Chapter- 17) Stranger Things In The Universe

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•Barry's Pov•

"What happened?" Was all I heard as I watch the smoke clear.

"No, no, no, no. Why does this keep happening!?" I scream.

"Barry calm down." My dad tells me. "Where is my daughter? Where is she?!" Joe yells at Harry. I see Iris drop to her knees and cries as she mourns for her sister.

My dad helps me out of the contraption and I lean on him so I don't fall.

Suddenly I see a black shadow from the corner of my eye. It was a Zoom. He reaches down and picks up one of Rose's feathers.

"Now, everyone will suffer, all because you killed what was rightfully mine." He runs out and I collapse.

"Barry! Barry breathe! Son breathe!"

•Cisco's Pov•

This wasn't supposed to happen. None of this. Rose literately going up in smoke before our eyes. Barry having a seizure. None of it. As everyone helped Barry and Jesse, I stay behind and look at Rose's feathers. I crouched down and as I pick one up I see Rose. She was floating in air looking at something. I gasp and take off running to tell everyone the good news. Rose... Rose is alive.

•Rose's Pov•

When I wake up I hear rain against the window, but surprisingly I don't hear thunder or lightning. I get up from my bed and look around at my old toys.

I gently touch my old pink bunny and hear my door creak open. I see a shadowed figure walk past. "Hey!" I run into the hall and see a glimpse of it so I run down the steps. I stop dead in my tracks because I see my old ball at the bottom of the steps and I want to hide from it.

"Don't let something as simple as a piece of rubber control you." I look up and see my dad.

"Dad, I thought you threw this ball away."

"I didn't, but your father did." I take a step back. "Am I dead? Oh God, I can't be."

"You're not dead. But how does that little piece of rubber make you feel?" I look at it and I want to throw it. I want to burn it. "I hate it." I go to raise my hands to send it flying but nothing happens.


"We thought you'd be more comfortable talking to someone who looked familiar and in a place you knew." The dad wanna be tells me. I look up at him. "We? Who's we exactly?" I asked with concern.

He sighs. "That's a little hard to explain. Sit Rose." I walk away from the ball and sit down, looking at my shaky hands. "Rose, how much do you know about the speed force?"

"It's... The source of my powers... And Barry's as well. It's what makes a speedsters." I say as I swallowed hard.

"Yes...and no."

Okay I'm confused.

"When the first subatomic particle sprang forth from the Big Bang to form reality as you know it, we were there. When the last proton decays, stopped vibrating, and plunges the universe into heat death, will be there too."

Scary shit..

"Wait, so I'm talking to the speed force?" He nods and I think I'm going crazy. "Isn't that like saying, I'm having a conversation with gravity or light or..." He smiles and that's my cue to leave.

"It was nice talking to you fake dad--"

"you need a minute. It's OK if you do. It's a lot to take in."

No shit!

"You're telling me, that I am speaking to the source of my powers, which just so happens to look like, my father."

"I--" I stop him. "I don't know why you brought me here, but you need to send me back. My friends, my family are in danger from the Zoom." I see that shadow pass the window outside and I want to go after it.

"Did you see that?" I asked. "You're not going back." I raise a row and walk to the front door. "Watch me..." I turn the knob and the rain stops as I take off running after the shadow...

Damn, I gotta lay those chicken nuggets, I think to myself as I catch my breath. I look around and search for that shadow, but instead I see...

"Iris, did you see that shadow that passed by?" She smiles at me. "We're glad you made it Rose."

"What the--how?" She motions to the bench. "Sit Rose. Sit, you're always either on your feet are always in the air."

Damn it, she's right, and my legs feels like jello from running after that shadow. So I sit down next to my fake sister.

"You know, Barry really wanted to purpose to you here." I roll my eyes at her. "That would sound sweet coming from him. You? Not so much." She chuckles at my comment. "We thought this place and this face would be less upsetting to you. Yet you seem upset."

I grip the bench. "My friends, my family, my boyfriend, and the city I live whole world is in danger. Zoom is on a rampage with the power that he stole from Barry, and you won't help me get home." I snap at her.

"You were given a rare and precious gift, and you rejected it." She gets me more angry then. "No! I did not reject it. These powers made me crazy! I had hurt people! Instead of going the dark route, I chose to be a better person. I help save lives! I had almost died on multiple occasions for this gift, for the people I love, so don't you dare say I rejected this gift. And all I ask, bag. Is that you'll help me get back home. Please."

"That's not what we meant." I scowl at her. "if you would rather have given these powers to somebody else, why did you give them to me?"

"Because you're the Avenging Angel, Rose."

What does that even mean? As I think about what she had said to me, I look in the distance and see a cloud forming.

"Rose! Rose look at me." I hear Cisco's voice and I stand up from off the bench. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Those are your friends. They want you to come back." She answers. "Can I?" I take a step forward and see the shadow from the corner of my eye pass.

"Of course, Rose. But if you do, you won't be any help to them." I hesitate. I stare into the cloud and I see Cisco with his hands out towards me. "Rose, take my hand! I don't have much time take my hand!"

