Chapter - 12 They Got What They Deserved...

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•Rose's Pov•


"Omigod! Sorry Barry!"

I close the door to the bathroom and feel the back of my neck warm up.

It's been over two months since Barry has moved in and I'm still not use to him.

Whenever Iris was using the bathroom I would walk right in, ask to use her shampoo and conditioner then walk out.

Now I have to get use to Barry all over again.

But this isn't when we were in school and having the award stage of adolescence.

No Barry's an adult...

A very hot adult that was drying off with a towel a-

I snap out of my dirty fantasy and hear my phone ringing on my bed.

"Yes, Travis?" I say after answering it.

"How'd you know it was me?"

I smile at his teasing voice and flop on my bed while looking at the ceiling.

"So what have you been up to lately?"

I lay there and think about how in the past few weeks at least Barry and I had captured Hartley Rathaway aka not a meta but just as dangerous.

"Not much what about you?"

"Well I have this gig tonight and I wa-"

"Rose, is this yours?" Barry was at the door, with clothes on thank god and was holding up my t-shirt.

"Oh, hold on. Yeah thanks Barry."

I take the shirt from him and went back to talking on the phone.

"Who was that?"

"Barry, he was giving me my shirt back. So what were you saying about your gig?"

He was quiet for a second.

"Something's came up, I'll talk to you later k?"

Before I could say anything he had hung up.

Well he was an ass...

"Don't say that about Travis."

Barry would've never treated you that way...

"Shut up..."

A few hours later Barry and I were racing to a scene where a car had flipped on its hood and there was a couple inside.

We get there at the same time and Barry tries to open the door but I tell him to watch out and I raise my hand sending the car door in the air.

"Get them out." I tell him as I move the car door somewhere out of everyone's way.

I place it down and see Barry had got the man out safely.

He was going to get the woman but I see the car burst into flames.

For a split second my mind was on overdrive and I don't think, I just swoop in and grab her out with only a bruise to my shoulder as I ram the other door open.


The car explodes and I carry the woman to her husband.

The firefighters work hard to put the fire out and we see the couple embrace each other.

"Thank you...both of you." They say to us.

I nod and fly in the air while Barry runs.

I wish I could tell Travis what I do.

Instead of always sounding like a boring girlfriend.

I mean I'm the Avenging Angel.

I save lives and lock away Meta humans for Christ sake!

But telling him my secret so soon?

I mean I don't even feel comfortable kissing him in public yet.

Some life of a superhero huh?

When we get back and change Cisco was cheering us both on.

"That was insane. I mean even I'm having a hard time getting mad at you two for dirtying up my suits."

"So when can Rose and I consider these suits ours?" Barry asks as she pulls on his watch.

"Yeah, Cisco I think we've own the right to say these are ours now." I say with a tease as I pull on my doc martin boot.

"I'd be comfortable calling it our suits."

I roll my eyes and tie my boots.

"Tonight was the fastest either of you have been and Rose you're getting better with your telekinesis."

"Thank you thank you, no need for the applause everyone." I do a mock curtsy and Barry chuckles.

"Both of you have gotten better in training so now it's starting to pay off. That couple is alive tonight thanks to both of you." Dr. Wells comments with a smile.

"I can still get faster."

"And I know I can fly faster too. As a matter of fact I think I'm going to go on a morning flight tomorrow."

"Just make sure you two get the proper rest and eat plenty of food."

Speaking of food I grab my book bag and take out a bag of...

"Barry, you ate my nature valley bar didn't you?"


"You liar, I outta kick your ass."

Caitlyn giggles in the corner and I glare at her.

"I'll buy you three boxes if that will make up for it."

"I want the value pack, and throw in a strawberry milk."

"Deal." He ruffles my hair and I swat him off smoothing my hair back down.

"So, I know it's late but how about drinks? On me?" Cisco asks everyone.

"Sorry we can't. It's movie night with Joe."

"Yeah, we'll see you guys tomorrow." I grab my jacket and book bag then follow Barry out.

"Night, guys."



"Are we really about to watch remember the Titans again? Cause if we are in getting my pillow."

"No mind powers young lady."

How did he?

"Fine..." I run upstairs and grab my full body pillow and see I don't have a single text from Travis.

I hope his gig is going good tonight.

I go to leave but stop when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

"Something looks different, but what?"

I turn to the side, I even look at my face and neck.

"Nothing." I shrug and walk out of my room.

But I still feel like something is different about me....

