Chapter- 3) Mama Don't Preach

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•Joe's Pov•

I walk into a little diner where she was waiting.

I don't bother to say hi, or give small talk, instead I slide an envelope over to her.

"I need you to leave town."

I see Francine lift it and frown. "And you thought you could pay me, to walk away from my own daughter?"

"Last time you walked away for free." She passes the money back and gets up.

How do I explain this to Rose?

That her mother had really wanted a child and so I agreed to be the donor. Or that I've been lying to her for the past twenty odd years about who her real mother is?

The next morning, before Rose was even up, I saw Barry getting ready and I pull him to the side.

"Barr, I need to ask you something. Just to see if I'm right or wrong." He gives me a concerned look but nods.

"Sure, Joe what's up?" I pull Barry to the side and look around just to be sure Rose, wasn't up and about.

"I have a's about Rose..." He doesn't interrupts so I continue.

"...her mother. Her real mother is back in town. Now before you say anything, I'll explain. Francine, had asked me. To be a donor for her, because she just felt that she needed a child to keep her on track. Lilith and I had told her, that if she was serious and would go to rehab then it would be considered. She was clean for two years, and was doing right so we agreed and Francine went through the procedures. About nine months later, she had Rose. I swear even when Francine would visit with Rose, i just had this feeling she knew I was her dad. But anyways, Lilith and I started to see the signs that Francine was using again. We warned her and she said she would change, until one night, Iris was about two and she had called in. She gave the address and said her cousin wasn't breathing. I was terrified, I had sped that car almost into the house. Francine was suppose to watch the girls while I was on duty and Lilith was out getting groceries. But anyways, I ran inside and saw Rose on the floor, her little chest wasn't moving. She wasn't responsive. I thought she was gone. But when I picked her up and pressed on her stomach, she just threw up. Rose had swallowed chemicals under the kitchen sink..."

"Where was Francine when all of this happened?"

"She was passed out on the couch from a hangover. That was the very last straw, I had kicked her out and took parental right easy because she just abandoned Rose. Iris was too young to remember everything. But now, Francine is back and every time I see her, I remember that day, that my baby almost died. So here's the question, should I tell Rose the truth?"

Barry thinks for a moment. "I think she should."

"I thought you'd say that. And I believe she should too but, I just don't want Rose to be angry with me for keeping this a secret for so long."

"Rose, will understand. She loves you and she loves Iris. So don't think of her even being disappointed. You gave her a better life." I nod and pat Barry on the shoulder.

"Mmm, morning." I look and see Rose was walking into the kitchen stretching.

I walk over to her and just hug her.

"Haha, love you too dad." She hugs me back and I glance at Barry.

I know she'll understand, but still. I just don't want to let her go...

•Rose's Pov•

Today, I am going to put one foot in front of the other. One leg in my pants at a time.

One boob on each bra cup at a time.

Okay, you get the point.

I am going to make sure this day isn't about me, but about helping the people around me.

For example, last week. Dr. Stein had fell ill because he hadn't merged with Ronnie in a very long time. Yet Ronnie is gone because of Barry...and I..


I really need to put other people first.

But anyways, for a while, I was able to stabilize him until we got a perfect match.

Jefferson Jackson, that kid got heart and I'm sure he and Professor Stein will be a great firestorm.

But as of right now, I was on the couch looking at old family photos.

Okay, I was looking at the creepy comics but wanted to cheer myself up from impending doom.

Dad had walked in and peeked over my shoulder.

"You were two in that picture. You just got some shots. You were so mad at the nurse. You kept saying she bit me." We both chuckle at that.

"Oh, here's one with me and Aunt Francine. I wonder how she is these days." My dad doesn't comment but he does pick up a photo of me in an all white shirt, with a large pink stain on the front.

"I remember this. You were coming back from the dentist and you wouldn't eat. You kept saying that your mouth would get dirty if you did. So your mom gave you strawberry milk. And told you it would be good for your teeth and bones."

"She was right, I haven't had a cavity since then. And you said I have an addiction to strawberry milk. See mom was smart."

