Chapter - 16 Barry & Rose Sitting In A Tree...

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•Barry's Pov•

I look around and hear Cisco on my radio.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Yeah, Cisco. I'm here..." But how did I get here?

"What happened? Why'd you stop?" He asks.

"I just got a little disoriented." This is way too weird..

"Well, you need to make up some time, man. You better hurry up."

"Hurry? What are you--"

"Hurry, as in get to the morgue."

"The morgue? I was there. Yesterday." I look around again and things look the same.

"Barry, what are you talking about? You gotta go."

I speed to the crime, scene thinking about if Rose was okay....

•Rose's Pov•

When I get home I hear that the house is empty, but of course if Barry went off to the crime scene dad would be there too, so I decide to test out my little fire trick.

As I start to walk out of my room I hit my toe and curse up a storm.

"Mother fu--"

I then look down and see a comic book hanging out from under my bed.

I remember grabbing just a bunch of comic books the other day but not actually paying attention to the titles.

I figured, hey if it's a comic? Grab it, read it, and pretend like you're listening.

So I pick it up and frown.

"The Flash...Staring Jay Garrick..." I sit on my floor rubbing my toe and decide to see what's up with this comic...

The next morning I was walking into S.T.A.R. Labs with my nose still in the comic.


I look up in enough time when to see Barry damn near speed into me.

"Whoa! Calm down! I sleep right down the hall from you."

"I know, I just. So happy you're alive."

Um okay...

"Yeah, because a paper cut from reading comics is going to kill me." I chuckle and go to sit down but Barry hugs me harder.

"Allen, I can't breath."

"Oh! I'm sorry. I'm just-"

"Yeah I know happy I'm alive. Is everything all right with you?"

Barry goes to speak but Dad clears his throat and I roll my eyes as I go sit down next to Dr. Wells.

"What do you got there, Rose?" He asks me.

"Hm, one of the comics I bought the other day. It's pretty interesting. Want to read it once I'm done?" I show him the cover and he raises a brow.

"No, that's okay. I'm sure that comic is very exciting." He smiles at me and I shrug and open it back up.

I sit there reading the comic as dad and Barry were talking about Mark Mardon, Clyde Mardon's brother.

"So Clyde Mardon has a brother?" Caitlyn asks as she looks at the mug shots.

I lose focus on the conversation and read more into the comic.

This is kind of cool.

I mean if you take me out of the equation then Barry's and Jay's accidents seem so simila-

I feel my dad take my comic.

"Listen, Vincent."

"Joe, you might want to let her read that." Barry says to him as he slowly takes the comic from him.

My dad raises a brow at him but doesn't say anything.

I mouth thank you to him and hear Cisco say something about wanting to say Weather Wizard since week one then he winces.

"Trigeminal headache?"

Barry and Caitlyn says in unison.

I just shake my head at how weird that was  and don't think more of it.

"Mr. Allen, a word please." Dr. Wells says to Barry. Barry goes with him and I look up at my dad looking at them leave the room.

"Dad, everything okay?"

"Yeah, sweetie. Don't tell your sister about this okay?" I do a zip my lip motion and he kisses my cheek.

"You're surprisingly calm."

"Well look who my dad is." He smiles.

"I'll see you at home?"

"That's where my stuff is." I say as I flip a page in the comic book.

"Vincent..." He says in a warning tone.

You know, I'm starting to think, that's my name now.

"I know, I know. Stop being a smart-ass. Love you!"

I close the comic for a second and look over at Caitlyn.

"Hey, Caitlyn?"

"Yeah Rose?" She looks over at me and I see Barry looking at me from the corner of his eye as he follows my dad.

Why is he being so strange today?

"Um, can we run some tests today?"

"Sure on what?"

"My wings, I noticed they looked a little bit more on the dark side this morning."

"Really? Well, let's go run some tests."

"Su-I am not getting in the treadmill..."

"Caitlyn Snow I swear to god!"

I was running on the treadmill again and flapping my wings.

"It seems like it's not stress that's caused them to become darker."

I stop and take in a lung full of air.

"Then what could it be?"

"Could be the change of environment. It could be that your wings change color due to season. Oh like some birds."

I just look at her.

"Are you calling me a bird? Do I have a beak? Don't answer that, I don't want you to jinx me and I wake up with on-"

The monitor beeps and we see Barry on the screen.

We both look and see...

"Is that Mark Mardon?"

Caitlyn, Cisco, Dr. Wells and I were down in the pipeline listening to Mark Mardon have a temper tantrum with Barry.

"I'm gonna break out of here! I'm gonna create a tidal wave that destroys your entire city!"

Barry simply locks the door away and then turns to us with a smile.

I punch him in the arm.


"That's what you get for getting a bad guy without me."

He just smiles at me and I feel a little funny inside.