The next day we were all at S.T.A.R. Labs looking at some weird sample that Barry had got from a crime scene.

"Not even Barry's cells move this fast. I've never seen anything like it." Caitlyn comments as we look at the sample on the big screen.

"So Clay Parker is a meta-human?" Dad asks.

"Not so fast. The particulate residue Barry gathered at iron heights does contain Clay Parkers DNA, but also of a woman."

"Run her DNA against the CCPD criminal database. See if you get a match."

While everyone was talking I was just staring at the screen.

"Yahtzee, her name's Shawna Baez. Mostly petty crimes, and this girl likes to party, apparently. Long list of disorderly conduct at local bars." Cisco reads off.


My dad looks at me and I clear my throat.

"I'm saying those two could be lovers, I mean it makes sense break your lover out as soon as you find out you have meta-human powers. Then go on a crime spree. I think if we find her we find Clay Parker."

"You know you're getting better at becoming a detective. How about you two come with me?"

I nod and get up then after I trail behind my dad and Barry.

After dad had for what he needed he went to talk to his captain which meant Barry and I had time for lunch and boy was I hungry.

"You seem different." Barry says as we walk into Jitters.

What the hell even he notices?

"I think it's the new conditioner I bought anyway, you're very smiley today. What's up with that Allen?"

We sit at the table and order some drinks.

"I saw my dad today. No glass, no phones. Just me and him, face-to-face. Joe arranged it."

"That must have been amazing, Barry. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, I really needed it."

"Well I'm sure he needed it, too...."

I drum my fingers on the table and Barry places his hand on mine stopping me.

"You know you can talk to me. I mean we do live together."

I sigh and look at him.

"I just have this feeling like something big is going to happen with me. I don't know if it's good or bad but something. Like..."

I lean in so I could whisper.

" sister had dropped by the house to get her stuff and when I go to hug her my eyes kind of went blurry."


"Yeah, and I found this..." I dig into my pocket and pull out a long black tip feather.

"Is that yours?"

"I pulled it out this morning after my little flight." Barry goes to touch it and the moment his fingertips get close to it, the feather just disintegrates.

I look around to make sure no one was watching and thankfully everyone was too engulfed into their own conversations to even pay attention to us.

"That's strange. We've been able to touch your feathers before."

"I know, maybe I'll have Caitlyn run tests."

"That sounds like a good idea."

After our little lunch we go back and find dad walking out saying how we have a tip from Barry's dad.

Wait won't he get in trouble for asking around for cops in prison?

Barry must have throughout the same thing because we shared the same look in the car on the way over.


"What do you mean you've been asking around?" Barry asked his dad thought the glass.

I feel bad that this is how he has to talk to his dad until we get the reverse flash.

"Do you know a Marcus Stockheimer?" My dad reaches for the phone and Barry hands it to him.

"Sure, he's some mid-level gangster. He works mainly on the southside." My dad confirms.

"Word is, Clay Parker was a runner for Marcus. When Clay got pinched, Marcus lost a lot of money. Apparently Marcus doesn't like losing money."

"So, what? So Parker can't leave Central City until he's paid off his debt?" I ask.

"From what I'm told, if you're a member of the Stockheimer crew, you get out, first thing you do is pay him a visit or suffer the consequences."

Barry nods at this information and takes the phone from my dad.

"All right. No more playing cop. Promise me."

"I hear you." His dad replies.

When we left Barry was quiet.

My reaction was to hold his hand but I shove it in my pocket.

"You'll get him out..."

"Yeah, I know..."


When Barry and I went back to S.T.A.R. Labs we find Caitlyn in the main room.

"Mm, guys. I was analyzing the particulates that Clay Parker and Shawna Baez left behind, and I found something very interesting. When Clay's cells come into contact with Shawna's, they adopt her properties...."

I glance away from the computer and look at Caitlyn's worried expression.

"Something bothering you?"

She looks at me. "Why would you ask that?"

"You're doing that biting your lower lip thing when something's bothering you."

She clears her throat. "I'm fine."

Barry looks at me and I shake my head as we have a quiet conversation.

"Fine, Cisco says I don't have a life."

"You don't." Barry says with a smirk.

I laugh and bite my lip when she glares at me.

"What Barry is right. I had invited you to go to the movies with me and Iris. But you said no."

"Oh really? What did you guys go see?" Barry asks.

"Magic Mi-never mind that."

"I happen to have a life you two. I cook and I eat and I read and I help you two."

