Chapter - 15 Death In The Family..

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•Rose's Pov•


"Hm? Yeah?" Travis was walking beside me and he had an annoyed look on his face.

"Did you hear a single thing I said?"


No you weren't you were thinking about Barry again...

"Shu-shucks, want some gum?"

"No, thanks. But like I said do you want to go to aspen with my parents and I?"

Travis and I were walking into the bowling alley and I just couldn't stop thinking about Barry.

"Uh, can I get back to you on that?"

"Yeah. So I never would've pegged you as someone who likes to bowl."

"What? This is like one of my favorite places in the world, and I'm pretty sure one of the many sports that I can destroy you at."

He scoffs and pays for our rental shoes.

"Is that so?"

"Oh yeah." He leans over to kiss me and I hear a throat clear behind me.

"You've got to be kidding me." Travis mutters under his breath.

"Hey, guys." I hear Barry's voice and I feel a smile on my face.

But it goes away when I see he's with Linda.

"Oh, hey."

"So what are you guys doing here?" Travis asks as he puts his arms around me.

Do you have to do that right now?

Barry sees this and looks away.

"Well, Barry recommended this place and said it would be fun. Though I didn't know you guys would be here."

"Yeah, well Barry, Iris and I use to bowl here all the time when we were kids. So we figured we'd come to this old place."

"Uh, why don't you guys join us?" Barry suggests.

"I don't know..."

"Come on Travis. Us versus them. It'll be fun."

"Ready to lose, West?"

I scoff and grab my shoes from Travis.

"I'm not losing Allen, but you are." We smile at each other and get ready to play.

As blame it on the night plays in the background I toss my ball and see it roll down the alley.

The balls seems to slide to the left but I slyly move my hand and the ball goes back to the middle.

"Oh! Strike! Do you smell that Barry? That's what an ass whoopin' smells like."

"Haha you cheated." He say with a narrowed look.

"Me? Cheat? For shame."

I sit go over to Travis and he kisses my cheek.

"You never told me you were this into bowling."

"Sure I have. This place is the greatest place in the world to me. It always have."

Barry gets a full strike and I clap for him.

"Don't clap for him. He's on the opposing team."

I roll my eyes at him.

"Well I'm impressed Allen." Linda says smiling at him.

"You know I heard the owner was thinking of selling. Maybe you could write a piece on the place?" Barry tells her.

"Um, I'm still iffy on whether bowling is an actual sport."

"Same." Travis commented.

Barry was eating a chilli fry and he hands me the other half and I eat it without hesitation.

"Well, sport or hobby, I am still better than you, Barry." He laughs and I take a chilli fry off of his plate, take a bite and give him the other half.

"All right, well, I'm serious a little bit of press, the lanes could be designed as, like a landmark or something."

"You're right, hey Linda if you don't do the story mind if I ask my sister?"

"Sure, though she's more on writing about the flash and his side kick."

I wave my finger and make Linda trip in mid air.

"Careful there. Would t want you to trip on your face there."

"Hey, Travis. You're up."

"Yeah..." He gets up and I rub his shoulders.

"You go Travis!"

Barry gets a call on his cell and he looks at me as he answers it.

"Yeah I'll be right over."

He hangs up and gives Linda a kiss.

Ew I think I just puked a little.

"I gotta go, duty calls. Rose see you at home." He touches my hand as he walks by and I smile.

"See you." I watch him leave.

"Well this was fun but I guess since this date was cut short I can go back to my apartment and work on some more paperwork. See you guys soon." Linda leaves and I get up.

"What was that about?" Travis asks as we walk over to give our shoes back.

"They both had something to do."

"No, not that. You and Barry?"

"Me and Barry? Oh, God don't tell me you're jealous."

"Rose, you and him seem to have a better connection than you and me."

"Travis you're being rid-"

"No, I'm not and until I'm sure you're really in this relationship. Then maybe we shouldn't be together." He walks off and I sigh.

I should go after him and explain that there's nothing going on with Barry and me.

But I'm not even sure if that's true.

"Jerk.." I just notice he left and he drove here.

I take off my jacket and fold it up as I walk outside.

I look around and take off when I see that no one was looking.

