Chapter- 16) Sacrificial Lamb

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•Rose's Pov•

There's blood everywhere, but mostly on my hands and feet. Some of it mine, some of it her's. But I'm not dead.

I refuse to die, because I have so much to live for.

So I sit in the corner of the cell wondering how will I explain how I've yet again slaughtered my doppelgänger once again. But I did not want to kill her. I wanted to save her, rehabilitate her. She was the one who just kept coming.

"I wish you hadn't underestimated me." I mutter as I glance at her broken body.

I place my hands on my head and just shutter at how she just kept coming after me.

I hear something and jump thinking she wasn't completely dead. But it was the cell door and right there I saw Barry, Cisco and my father, staring at the bloody mess that I was involved in.

"I...won." I go to stand but fall in Barry's arms. "I got you." I feel a slight pinch to my neck and feel like I'm about to pass out.

I see Cisco move the needle away from me and Barry carries me. I glance back and dad was looking down at the bloody mess that slowly started to disintegrate into a pile of blood on the cell floor...


"Do you know who you are?" Cisco asks shining the brightest damn light in my face. "I'm going to cut your hair while you're sleeping if you don't get that light out my face."

He flicks the flashlight off. "Yeah, that's our Rose." Barry then moves in front of me moves my hair out of my face.

"Sorry, we just--" I touch his face with my now cleaned hand. "Needed to take precautions, I know. But trust me, it's me..." I see my sister and I smile.

"Please don't yell." She came over and kisses my head. "I won't yell, but uh, dad says that there was someone else in the cell with you?"

I sit up a bit and reassure Barry and Iris that I'm fine.

"I should start from the beginning. While I was in that, comatose state, I was basically having this nightmare in my mind. And my...evil self, the one I thought I had taken care of last year, she never left. She just crept back into my head and stayed there until she saw an opening. But anyways, I got some good advice from someone important and decided to face my demon. And so we fought in my head and just when she through she got the best of me, I woke up. I felt this pain in my throat and when I coughed, it was like a Steven Spielberg movie. She somehow manifested and tried to choke me. But I...I managed to get us into the cell, because I knew she couldn't escape. And we fought more, she was strong but I had something worth fighting for..."

I look around the room at my friends and family. "So she's gone?" Cisco asks. "Yes, she is gone. This time I made sure she was taken care of. If I had things my way. I would have kept her alive and somehow got help for her."

"Not that I'm saying anything negative, but I'm much happier that you're alive than her." My dad says as he kisses my head.

"Thank dad. So what did I miss?" Everyone looks at me and I have a feeling, I missed a chunk of the action....

As the sirens blare, I stand up on a building below.

"Rose, get ready." Cisco says on my headpiece. "On it."

I see the Flash whiz by so I take my cue and swoop down. I land right in front of this speeding car, just 10 feet before it, then I raise my hand so that the car comes to a complete stop.

I can see the guys inside reaching for their guns, so I flipped the car upside down. "You bad guys never learn." I say with a smirk. As the police come up, I let the car back down and I see my dad yanking the door open and he points his gun.

"Hands where I can see them!" He yells.

I take off flying back to S.T.A.R. Labs and see Barry coming out of the treadmill room breathing heavy. I lean over and kiss his cheek. "You did great out there." He blushes and I look at everyone.

"You all did great out there. But what's going to happen when people find out the Flash out there is a hologram?"

"Don't ruin the image." Cisco says while eating a licorice strip. "Hey, he was looking a bit glitchy, I don't want someone trying to go through me with their car." I retort as I take off my mask.

"Maybe they should.." I hear Cisco mumble. So I kindly flip my finger and his hair gets messed up.

"Rose is right, it's not going to last. It won't be long until Zoom finds out and then he comes after Rose for what she done." Harry says getting a scowl from Cisco.

I look at my boots and I feel Barry place his hand on my lower back. "Don't worry." I scoff.

"Don't worry? We still need to get Caitlyn back, get your powers back, and oh, I have to face the wrath of Zoom because I killed his girlfriend." I whisper the last part and Barry moves me to the next room so that we're alone.

"Don't worry about my powers, Harry and I have been working on ways on getting them back."

"Okay that's one worry, what about Zoom and Caitlyn?"

