Chapter - 18 Eye Spy...

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•Rose's Pov•

I wake up and look at my eyes every morning ever since James Jesse spoke those words to me.

They're my eyes, but they just don't seem to belong to me.

"Who are you?" I ask as I look in the mirror.

Other things are going on with me.

And I don't think it's for the greater good.

Lately I've been getting faster, but it feels like someone or something has been trying to catch up with me. I think I know what it is, but I'll push the thoughts away because in all scares me..

"Pizza!" I hear my dad yell.

Barry, Cisco, dad and Caitlyn were down stairs and I was just in my room, looking at my mirror.

A knock came to my door and I see it was my dad. "Pizza's down stairs you know."

I nod. "I know, I'm just not"

"Yeah, babygirl?"

"Can I go with you and Cisco to Starling City?"

He crosses his arms but nods. "Sure but won't you miss your crime fighting partner?"

I glance back at the mirror and I see it.

The weird white that keeps trying to pass but it never settles long enough for me to be sure.

"It's been quiet lately, plus Barry doesn't want me near Wells. And I agree, besides I feel like I barely spend time with my old man these days." I get up and walk over to my dad, giving him a hug.

"Do you think we'll find anything?" Dad shrugs. "I don't know but if we do then we do."

"I hope we do..." I whisper...

I was watching my reflection in the window as dad drove the car. "Do you think, Caitlyn is going to be alright? I mean, she still doesn't seem on board with all of this." Cisco asks.

"I don't know, but Barry needs to convince her." Dad comments.

I blow my breath onto the window and draw a question mark.

I get a text from Barry.

**New Meta, he's or she or what lever can shape shift into anyone it touches**

**Do you want me to get back over there? I can be back in like six flaps**

**No I can handle it, just can't touch it since we don't know if the meta can absorb powers. Besides one Rose West is enough ;)**

**Hey what's that suppose to mean ;p**

I smile at his text and my dad park at Starling Metro Police station.

"I wonder if Oliver's around." Cisco looks at me with a raised brow.

"Cause you know, he lives here-dad?" I follow him so Cisco doesn't rat me out to Barry.

I love Barry I do, but Oliver Queen is some serious eye candy, that would definitely distract me from whatever is going on with me.

Dad talks to one of his old detective buddies about getting some files on Harrison Wells' accident when Tess Morgan had died.

Morbid shit right?

"There it is." Detective Lance says as he hands my dad some files.

He thumbs through it and I can tell he's not satisfied by how small the file is.

"This is all you have?"

"Well, it's a pretty cut and dry case, detective. Harrison wells, Tess Morgan are out on a Sunday drive, the tires blow, Wells loses control, and sadly Tess dies on the scene. Couldn't imagine carrying that kind of guilt around."

Told you it was morbid..

Cisco and I look at the file while my dad talks to detective Lance.

"This you kid?" I look up and see detective Lance looking at me. "Yeah, she wanted to tag along and see how things were done. But thanks again."

Detective Lance stops us. "What are you three hoping to find?"

"A bo-" I clamp my lips shut.

Was I really about to say a body?

My dad gives me a look and I look at my shoes. "We're not exactly sure yet."

"So you three come all the way from Central City, you don't know what your looking for?"

My dad shrugs. "Just following a hunch."

"Can you take us to the accident site?" Cisco asks as he hands me the files to hold.

"It's been 15 years. I think the picture will serve you better."

"But it never hurts to have some fresh eyes, you know." I say looking up at my lashes at him. He rubs his face but nods. "All right let me just go and get my coat. I'll meet you guys outside."

As we go to leave out Cisco gets called over by a lady and I raise my brow at him. "Jealous?" He asks with a smirk.

"No, you might be going to jail, she's a lawyer. Good luck cause I don't have bail money." I pat his shoulder and laugh on the way out.

He frowns as he walks over to her and bump into detective Lance.

"So, how are you? Heard about the accident."

"I'm, okay so to speak. Well okay enough knowing I got hit by lightening in my spine..." Maybe I could've shared that without saying the last part.

"Ok...ay..." He walks away from me and I continue outside.

As dad follows Detective Lance I sit up and annoy Cisco from the back seat.

" why did she want to see you?"

"Because." He sighs and I hide the smile on my lips.

"Because she wanted to talk to you about your outstanding warrants? Dad stop the car Cisco is a fugitive."

"I am not a fugi-"

"Dad, we can split the reward money for bringing him back."

"Is that so?"

"Joe, I can't believe you're entertaining this."

"How much do you think we can get for him?" I look at Cisco and shrug.

"A grand at least."

"Hey, I am worth more than a grand." Dad and I both burst out laughing.

"All right, I'll stop teasing." I pinch his cheek and he glares at me.


"Yeah, sweetheart?"

"Thanks for letting me tag along. I know I should be helping Barry out-"

"You are helping him, by getting this side of the story. Besides, I have a feeling that you're leaning more in to law work, than superhero work."