The shadow runs by again and I want to go with Cisco, but I know my answers are with that shadow. "The choice is yours Rose."

I'm so sorry.

I turn around and go after the shadow. I hear cisco call my name, but I just run faster after the shadow...

I was panting now, almost about to hack up along as I lose the shadow again.


I hear bouncing and I see the ball roll to my feet. I use all the strength I have left and kick that sucker as far away from me as possible.

"Stay away from me!" I yell. I turn and see, fake Wally I mean. See the pattern here?

"Can you not use my baby brothers face?" He smiles at me. "Calm." He holds his hand out to me. "No, no, I don't have time for this."

"Yes, you do, Rose. You have all the time in the universe, literally." I step to him, feeling all kinds of pissed off. "No, I don't. They need me, and here I am running after a stupid shadow."

"Why?" He asks.

"Because, I just know, it has something important to show me. Now will you--why are we here?" I look around and we're standing in a graveyard.

"No, I don't want to see her this way. I don't, you can't make me." I hear bouncing and I lose it. "Get away from her! Get away! Get away! You can't have my mother! Not--not again!"


"I don't want to be here!" I scream at him.

"You know it wasn't your fault."

"Since you know so much, did you know ever since that day, I wanted to be a bird. So that I could've swooped down and save her? So that that car wouldn't have hit her?" I wipe my tears angrily. "Why am I here?"

"Your mothers death, it happened to you and it made you who you are, but I see you haven't entirely accepted it. Accepted that you couldn't save. Maybe that's why you've avoided this place." I let my tears fall.

"I...I just, don't want this to be real. But it is and I don't like it. I always wonder, what if I could go back, and save my mother? Would I know the truth about my real mom? Would Wally be a stranger who happens to look like me on a passing street? What if?"

"Rose, what if's don't exist in the past." I chuckle sadly hearing that. "Boy don't I know it."

"Say you could have saved her, then all those lives you saved, they would no longer be on your hands, you wouldn't be you. Don't you think your mother would rather want this version of you?" I stand up and look at him. "I'll never know, because she's dead." I need to get home, so I go running off hoping I'll find the shadow along the way.

It's night time and I still haven't seen the shadow. So I go back to the fake house and begin to except defeat. I see the shadow at the foot of the stairs and book it.

"Get...back here."i'm standing in a room of pink and blue balloons painted on the walls. "Mom?" Sitting in a rocking chair was Francine. "Hi Rosebud."

"You're not my mother." My voice cracks looking at her. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"We're not doing anything to you, baby girl. You're just so tired. Sit Rose, sit." I sit down on a trunk and wipe my tears. "I'm a mess. I'm a screwup."

"No you're not, baby." She pulled me into a hug and I cling to her. "Yes I am, I can't keep either mother alive, I can't keep my loved ones safe, I'm a screwup." I sob.

"My beautiful Rose, you are the purest soul, who's fought, and has loved many people. You are no failure, you are strong, and you are destined for greatness. What you've become... It's wonderful. A miracle even, but it won't make bad things stop happening to you, or to your loved ones. Even The Avenging Angel can't fly away from the tragedies the universe is going to send her way. You have to accept that. And then you can truly fly free." I nod. "Okay, I just, this weight on my shoulders gets really heavy at times and I just wish I had my mother, either of them, here with me. Mom... Help me. I need you." My voice trembles a bit.

"She's always there for you, both of them. No matter what. They are proud of you, and they are truly proud of the woman you've become."

"Who's telling me this? The speed force, or my mothers?" She moves my hair back. "All of us." She then kisses my head and I feel like the weight has been lifted.

"Do you remember this?" Mom holds out my old receiving blanket, and I touch it. "Yeah, I used to drag this thing everywhere." I say with a laugh.

"And this?" She holds out my favorite children's book and I lean on her shoulder. "Can you read it to me?" She opens to the first page and before she begins to read I hear the bouncing again.

I find the ball and was about to grab it, but I see a small hand get to it first. I look up and see a small Barry.

"Have you seen my shadow? I lost her, and I'm scared she'll get stuck in the rain. She hates thunder, and I just don't want her to be out there afraid." I kneel down in front of him. "I think I can help you. Does the shadow have a name?" Barry blushes and leans in close just for me to hear.

"Her name is Rose. Don't tell her, but one day I'm going to marry her and she's going to make me the happiest man in the world." I ruffle his hair and smile.

"Yes she will. Now how about I call her for you? You see, I've been running after her all day, and now that I know her name, I'm sure she'll come out." He nods and I stand up.

"Rose, come out, come out, where ever you are." Suddenly, I see the shadow on the stairs and Barry drops the ball and runs to her.

The shadow forms into a small version of me and smiles. "You found me!" She hugs Barry and I can see he's just as happy to have her again.

"And now a kiss as a reward." Little me takes out a candy and just when she was about to hand it to Barry, he kisses her cheek.

I smile at them and walk over to the little me.

"Promise to keep each other safe?"

They both nod. "I'll always keep Barry safe. I love him." She smiles wide and my heart swells.

