Chapter - 19) The Speeding Paradox...

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•Rose's Pov•

All I hear was Barry screaming.

My fault...

I see Henry falling to his knees.

My fault...

I see Jay watching them as if he's God and I feel so hurt, so confused as in why?

Why did he choose the man I love to hurt?

To kill his father right before his eyes, all because of me?

My fault...

My fault...

It's all my fault.

I feel my head pound and before I knew I growled and lunged at Jay.

He doges me and I feel blind fury.

"That's my girl." He taunts.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I scream so loud the windows, the glass, anything breakable in distance of my was shattered.

The house seem to breathe in my presence.

"I'll end you!" I scream.

"I can't wait to get the pleasure." He says before winking. He leaves and there I am, in a broken house.

My fault...

With my fiancé.

My fault...

And dead father.

My fault, my fault, my fault...

This...this is all my fault...

I hear Barry run after him and all I can do is feel sick to my stomach.

"I'm sorry...Barry..."


Several days later...

As we lay Henry to rest, I look over at Barry's profile and see he isn't the same. He's like Bruce, an orphan, filled with anger and hate.

He looks about ten years older right now and I know part of that is my fault.

As the funeral ends, Barry clears his throat to speak some words.

"My father's..." He hesitates and when we make eye contact I see the tear fall and he wipes it away.

"...I just can't do this right now." He looks like he's about to break down so my faster steps up.

"Henry Allen....Henry Allen, suffered two great losses in his life. He lost his wife, Nora, and he lost Barry. He suffered guilt, embarrassment, ridicule, shame, and everything that comes with being blamed for a crime he did not commit. Henry Allen was proof that love can get you through the darkest of days, and that love will keep him alive in all of our hearts."

I see Barry's shoulders shake so I go to his side. Instead of shying away, he pulls me into a hug and I just let him cry as I soothe him.

He then looks over at his father's casket. "I'm going to find him, and when I do, I'm going to take away from him what he took away from my father..."

That night I just watch Barry looking out the window from the couch. Wondering what's going on through his head. Probably a lot.

"Hey." I look away and see Wally with a plate of food. "Hey." I tuck my leg under my knee and give a sad smile. "I thought maybe you should eat something."

I decline. "I'm not really hungry, but thank you, Wally. Maybe Barry might want some food though." He nods. "Rose, I had no idea you and Barry were The Avenging Angel and The Flash. What you two did for me, all the things you two have done for this whole city... And now this crazy mess with Barry's father and Zoom. I'm so sorry."

"Thank you, Wally, I'm sure Barry appreciate hearing that." I tell him. "If there's anything you need, you just say the word." I nod and watch Wally go and give his condolences to Barry.

Barry then walks to the middle of the room. "Guys, Zoom's still out there. We need to come up with a plan."

"The man can crack open reaches to Earth-2. I mean, if he can do that, what else can he do that we don't know about?" Cisco points out.

"Right after he killed his time remnant, he told me that Rose, was almost ready."

"Almost ready for what?" Iris asks. "I don't know." Barry looks over at me, but I look down at the couch.

I think I know what he means.

"Yup, classic psychopath. Why can't they just say what they want to do? We also have to figure out why I keep vibrating about Earth-2 being ripped to shreds."

"That's scary." I comment to Cisco and he nods. "it's like I'm watching Transformers in 4D, but like 10 times more realistic and with much better acting."

"Look, if you could buy the future, we need to stop Zoom before that happens."

Barry walks over to me. "I'm going to get some air, want to join me?" I nod and my dad asks us if we're OK. "Just going out for some air." I tell him.

We sit on the steps quietly and I feel a small breeze on my arms so I rub them. Barry sees this and offers his jacket. Instead I share it with him and I sigh.

"When I was in the speed force, I felt like, I'd finally come to grips with my mothers death. With knowing now that I could have  at any moment I just fly back in time and save her. But then I was able to accept that what was done was done and accepted that. But now? This just shakes me up, but it's no longer just me, you're involved now Barry, and I am truly sorry. Your now gone. How will your world be at peace? I know mine will never be again." He pulls me close and kisses my hair.

"I don't know, Rose. But I'm sure we'll find a way to cope."

Suddenly a blue streak whizzes past us. Before Barry could run off the porch I was in the air flying after him.

We stop in the middle of the road, and I hover over him. "Thought, I'd give you some time to mourn." He says to me.