"Nah, I like flying too much....speaking of which, can I fly back home? You know when all of this is done?"

Dad sighs and looks at me in the rear view mirror. "When it's dark enough out, then you can."

"Thanks dad!"

When we arrive at the scene dad compares the current location to the picture.

"This is definitely the place. Cisco, Rose, let's see what we can find." Cisco takes out some metal contraption and detective Lance points at it.

"What is that? A metal detector?"

"Well-" I pull detective Lance to the side making.

"Trust me, whatever that thing is, he's named it and you won't get it. Come on Cisco." I call off behind my shoulder as I walk over to where the seen had taken place.

"You just couldn't let me tell him could you?"

I shrug. "I'll let you stroke your ego later, now let's find whatever that needs to be found."

Like a body...

"Yeah like a body.." I whisper to myself.

As Cisco uses his device I follow behind him.

Go left...

I listen to the voice in my head unconsciously.

Now go right and step three steps...

I do what the voice says and then I just stop.

I look around and frown.

"And there's no-" suddenly I feel a strange vibration in my fingertips.


I slowly kneel to the ground and feel my nails claw at the ground.

Dig deep...

I feel the mud and dirt cake up under my nails but something drives me to keep digging.


Dig deeper...

Keep digging...

The more I dig the more determined I felt.

I feel my spine twitch as I dig deeper.

"I have to dig..." I mutter as I keep going.

I dig up this huge chunk of mud and that's when I see something grey poking out of the ground.

I raise my hand and the grey matter shifts.

I jump back and that's when I see its a human skull looking right back at me.

"DAD!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Him, Cisco and Detective Lance all came running over to me.

I fall on my butt and they crowd around.

"What's that?" I hear Cisco ask behind me.

"The body we came for..."

I was standing away from the body and I hear my dad talking to Cisco.

"Hey, kid you okay?" Detective Lance asks me. "Would it be a total lie if I said yes?"

"Yes it would."

"Then I'm not okay." I say as I wipe my hands clean with a towel from my dads trunk.

"How did you know to find that body there?"

"Just a hunch."

Yeah because saying the voice in my head told me to will definitely get me admitted to Arkham Asylum.

"Lance?" My dad calls out to him. "Be right there." He looks at me and pats my shoulder.

"And this is why I never let my daughter come to work with me." He walks off and I decide to call Barry.

He answers on the sixth ring.

Hmm? He usually answers sooner.

"Hello?" He answers in a confused voice.

"Hey, Barry. Uh, we-I found what we were looking for."

"Which was?"

"The evidence to prove what happened to your mom."

"Oh! Okay yeah, that's good."

"Is everything alright? You sound off."

"No, everything's fine. Just be safe."

"I will, and when I get back I'm taking the worlds best shower."

"Mind if I join you?" Barry asks. "Um, seriously?"

"Yeah, you wash my back...I'll wash yours."

I chuckle at his flirting. "Someone is very flirty today. How about this, when I get back we can talk about it?"

"Yeah, can't wait."

"All right, love you."

"You too." He hangs up and I frown.

Why didn't he say it back?


When we arrive back at the station dad was talking to Captain Lance in his office and Cisco was talking to the lady from before.

Since I was bored and didn't want my thoughts to speak to me I sneak on over and stand outside of the interrogation room.

The door flys open and there stood the lady.

"This isn't the bathroom. It's probably further down the hall." I go to turn but the lady stops me.


"Are you spying on us?" She asks. "No...but hypothetically speaking..."

"Hypothetical or not, you're in trouble."

I look into her eyes and stand still.

"I'm sorry about your loss..."

She lets me go and gives me a look. "How did you-"

I shake my head.

"Just a hunch. You have bags under your eyes. So you're not getting enough sister was the same when our mom died. So I'm sorry..."

Cisco was looking at both of us and trying to figure out what was going on.

The woman pushes away the hurt and stands strong again.

"Names Laurel Lance. Oliver I believe has said a lot about you. Rose is it?"

I nod and for some weird reason I just hug her. She stiffens but hugs me back.

"Sorry..." I let her go and clear my throat.

"So Oliver talks about me? You know if you can give me his number I ca-"

"And it's time to go." Cisco grabs my arm.

"Hey! Let me--Laurel tell Oliver to call me!"


Letting my wings breath felt like heaven.

As I fly back to Central City I get a call on my phone.

"Talk to me."

"Rose, Barry needs your help." Caitlyn says in a panicked voice.

"Where is he?"

"Central City airport."

I take off flying in that direction and I feel my wings pick up speed.

"Where is Barry exactly?"

"I'm sending you his coordinates."

We hang up and a second after I get where Barry is.

I manage to fly to the back of the airport where the luggage was being handled and I see...two flashes.

Why is one holding a needle?

I land and curl in my wings.

