Chapter - 4) Dead Man Walking, Blind Man Seeing

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•Harrison's Pov•

Earth 2

Eight months ago

"Hello. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Harrison Wells." The crowd applauses and I smile.

"Today, the future has arrived. Our city has seen incredible--impossible things: meta-humans--men and women--with extraordinary abilities: the ability to soar above buildings, to run faster than the speed of light. Unfortunately most of these meta-humans have chosen the wrong path with these powers, a dark path..."

I notice my daughters join the crowd and I smile at them both.

"...My team and I at S.T.A.R. Labs are committed to keeping up with these perilous times, and so may I present to you out new line of meta-human awareness apps?"

I see Jessie and Rosemary clap with the crowd and I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

"This technology will allow you to instantly detect the presence of a meta-human." I say as I show off the watch.

"You'll be instantly alerted to an approaching speedster, like Zoom or like..." My watch beeps and suddenly The Flash was there with his arms crossed.

"Flash." I give a slow clap for him and notice Rosemary wheel her chair out a bit closer to see him.

I wish she didn't have a fascination with him.

"Welcome, Flash."

"Tell them the truth, Dr. Wells. Everything that has happened to this city the past two years is because of you. You created all of us metas. You created Zoom." The crowd gasps.

"I created Zoom?"

"11 hours before the first meta sighting, enormous blasts of dark matter radiation were silently expelled beneath this lab."

"I'm sorry, Flash, I believe all this fast running may have scrambled your brain."

"You take no responsibility for the wreckage your mistakes have caused. Admit it, Wells, and then maybe you can truly help me do something about it."

"help you, because I'm the greatest tech entrepreneur of all time? You're the superhero, and we would all be safe if you would do your job and stop Zoom.

The Flash glares at me and then he was gone, speeding out of the conference.

"Well, I guess it's safe to say the speedster sensors work."

I turn and Rosemary was wheeling up to me.

"Are you okay, dad?"

"I'm fine, sweetie. Now you and your sister, should go and do your homework." I kiss her cheek and hear my alarm going off but I move it back before anyone could notice.

Rosemary on the other hand heard it but before she could question it, I motion Jessie and she wheels her away.

What Jay said, was true. I'm the reason there are metas.

But I don't need him to remind me of that.

Everyday I look at Rosemary in her wheel chair, is a pathetic reminder.

I shake away the sad thoughts and get back to the conference.

"Now where was I? Oh, that's right, the future..."

Now I'm in earth two and I can't help but look at her and think, about my daughter.

But she isn't my Rosemary.

Rosemary is missing...

•Rose's Pov•

Why is he staring at me like that?

I think to myself.

I turn my back to him and look at everyone else.

Caitlyn looks surprised.

Cisco looks pissed.

And Barry?


"Meet Dr. Harrison Wells from earth 2." Barry introduces him.

"Hi." Cisco mutters.

"Hi." Harrison says as he keeps looking at me.

"Stop it! Stop staring at me!" I yell and he looks away. Barry turns to me and holds me by my shoulders.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, I just--I know he's not the man who killed you mom or the man who made me become like super crazy. But he has his face and I want to send him flying into a wall hoping he breaks his neck."


"I'm sorry. I'm trying anger management. I'll just keep my distance from him."

"Okay, so let me get this straight. You're the doppelgänger of the man who murdered his mom, made Rose go psycho, and is responsible for both Ronnie and Eddie's deaths?" Cisco explains.

"Yeah, but he's not even the doppelgänger of the Dr. Wells that we knew because that Dr. Wells' body had been taken over by the reverse flash, who was really Eobard Thawne and Eddie's distant relative from the future." Caitlyn explains.

I glance at Wells and see him give me a sympathetic look.

I groan and turn on my heel.

Barry catches up to me. "Ros-"

"I just need to stretch my wings, Barry. Don't worry. I'll be safe." I kiss his lips before he could say anything else and I take a running start, letting my wings out, flapping them hard so I can get higher up in the air.

•Barry's Pov•

As I see Rose fly into the air I come back into the main room and see Harrison looking, but he straightens as he sees me.

"...Like I said, I had nothing to do with the murder of your mother or your friend Ricky."

"His name was Ronnie." Caitlyn retorts. "Him either." He snaps back.

"You told me you have proof of your identity?" I ask. "This almost hit me when I went through the portal. Your stabilized breach downstairs connects directly to the S.T.A.R. Labs on my earth."

"Technically, this could be mine, but I want I run some tests on you."

"By all means, Dr. Snow, but I'll be genetically indistinguishable from my earth-1 counterpart. Your tests will reveal nothing."

