you know, I have a superman fanfic called Cosmic and its adult because sex will be involved, so I know I have some dirty minded followers go ahead and give it a read, you know you want to ;)

Well I gotta go, up up & away!!!! ;p

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