"Hey!" They both look at me and I try I to figure out which one is the real Barry.

"Don't let him touch you!" Okay maybe it's that one.

The other flash turns on Barry and they go off fighting again, mixing up so I can't tell who is who again.

"Please be the right one."

As they fight I run towards them tackling one of them down.

"What are you doing? I'm trying to fight him!"

"No, you got Hannibal Bates. Don't let him go!"

I lean down looking into his eyes and I get my answer.

I kiss his lips and just as he goes to touch my face I raise my hand at the flash holding the needle sending it my way and I jam it in his neck causing him to gasp for air.

I move back and Barry moves me back further as Hannibal Bates slowly starts to morph.

He turns into Eddie, then to Caitlyn, then my sister then into multiple people I've never seen until he drops on the ground but as me.

"You're right, two Roses is scary."

"You know you could've tacked me down instead of him, and why did you kiss him."

"I had a hunch, and I kisses him to distract him. You're welcome." I look down at Hannibal/ me and move his hair out of his face.

"You're eyes gave you away Hannibal..."


"So it wasn't you I called?" Barry and I were at S.T.A.R. Labs and he was leaning against a desk.

"No, it had to be Hannibal. He knocked me out and went around impersonating me."

"Gee, that's too bad. I was considering on letting you take a shower with me when I got back."

His eyes light up.

"Well, that shouldn't stop yo-in the shower?"

I bite my lip and nod. "Yup, in the shower, naked. You and me, or maybe I should go ask Hannibal since he did come up with the idea." I turn and hear Barry follow.

"Rose? Rose that's not funny." I laugh as we both go down to the pipeline to see the latest capture.

"Let me out of here!" Hannibal screams.

"Do I really look like that?" I ask as I point at the glass.

"You're cuter." Barry says as he pulls me close.

Hannibal morphs into Barry and looks right at me. "Hey, cutie. Want to let me out of here? We still have a shower party to get to."  I cringe and Dr. Wells sighs.

"Mr. Bates, we've seen a lot of things that you can become, but who are you really?" He asks.

He looks at Dr. Wells and morphs into a eyeless being.

"I, can't remember..." I look away because that's is just sad and what he deserves..

What he deserves...

"Well, let's lock up shop. Good night, everyone." Dr. Wells, Caitlyn, Barry and I all leave out.

Caitlyn pulls us to the side and waits so Dr. Wells isn't in ear shot.

"What about him?"

"Come on, you two need to see this." I take Caitlyn's hand while Barry follows.

Soon after Caitlyn was staring at the screen in shock.

"This is impossible." She says for the second time.

"Caitlyn, I ran DNA test twice. It's a perfect match." Cisco confirms.

"This body is the real Harrison Wells." Dad says as he circles the body.

"If this is Dr. Wells, Who have we been working for this whole time?"

"Dr. McGee said that after the accident, Wells became a completely different person. It's because he is a different person." Barry answers.

After this conversation I'm pretty sure we're all wondering, what's going on here?

Cisco was looking at a 3D print of S.T.A.R. Labs on the desk top and I can't help but wonder what he was doing.

"What are you doing?" I ask over his shoulder. "After the accelerator exploded, I built a 3D model of S.T.A.R. Labs so that I could pinpoint exactly what caused the malfunction."

"And you've never ran this test?" Barry asks. "Of course I did. I just never had any reason to look at any areas outside of the pipeline or the cortex. It's a big building. Lots of places for Wells to hide something." Beeping goes off on the desktop and a room becomes highlighted.

"Let me guess, that room was never there before?" I point on the screen.

We all look at each other and decide to investigate.

"I'm picking up more activity around here....Tachyons." Cisco's little tech gadget beeps faster and he looks at us. "There." He points to a spot on the wall and we look at it.

"If this is like some you touch the wall and I fall in a pit, I'm slapping you when I get out, Cisco. I mean it, back hand and all." I say as I go to touch the wall.

Barry joins me and suddenly the wall opens up.

Okay no pit, Cisco is safe.

The room looked dark and I look at Barry.

"You first." He rolls his eyes and steps inside with me closely behind.

Hey if we fall in a pit we can slap Cisco together.

Caitlyn and Cisco some after follows and the wall closes up behind us.

"Cisco.." I warn.

"You're not slapping me, are you in a pit? I don't think so."

Suddenly the lights turn on and the first thing I see is the reverse flash's suit.

"Oh, my god..."

I look over at Barry and see the anger in his eyes.

Guess we know who Dr. Wells, really is.

I look over and see some strange device.

As the other look at the suit I walk over to the device and examine it.

Soon it kicks up and a strange image appears.

I take a step back.

"What is this?" I feel everyone near me and I look at Barry.

"What is this?" I say again as I read the headline in my head.

The Flash, falls from the hand of the Avenging Angel, May God have mercy on us all...

I also see that the article was dated April 25, 2024.

That's my birthday...ten years from now...

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