"Is this? Between us? It ends now." He shakes his head. "Not yet, there's always more to take, Rose."

"Stay away from them."

"I could do that...but what's the fun in that?"

"Stop th-"

"When we first met, I said that Zoom needed to be the best, which means you should have the best. Barry just doesn't cut it."

"Is that why you did all this? Because I'm with Barry? You're fucking insane!" I spat at him. "I've been called worse." He then leaps up, yanking me down and pinning my hands, palms down to the ground. "Just let me have you." Jay was about to kiss me but he was then yanked off. Barry was right between us, helping me up. "Maybe you are worthy of her." He says laughing.

"Barry don't listen to him."

"You leave her alone, Zoom!" He then smile sadistically at Barry. "A race, between us both flash, to see who's the fastest. You win: this is all over, you get the girl, and get to be the hero."

"She's not some trophy." Barry hisses. "Deny me this opportunity, and I will destroy everything she holds dear. Think about it, flash. This should be easy, race for the woman you love, what do you say? Don't answer that now, I'll wait. Sweet dreams Rose." He runs off and Barry checks me over. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I shake my head. "Don't race him, he'll do anything to have me. He's crazy." He gives me a sad smile. "I have to or he'll destroy everything..."

The next morning Barry and I were telling everyone at S.T.A.R. Labs about our encounter with Zoom last night.

"So Zoom wants to race you, for Rose?" Jesse asks. Barry nods. "He's up obsessed over me, and he wants to prove some sick point that he deserves me." I explain while cringing.

"Why would we trust him?" Iris questions. "He just wants to race. You know, actually it makes sense in a completely-off-your-rocker sort of way." Cisco comments out loud. My father then voices in his opinion. That can't be everything he wants."

"It isn't." Harry says looking at the computer screen. "This Magnetar that's being developed by Mercury labs--turns out it can act as a pulsar." Harry explains.

"What's that?" Iris asks coming around the corner. "It's a power amplifier with a highly magnetize, dense rotating cord that can be easily weaponized."

"Pshh, yeah that doesn't sound dangerous at all." I say sarcastically. "That's what happens to Earth-2. What happens in my vibes is because of this machine."

Well that thing is powerful enough to destroy a planet?" I was questions. "A lot more than just a planet, if it has the right power source." Harry answers. "Like what?"

Barry and I both look at each other, because we know the answer. "Like us. That's why he wants to race. Not just to have Rose, but he wants to siphon the energy I create when I run." Barry explains.

"He wants to siphon the energy off both of you."

"When Jay captured me, he said that him and Rosemary used to measure their success by counting the number of victims they had, but now he was going to measure it by counting the number of earths he conquered instead."

"He doesn't just want to destroy Earth-2; he wants to take out every other planet in the multi-universe." Harry says out loud.

"How many are there?" I asked. "Infinite." Harry answers. "Well can he do that?"

"Well he breached to Earth-2 all on his own."

"He can get all of 'em." I whisper. "One pulse to destroy them all." Barry looks at me. "I-" I cut him off.

"I know, you don't have a choice. You have to raise him...and you have to win..."


Hours later Barry was all suited up and ready to go. "You know I can help you." I tell him as I feel the worry in my gut.

"No, he was pretty clear to say that he wanted to race just me. Besides, I don't want him hurting you." I nod and stop him. I hold his face and look into his eyes.

"You know, I'd do anything for you right?" He nods, and then touches my face. "Yes, and I would do anything for you." I bite my lip.

"Then do this for me...don't race him. We can find a way to stop him from destroying those earths." He lets me go. "Rose, I'm not just racing for those earths. I'm racing for you. My mother was taken. My father was taken, you're the only good thing I have left, and I refuse to lose you to him. I want us to have a family one day. To grow old one day and watch our grandkids on a porch while we enjoy each other. I know this scares you, but you have to trust me."

"What's your plan?" I ask trying to reason with him. "My plan, is to win and come back home to you so we can start our lives together." He leans down and kisses my lips and then backs away.

"You promise?" He stops and gives me a questioning look.


"To come back to me?"

"I'll always come back to you. Remember, I'll never leave you."

"One more kiss?" I say with a little pout. He shakes his head and smiles but comes back over and stands in front of me.

"One more kiss." He leans in and kisses me, so I take my cue and get him with a needles knocking him out instantly.