I know I shouldn't be near Barry, because he has a girlfriend but I can't help how I feel about him.

Why is life so confusing?

I mean my super hero life isn't this confusing...

Remember when I said my superhero life wasn't that confusing?


The next morning Barry and dad had some news on what happened last night.

"So Clyde Mardon has a brother?" Caitlyn asks after we see the mug shots.

"And both brothers survive the plane crash, and then the dark matter released from the particle accelerator explosion. Affects then both in virtually the same way."

I may seem like I'm listening to them but I'm really sitting behind the desk reading an Avengers comic book.

Maybe my comic book life would be better.

I then listen in on the conversation.

"...well his brother seems to have more control over his powers. I mean to be able to control the weather like that, indoors?"

"You'd have to be a Weather Wizard. Ooh, been waiting since week one to use that one." Cisco takes a drink of his slurpy and gets a brain freeze.

I just shake my head and read my comic again.

Dad takes my comic.

"Listen, Vincent." He instructs.

He's been using my middle name a lot lately.

"Yes father dearest."

Cisco then talks about some kind of device he made way back then when we were dealing with Clyde Mardon.

"Well, the Captain is calling so I need to get to the station."

"I'll meet you there."

"Joe, we'll catch him. So you don't have to worry about anything."

"I'm not worried." Dad kisses my head and walks out.

"Dad, comic?" I sigh knowing he'll give it to me when I get home but I have a double of that copy in my bag.

"We'll he's taking being targeted by a revenge-seeking meta-human rather well, I must say. Don't worry, Rose. You're dad will be safe. I promise."

"Thanks, Dr. Wells. I know."

"Um, can I speak to you for a moment?"

"Of course, Barry." Barry and Dr. Wells walk into his office and look into my bag.

"Dad you sneak." I shoulder my bag and walk out.

"Hey Caitlyn, if Barry asks. I'm at the station getting my comics from my dad."

"You know you seem very calm."

"When you're a cops kid. You tend to develop a calm side." I smile at her but on the inside I want to take Mardon out...

About an hour later, I was reading my comic while, Dad, Barry and Eddie were talking to the captain in his office.

I stretch when I see dad coming towards me.

"Hey, want some wings, Rose?"

I raise a brow.

"I was staring to think you changed my name to Vincent behind my back. But to answer your question. Yes I want some wings."

"Good, let's go." Barry follows and I get a text from Iris.

*Got something to tell you*

*What? Did Eddie do something? If he did I'll beat the crap out of him right now:-/*

*No, but I'll tell you later okay?*


I wonder what my sister has to tell me.


"I haven't had those in way too long." Dad says as he drives and wipes his mouth.

"I know right? So, dad. Wanna talk about what's going on with you?" Barry glances at me in the rear view mirror and dad sighs.

"No, it's bad enough you know about this. But I'm more curious as in how you're so calm."

"I get it from my father." I look out the window and notice it's raining.

"Hm, I didn't know it was going to rain today."

"Yeah me either." Barry turns on the radio then.

"Man it is coming down."

"And it's another beautiful day here in Central City. Not a cloud-"

Dad hits the breaks and we stop.

All three of us turn back and see a rusted pick-up truck slowly following behind us.

Thunder rumbles in the distance.

A bolt of lightening hits the car and I see Barry grab my dad while I kick the car door open and we all leave out just before the car explodes.

Once we were back at the Station the Captain tells my father that he isn't allowed out of the precinct.

Frankly I think Captain Sihn is right.

"Allen, make sure he doesn't go anywhere." He goes into his office and dad looks pissed.

"I need to be out there."

"Dad, you're always the first one to tell us when we're not thinking clearly."

He raises a hand to me.

"Rose, I took down Clyde. I can take down his dirt bag brother too."

"You didn't do that alone, remember?" Barry tells him.

"You're right. You're both right. How are any of these guys going to protect me? They don't know. They don't know what Mardon's capable of."

"All right, well, lucky for you, your friends at S.T.A.R. Labs do. Come on Rose."

We leave my dad at the precinct.

Barry and I were at Jitters, but I was waiting in Iris while Barry was looking up something on his laptop.