"So, I don't understand. How did you find him?" Cisco asks.

"I just had a hunch." Barry replies.

"That's some record. Oh I gotta go. See you guys later." I walk out of the pipeline and grab my things on the way.

My phone rings and I answer it.

"I'm coming. I don't understand why you just don't tell me over the phone, Iris."

"Because the news I have is in person worthy."

I roll my eyes but keep heading out the door.

"Well I do want to talk to you about Barry, he's been acting strange lately."

"Isn't that how Barry is?"

"You got a point there..."

•Barry's Pov•

After my little conversation with Dr. Wells I was running late for my lunch date with Linda.

I get there and see her right at her desk.

"Hey! I am here. So sorry, again." I sit down and catch my breath as she turns to me.

"Well, you get a pass considering you're never late." She says as a joke.

"Hey, um...what's going on with you lately?" She asks me.


"Come on. Give me a little credit here."

I sigh and look down for a moment.

I guess I have to tell her.

"I've just been dealing with a lot of things lately. Look, I like you Linda. And we really get along."

"Relationships should be more than just getting along. Your heart should ache for me...does it?"

My mind goes right to Rose when she asks that.

I know she's expecting an answer but I just can't give her one.

Instead of causing a scene and calling me a jerk, she pats my hand.

"You're not upset with me?"

She shakes her head.

"No one did anything wrong."

I stand up and give her a crooked smile.

"I really do feel a lot for you, Linda. It's just..."

"Just not as much as you feel for someone else."

She turns and I look where she's looking and see Rose giving Iris a hug then leaving out.

"Go get her." She then gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks away from me.

I smile after her then look over at Iris.

She was back at her desk so I walk over to her.

Mr. Bridge was talking to her but I don't care I wanted to a chance to talk to Rose.

"Hey, Iris. Mr. Bridge, hi."

"Do I know you?"

Oh crap, in the other timeline we know each other, but not now.

"Oh, no, we haven't met yet-fully, you know, um...Iris, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Uh, yeah, sure."

"We'll catch up later. It was nice seeing you strange young man." He says as he leaves us alone.

"Is everything okay with you and Linda?" She asks.

"Uh, no that's done."

"Oh, I am so sorry."

"No, no, no, it's okay. We're gonna be friends. Um, yeah, no it's gonna be awesome. Uh...anyways is Rose free tomorrow?"

She gives me a funny look as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Why? What's going on with you and my sister?"

"Nothing, just wanted to get some coffee and talk with her...Iris I like her."

"Like her? Or like her like her?"

"I like her, like like her. I know I'm late an-"

She hugs me tight.

"About time dumbass. You're in luck. Rose told me that her and her little boyfriend broke up. Now don't you dare screw this up, I'll set up everything. And Barry of you hurt my sister again."

"I know, you'll make me pay for it."

"Oh, no. I'll bury you and no one will find your body." I swallow hard because I know she's serious.

"Got it."

She smiles and goes back to her desk.

I start to walk out but stop at Mr. Bridges desk.

"I know you think Harrison Wells had something to do with Simon Stagg's disappearance, but you're wrong."

After that's said I walk away from him....

•Rose's Pov•

The next day I was actually walking to Jitters wondering why Barry an I couldn't just talk at home.

I mean we live in the same house!

When I walk in I see his face light up and I can't help but smile back at him.

No, he has a girlfriend.

I let the smile falter and walk over to him.

"Hey!" He greets me first.

God he's so cute though.

"Hey." I reply back.

"I got you one incredibly heavy chocolate croissant and one strawberry milk."

"Just the way I like it."

"Just the way you like it."

We say in unison.

"Yeah, I know. I know you Rose. I guess I've always known you but I was just too blind to see but anyway.."

I look around for a moment.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just looking around for hidden cameras cause you seem awfully strange. What's going on with you? I mean you're acting like Christmas came early." I say as I take a bite out of the croissant.

He chuckled.

"Uh...yeah, no, I guess it did, kind of...."

Barry suddenly holds my hand on the table and my heart skips.

Should I move it?

Don't move it?

So far he's holding it so I let him.

"...Rose, I can't stop thinking about you."

Wait this is a dream right?

I mean can somebody pinch me?

"Repeat that again, Barry? I think I heard you wrong."

"Look, I know I was a jerk to you and I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore. But I honestly want to be with you." He gives my hand a gentle squeeze and my eyes widen.

Is this real life?

Am I in an alternate universe where Barry Allen actually thinks of me and likes me and get this? Wants to be with Me!


"I know. I know that I have awful timing, but I, truly believe that we were meant for each other."

All the things I've been trying to hint to him for years and it all just went right over his head.

"Barry...I really appreciate what you're telling me, and I just want to get this off of my chest. After Christmas, I have tried everyday since then to get over you, to forget what I felt about you and I even tried to distract myself from you. Which is hard since we do work together. And while I'm ready to just say lets do this, I can't yet."