"So, what you're saying is you do everything that has nothing to do with having a life. At least you could've added in some Hulu to that mixed then whoa you would've had a fiesta." I say crossing my arms smiling.

"You don't have to be rude about it." She chuckles at my comment.

"Hey, i'm not doing any better than you. My social life consists of running at superhuman speed and Netflix." Barry replies.

"What about you Rose?"

"What about me my social life is thriving. I have a boyfriend and I had to go out on dates-"

"Since when? You've been home for like a month now."


"Yeah, Rose?"

"Ever wanted to see how it feels to brush your teeth with poly grip?"

He makes a face and I smile wide.

"Don't push me."

Caitlyn goes around and hugs us both.

"We are quite the trio." She comments.

I scoff and look at the computer just as it chimes.

"There's an armed robbery in progress. Two suspects, male and female in their 20's. Sounds like out meta-human Bonnie and Clyde are at it again."

"Time to ruin their social life." Barry replies.

I was already grabbing my suit and ready to go.

When we arrive we see Shawna putting bags into the trunk of a car.

"Oh, I've read about you two. Let me see, you're the Flash and your the Avenging Angel. I've heard you two are pretty fast. Let's see if it's true." She looks off into the distance and suddenly she was gone."

I turn and see she's by a building.

Barry runs and catches her but right then she disappeared and was on the roof.

"I got her."

I fly off towards her but she disappeared again.

"You've got to be kidding me." I mutter as I look to see where she went.

Barry had grabbed her but she disappeared taking him with her and they were near the ledge.

I see a smile on her face and she pushes Barry hard off of it.


I swoop down in enough time and catch Barry.

"She's getting away."

I let him down and she was over by the car.

Barry was there first and I hear the gun shot.

Everything was happening at slow motion.

I saw the bullet go right towards Barry's neck and I move right in front of it.

I feel it press deep into my shoulder but I raise my hand and the bullet falls instantly.

I collide into Barry and see Shawna disappear with Clay.

I hold my shoulder and Barry picks me then takes off running....


"I said I'm fine. Ow!" Caitlyn was cleaning up my little scratch.

"Rose, this is a bullet wound. You're lucky it just barley broke the skin."

"Guess I'm a lot faster than a speeding bullet."

Wait I think I've heard that somewhere, oh well.

"Dr. Wells, Shawna Baez, she can teleport." Barry tells him.

"As in beam me up, Shawna?" Caitlyn comments as she bandages me up.

"Yes, of course. Quantum entanglement...."

I raise my hand.


"I know is this is dumb to ask, but what are you talking about? And please use English."

He chuckles at me question.

"It's the ability to manipulate interconnected particles over an infinite distance. Or, as Einstein put it, spooky action at a distance."

"Every time Rose or I got close she'd disappear. It was like we were playing a game of--"

"Peek-a-boo." Caitlyn interjects.

"Come on can't I name one?"

I go to open my mouth but decide save my sarcasm for another time.

"So, how are we supposed to catch her if we don't know where she's going to be?" I ask.

"Everybody has their limits Miss West. Now that we know Shawna's powers, we'll focus on those limits."

"Let us know." Barry calls out as Dr. Wells wheels off.

"Well this was a slice but I gotta go change and go see if I can meet up with Travis."

"You and him have a date tonight?"

Hmm, why did Barry sound like that?

"Not really...but see you at home and Caitlyn, see you later."

I pull on my jacket carefully and take off running.

I do the detective girlfriend thing and track Travis' phone and see he's home.

I swoop down in his backyard and call his phone.

He answers on the third ring.

"Hey, I'm out back."

"Hey, Rose. I wish you would have told me sooner. I can't really hang out my grandparents came over for this weekend and my family is trying to like play host."

"Oh, that's fine. I was just joking about being here. Hahaha..."

"Well let's make a date soon. Okay?"

"Sure a-"

"Rose I gotta go, my sister is calling me."


We hang up and I jump up and take flight before anyone could see me.

I land on a random roof top and dial Barry's number.

He answers on the first ring.

"Hey? Are you on a date?"

"Uh, change of plans. Wanna hang out tonight?"

"Sure we can be the three musketeers tonight. Caitlyn and I were going to a bar to see if we could bump into the Shawna and Clay. I'll text you the directions."

I wipe away and tear and smile.

"Thanks Barry."

He chuckles over the phone.

"For what?"

"For being my friend..."

We hang up and he sends me the directions.

Ten minutes later I met up with Barry and we sit down listening to a man sing lover boy.

I look over at the door and see Caitlyn strutting in.