"We will find away. Until then, just stick with the plan and-"

"Yeah yeah, don't wonder far from my dad and Iris. I mean that's fine an all but now that I'm on house arrest, which in my defense is stupid when Zoom can easily run past a bullet, I can do anything. I feel helpless." Barry kisses my forehead and I sigh. "Rose, all of these people here? Want to keep you safe, me included. So when I say don't worry-"

"Don't worry. I'll worry a little, it comes with the name. West's tend to worry."

"Well, don't."

I pinch my brow for a second. "Wait, how are you going to get your speed back?"

"Harry thinks that if we rebuild the particle accelerator and reenact everything that happened that night, that I'll get my speed back."

"He's insane, that contraption put us both out for nine months."

"I know, and I'm trying to convince him to go about this in a more safer route."

"Not to mention, the gaping hole we created, and all of those henchmen that came after us, did he forget how many metahuman stay are out there not because of the first one?"

Barry places his hands on my shoulders. "Rose, look at me."

I look him in the eye and feel a bit better. "I will fix this. Okay?"

I hesitate but then nod. "Okay..." He gives me a gentle smile and kisses my lips this time and I can't help but feel that if they do rebuild the accelerator, that something dangerous is going to happen.

•Barry's Pov•

The next morning, I decided to talk to my dad about a few things. And since both Joe and Iris were busy, I decided to bring Rose along.

"You know I could've stayed at my place, you know watched Hulu, eat some food, nap?" I laugh and open the door for her.

Right outside my dad was cutting some wood. "Hey Henry." Rose greets him and he puts the axe down as she walks over and hugs him.

"Glad to see you're okay. Barry was a wreck when you had your accident." Rose looks back at me and smiles. "I'll let you two talk. Uh, can I?" She motions to the wood.

"I can do--" Rose raises her hands and the wood splits. "--or you can." Dad laughs and I give him a hug.

"How are you?" He asks. "Good, you know." My dad looks me over. "Rose, we're heading inside, come in when you want." She nods. "Got it Henry." Dad brings me inside. I look at an old family picture of my parents and I. "Sure is a pretty drive up here, Rose really liked how open it was."

"It's a nice place to get away from it all. So when are you and Rose?" I rub the back of my head. "I've been wanting to ask her, but the time doesn't seem right."

"She's like your mom. Caring, sweet, a spark of light and darkness. She's perfect for you." Dad tells me. "Don't I know it." I say as I see Rose stacking the wood outside with her powers.

"I'm curious, why do to speedsters need a car?" I had told my dad somewhat of roses accident but I didn't tell him about me losing my powers. I didn't want him to get too worried about me.

"Because... I'm no longer a speedster."

"You lost your powers? Did rose?" I shake my head. "No, just me. I had gave them up to save Wally, Joe's son. Zoom had him, so it was either give him my speed, or... I just couldn't let Wally die."

"No, you couldn't..."

"Now Jay has Caitlyn and we have no idea how to save her. Rose is on his hit list for sure--"

"Wait why did Jay take Kaitlyn? And why is Rose on his hit list?"

"Jay... It turns out Jay Garrick is not the flash from earth two. He's Zoom... And that accident I kind of told you about with Rose? She killed his girlfriend."

My dad looked shocked. "That's just... Wow... Wait did you say Garrick?" I nod. "Why?"

"That was my mother's maiden name." I sigh. "Maybe, Wells is right. Maybe I should try to get my powers back."

"How would you do that?" He asks. "By re-creating the particle accelerator explosion."

"And getting struck by lightning again? That doesn't seem like the safest option, does it?" I shake my head and see Rose using her powers to help move the leaves into a pile. "No."

"I've watched you grow ever since you became The Flash, and I am so proud of that man. But ask yourself, do you really need powers in order to be that person?" I keep watching Rose and she looks over at me with a smile. It's just seems like every time something good happens in my life, it's taken away."

"Well maybe it's time we did something about that..."

•Rose's Pov•

Henry, Barry and I all walk into S.T.A.R. Labs and I see my sister along with everyone else.

"Henry?" I was rocks over and give him a hug. "Hey Iris." He says. "What are you doing here?"