"Hey, Rose." My sister sits beside me and I give her a hug.

"Hey, so what did you want to tell me?"

She holds my hands and takes a deep breath.

"I'm late."

"What? No you're not you're like five minutes early."

"No, Rose I'm late." She looks me right in the eye and everything clicks.


Everyone around us looks at us and I whisper.

"What? Are you sure? Wait is it Eddie's?"

She slaps my arm.

"Of course it's Eddie's, but look I need to take a pregnancy test. I'm not 100 % sure but I've been hungry and tired lately."

"That's you during senior year, sis."

"I just wanted you to know first. I mean if I am pregnant then I want you to be the god mother."

"Really? I'm so honored. Wait, can I give my niece or possible nephew a water gun for their first birthday?"


"Awe, come on."

"No, my child will not spray me in the face."

"Well if you have a boy then he will."

"Ew, Rose." She sighs and bumps my shoulder.

"You and Barry seem to be hanging out more."

"Oh, yeah. Well the other night I had bumped into him and Linda at that old bowling place. You know the one we use to go to when we were kids."

"Is that why Linda seems so bitchy at the office lately?"

"What do you mean? Wait did she do something to you? Oh I'm going to smack her into a wa-"

"No, she hasn't done anything to me, but Rose why do I get the impression that Linda is more mad at you and Barry?"

I shrug.

"I don't know. But there's nothing going on." I look over at Barry and I catch him looking at me then look away.

"Rose, leave him alone. He's with Linda and you're with Travis."

I keep my mouth shut about Travis' and I being on a break.


"I'm just looking out for you. You're my little sister and I care."

"Yeah I know."

"Well I wanted to ask you a few questions. My advisor is always teaching me the tricks of the trade, always telling me how to get a good story and one of the things he's repeatedly telling me is to follow your hunch, see where it leads."

"Sounds like some good advice to live by."

"Yeah, it is. Except in this instance, that hunch involves you and Barry."

"Why us?"

I instantly think the worse.

Oh crap she knows that Barry is the flash and I've been working with him!

Stay calm...

"Well, you can ask me anything, sis."

"It's about Harrison Wells."

Thank God it's not about the flash and avenging angel.

"What about him?" I ask.

"Well, I mean, a lot of strange things have been happening in Central city this past year. The flash, the Burning Man, people going missing. He was there at Staggs office the night that Stagg went missing."

Iris then hands me a photo of Dr. Wells in his wheelchair and he was wheeling out of Staggs building.

"And you think that Dr. Wells is what, responsible?"

"I mean, I don't really know him, but you and Barry in the rest of your friends do."

I hand her the photo back.

"Rose, in your heart of hearts, do you think it's possible that there's more to Harrison than people have been led to believe?"

I stand up.

"He's a good man. He's helped Barry and me in ways you wouldn't understand. I mean if you're looking for a story, then you're not gonna find one with him..."

When my sister leaves I tell Barry everything and he just sits there thinking.

When we were at the lab Cisco had showed us the wizard wand.

As Dr. Wells wheels away after to go do some paper work I look at Caitlyn and Cisco.

"Are you two okay? You seem a little off."

"It's just...someone at picture news got it into Iris's head that something suspicious is going on with Dr. Wells."

"Like what?"

"That he knows what happened to Simon Stagg. Apparently, nobody's heard from him of seen him since the night Barry and I Stopped Danton Black."

"What'd you tell her?"

"That she's wrong. And she is."


I glance at Cisco and he looked a bit off himself.


Cisco had left to go give my dad the wizard wand and I sit there in one of the rooms testing out my little fire trick.

I snap my fingers and a purple flame appears.

"Okay...let see if I can..."

The flame goes out and I give a frustrated sigh.

"This is going to take some time.


I jump up and fall out of the chair.

"I'm okay! I'm good! What's up?"

"It's Mardon. He's at the station. Cisco cal-"

I just get up and take off running for my suit.

Barry and I get there just in time to see Mardon causing a mini tornado in the precinct.

Barry grabs the wand on the floor and turns it on.

I on the other hand flap my wings hard and a thunderous clap shakes the room causing Mardon to fall over.