He frowns and I quickly explain.

"What's my favorite color?" I ask.

"Royal purple, why?"

I hold up my hand.

"How many times have I broken my sisters things?"

"More times than I can count. But what doe-"

"When did you start feeling this way about me?"

If he gives the right answer to this like the other questions I will love this man forever, I swear...

"...I..I think I always had a soft spot for you Rose. When we met you played my nurse and made sure I was okay. At soccer games when ever you saw I got hurt you'd be the first one to get to me. When we would stay up late talking I always felt this special part in my heart for you. But I guess, I loved you from the beginning and was-"

I lean over the table and kissed him.


Not the other me.

Not some strange urge inside of me.

But me.

Rose Vincent West finally kissed Barry Allen on her own free will.

I move back and feel a tear fall.

"Hey, why are you crying?" He wipes the tear away.

"Because I knew you always loved me back you were just too stupid to realize that." We both laugh and then I remember.

"Oh God you and Linda."

"No, me and her broke up yesterday. And before you ask, no you are not the rebound."

I look at my milk and then look at Barry again and smile.

"Can you pinch me?"

Barry and I walk to S.T.A.R. Labs just talking about little things as we held hands.

If you were to tell six year old me that future me would be dating Barry she probably would have said no way Jose.

As we walk in Caitlyn looks at us with a raised brow.

"What? No whoosh-in from you two?"

I smile at her and shrug.

"It felt like a walking kind of day."

"Are you two?" She asks.

I guess our smiles gave us away.

When I glance at Dr. Wells he had a blank expression on his face.

"Well not to mess up the happy moment but have either of you talked to Cisco?"

I shake my head but Barry gets a devilish grin on his face.

"I did and trust me, I think his little friend kept him busy all night."

"Wait Cisco met a girl? Wait he didn't make her like on that crazy movie back in the eighties."

"Yes he met a girl and no she isn't some woman he made over the Internet."

I roll my eyes but laugh as Barry lets my hand go to answer his phone.

"Hey Joe what's up?"

The smile on Barry's face soon was replaced with a shocked look.

I wonder what dad is telling him?

"Wait cold is back?"

We all look at him then.

He then hangs up and sighs as he looks up at us.

"Well, this day just keeps getting better, doesn't it?" Dr. Wells says directly to Barry...

Barry and I save the few civilians out of the casino until we stand there ready to face Snart.

"How many times are we gonna go through this, Snart?" Barry yells.

"Until the best man wins!" Snart yells back as he goes to fire at Barry.

I move quick and grab the woman that was with him and point her own weapon at her face.

"Drop the gun!" I command.

Snart raises both hands and walks forward.

I swear if he makes one false move...

"Now you, you have authority, and I like that, Angel. Oh by the way, meet my baby sister. Lisa, these two are the flash and the avenging angel..."

She smirks and I'm tempted to let her gun just shoot her for the hell of it.

"Cisco has been very, very busy. Unless you want me to mail small frozen pieces of him back to his family, I'd take your hands off her."

Don't do it Rosie Posie, kill her.

Pull the trigger.

I know that's not the other me so I let his sister go though I really didn't want to.

"Let him go, Snart."

He looks at Barry and smirks.

"I'll think about it." Him and his sister walks away from us and all I wanted to do was shoot her.

Okay maybe anger management wouldn't be so bad...

As Barry was at the crime scene with dad all I could do is think about how Cisco was with Snart and his damn sister.

Barry was coming back to the lab and Dr. wells had finish setting up the footage of when Cisco went missing.

We all watch.

"So there's Cisco getting into a car with Snart's sister....and the license plate is iced over."

Barry slams his hand on a table and I just sit there just listening.

"You're right, Dr. Wells. I screwed with time and now time is screwing with me."

What is Barry talking about?

Dr. Wells looks over at me then looks back at Barry.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

Barry looks at me with a guilty look.

"It's nothing, Rose."

"Sure doesn't look like nothing. Dr. Wells? Care to tell me what's going on?"

"No, I don't want it damage anything. Rose you're just going to have to trust Barry on this one."

But why can't I know the secret?

"Did you guys find Cisco?" Caitlyn asks as she enters the room.

"I don't know ask the secret twins..."

We work together to see if we can ping Cisco's phone at least.

"There's nothing on the satellite thermography." Caitlyn mutters.

"You were right. The this is all my fault." Barry says.

"How is this your fault?" I ask while looking at him.

Why does it feel like he's hiding something, something between him and Dr. Wells?

"Brave hart, Barry we'll get Cisco back."

"I'm back." We all hear Cisco's voice and turn to see he had a black eye and a bloody lip.

"Oh my god. Are you okay?" Caitlyn asks as she runs over to him.