"I'm so sorry Barry. Cisco, Caitlyn, help me!" I call out so they can help me out Barry in one of the cells before he wakes up.

When Barry wakes up, he looks at all of us in the cell. When he looks at me, I can tel he was hurt so I look away.

"Why did you put me in here?"

"Because you're too angry right now. You can't race him like that. Without a plan, you're--you'll lose." My dad tells him.

"Keeping me in here is going to get everyone killed, Rose, please let me out, you understand the situation you were there." Harry moves in front of me. "You race Zoom on his terms, you'll lose."

"This is not your decision to make!" Barry says smacking the cell glass. "It is this time."


"We all made this decision together." Dad says. After Barry hears that he just looks more hurt. "What? All of you?"

"Bro, I went back and forth. I was like a good 60/40 at first."


"Yeah, yeah, we all made the decision."

Cool come on." Barry sighs.

"Allen. Allen. This is for your own good." Harry begins to usher me out but I stop when I hear Barry's voice.

"Rose, don't do this. Please. You have to let me--I don't want Rose to get hurt!"

I flinch when I hear the cell doors shut.

Did we make the right decision?

I lean against a wall and slide down while crying. Iris came over to me and pulled me close. "We did the right thing." I look up at her with tears in my eyes. "Did we?"

As everyone gets ready to take down Zoom, I sit still. Listening to my heart speed up like a jackhammer and then slow down like a sloth.

"Rose?" Jesse waves her hand in my face and I blink. "Huh?"

"I know this was hard but--" I stop her with a head shake. "Don't. I can't go. Barry can't. I just don't want to talk about this." Harry and the others all gather and start to leave. My dad kneels in front of me. "Rose, will you be all right sitting this one out?"

I felt so spaced out I almost asked him what did he say, but instead I'm not. He kisses my head and leaves me in the room.

Here comes the hard part, waiting to see if this plan actually works...


I look at the monitor and Barry was just sitting there. I place my hand on the monitor and get this funny feeling in my chest. "Somethings wrong..." I whisper.

When they arrive I noticed someone was missing. "Where's dad?" Everyone was silent and the person who spoke was Iris. "The got Jay in the breach, but...he fell through with him." I cover my mouth to keep from screaming. "No, no, no we need to get him out, Iris. He--Jay will kill him, he'll kill him."

"Shh, dad sai--"

"I don't care! He's our fath--He'll kill him. Don't leave him over there with that monster. Pl... Please." I cry. Cisco was already working on vibing our father. He sighs. "Anything?" Iris asked as she holds me close. "No, the vibe keeps changing. It's like my brain is channel surfing or something."

"They must be on the move. That's why the vibe's in flux. Keep trying." Caitlyn tells him.

Harry and Jesse both return with that news. They can't turn off the magnetar. If anyone tries to touch it, or move it, the planet is done for.

Wally walks in and for a moment, I wish I had his not knowing what's going on. He looks around and then at me. "Iris, Rose, what's going on?" Iris let me go and I leave the room as she speaks to our brother.

"This was a stupid idea." I walk right down to the cells in key in a few numbers. Barry's cell opens and he looks up surprise. I walk in and he stops me when he sees I'm crying. "Rose, what's wrong? Talk to me."

"Zoom took my dad. Barry he's going to hurt or kill him I know it." Barry holds my face. "I won't let that happened. We're not losing anymore loved ones." Barry picks me up and runs to the main room.

"Rose!"  Iris scolds me. "Our father will not be Zoom's prisoner." I retort. Very puts me down on my feet. "You let him take Joe? What the hell were you thinking?" Barry snaps at everyone.

"Allen, there was nothing we could do."Harry explains. "You could've let me race him!" He exclaims. "Allen! You're not racing Zoom!"

"What are you gonna do? Have Rose, tranq me again?"

"No, I'll do it next time, don't tempt me."

"Look, I know you guys made a pact to keep Zoom on Earth-2, but you did that without me. Alright? You don't get to do that!" Barry yells.

"Barry look at yourself right now; you're not okay."

Barry rushes him. "Cisco, my dad was just killed in front of me! Do you have any idea how that feels?"

"Watching your parent die in front of you? Yes I do." I tell him. "Rose--" He walks away from me.

"Barry, I know that anger. I--it was inside of me up until the day I met you. You're angry, you want revenge, but don't be like Jay. Don't let the darkness consume you. It didn't consume me, because I had, dad, Iris...and you. Go in angry and you will lose."