"Damn I should have changed. I look like a fat marker compared to her."

Barry looks over and then looks back at me.

"You look pretty." He clears his throat and smiles at Caitlyn.

"You look nice."

Hmm, just nice and I got pretty?

Don't over think things, kid.

"I don't always dress like a high school principal." She sits down and I take a sip of my soda.

"So this is where Shawna Baez and Clay Parker used to hang out?" I ask.

"It is, according to the files. I thought we could kill two birds with one stone. Look for them and get ourselves back out there."

I blow bubbles in my soda and Barry holds my hand under the table.

"Excuse me? I would like to start a tab." Caitlyn tells one of the waitresses passing by.

Why do I have a feeling that Caitlyn Snow and alcohol is a bad combination?

About an hour later, Caitlyn was wasted and singing way off key when she was up singing karaoke.

"And...and here comes Mr. and Mrs. Allen!"

What the hell did she say?!

We both look up and Caitlyn was motioning us on stage.

"Did she just?"

"Yeah, it's time to get her off stage." We get up and people start to clap for us.

"Give it up to the lovey couple!"

Caitlyn I hope you head pounds so hard for this...

Barry and I help her get off of stage but people cheer for us to sing.

"We don't have to if you don't want to." I insist.

"No, I don't mind if you don't."

Caitlyn was ordering another drink and I sigh.

"Fine, what's here to sing..."

I see Summer Lovin and look at Barry.

"Wanna take the lead on this one?"

I was already pressing the button and handing Barry his mic.

As the music plays I smile at Caitlyn as she cheers.

"Summer loving had me a blast, oh yeah
Summer loving happened so fast..." I sang out.

"I met a girl crazy for me..."

You notice Barry is singing to you right, Rose?

Shut up..

I look at Barry and my heart was racing.

"M...Met a boy cute as can be.."

We then sing the next few lines together.

"Summer days drifting away, To, uh oh, those summer nights.. Well-a well-a well-a huh
Tell me more, tell me more..."

The crowd had gave us a standing ovation as we came down from the stage.

When we sat down by Caitlyn she was smiling and turning red.

"You two are fast and can sing? What can't you do?"

"Stop you from drinking apparently." I order a glass of water and hand it to her.

She goes to take it but freezes.

"Rose come with me to the bathroom please."

"We'll be back." He waves us off and I lead Caitlyn to the bathroom.

She runs past me and I hear her puke.

"Atta girl, just let it all out." I hold her hair and she spits in the toilet.

"I think he likes you."

"What are you talking about who?"

Caitlyn looks at me with a goofy grin. "I saw the way Barry was looking at you when you two were singing. He likes youuuu."

I roll my eyes and grab a few paper towels and wet them.

"You're drunk."

"No you're drunk. And Barry likes you. Hehe ever notice you're lips never touch when you say you? Youuuuuu."

I wipe her lips and she stops me.

"He likes you Rosie Posie..." I pause.

"Heh, mom use to call me that.." I give a sad smile and help Caitlyn back up.



"I wanna go home now..."

"Come on, it's time to tap out..."

As we walk back I see a girl walking away from Barry and I frown at her.

"What was that?" I ask him.

He had his phone in his hand smiling and shaking his head.

"It was nothing. You two ready?"

I nod and help Caitlyn to her car.

I get in the back seat while Barry drives and just look out the window.

"Tonight was fun right?"

I can feel Barry looking at me but I don't look at him.

Instead I catch glimpses of my face in the street light.

My eyes looked pure white...and sad....

"Are we there yet?" Caitlyn groans.

"Yes, we're here." Barry helps her inside and I close the door behind us.

Caitlyn tells us where her room is and we go there.

"I'm going to let you help her from here."

"I gotcha." I take Caitlyn from Barry and he walks out of the room leaving us alone.

"Rosie Posie...he likes you."

"No he doesn't. Now come on so I can help you get to bed."

She takes off her heel but falls flat on her ass and giggles.


I can't help but laugh at this side of Caitlyn.

She's usually so well put together.

I can't wait to yell tomorrow morning.

"Here let me."

I take off her other heel and and unzip her dress.

"Hands up."


She sat on the floor in her underwear and I place her dress neatly on a chair.


"Top drawer, left."

I find them and help get them on her then help her get to bed.

"You know he likes you, he just doesn't know how to show it."

"Shhh, you're just tired." I tuck her in and she smiles.

"Sleepy..." In the matter of minutes she was out like a light.

