Chapter- 14) Bye bye...Boogeyman

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•Rose's Pov•

This...this can't be real?


Like you make friends and those friends are good people, but what about if that friend happens to be that very person who's caused hell for you, and for the ones you love?

This...just can't be real...

It just...can't...

For the past week, after having my future daughter come to this time period, and going back in time to get answers from Eobard, you'd think I'd have the balls to handle anything thrown at me. Well the news that Jay is Zoom really makes me feel like a new born baby exposed to all the elements.

I know, Barry is feeling the same but I feel more guilty because I was the one who convinced him to trust him.

"Rose, Barry is-" I just take off flying yet again to clear my head. But can you fly away from your problems? Forever?

I know Barry is getting faster and the equipment that's helping him is perfect. I on the other hand can't help but keep having these strange feelings that something bad is going to happen. Like I'm going away or something.

If that makes sense.

I make it to the lab and everyone was staring at me and soon Barry was running in.

"What?" I ask. "Barry went like super fast...but you made it first. Are you okay?" Iris asks as I fold in my wings.

"Yeah, just thinking. How was the run?" I ask Barry changing the subject off of me. "Uh, great. How did I do guys?"

"You went four times faster than your old record. You in fact beat it." Caitlyn confirms.


"Fast as Zoom. Well, faster actually." Harry says as he enters the room. Barry smiles and I go to the next room to think about what's going to happen.

We're going to open the breach, to get Zo-Jay, and Rosemary over to this side and take them down. I'm faster, Barry is faster. We can do this.

I get a flash of Jay smiling in my memory and my whole body shivers.

How could he stand there in our faces and lie like that? How could he look me in the eye and not once, showed his true colors?

"Rose?" I turn and there Barry stood. I don't even think I just go to him and he hugs me. "I know." He whispers against my hair as I feel my shoulders shake.

"Do you think this is a bad idea?" I ask looking up at him. "What? Opening the breaches? No, do you?"

"No, but the risks, Barry we could put other people in danger. Rosemary, she's not like me. She's cold and heartless. I'm sure she'd push a baby down a flight of steps if it could give her some form of entertainment." Barry sighs and I look into his eyes.

"Rose, Jay and Rosemary, they need to be stopped. Leaving them over there in earth two is just as dangerous."

"Yeah but our friends and family here isn't in harms way. Look, I have this gut feeling, this terrible feeling that if those two come over here, bad things will happen and I don't mean on just their part."

"What do you mean by that?"

I take a deep breath. "I've be-"

"Rose? I'm sorry to interrupt but could I talk to you real quick?" Iris says at the door. I nod and walk over to my sister. "What's up?"

I ask as we stand in the hall. "I'm just checking to see if you're okay. Lately it seems like you're spaced out which I understand with all the events that's been going on."

"I just...if I ever lose myself, you'd help Barry find me right?" My sister frowns at this question. "What do you mean?"

"I just, never mind. You look pretty, where are you going?" I ask as I look at her outfit. "I've got a date with, Scott." I make a face. "Hey, don't do that."

"What? I mean he's okay...if you like the kind of guy that doesn't think your baby sister is cool because of her super hero job." Iris bumps my shoulder and kisses my cheek.

"I'm really happy you can move on sis. Seeing you happy dating again, it's pretty cool."

"Did you just say in terms that I'm pretty cool?" She says with a smirk. "Nope, you're lame. In fact you're the president of lame." We both laugh and she leaves out.

My smile goes away and I'm back to feeling that terrible feeling in my gut.

"Something bad is going to happen to me, I just know it..."

Several hours later and we still got nothing on how to open the breaches.

"We can always send a warhead into the city's power-"

"Not doing that." Barry tells Cisco.

"How in the hell are all of you brains in the room and no one can come up with a way to get one breach open? I bet our doppelgänger's could do the trick."'I comment as I eat my apple.

The room was silent and when I look up everyone was giving me a look. "What did I do? Is there something on my face?" I go to touch my face but Barry runs over and kisses me.

"No, but you're the big brains today, come on we need to go talk to Harry." Barry takes my hand and we all head down stairs to ask Harry questions on?