"Rose, I'm telling you I'm good."

"Really? Are you? Because it seems to me you want to do more than stop Zoom. You want the satisfaction of ending him. If that's why you're doing this, then Rose is right. You will lose and Zoom will take your fiancé." Harry tells him.

"Look, you guys. I-- you may not think I can do this. You may think I'm too angry. But we are running out of time! I have to beat him, and I'm going to, whether I have your help or not. So which is it?" He asks all around.

We are a team and a family, so yes. We did help.

Cisco was going to vibe Barry's message to Zoom. To confirm that he will indeed race him. The one condition though was that Zoom had to bring my father, and if he was harmed in anyway. The race was off. He agreed, but said he wouldn't release my father until after he and Barry had raced....


"I'll tell you Jay might be crazy-pants, but he can pick a venue." Cisco comments as we all walk in.

The Magnetar contraption looked like a Ferris wheel. A very-planet-destroying-scary one.

"Brought the whole crew with you, huh?" Zoom announces as he had my father.


"I'm okay, Rose. I'm okay." He reassures me. "I hope you enjoy the show, Rose. It's going to be one hell of an event." Jay says looking at me.

"Let him go." Barry says stepping forward. "After we race." He replies.

Harry held his gun high at Zoom. "Cut the crap. We know you plan to power up Magnetar so you can destroy the multi-verse."

"Bravo. You figured it out...almost. I don't want to destroy all of it. This earth is at the center of the multi-verse. It's the access point to every other earth in existence. One trans-dimensional shockwaves and...poof."

"Leaving just our earth. How generous of you." Cisco says sarcastically.

"Need to have some place to hang my might want to say your goodbyes." Jay winks at me and I'm tempted to give him an aneurysm.

He runs to his spot and Barry looks at me. "Don't worry. I'm going to save your dad." I shake my head. "No you're going to save our dad."

"Get back to S.T.A.R. Labs. It's safer." Barry informs everyone. Especially me. "We're not going anywhere. We got eyes and ears right here." Cisco says to Barry.

"Either he goes. Or we all die together."

"We believe in you." I say as I lean up and kiss his cheek.

"Kick his ass, Barry." Iris comments he nods and puts on his mask. Barry was now next to Zoom and we all stood at a safe distance. "You got this, got this..." I whisper as they get ready.

They run and for a split second, I thought I saw Barry hesitate but he keeps running against Zoom.

"He's powering up the Magnetar." Harry comments. "Run! Barry, run!" I cheer. We then see two Barry's running.

"Which ones Barry?" Jesse asks. "Both of them." Her father answers.

"He made a time remnant." Cisco and harry say in unison. One Barry releases my father while the other still races against Zoom.

I swoop my father over and hug him. Iris and Wally both joint in. "I'm Okay. I'm Okay."

Zoom then tackles Barry and they fight while the other Barry continues to run the race.

"What's the time remnant doing?" Caitlyn asks. "He's creating his own pulse." Cisco answers. "Why would he do that?"

"Because, Jesse... If that out of phase, it'll counteract that one." Harry points out.

"Won't that kill him?" Wally asks. My heart races in the blood in my ears rushes. Even a time remnant of Barry dying makes me sick.

My heart breaks a little as I see Barry's time remnant die before my eyes. I feel my brother pull me close to comfort me and we all see the Magnetar became obsolete, which means game over.



Barry and Zoom both fight it out and for some strange reason I feel my fingers vibrate. I move away from Wally and raise my hand to the sky. Fire and electricity shoots out of my palm and I slowly rise in the air.

I see the sky crack open and two time wraiths slither out. And they go right towards Zoom and Barry.

I look closer into the cracked sky and see...


An older me.

Older me was channeling the same energy, which what had brought the time wraiths.

The time wraiths swoop down and snatch up Zoom. Taking his speed and turning him into what looks like a reaper speedster.

They take him away and the vibration feeling in my hand is slowly going away. The crack disappears along with Zoom and his new friends...

The next morning, Barry and I had some questions to answer.

"Okay, so you ran back in time and made a copy of yourself?" While he asks Barry looking puzzled. "Well, basically." He answers.

"And you, just had a gut feeling to open a breach for those time wraith to snatch Zoom?"

"Trust me, it sounds crazy, but I saw my future self helping me. And all I can say is I can't wait to be her when I grow up." I smile.