I turn off her lights and walk out of the room.

"So...are you going to call her?" I ask him.


Come on don't play dumb..

"That girl who gave you her number."

He shrugs but I see the smile in his eyes.

"I don't know. I hadn't really thought about it."

"You should. I mean go out there have fun, date. You're in your twenties. You can't always be the flash. Sometimes you gotta be Barry Allen..."

Rose what are you-

I tune her out of my head.

"I mean...she was pretty cute..."

I smile and we walk out of the apartment.

" deserve a beautiful girl."

He places his arm around my shoulder and I feel my heart creak.

"I guess I do. Now let's get home."

I love his hand and raise my arms to cover my actions.

"You go ahead I'm going to fly and clear my thoughts."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, definitely."

"Tonight was fun, we should do this again sometime."

"Well you know where I sleep..."

Okay that sounded creeperish.

He chuckles and walks out the door.

I glance back at Caitlyn's room and shake my head.

"Told you he doesn't like me..."

The next morning I was eating a bagel and standing at the elevator waiting for Caitlyn to come up.

The money she does she's wearing sun glasses and a scarf.


"So loud..." She groans as she rubs her temples.

"That was for what you did to us last night. But I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Sorry and let's just say I envy yours in Barry's inability to get drunk. I don't even remember much from last night."

"Oh you don't have to...I recorded it on my phone."

"You didn't."

"I did and let's just say, be very nice to me or this will leak on YouTube." She groans and I laugh as we walk in the main room together.

Barry and Dr. Well were both looking at Cisco with somber looks.

"What's wrong guys?"

"Cisco...has something he needs to tell you."

Cisco turns to me and he looks like a little kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Harley's gone."

"He escaped from the pipeline? Wait how is that even possible?"

I look at Barry and Dr. Wells for answers.

"I..I let him out..."

"You what!" I yell at him.


"Don't tell me to be calm, I'm calm I'm just a loud Cisco...why did you let him out? When you know how dangerous he is."

"Hartley said he knew what happened to Ronnie."

"I told you to let it go." It was now Caitlyn's turn to snap on him.

"But I wanted to know. I wanted closure...because I was the one who sealed Ronnie in the accelerator before it blew. He told me to wait two minutes and I waited. But he didn't come back. And I can't stop thinking, 10, 20 seconds and... Ronnie wouldn't be like he is right now. I've wanted to tell you so many times. I'm so sorry."

"So you carry that around this whole time? Do you know what Ronnie would say if he was here? He would say you did the right thing. It wasn't your fault. What happened that night wasn't anybody's fault...."

As I watch the scene unfold in front of me I just think.

This world is a cruel place.

We lose people.

We don't get the people we want and bad guys just take anything because they can.

I stare at my half eaten bagel and toss it in the trash.

I feel someone looking at me and it was Dr. Wells.

"...I for one am happy that this conflict was solved and I'm glad to share some more news. I know how we can catch our teleporter..." He says as he goes to the computer.

As he explains I stand there quietly.

Barry's phone goes off beside me and he talks on it quickly then hangs up.

"What's wrong?"

I ask.

He looks at me with an scared look in his eyes.

" dad. He's been stabbed."

Barry and I met up with my dad at Iron Heights and we were taken to the infirmary, where Barry's father was taken care of.

He had a black eye, a busted lip, and his side was bandaged up.

Seeing him like this in front of Barry just made me more angry.

"Dad...what happened?"

"A rather stern reminder, I just say, not to poke around Marcus Stockheimer's business."

"Dad, I told you to stop."

"Your dad called me with more intel. It helped us track down Clay and Shawna and arrest Stockheimer." My dad says.

"I managed to screw to Marcus's big heist, too, so..."

I step in.

"So you two kept working together? Barry's dad could've gotten killed over this."

"Rose, it's not your father's fault. I did it to help Barry."

"Dad, you getting stabbed and beaten is not helping me."

"Look, I-I-I don't get to feel useful very much in here. So if I can help you for a change, I'm going to want to be there for you. Just like you've been there for me all these years..."

Barry was silent and all he did was nod and hold his dad's hand.

Me on the other hand I want to know who did it.

"You said Marcus had a big heist coming up?" My dad asks Henry.


"Do you know anything else about it?"

"Dad tell me who this."

"Don't worry about it slugger..."

"But you said you want to help me. So help me."

"...One of Marcus's boys. Julius."

"I need to get a drink of water dad."

"Okay." I walk out of the room and catch a glimpse of my reflection in the glass.