I glance at another picture and see Aunt Francine holding me on her lap.

"Wow, I look just like Aunt Francine in this picture. Spooky." Dad barely laughs at my little joke and I then out the book down looking at him.

"What's wrong? You look like I just ate the last Krispy cream. Which I did, so sorry about that." He chuckles at that and walks around and sits down with me.

"Rose Vincent West."

"What did I do?" I ask. "Nothing, baby girl. I'm just...we need to talk about something, but before I get into. I want you to know I understand if you hate me."

"Dad, you're scaring me. Why would I hate you?"

He sighs and holds my hand.

"You're so special to me, Rose. So very special. But it's time I tell you the truth about your Aunt Francine..."

Why do I have feeling I'm not going to like where this conversation is going?

"...she's...she's your real mother. Now before you get confused. Your au-mother, she wanted a child..."

I sat there listening but I felt like the conversation wasn't really happening.

All my life, I thought my mom had died because of me. But I killed someone and yet my real mother?

My real mother is out there?

I sat there with tears brimming.

"So...she didn't want me anymore?" I ask as a tear falls. My dad wipes the tears away and pulls me into a hug.

"Baby, she was just sick. She knew that she couldn't take care of you if she kept going down that path." I hug my dad and I can't help but cry a little.

It's not fair.

How do I keep getting second chances?

From villain to here, second chance.

Now a mother?

I let my dad do and wipe my eyes with my sleeve.

"Can I meet her?" I say to him. "Are you sure?"
I nod. "I know you think I'm mad at you. I'm not, because of you. I'm alive. Because of you, I grew up loved and I grew up with an amazing sister. But I also want to thank Francine for giving me a better life."

"Sometimes I forget you're still my kid."

I laugh and lean on my dads shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'll remind you every birthday that I'm your kid..."


So dad had set up for me and...Francine to meet later the next day.

I don't think I can call her mom just yet to her face. I mean, I don't want to sound like a bad person, but she's in my memories as my aunt. Someone who just was there in the background.

But as of now, I don't want to think about myself.

I decide to go visit Barry at his boring job. As I walk in I see Barry and Patty, talking.

I know she's just a friend, but damn, I don't smile that hard in my friends face.

I walk up the stairs and Patty was the first one to see me.

"Oh, Rose. Hey."

"Hey, Patty." Barry turns around and he plants a kiss on my cheek. I see Patty, look uncomfortable which made me feel a bit bad.

"Well, I need to go and finish up some paperwork. Talk to you later. See you around, Rose." We both wave bye to her.

"What were you two talking about?" I ask.

"She said something about a man-shark sighting."

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah. So what's up?" Barry asks as he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Not much, just thinking."

"About?" I think of something quick. "Can I ask you something?"

"You're changing the subject, it must be bad." Barry says with a smirk as we walk into his lab.

"It's not that bad, though out of context it might be. But it is a question for the sake of science. But you might not think so-"

"Rose, spit it out."

"Okay, okay, so. Say you and I were to have, you know..."

"Sex?" He asks, raising his brow.

"You make it sound so dirty, Allen. But yes, sex. Anyways, if we were to have sex, would it.."

"Are you asking me, if I could make it vibrate during sex? You little pervert." I turn red and he laughs but pulls me close and lifts me up in his desk.

"How about we find out?" I see Barry go for his belt and I yelp, pushing him back and fall off of the desk, straight on my back.

Barry was bent over laughing hard.

"That was too funny."

"Shut up, I thought you were serious. That's it I'm leaving." I wave his hand away and get up, ready to march out of the room.

"Wait, don't go." Barry grabs my hand and pulls me back into the room.

"You're a real jerk, you know that right?"

"Oh I'm a jerk, yet you asked if my peni-"

"Okay! We get that. But on a serious dad told me something yesterday."

"Really? What?" Barry asks as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"My aunt Francine, she's my real mom. And I had told my dad that I wanted to see her, and talk to her face to face. But I'm kind of nervous. How do you just say, hey thanks for giving me to a better family though because you weren't watching me, I almost died."