"Yeah, this science talk really hurts my brain." Wally chuckles and I fist bump him. "You'll get used to it. Comic books make really good references."

Well I'm just glad Barry is okay, and this Zoom business is over."

"Same here." I glance over and hear Harry and Cisco were bickering as usual, as they help the metal helmet off of Zoom's prisoner.

Harry and Cisco both looked shocked as mask came off.

"I don't know what's more annoying, being stuck in that godforsaken headpiece, or listening to you to argue about it." The man gets up and turn to us. And every single one of us were speechless especially Barry. All because the man in the mask was his father's doppelgänger.

"'re..." I stutter.

"I'm Jay Garrick, the real Jay Garrick."

I look at Barry and immediately take his hand. He was trembling as he saw the ghost of his father's face. "What?" Jay asked looking at Barry. "I'm sorry. I--I'm sorry." Barry grips my hand and I usher him out of the room. Barry was crying while I kept him company.

I try to comfort him. "I know this is very hard for you. Especially since what happened to your father was so recent."

"He looks just like him. He looks just like my dad. I can't believe this. My dad told me. He told me this. He said his mom's maiden name was Garrick. I just never thought that, that meant--"

"Barry, Barry."

"I never thought that it meant--"

"He doesn't know that, Barry. He doesn't know that he's your dad's doppelgänger, okay? You want me to tell him that you had to leave?" He shakes his head. "No. No."

"You sure?" He nods. "Yeah. I just need a minute." I nod and leave Barry alone for a moment so he can collect his thoughts.

As I go back inside, I decide to let my comic nerd take over.

"Sir?" He turns to me and I take out my old vintage Flash of both worlds comic out and notice something about the cover.

"What the...?" The Jay, Flash now looked like Barry's dad and when Barry finally was ready, I was going to give him this to remember his father.

"Can you sign this?" I hold up the issue and Jay gives me a smile. "Of course, you know you remind me of someone back on my Earth. Her name is Vincent West."

Guess things don't change even on a different earth.

A little while after Jay was in his flash attire, ready to go home. Cisco and Harry were explaining to Jay as in why his powers couldn't work while he wore the metal mask. "...There was a dampener in the mask." Cisco hands it to Jay and he looks at it with disgust.

"I don't want to see this thing ever again." He then shreds the mask with his speed. "So your powers are back." I say with a smirk.

"I see Jay--excuse me--Hunter--stole your color scheme to." Dad says to him. "He took a lot of things that were mine, except for that..." He points to Zoom's old helmet. "...that's all him."

"He said it was his father's from the war." Iris says as she stands next to me. "Ironically, on my--our earth--this helmet stood for hope." Harry says while holding the helmet. "Yeah?"


"Well, maybe I can continue that sentiment, take something from him for a change, make it my own." Jay then takes the helmet and places it on his head. "It suits you."

"Thank you, all of you, for saving me from, Zoom. Especially you, Angel." My heart swells. "You're welcome, Flash." He then tips his helmet to me.

"Now all I have to do is find my way home."

"And where is that?" Wally asks Jay. "I think you call it Earth-3."

"Uh-huh. Well, I can get you to Earth-2." Cisco offers. "My daughter and I can help you with the rest."

"We can?" Jesse asks. Harry gives her a smile. "Yes, we can. We're going home..."


Cisco explains how getting them back to Earth-2 will work and I stand by Barry. Harry and Jesse goes around saying their goodbyes. Harry then came to me and I give him my hand. He ignores it and hugs me. "Because of you I am a better man. You may not be my daughter, but you'll always have a special place in my heart."

"Awe, harry. You're gonna make me cry."

Too late...

I feel the tears and he kisses my head, like a father to a daughter.

He then moves on to Barry and I give them a moment. I look over at Wally and Jesse and smile sadly. Those two got close and I know just by looking at Wally that he liked Jesse.

After the heart warming goodbyes, Jay, Harry and Jesse went through the breach that Cisco had created and they were gone. "I'm going to miss them." I say wiping away a few tears...

Back home, the gang was over and I was being a great hostess getting snacks. "Rose, can we talk for minute?" Barry asks me as I get the dip ready. "Yeah, sure." He takes my hand and we go outside to the front porch.

"Everything Okay?" I ask as we sit on the steps. "Just a lot on my mind. You?"

"Same, I'll share if you do." I say teasing.