My eyes were pure white again but I had a small smile on my face...

After I learned where Julius' cell number I had grabbed him and yanked him out fast before anyone could notice.

I threw him right in front of the entrance of Iron Heights and he was shaken up.

"What the hell?"

"Hello, Julius." He turns around and looks at me.

"How'd I get out here?"

"You don't remember? You escaped."

He takes a step back from me.

"They catch me trying to escape, they're going to add five more years to my sentence."

"Ten, actually. Unless you tell me where Marcus Stockheimer's next job gonna be."

The alarms ring just as planned and roll my shoulders back.

"Awe, those guards are gonna be here any second. If I were you I'd start talking."

"Okay! Okay. It's a TDK and money transfer truck coming from the federal reserve bank in St. Louis. Suppose to be millions. Delivery's around 8:00. That's all I know. I swear."

"That's going on right now."

I hear the dogs barking in the distance along with a few guards shouting.

I look at him and raise my hand making his legs break.

He screams in agony and I spread my wings.

"You get what you deserve, Julius."

I take off and call Barry to tell him where the next heist is taking place.

He doesn't ask questions, he just meets me there.

He comes in from the front trapping Shawna and Clay, while I come in the back so they have no way out.

Shawna was suddenly in front of Barry.

"Why the hell do you even care what we do? Are you two the cops or something?"

"Something." I answer back.

She was suddenly in front of me and she swings at me with a wrench.

Barry gets in the way and she hits him right in the face.

I raise my hand and she goes flying into the cemented wall.

She gets up and comes at us.

"We need to get her in the dark." Barry says to me.

"I got that. You make sure she doesn't go anywhere."

Shawna Teleports back into the car with Clay and he takes off driving.

Barry runs after the car and I concentrate hard.

I raise my hands and and one by one the light start to go out in the tunnel.

I see Barry hit the light out on the car.

And we were all in the dark.

I fly over as Barry opens the passenger door.

Shawna was there with a sad look on her face.

"He left me..."


We had for Shawna into one of the pipeline cells and I ask.

"Is there anyways she can teleport out?"

"It's impossible. It's one-way glass. It's mirrored on the inside. No one dangerous is ever going to get out of this thing again."

Barry nods at Cisco and I just stare at the cell.


"I'll be there in a moment."

I hear everyone leave and I step closer to the cell window.

"Shawna, Clay left you. He's out there and you're in here....and think this is exactly what you deserved."

"Watch when I ge-"

"Get out? That won't happen. You see the moment you even possibly do I'll be there to snap your neck."

I see her looking around scared.

"But you're on of the good guys. You wouldn't kill me."

"True I am one of the good guys. But I'm also someone you don't want to make angry. I will do anything to make sure my friends and family are safe. Even if that means I need to put my cape on the shelf for a moment. Oh and Shawna, if I find Clay...I'm going to smother him in his sleep and make it look like he did it himself."

She slides down the wall of her cell and I see tears running down her face.

And you know what's the funny thing?

I didn't even feel bad for saying that.

I press the button and her cell gets moved back and she's no longer in sight.

When I go to the main room I see Cisco and Caitlyn taking while Barry was in a corner thinking.

"Rose can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure." He leads us out into the hall and hugs me which takes me by surprise.

"Thank you."


"The guards had found Julius outside of the prison."

"Oh, he must have tried to escape."

He lets me go and looks at me.

"He must have, though I'm very much curious on how he broke his arm."

I shrug.

"Must have happened when tried to climb the gate."


Barry's phone rings and he answers it.

"Hey, Linda."

I take a step away from him and walk outside.

I take a running start and fly in the air.

When I land on my roof I open my widow and raise my hand to turn on the light.

The first thing I see is myself in the mirror and I was spooked.

"Get a grip Rose."

I then stop and stare at myself in the mirror and notice what's different about me.

My eyes...

My eyes look more black than brown.


I raise my hand and the mirror crack causing a spider web effect of cracks all over it.

I see myself smile and my eyes turn white.

"I think I'm going to like this new me..."



Just what?

Our Rose is doing some dark things and I don't know if I like it...okay I kind of do haha, I can't wait for Rose to meet Linda...okay Linda might need Barry to protect her but anyways sorry for the late update I hope you all like this chapter! Comment below and save a chapter by voting on it! Haha! Don't worry guys Barry is going to see something in Rose that's going to make him question his friendship. Will it be good? Bad?

Guess you'll have to wait until next chapter.

Until then UP UP & AWAY!!


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