"He's here to stay!" I say excitedly. Henry chuckles at my enthusiasm. "Well I figured I should spend some time with my son."

"Have you told dad yet?"

"No, I wanted to tell him in person. But have you seen him?" Barry asks Iris. "Yeah, he's with Wally at CCPD. I'll give him a call." Barry smiles and helps his father get settled.

As Iris walks out with her phone I stop her. "Hey, so, did you hear this crazy talk about recreating the accident to get Barry's powers back?" She nods slowly. "I think it's crazy, but you know how Barry is."

"I do, and I also know that he's making a big mistake." Iris puts her hand on my shoulder and looks me in the eyes. "Have you talked to him about it?" I glance over at Barry and his dad then back at my sister. "No, but I will."

•Caitlyn's Pov•

"Stay still, or I will deliver your dead body at the feet of your friends." Zoom tells me. I stand there frozen at the top of the stairs of CCPD.


I just watched him skin his dead girlfriend and make an alter with it, there's no way in hell I'm moving.

"Zoom!" Joe yells as everyone gets their guns ready. "Hello old friend.." Zoom says as he stares at Wally. "You stay away from him." Joe moves his son behind him and Zoom looks like he's about to attack but I speak up.

"What would she say? What would our Angel say?" He looks at me and for a split second I see him look a bit sad but that emotion goes away quickly.

"Tell the everyone, the city is mine...and bring the girl to me...and if anyone disobeys my orders, will surely meet their end..."

•Rose's Pov•

"Caitlyn's with Zoom." My dad announces. "Why would he bring her here?" Iris asks. "To show power. That's exactly what he did on my earth." Harry answers.

"What are you talking about?" My dad asks. "The first thing he did was murder people. Something I'm sure Rosemary had encouraged. He slaughtered a bunch of policeman, then they both recruited every meta-human they could find. And those that disobeyed... My daughter killed." That sent shivers down my spine.

"Where are the police now?" Barry asked. "Outside the precinct."

"dad, he'll kill them. He'll kill them all, let me-"

"I already had Wally and his reach, not you too."

"I'm not Wally, I have powers, maybe I can reason with him." I try to put my idea out there but he dashed it. "no, will find another way. Maybe Caitlyn can convince him to stop some of this madness. I watched her talk him out of attacking everyone at the CC PD."

"Dad, you really think that's going to help a second time around? Who's to say he won't kill Caitlyn and then just come after me? Get those people out, and let me come."

"How about if they set up at jitters?" Barry suggests. I glare at him, but he doesn't look at me.

"That's a good idea, it's a block away from the precinct."

"And then what, Allen? What happens next? You saw what Zoom did when he was with my daughter, now imagine him on his own with no orders to follow. He will do the same if not worse than what he did on my earth. You need to get your powers back, Barry."

"There must be another way." Henry intervenes. "There's not." And with that Harry walks out of the room. "We are going with Barry's plan. I don't want to hear it Rose. Barry keep her safe, I'm going to tell the captain the plan. Get him to set up a task force at jitters."

"And then what?" Iris asks. "I don't know yet but I'm also going to make sure Wally and a Jesse are safe as well." As my father walks out I shatter a glass, simply from looking at it.

•Caitlyn's Pov•

I'm handcuffed to a desk, and I'm trying to remain calm. "You know he doesn't deserve her. I'd make her happy. I'd make her feel like the Queen she is..." Zoom says as he walks out of the shadows of the CCPD.

"Why would she want a monster like you?" I see his eyes darken a bit. "We're all monsters. Some of us are just better at hiding it than others. Now here's the deal, you have the option of leaving, but if you do, the moment I see you with them, I will kill you along with them. But if you stay, then I will spare your life and leave once I'm done here."

"She's never going to leave Barry for you." I tell him. He smirks and kneels down. "Then I'll just have to crumble her world until she sees I can save her from falling into the depths of the earth."

When Zoom leaves, I hear buzzing and see someone had a cellphone under a desk.

I really need to warn my friends what Zoom plans on doing...

•Rose's Pov•

My brother and Jesse are both being held in the secret room and here I am, in a cell.


"Rose, I'm sorry, but this plan has to work, you can't be there."

"Barry! Barry!" I scream out in frustration as he runs off.