"Can you tell us about Cisco's doppelgänger on your earth?" Barry asks. "Reverb."

"What were Reverb's powers on your earth?" I ask. "He could tap into the multi-dimensional energies between earth. He could see through dimensions. Find breachers, like Ramon." Harry explains.

"I mean, we seen Reverb do more than that though, right? I mean we saw him shoot vibrational bursts out of his hands. Really painful ones."

"What do you mean?" Caitlyn asks Barry. "I-I mean, Reverb had the ability to somehow to manipulate that multi-dimensional energy."

"What's your point, Allen?"

"His point is, if Reverb's powers are linked to the energy that ties together the multi-verse--if he can manipulate it--"

"Then Cisco can open a breach to any earth he wants." Caitlyn catches on and I notice Cisco was being very quiet.

"Cisco, I think the way back to Earth-2 is you..."

Two hours later...

Here we are in the basement, seeing if Cisco can actually make his powers work.

"I've got nothing." He says as he looks defeated. "Try again." Barry informs him. "Barry what if he can't do it because he thinks he can't do it?" Caitlyn whispers.

"He can do it though. You can do it Cisco." I urge him. He sighs and tries again.

He scoffs when he sees no progress. "It's gonna work, okay."

"Maybe we're just not in the right place. Like maybe we need to go somewhere that will trigger your powers." I suggest.

"Or, maybe I'm not the right man for the job. Let's just stop this." He backs out and Caitlyn gives us a motion as she goes after Cisco to talk to him.

Guess that means we're back to square one?

The next day, Barry had brought us to an abandoned hospital and I stay right by his side, cause well hell it was scary in here.

"Looks like this place has the highest traces of residual trans-dimensional energy. Should be able to open the breach that used to be here..." Barry stops and I smack my nose into his shoulder.

"What the fuc-"

"Right here. This is the spot." Barry says as he looks at some device.

"Right here? In this spooky hospital? Are you serious?" Cisco asks. "Yeah. Look, dude. If this doesn't work, I will never bother you again. That's a promise."

"From both of us." I say as I rub my nose. "Alright." Barry and I stand back as Cisco concentrates on using his powers.

"I can't do it." Cisco says after a minute. "What?"

"That's right. You can't." Harry's says as he enters the room.

What the shit where did he come from?

"What are you doing here? You said--" He interrupts Barry. "I know what I said. But you're not gonna stop, are you?" He says looking at Barry. "No..."

"Okay Barry Allen, then I'm gonna do what I can to make sure you don't get yourself or Rose killed. I recalibrated these to the electromagnetic frequency of this earth. It should help you access enough of the trans-dimensional energy to manipulate it."

"Just like Reverb." I comment. "Yeah and all I'm missing is the guyliner and the transformation is complete." Cisco says more to himself than to us.

Harry tosses him some goggles. "Take these out for a spin." Cisco puts the goggles on and we all stand back.

We all see this weird blue like film coming from his hand.

"It's working." Barry says with a smile. I look over at Cisco and I notice he's shaking. "Cisco?"

He stops completely and snatches the goggles off and tosses them back to Harry.

"What happened? You were doing it-"

"I can't do this. I just can't do this. I'm sorry." With that Cisco takes off running and we're all left there wondering if this was a mistake to ask Cisco to do this.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs Harry revamped Barry's tachyon absorption enhancer, so that it was small enough to blend with his suit.

I hear Barry thank Harry then see him look around. "What's up?" I ask. "Nothing, uh, have you seen Cisco at all?" He asks Caitlyn and me. "I haven't seen him." Caitlyn answers.

"Check his workshop." Harry comments. "Yeah. Alright."

"Hey I'll come with." I say following him. "Hey." Iris says as her and dad walk into the main room. "Hey, what's up guys." I ask as I give dad and Iris a hug.

"You guys need anything?" Barry asks. "Uh, we just dropped by to see if any of you guys needed any help or whatnot."

"Uh, sure. I'm sure you can help Caitlyn, in the back room for a bit. You know we could always use an extra pair of hands." I say with a smile.

I lead Iris to the back and she stops me. "Hey, you've been sleeping right? I mean I'm asking because dad mentioned about, you walking around at night."