As the atmosphere becomes clear and his powers stop working I get ready to take him down.

But I hear Eddie yell and my focus was on my dad.

Thankfully it wasn't my dad who was hurt.

It was however the captain.

Barry grabs him and takes off.

"They keep getting away..."

Dad looks at me then.

"Go." I nod and take off knowing where Barry is bringing the Captain.

We were all in the waiting room along with Sihn's finance.

Barry and I were back in civilian clothes

And all I could do was think.

Bad guys like Mardon shouldn't make it.

He shouldn't be allowed to be out in the world when he's done thing, bad things to people.

What are you going to do Rosie Posie?

Hey that voice isn't hers.

"Rose?" I look up and see Barry had a cup of coffee in front of me.


He then hands ones to the fiancé and I just look at the cups lid.

When the doctor came into the waiting room everyone but me gets up.

What are you going to do Rosie Posie?

"I...I don't know..."

Remember all the bad guys fall down...

"Joe where are you going?" I look up and see my dad walking out so I get up and toss the coffee in the trash.

"I need to end this."

"Not by yourself."

Dad turns on Barry and he looked angry.

"Yes, by myself! I know him! I can find him. I don't want anybody else getting hurt, especially you, Iris and Rose."

"Dad, Iris is fine. Barry and I-"

"You two maybe he heroes, but you're my kids. Now Mardon said he was going to Avenge his brother. That just tells me he's willing to hurt anyone I love. You stay with Barry and Iris. Be safe." He walks off and I grab Barry's hand as I feel a tear fall.



He looks down at me and wipes my tears away.

"I..I don't know how but I get this feeling that someone close is going to die..."

Barry and I both go to Iris's job and ask a few of her co-workers.

I see Barry talking to a man and someone bumps me.

"I'm sorry." I look and see its Linda.

"Linda, hey have you seen my sister?"

"Nope." She starts to walk away and I stop her.

"I know you know, Linda. Look I understand you don't like me because Barry likes me. But guess what you won. Okay, he's crazy about you and I'm okay with that. Now please if you know where my sister is tell me."

A coffee mug smashes against the wall and she screams.

Was that me?

"She's, she's not here. She went to home she said she didn't feel good."

"Thank you. Barry come on!"

•Barry's Pov•

We get to the house and find Iris on her phone.

"Oh Thank God." Rose says as she catches her breath.

"Hey, have either of you heard from Dad? He's not answering his cell."

"Uh, no. Rose and I haven't talked to him."

I look over at Rose and see her mumbling to herself.

"Rose you okay?" Iris asks.

"Yeah I'm fine. How are you?"

She sighs and sits on the couch.

"Good, just a little worried about dad. But what are you two doing home so early?"

Rose looks to me for an answer.

"Uh, we were looking for you, actually. I just met your friend Mason, and he said he had some kind of proof that Dr. Wells did something. Do you know what it is?"

Rose frowns hearing that but says nothing.

"No, he hasn't told me."


"So Rose, have you spoken to Travis?"

I look at Rose and she has a guilty look on her face as she bites the corner of her lip.

"Uh, yeah. He's doing good we have a date tomorrow.."

She's lying, but why?

"That's good, he's seems like a way better companion than Becky Cooper."

I see Rose make a gag face and I smile.

"Hey, why are we talking about my ex from high school?"

"Because Becky Cooper was a nightmare of a girlfriend. Iris remember the time she tripped me in the girls locker room?"

"Wait she did that?" I ask looking at the two.

"Yeah and Rose got her back good."

"Wait you were the one who put Nair in her shampoo bottle?"

"Guilty. Besides you should have never dated her. She wasn't even right for you."

She laughs and I just look at her.

Maybe you were the one I should have dated...all this time.

"So what about Linda?" I see the grimace on Rose's face before she even notices she's doing it.

"She's um.."

"She's good at her job. Right Rose?"

"Right. She is..."

Sister tag team?

"All right I don't know about you two but I'm getting more worried about dad." Iris gets up.

"Where are you going?"

Rose asks.

"To go see if dad is at the precinct. Why are you acting so strange?"

Rose Scoffs.