"I would skip the last part and just make the beginning more sweet."

"See, this is why you're so smart."

"I thought it was cause I'm a science nerd."

"Mm, that too." I stand on my tippy toes and give him a kiss on the lips.

"Are we still down for date night?"

"Definitely, oh remember that new Italian spot?" I ask. "Yeah, you want to go there?" I nod and he smiles.

"All right, then we'll go there."

"Seven thirty, sharp. And Barry?"


"Try not to be late." I say as I walk out of the room.


Here goes the moment of truth.

"Iris, I'm scared." I tell my big sister over the phone.

"What's there to be afraid of?"

"It's just, I don't know. I'm scared, what if I say something that'll upset her?"

"Listen to me, you're my baby sister. Not half, but my baby sister. You just say what's in your heart. Okay?"

"Okay..." I say in a meek voice. "...well, I'm almost inside."

"Good, text me everything when it's over. Okay?"


"Love you."

"Love you more." We hang up and I grab the handle to Jitters and walk inside to see my dad and Francine getting up as they see me.

"Hey baby." Dad says. I walk to him and he gives me a kiss on the cheek. When I let him go, I look at Francine and it's sad because I see my features in her.

"Rose...this is Francine."

"Hello." I say to her as my dad lets me go.

"Hi. Hello Rose." She goes to hold my hands but I slide them in my back pockets.

Dad taps me in the shoulder. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Um, no, thanks. Let's just sit." We all sit down and Francine was the first to speak.

"I can't get out what a beautiful young woman you've become. I hear that you're doing graphic design? I'm so proud of you."

"Why are you here? Why now, after so long?"

"I wanna make this right with you."

"...Then, how about you start by apologizing for just walking out on me."

"I am sorry, so very, very sorry. There's so much you don't know."

"I'm sure that you've been through a great deal, and I can appreciate you feeling like this is suddenly the right time for you to want me in your life, but that doesn't mean that it's the right time for me. "


"No, dad, it's okay. I've been thinking about this..." I look back at Francine give a nod.

"I want you to hear this, from me. I don't hate you, Francine, because you gave me a wonderful family. But I do wish you well, we have lived separate lives for a very long time. Let's keep it that way." I then stand up and walk out.

I forgive her, but I just can't allow her in my life again...

"Was I wrong?" I ask Iris. "No, you're an adult, with a mind and you spoke the truth. Do you feel like you were wrong?"

"No, but the hurt look in her eyes...I feel like a big Jack-ass for that." Iris hands me a cup of tea and we both sit on my bed.

"Don't beat yourself over it." I sigh and blow on my tea.


"Well, on a brighter note. I heard you were going on a date with Barry."

"Who told you? Was it dad?" Iris smiles and I groan, placing my tea down.

"See that's another thing I miss being alone. No one was around to tell my business." Iris nudges my head and I lay it on her lap.

"Don't be such a big baby. Dad was just telling me what's going on with you. You're my baby sister."

"Yeah, yeah, keep the teasing down to a minimum, please." She moves my hair out of my face.

"So, did you ever think that you'd be dating Barry?"

"Hell no, I mean not like how things are now."

"What do you mean?" I sit up and turn to my sister. "For one, I planned my life differently. I had plans to do everything the normal way, get a job. Get the guy and boom get married, have kids, grow old and be happy."

"So you're not happy now?" She asks. "That's not it, it's just. This is so much. There's so much happening. From my mom, to being a hero. Dating just seems so strange. Like I know in going to be gripping the bread sticks readying to throw them at someone."

Iris laughs at that.

"Look at the bright side, you could still be that little puppy pinning after Barry."

"I refuse to go back to that. Besides, I'm happy that I have some normality with him. We can still hang out and have fun, but it's more and I want to make sure we do this right, this time around."

"You will, and you wanna know why?"


"Because what you an Barry have is something precious. He's your first love and that will stay with you always. Now, if he gets fresh, I'll kill him."

I laugh hard and notice Iris wasn't laughing.