"Not really, look when this is all over, I'll sleep like a baby. I mean you're talking to the girl who slept for nine months straight." I say as a half joke. Iris places her hand on my shoulder.

"You know you can talk to me right?" I nod. "Yeah, I know." I can feel her eyes on me as u leave the room, and go towards Barry.

When I caught up with Barry, he had a smile on his face. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, it's just, I helped Joe with his Wally problem. He's going to start living there."

"Wow, well since Wally is moving in, I won't feel so bad moving out." Barry gives me a look. "Hey, hey. You already know, you're coming with me...if you want."

"If I want? Is that an invitation?"

"Maybe.." I say in a flirtatious tone.

We finally find Cisco, tinkering with the gadget in the workshop and I can't help but feel sad for him.

"Hey." I sit beside him and he stops what he's doing. "You're not him..." I comment. Cisco looks at me and I place my hand on his arm. "I know that look. I see it in myself every time I look in the mirror, and I have to remind myself every day that I'm not her, that I will never be her, and that I'm a good person."

"It's just...if I start opening breaches into other worlds...I just feel like I'll be tempted into a dark place."

"You're Cisco, not Reverb. You help your friends you're always on the good side of things. You. Are. Not. Your. Doppelgänger. Do you hear me?" I see a tear fall and he wiped it always nodding. "I just-" I hug him and let him hug me back.

"I know what it's like, to see what you can see the darkness devour you...I've been there, done that, wrote the damn book, and hey look at me." He looks and I wipe his tears.

"I'm still me." I give him a smile and he looks over at Barry. "She's right. Rose is still our Rose." I smile at that and Cisco looks back at me.

"Remember how I learned a new ability? You guys were there and helped me. So dude, we got you." Cisco chuckles and wipes the remaining tears away.

"She's right. Besides you got something Reverb didn't have. It's friends." Barry tells him. "Yeah, I mean we're more than just friends, we're practically your family."

"So what do you say? Ready to try this out again?" Barry asks. Cisco takes the goggles and that's when I knew, he was on board...

The next day, Harry had finalized up the device for Barry's suit. "You're all set. He won't even know it's there." Harry comments as he fixes Barry's emblem. "Cause whoever said aesthetics aren't important?" Cisco says out loud. "Not me." Harry retorts which only makes Cisco give him a glare.

I glance over at Barry and Caitlyn and notice Barry looked a bit confused. So I listen in on the last bit of the conversation.

"...Because there is no Jay Garrick on this earth. His doppelgänger's name is Hunter Zolomon." I hear Caitlyn say. "Hunter Zolomon? Are you sure?" Harry asks as if he's heard the name before.

"Yeah, why?" Harry looks at his weird watch and tinkers with it. "Because on my earth, Hunter Zolomon was a convicted serial killer." Harry then brings up a picture of an unkempt man on the main computer screen.

I make a face. "Ugh, that's Jay? His picture looks like he smells like corn chips and old goats milk."

"Thanks for the imagery, Rose. But no that is Hunter. That is the last public photo of him. Instantly recognizable. And people from my earth--on my earth, serial killers are and anomaly, so a lot of media attention to this."

"How did Rosemary, get involved with him?" I ask. Harry hesitates for a moment. "She...she said one day when she saw this case that she wanted to help find a cure to help sick minded people like him get better. So on my poor parenting, I allowed her to go to the facility where he was being held, for her to study him. Rosemary, had notes upon notes on Hunter, such as when he was 11, his father had killed his mother right in front of him. His father was sent to prison, whe Hunter event it the system-"

"They mirror each other. Rosemary has a tragic background, and so did Hunter...she. She was growing, her obsession with tragedy through him." I comment putting two and two together as I read that Hunter was convicted of 23 counts of murder.

"So not only are they killers, and messed up in the heads, but they just so happen to bond?" Cisco says with a disgusted voice.

"Rosemary, was heartbroken in her own way when she learned that Hunter was going to go through intense shock therapy. She had seem to grow distant. But she then came around just when I was building the particle accelerator, if you think about it, she planned it all perfectly. She made sure that's the dark matter crept into the facility and boom, she created Zoom."