"Me strange? Iris I'm like this twenty four seven. As a matter of fact, mind if Barry and k tag along?"

"Uh, sure why not?"


When we get there Eddie was telling his speech on what happened and how they needed to take down Mardon by any means necessary.

"I can't believe this is happening.." Iris whispers.

"We'll find him." Rose whispers back. I see her give a broken smile and look away.

Her hands are shaking and I take her to the side.

"Hey, look at me, all right? I promise I will bring him back t both of you."

She nods.


Iris was on her phone and we both look at her as she looks like she's in tears.

She puts her phone on speaker and brings is close to Rose and I.

"I have your father. He's a little broken, but still alive. If you want him to stay that way, then you and your little sister need to come to the water front, south side. Oh and Iris, you tell anyone but your sister, your father's dead."

He hangs up and Irisr was crying while Rose looked calm.

How is she doing that?

"Look, I'm coming with you two." I hand Rose her bag and grab mine and we leave out quietly.

As we get to the elevator Linda walks out and Rose walks on with her sister.

"Barry, can we talk?"

"No, Linda, I'm sorry, really I can't right now."

"Of course not." She looks over and I see Rose trying to calm her sister down.

"Look it's not like that. It's an emergency. I have to go right now."

We get to the waterfront in no time and a big storm forms in the sky.

"What do we do?" Iris asks.

"He'll find us."

Rose stops and looks off towards the waters.

I do the same and see a mass of dark clouds forming.

"Barry, we need to hurry. And Iris you need to get out of here okay? Get as far away from here as possible." Rose tries to usher her sister away but she won't move.

"No, what's going on? Why is Barry helping and not me?"

I step in.

"Because...we work together."

"I don't understand."

Rose looks at me mouths we need to show her.

I nod and in a quick motion we both put on our suits.

"You too, Barry?"

"Iris, go. We can explain this later. Please listen to your sister."

Iris nods and hugs her sister.

"Bring him back."

"I will." Iris runs off and Rose looks off.

"This looks like this is going to be big, like really big. How are we going to stop this?"

Our radios beep. "Barry? Rose? Something ha-"

"Caitlyn not now. Look Rose and I look like we're about to face a tidal wave that's about to take out the city. How do we stop it?"

"Um, remember when you two first worked together?"

I look at Rose and she nods.

"You two need to run back and forth but go faster."

"I don't know if we can-"

"We can. I know we can, Barry." Rose opens her wings and we both stand there getting ready.

"Rose, before we do this."

I grab her and kiss her on the lips.

When we move apart I smile at her and she looked shocked.

"You choose now to kiss me? When the whole city is in danger? Smooth move Allen."

She gives a small smile and I touch her cheek.

"Hey, after we save the day, you'll get more kisses any time you want. Not just when the world looks like it's about to end."

"I can't wait to talk about this, later. Now let's go."

We both take off in unison.

Her in the sky, me on land.

I can feel the wind hit my face hard. I can only imagine how Rose feels.

The water rises and I keep going faster to match Rose's speed and pace.

I look up in the air and see a lightening bolt come out of nowhere and strike Rose right in the chest.

My heart stops as I see her fall from the sky.

I can see that the middle of her chest was burned out and she was falling.

"No, no, no, no!"

I run the fastest I've ever ran right towards her and a see a big flash of light.

Suddenly I'm on the other side of town.

Wait this looks familiar.

I look on the left of me and see me?

Wait this is just like yesterday.

I stop and look around and everything was exactly the same when I went bowling with Linda.

Did I just go back in time?

Wait is does that mean Rose is...



So yes reader, Rose did indeed die, but hey if you know like I do then no super hero stays dead in fact people keep killing them off, don't worry I won't kill Rose again...until later *evil laugh* don't forget to vote and comment below cause I really love reading your cool/ sweet/ funny comments and I like replying back! XD also as some of you have seen I have a new book out I'll say the name it's called God & Monsters it's an Iron Man/ Tony Stark fan-fic I promise you'll love it just like my other books vote and comment on that one too...pretty please? And maybe you guys will get a cute Bose moment? Haha well time for bed UP UP & AWAY!! My cape turns into a blanket guys or my blanket turns into a cape w/e...

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