"I mean it, Rose."

"Did I say that to you with Eddie?"

"Yes, many times. Even when he walked in the door."

What are sisters for?

When dad got back home, I was in the kitchen making some pasta.

"Hey, dad."

"Hey, what's smells so good?"

"Just making some chicken Alfredo. I can make you a plate if you want."

"Sure but can you sit down for a second, I need to talk to you about something." I turn the stove off and sit down at the table.

"Francine told me, the real reason why she's here..."

My dad told me about how Francine was dying of an illness known as MacGregors.

"She's dying?" I ask as I sit there feeling guilt and sorrow.

"A few months left."

"I know I should be there for her, but I'm not ready, dad."

"That's fine. But you and me need to be crystal clear about this, Rose. If you want to have a relationship with Francine, it's okay with me. You don't have to protect me. I'm a grown man and I've dealt with these feelings a long time ago." I sigh hearing that. "So you...just believe her?"

"She's done some bad things in her life, but she wouldn't lie about this."

"Dad, she shows up out of nowhere or karma and only says that she's dying after I told her to stay away."

"Look, she didn't come to central city to see me. She came because of you. I just wanted you to know everything so that you can make the best decision for yourself. I mean, she is still your mother. Either way, whatever you decide, just know, I got your back."

"I know..."

•Iris' Pov•

I had set up a little meeting at Jitters with Francine.

As I walk in I see her at a table and go to her.

"Hi. Thank you for coming. You have no ideas what this means to me." She says to me.

"I'm here for Rose, Aunt Francine. Anyways, my dad and Rose told me that you were sick and I'm just here, to ask you some questions. Because, after all of the things Rose heard. She still wants to give you a chance but she's hesitant. So I did some checking, turns out you're telling the truth."

"I would never lie about something so big."

"Really?" She nods, and I know she's only telling half the truth.

"I was ready to tell Rose that she should give you another chance after hearing that news. But you're still lying, still keeping secrets. I'm an investigative reporter, Aunt Francine. I uncover things that people want to keep hidden, like how after a two years later, you went to the sperm bank and talked the doctors there about giving you the rest of my father's donation. Also that Rose has a little brother. Her and I have a little brother."


"His records shows that he was born the same day as Rose, only difference is they're two years apart."

"Let me explain."

"How do you sleep at night? You toss my sister away to only get another child? Not only that you didn't tell my father. He has the right to know as much as Rose. They are the two people I love, and just to see that you'd keep that kind of secret from all of us, just confirms that you don't deserve, Rose's forgiveness. I want you to leave. You stay way from me, my father and most of all my sister. If either one of them finds out about this, this will crush them. Just...leave us alone." I get up and leave as she calls my name.

I've made my decision, for both of them.

Francine will never be part of our lives....

•Rose's Pov•

Two days later...

Tonight was date night, and I was ready to let Barry distract me from my crazy life.

We had decided to go to a place a little less formal and agreed to meet there.

I don't know what my future brings when it comes to my estranged mother, but I do know I plan on ending this night with a kiss.

I leap off of the bridge and soar the sky's of Central City.

Things aren't always what they seem. Our fears can plan trucks on us, making us afraid to change course, afraid to move on,  but usually behind out fears are second chances waiting to be seized..

Second chances at life..

At glory...

At family...

At love...

And these opportunities don't come around everyday, so when they do, we have to be brave, take a chance, and grab them while we can...

I land in a dark place and see Barry sitting at one of the tables.

I smile at him and decide to let my normal life begin.

I would have, until a big meaty hand grabbed me around my neck.

"Zoom wants you dead!" The shark-man growls." I manage to raise my hand and make one of his shoulders pop out of place.

He screams and he looks like he's about to bite my head off but instead he gets stunned and falls to the ground.

I look and see someone wearing a hoodie and holding some large looking stun gun.

They take off running and I get up and go after them.

I grab the person by the shoulder.

"Who the hell are you?"

They take their hood off and I'm staring at the man who made my life, a living hell because he showed me the monster I could become.

"Dr. Wells?"

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