"Now, can either of you show me how to get home?" Little me nods but stops for a moment.

"You get a kiss too, because you won." I expect the candy but instead both of the children kiss my cheeks in unison.

I then feel this tingle sensation in my back and feel my wings open up.

"Now you're ready." I hear them both say. I nod and look down to see I was in my uniform.

I no longer felt that anything was holding me back, or any regrets. I am finally at peace with everything in my life.

With my mothers, myself...with my gift.

Cloud forms in the living room, and I look back at the children, and at Mom. I wave at them and then step to the cloud.

"Rose?" I hear my sisters voice and I smile. "I'm coming."

"Fly, Rose, fly.." The children chant behind me. I spread my wings wider and leap off into the cloud.

I see my sister with her hand out to me and I reach out and grab hers. She yanks me and the next thing I know, I'm in the treadmill room with dad, Henry, Iris, Harry, Cisco and a sleeping Barry and Jesse.

"Good, your back, help us to defeat the meta zombie." Cisco says in a panic. "What? Did The Walking Dead happened while I was gone?"

Cisco then explains the situation.

"Girder came back to life and he's all young Frankenstein now, and so far he's been looking for you, and Iris had to pretend to be you. But now you're back so-" I stop him right there.

"Operation, Zombie is a go."

"We just need to get him into my workshop so that we can demagnetize him-"

The door falls and there stood a zombified Girder.

I remove my hood and mask. "Hey Tony! You want me! Come get me!" I fly past him and slow down just enough for him to follow. I decide to take the long way to buy them some time.

When I make it to the workshop, I land and get in position. "Hope you guys are ready, he's almost here."

"Nope, not ready." Cisco and Harry says together. "Power needs at least two electromagnets--too much for this wiring to handle."

"We're gonna need a big extension cord." Cisco yells.

"OK, I'll see what I can do." I say as Harry and Cisco tries to get the equipment they need. Tony grunts as he walks in the room, and the moment he sees me, he tries to lunge at me. But I dodge him.

"You were my least favorite person. And what happened to you wasn't right, so let me help you finally rest in peace." I raise my hands and he was suspended in air.

"God, he's heavy!"

I use my other hand and feel the magnets in the machine become charged Tony yells and I drop them, and then he...just lays there.

"that's how you beat a meta-Zombie ladies and gentlemen." My sister walks into the room and sees what I did.

She then runs over to me and gives me a great big hug.

"Glad to have you back."

"Glad to be back..."

My assistance was needed for both Jesse and Barry. As I walk into Jesse's room, I reach out and hold her hand. A spark happens and she grabs my hand. Her eyes flutter open and Harry was the first one to greet his daughter.

"How did you?" Henry asks. "I don't know...but where is Barry?" He takes me to him and I stand beside Barry as he sleeps.

Time to wake up sleeping beauty.

I lean over and kiss his lips, a spark ignites between us and Barry's hands were in my hair. He leans back and looks me in the eyes.

"Are we in heaven?" I chuckle and shake my head. "Not yet, we got a lot of work to do."

"Rose, how did you do that?"

"Are you like magic now?"

"Did you know you'd help Jesse and Barry?"

Henry, Cisco and Iris all ask.

"I can't explain its just...I knew I had to have contact with them."

"That's the speed force." We all look over at Harry and he had a smile on his face.

About a half an hour later I was getting checked over by Henry. Barry was in the room as well.

"Thank you." Henry tells me. "For what you did for Jesse and my son." He checks my blood pressure and I cringe.

"Sorry, I always hated those things. And you're welcome."

"You're heart rate is quick as ever, and you're blood work is fine. You're perfectly normal." He says as he takes the little device off my arm.

"Define normal." I say with a smirk as I roll my sleeve down. "I'll leave you two alone for a moment." He pats his son on the back as he walks out and I hop down from the bed.

"I'm so glad you're back. No more losing you this year." He hugs me and I wrap my arms around him.

"You know, I understand it all now. Why the good and bad things happen to us, it made us who we are today. The bad that happened to my mothers...your mom...we are who we are because of those events. And...I wouldn't change that for the world...because we were blessed with these gifts. We were blessed to find each other." I tell him.

He looks at me and I see some doubt in his eye. Before I can question him, he hugs me again.

"I'm just happy you're back and I have my powers back as well." I just hold him and think about today.

I'll never forget this day...never.

The next day, I decided to pay a visit to both mothers graves and leave white and pink roses on their graves.

Kind of symbolic huh?

"You're brave to do this." Barry says beside me. "I know, come on." I tug him along and we end up in front of his mother's grave.

He grips my hand a little and I stroke my thumb over his knuckles. "You're mom is so proud of you, you know that right?" Barry looks at me with a threat of tears about to fall from his eyes.

"How do you know that?" He asks. I reach up and wipe his tears then hand him a blue white rose. "Because, I'm proud of you." He kneels down and places the flower on his mother's grave and then stands up looking at her head stone for a while.

I don't bother him, instead I stand by him with my head leaning on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my temple.

"I needed this...thank you."

"Anytime, Barry, anytime..."

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