"Rosemary, she thinks she's outsmarted us, but we know her little monster's secret and that can be our best weapon against them..."

After I explain the plan to everyone, hours later Barry, Cisco, and I were in position back in that creepy place from before.

"You ready buddy?" Barry's asks, Cisco. "You can't Rose have always believed in me. Thank you."

"You got this." I tell him. Cisco then puts on his goggles and takes a deep breathe. I look over at Barry and he gives me a nod. I look back in front and I see those black inked wings of Rosemary's and then Zoom beside her.

Cisco takes off and all four of us face each other. Rosemary smirks looking right at me. "Reverb's doppelgänger had increased his powers."

"Well hatred is a strong motivator." I retort. "You two were unwise to reopen the breach." Zoom says to us. "We're not gonna let you two terrorize another world anymore." Barry spat.

"Without either of your speed, neither of you will be able to stop us."

"Let's find out." I challenge Rosemary, and her smile becomes more sinister.

"This should be fun." She rolls her shoulders and charges at me. I jump up and fly right out of the room, feeling her gaining on me. I hear a thunderous clap and keep my calm as I feel her right on my flank.

Below I see Barry and Zoom racing and Barry actually had a lead on him.

Go Barry! Go...

I feel Rosemary's wing about to hit me, but I refuse to let that happen so I fly harder and faster, seeing my purple lighting roll across my body.

Barry and I both lead Zoom and Rosemary back to S.T.A.R. Labs, where the trap for both of them was all set.

I fly through a room and yell now. Caitlyn flips the switch and Rosemary was blinded by massive amount of lights.

"This isn't going to sto-" I shoot the boot at her and she goes down with a heavy smack.

Caitlyn flips the lights off and Rosemary was on her side trying to flap her wings but thy slowly disintegrated.

"You've gotten faster...good for you." I stand at a good distance away from her. "Yeah, that is good for me, though bad for you. But before I get into the scheme of things, why? Why did you recruit Jay?"

She smiles. "Because when I saw him...he was just as damaged as I was. Maybe even's quite ironic."


"He saw me as his Angel, almost his, God."

"You know you're a sick woman, having Jay come in, gain out trust, we even mourned him when we thought he was killed."

She laughs and that makes me angry.

"People die all the time, if you were to mourn for all of them, you'd never get any work done. And I thought it was quite clever. Like those comic books, you know the ones where Jay's face is actually in them."

"You did that?"

"Why yes, you're too stupid to see that those comics aren't even real. Just clips and copies of art work that I put together."

"You played me?"

"Like a video game, all because, I hate you, but now...I don't think I want your speed. I think I want you to go insane, and they lock you up in Iron Heights, throw away the key while I go to town killing each and every person here, starting with, your loved ones..."

Before I could react she vibrates out of the boot and she raises her hand throwing me across the room shattering along the way.

In a blink of an eye and I scream.

What have we done?

Hours later dad, Barry, Iris and I all get back to the house and it was trashed. "Stay here." Barry and I both race upstairs and seconds after I bump right into Barry, hitting my nose.

"I'm gonna fight y..." Right on the wall written in scorch was; Welcome to insanity, Wally for his speed.

"Wally?" We hear dad yell. Barry shouts up here and we both hear footsteps coming from the stairs. Soon after I feel Iris and dad behind me.

They took my brother, I soon feel a twitch in my spine and I stay silent.

It's my fault, this is all my fault. The whisper repeats in my head. The whisper gets interrupted when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Rose we're gonna get him back." Caitlyn says to me. Her, Cisco and Harry came over to plan and comfort, but I didn't want comfort. I want Zoom and my devilish doppelgänger stopped.

"What if we could stop Zoom and Rosemary through a vibe somehow? We can weaponize-"

"There's not enough time to weaponize, Ramon." Harry points out.

"Okay, what if we modify the pulse ripple to emit a low level EMF.." Caitlyn suggests.

Everyone was coming up with plan A-Z and -1 - infinity. But the only way to solve this problem was to get rid of the common denominator. Which so happen to be in my mind, Rosemary.

I watch as dad leaves the room and Iris follows him.