"Real smart, trust the one super hero who doesn't have their powers to go up against Zoom." I slap the wall and slide down on the floor.

I sit there for about and hour and close my eyes thinking about how crazy today is getting, and how this lump in my throat is making it so hard to breathe.

"Mom, what do I do?" I look at the door and start to hear something unscrew from the door.


I get up and listen again.

I hear small plinks and the door then falls flat to the ground.

"Thank you Mom." I throw a fist in the air and sneak up to the main room. I freeze when I hear Zoom's voice.

"Don't think I won't come for you. There's no place you can hide, there isn't an earth you can fly to. I will come for you and I will make you regret this."

I back up just in time as Iris walks in. Luckily she didn't see me.

"Well that plan was a bust." I do a mental eye roll.


I then creep down to Cisco's little work shop and see Harry writing down some equations on the clear board.

"I feel like I'm missing something." I hear him mutter. He pinches the bridge of his nose, and sighs.

"Wells?" Henry calls out his name and I duck down.

"Be right there." I hear his footsteps walk past and I wait a few more minutes just to make sure the coast is clear.

I then get up and walk over to the board. All I see are symbols, letters and numbers.

But I look closer and notice something. "I know this, this is the formula get Barry's speed back."

That night flashes back in my mind and I suddenly know what Harry is missing.

I go to touch the board but I hear footsteps so I take off running until I'm in the main roo down stairs.

I hide in the shadows, and see everyone coming downstairs. The last person I see coming, was Barry and he was wearing his suit.

"What are you doing Barry?" I whisper.

"So how does this work?" Iris asks, as she watches Harry set up something. "It's an abbreviated version of the accelerator evil Wells built, except Harry is isolating the anti-matter and dark energy to direct it to Barry instead of the entire city." Cisco explains. "Good last thing we need is more meta-humans running around central city." I hear my dad say. "So...Barry just gets in, we turn it on, and that's it?" Iris asks. "Yeah. No. Not exactly. In addition to re-creating the particle accelerator explosion, we also have to re-create what happened to Barry."

"Getting struck by lightning." Barry says as well as I think to myself. Wait, so how are you going to do that? It's not even raining outside." My sister asks. My palms start to sweat thinking about that night Barry and I both got stuck.

"Well, Ramon you have the wand." Harry says looking at Cisco. "The one I made for Mark Mardon?"

"No the one you built for the Harry Potter convention. Yes, of course, the one you built for Mardon."

Well how do you know about that Harry Potter convention? Did Rose tell you?"

I told him..

"Get the one. Get on the roof." Harry instructs. "Why the roof?" My dad asks.

Yeah why the roof?

"Because we're going to need a lightning rod, and that Ramon, is going to be you." I can see nervousness run across Cisco's face, but he nods and does what he's told.

I watch as they help Barry into the contraption and hear Cisco say on the intercom that he was on the roof. Harry gives him instructions on what to do and my heart was racing.

Calm down, The lightning and thunder isn't going to get you, you are an adult, a hero. You got this.

"All right Barry you're going to feel these clamps, but they're necessary." Harry explains. "You good?" My dad asks very as he watches him. "Yeah. You?" My dad says nothing. "I'll be fine, Joe. Really."

I look at Barry and for some strange reason I feel like he knows I'm in the room.

As each person tells very something special, I start to feel nervous. "Calm down Rose. Calm down."

I hear Harry ask Barry if he was ready and I start to feel like the walls are closing in.

Harry then closes Barry off by a glass and I was on the same side with Barry. The building shakes and I palm the wall. I watch as something gets injected into Barry and watch him cringe and so do I.

"Stop." I slap my hand over my mouth and hope no one heard me. I hear thunder in my body reacts before my mind. I run and jump on Barry. I can feel Barry wanting to hold me and then suddenly I feel something hot hit my back, no hit the base of my spine.

My mouth clamps shut which stops my screams but I was in true pain.

"Rose!" Barry yells. My breathing get short. We then get hit by the dark matter and my hand slipped away from him. I see the fear in his eyes and everything seems to slow down.

I look at my hand and  my skin was peeling back. I smell electricity, I smell my skin burning. I never get the chance to scream though, instead Barry does it for me.

All I can think as I go up in smoke, was game over...




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