"We were so worried." I tell him as I go over and hug him along with Caitlyn.

"What happened?" Barry asks.

"How did you escape?"

"I didn't...he let me go."

"He just let you go? Why?" That sounds weird even for Snart.

"He...he tortured my brother. And he said he was gonna kill him if I didn't...if I didn't tell him..."

He looks at Barry and I and I think I know what he's about to say.

"...who the flash and avenging angel are. I'm so sorry, I mean they...they could've killed me. But they were gonna kill my brother. I couldn't let him do that..." Cisco begins to cry.

Honestly I would do the same if Iris was involved.

Barry then goes up to him and hugs him.

"Hey. We put you in that position."

"Barry's right. We're the ones who should tell you sorry." I give him another hug and let go.

"Where are you going?" I ask Cisco as he starts to leave the room.

"I don't deserve to be here. I won't be the one to put you two in jeopardy. Not again. Never again..."

Dr. Wells goes after him.

Caitlyn calls them over the intercom about fifteen minutes later.

When I saw Cisco back by Wells' side I gave him a smile.

"The casino wasn't the target." Barry tells them.

"Then why did he do it?"

"Casinos keeps tons of money on hand to cover their markets, not to mention the money that they make."

"But if they're under attack. The protocol is to relocate the money outside the casino."

"So, that's Snart's plan all along. To trigger the move." Dr. Wells figures the rest out.

Cisco walks up next to Caitlyn and asks where is the money going.

Once Barry and I get the coordinates we suit up and run/fly to where Snart is trying to get the money.

When I see Snart, his sister and Mick, I swoop in and yank Snart out of his motor bike and Barry leads me to the woods so we can talk to him.

I drop him at a safe distance and land beside Barry.

"Good to see you two, Barry and Rose."

Barry and I take off our masks and look him in he eye.

"We have to talk."

"We know Cisco told you who we are.."

"Can't really blame the kid for giving you two up, Rose. Let's see your secret? Or his brothers life? I mean come on. I put him in a tight spot. Same kind I got you two in right now. Can't really stop me now that I know who you both are."

"One of us could speed you to our private prison where you'll never see the light of day."

He laughs at that.

"You could, but then I won't be around  to stop my own private uplink that'll broadcast your identities to the world. So, the million dollar question. What do either of you do with me now, Barry and Rose?"

"We won't let you keep stealing whatever you want, whenever you feel like it. It needs to end." I command.

"Can't do that. It's what I do." He replies back.

"Then find a new line of work." Barry retorts.

He shrugs.

"Don't want to."

"Why is that?" Barry comments.

"The same reason you two keep running after guys like me. The adrenaline. The thrill of the chase. I love this game. And I'm very good at it."

Is this guy serious?

"Then go play it somewhere else. Leave Central City."

"Can't do that either. I love it here..." He inhales deeply and ways his gun around.

".... This city is my home."

I scoff at him.

"You've seen what we can do. You know that we can stop you. You want to keep pushing your luck, go for it. But from here on out, no one else dies. If you're as good as you say you are, you don't have to kill anyone to get what you want." I stated to him.

He cocks his head to the side for a moment.

"That's true..." I can hear the contemplation in his voice.

So I step forward.

"And if you, or anyone in your rogues gallery goes near any of my friends or family again, I don't care who you tell our identity too. Either we put you away or I put you down...permanently."

He smiles at my threat but he knows I'm serious.

"I guess your secrets safe...Angel. For now." I take a step back from him and put my mask back on and so does Barry.

"Oh, I don't suppose you'd give me a ride back to town, would you?" He asks me.

I open my wings and take off leaving him in the dust as Barry runs below me.

We have an enemy that knows our identities.

But at the end of the day, Barry and I will fight for our own.


Rosie, Posie...

I shake my head to silence her.

The laugh she has sounds like a villainous clown.

The one I heard about in Gotham.

I shiver pushing that thought away and go right to my room.

Barry was at S.T.A.R. Labs, while I was at home. I felt happy and confused about a few things.

Barry and I only really talked today and yet I feel like he's keeping something from me.

I turn to my side and see its raining outside.

"Men are so confusing..." I say with a yawn.

•Third Person•

As we see our heroine lay in bed, you can see a pained expression on her face as her inner self fights it out with her inner demon. They both seem to fight about who gets to whispers in dear Rose Wests head.

Let's just say, Rose will need to learn how to tame her demon...



This chapter may have a few mistakes and I want to say sorry in advance I'm on my phone because my internet is being crap but anyways what do you think and yes I made the edit myself I'm so happy with it 😍 haha comment below and don't forget to vote plus I have a few hints in this chapter for part two aka season two when it's released...On my birthday! Yes 23 for me! Haha but anyways hope you all like this chapter. Well Up Up and away I go!!!

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