"Rose?" I then and there Barry stood. I felt this brick in the pit of my stomach so I hold myself. "This is my fault."

"No, no this isn't just your fault. I take part of the blame, if we hadn't agreed as a team, Wally wouldn't have gotten taken." Barry goes to touch me cheek, but I back away from him. "Just give me a minute."

I stand outside and for the first time in the past year, I didn't want to be a hero, I wanted to be a normal person who had normal problems, and didn't know what I know.

I hear a throat clear behind me and I wipe my eyes to turn and see my dad.

"I'm so sorry, dad." I hug him and he hugs me back. "This is not your fault. We didn't know that they'd go after Wally. And I know Barry doesn't have to give up his speed, but he agreed."

I let my father go. "Dad, he can-"

"Barry made the decision, Rose. I'm sorry." I shake my head. "No, Wally is family...and we do and sacrifice anything for family...."

I don't know how to feel as we stand in the main room of S.T.A.R. Labs while Cisco relates the message to Zoom and Rosemary.

We get good news that Wally was still indeed alive and that gave me some ease.

Everyone was getting ready for Rosemary and Zoom to show with Wally.

Barry and I were both suited up waiting as well. I haven't told anyone about Rosemary's change of plans with me and I'd rather not say.

Seconds later Rosemary and Zoom were in the room with Wally.

"Wally hours going to be okay." I reassure him, as I vibrate my voice. "Let him go." I order. "Not until we get what we came for." Rosemary replies. I clench my fist but keep calm.

"My speed, for Wally's life." Barry answers. "Mmm, I do love em smart."

"Hand Wally over and you get what you asked for."

Zoom looks over at Rosemary and she nods. Zoom growls but let's Wally go. Dad checks him over. "You okay? Wally, you need to get out of here."

"But dad-"

"Now Wally!" Dad snaps at him. Cisco grabs Wally out of the room and I feel Wally look back at Barry and I before he leaves.

"Let's get this over with." Barry says to Zoom.

Zoom nods and everyone starts to go into the room with the treadmill.

Before I get there, Rosemary stops me with her telepathy. "How about we play a game? How long can Rose keep her sanity."

"Haven't you had enough?"

"Hm? No." She then raises her hand and I fall to my knees feeling as if my brain was cooking.


"I will, but you need to open that brain of yours and let that other one out." I instantly knew who she was talking about.

"" She forces me harder and I can feel my skull creek under pressure. "Open!"


"Open!" I hear footsteps and the face I look at is Barry's.

"Open up, or I'll crack your skull wide open!" She demands.

I mouth I'm sorry and feel my brain become cold. I felt myself open that door just a crack and I fall on my hands so that I don't fall on my face.

"Rose? Look at me." Barry was right by my side and I...felt nothing.

Not pain, not sadness...I felt...blood thirsty.

I stand up and Rosemary pushes Barry out of the way and grabs my face. "You really did it? Oh, this is going to be so much fun."

"Rosemary?" Zoom calls her name and she lets my face go and walks into the room.

The room seems like it wants to spin, but I stand there.

I don't know what I waited for, but I look across from me and see Barry was running on the treadmill.

I watch as his running becomes a slow sprint, to a slow jog, to a very sloppy walk.

I look at Rosemary and I feel this rush of something enter my brain.

If she was dead, she wouldn't be able to hurt you anymore...

Make it hurt...

Make it painful...


I feel a small smile on my face and I enter the room with everyone.

Zoom, injects himself and I he screams.

Just as he screams, I tap Rosemary on the shoulder. When she turns, I ram my fist into her chest and she gasps. I smile and see a tear fall down her cheek.

"Bye bye, boogeyman." I yank my hand out and set her heart on fire.

She falls with a thud and everyone looks over. Zoom's smile then turns into shock as he sees Rosemary laying in a pile of blood on the floor.

"What have you done?" He runs over and scoops her up. I look at the both of them and feel my eyes get cold.

"You're next." Just as I was going to kill him, he runs out but with Caitlyn.

Wait, why is there blood on my hands

Why did he take Caitlyn?

Wh...why does my brain...

I feel my eyes roll back and feel the back of my head smack the floor hard...

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