He turns to me and takes my hand. "People are already calling us fiancé this and that. But I never got your answer." Barry had the box in his hand and my heart was pounding.

" still want to marry me even after--"

"Yes, nothing is going to change the way I feel about you. My only regret is that I wished that we could have done this sooner. But that blame is on me. So what do you say? Will you be my wife?"

"I do. I mean yes! Yes Barry Allen, I will marry you." I pull him close and kiss him on the lips. I can feel him smile a bit and he kisses me back.

We part and I look at the ring he slid on my finger.

"Barry, this must have costed you a fortune." I say feeling a bit guilty. "It was priceless when it came to you. I hope you'll accept this broken man."

I frown at his words. "You're not broken. You're just a little lost and my hand is out to help guide you." He gives me a sad smile and kisses my temple.

"Do you want anything to eat?" I ask him, trying to change the subject. "No, but I'll be inside in a moment, okay?" The way his eyes looked.

I can tell something was bothering him. "Barry, promise me, that when we're married that your problems will be my problems, and my problems will be yours."


"My happiness will be your happiness. Your pain becomes my pain. All because once were married, there is no more the two of us, but one." I glance down at my ring and then at the beautiful man who gave it to me.

"Promise?" He nods. "I promise, Rose." I nod and decide to let him think by himself while I go to tell everyone the good news.

The moment I open the door, I felt light headed and my legs felt funny.

"Iris! Caitlyn, Cisco, Wal..."

I collapse to the floor and my legs I can't feel them.

"Ros--Rose!" Wally had ran to me and suddenly my brain is hit with images I don't understand.

Instead of my mother...Aunt dying from the car, saving me.

I get hit, and my legs...are broken.

"Ahhhh!" I hold my head and the images all start to switch.

Cisco disappears first...

Then Caitlyn..

What's going on?

I screams and Wally tries to pick me up but I jerk away from him.


"Rose? Who's Barry?" Wally asks with a concerned look on his face.

Barry Al...

I think the kid Iris use to hang out with.

The cute quiet nerdy kid.

I see his mother's face in the news paper, because of her, she was saved by a man in a red suit.

I lay in the middle of the floor and I raise my hand as I see a white light.

"What...have you...done...Barry..."

•Barry's Pov•

Moments before...

I'm sorry Rose, but I have to do this...

When Rose goes into the house, I take off running.

I want to live my life with her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her, but I can't do that, knowing that I could've saved my mother that night.

I change into my suit and decide that I will right my wrongs, and when I get back, Rose and I can plan the best wedding that anyone will see.

I run into the speed force and I concentrate on the night my mother was murdered. It all comes flooding back to me and the night unfolds before me.

I see my future self take my younger self out of the house.

"Barry!" I hear my mother scream, and I run inside, just in time before Eobard could stab my mother in the heart.

I throw a punch after punch at him until he lays motionless. "You're not gonna kill her this time. You're not gonna kill her ever again.."

I glance over and see the past me from last year, open my bed room door. That me gave me a sad smile. And slowly that me disappears.

I turned to my mother and she moves back from me frightened. "No..." She sobs.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm not gonna hurt you. Okay? I'm not gonna hurt you." I reassure her as I kneel down to her level. "You're safe. You're safe now."

I hear a thump and I look to see a much older Rose. She looked hurt as she held her hand over her heart.

"What done?" I was going to speak but she then disappears into a white light...


As I lay in my bed at 11:54pm on August 28th 2016, I just remember how this book came to be. I love to read, so when I looked up the flash I found some really good and some eh books. To me (no offense) there wasn't a book out there that had that spark I was looking for, and so this book, Chase The Impossible was born. I didn't know this book would get so popular, that people love my original character Rose...sorry I'm crying as I type this. This book is my super hero baby and letting it go is going to be hard for me. Now as you all read, I said that I was going to announce the sequel to this book and the chapter name is the name of the book. The Speeding Paradox.

I want to give credit to Bosslogic, for the concept, of this piece. I however did put my own touches and made this cover my own, look out for the chapter, when season three hits two days before my birthday in October 😊. I want to thank all of the readers, voters, commenters for making this book as epic as it can be. I love you and before I sob out my heart, I also want to say thank you Wattpad. This book would still be in my head without this sit. So let's get this book a #Watty2016 win!!

And now the words I've dreaded but will love to start a new...


The end

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