"Great! Still gonna run 'em."

"Be my guest."

Cisco walks over to me and whispers,

"Why are we even listening to him? How do you know he's not you evil like the other guy?"

"He saved, Rose's life last night. The question is why. I'm guessing you didn't travel between dimensions just to meet The Flash and Avenging Angel."

"That's exactly what I did. I came here to help, Rose and you, to help stop your greatest enemy."

"They already did that." Cisco answers. "I'm not talking about the reverse flash. I'm talking about Zoom." Everyone was silent and for once, I was glad Rose wasn't in the room to hear that name.

Harrison notices this. "I see you've already heard of him."

"Yeah, he has been messing with Rose since she was a kid and he's also been sending meta-humans from your world through the breaches to fight us."

"Well, I see I came just in time. Tell me, where is Rosema-I mean Rose?" He asks.

Why is he asking?

"She uh, went for a flight."

"She needs to be watched over at all times, because if what you're saying is true, then the metas that Zoom is sending over, are the symptoms. Zoom's the plague, one that's infected my world and now he's coming for yours. "

"What do you know about Zoom?" I ask. "Everything. I created Zoom."

We hear a crash behind us and I see Rose standing there gripping an empty bottle of Strawberry milk.

"You..." Rose's eye turns pure white and I run towards her to keep her from blowing up at anyone.

"Get off of me! You ruined my life! I'm afraid of thunder because of Zoom! I was afraid of sleeping in my room because I just knew the boogeyman was going to grab me! You ruined my life!"

"Rosemary, I'm so sorry-"

"Help us get rid of Zoom, then I'll accept your apology...who the hell is Rosemary?" I let Rose go look at Harrison.

"I apologize again, for calling you the wrong name."

Rose pinches the bridge of her nose and looks at me. "Please, tell me that I'm not going crazy again. That he's not the guy who killed your mother..." I touch her cheek and see her eyes go back to normal.

"I assure you, I'm not that man." Harrison says as he looks at Rose. The way, he looks at her, it's just like how Joe looks at Rose and Iris.

"Yeah, we'll see. Can't believe you--why would you make that monster? Wait, don't say sorry again. I need to eat, I'm running on fumes. See you at the house okay?" Rose kisses my cheek and walks back out of the lab.

"She isn't safe, you know that right?" Harrison says as he looks after Rose. "I know." I step in his way and he cuts his eyes at me. "Zoom, is obsessed with speed. He will never allow there to be another speedster in the multiverse, let alone two, and he's gonna keep sending theses metas here, one after the next, all with the same goal: to kill you and Rose unless we stop him together."

"Funny thing, last time we listening to a guy with your face, some bad things went down."

"We lost people we cared about." Caitlyn and Cisco both explain.

"Everyone loses someone they care about, Snow. The real test of character is what you do once they're gone."

I hear three shots and turn to see it was Joe who fired off his gun.

I go to grab the bullets but they all just drop to the ground and I see Rose behind him.

"Bet you guys are glad I forgot my house keys. Oh, dad. Don't shoot out guest, we have enough police brutality." Joe holds the gun high but I stand in his way. "Joe! Put the gun down!"

"How is he still alive! How are you still alive?" Joe yells as he puts his gun down.

"I don't know, because you missed?" Harrison snaps back.

"Hey, Barry is trying to keep my dad from shooting you, please don't make me regret making those bullets drop."

"Come on, let's go for a walk. Rose?"

"Yeah, I'll keep an eye out on Harrison. So much for ordering wings and pizza..."

•Rose's Pov•

"I don't suppose you have a big belly burger in this universe, do you?"

"This isn't happening." Cisco mutters as he walks away. I stood there by myself with Harrison.

I go inside of my book bag and pull comic book and sit down while I babysit.

"You like comics?" I eye Harrison and nod. "Yup."

"And strawberry milk?"

"Yup." I say as I turn the page. "Do you have a scar on your left elbow?"

Okay this is creepy.

"How do you know so much about me? Please don't tell me there's a Rose West fan club back on Earth-2." He chuckles and shakes his head.

"No, you just remind me of someone."

"Who?" Before I could get an answer Barry came back.

"Hey, I'm leaving to get a coffee, want anything?"

"Hmm, I cream cheese bagel bite with-"

"Extra cream cheese on the side." Harrison finishes.

I look at Barry.

"Okay, this is weird, I'll get something else. As a matter of fact, I'll come. Caitlyn can watch him." I grab my things this time and walk out waiting on Barry.


As Cisco was talking to one of the baristas, Barry and I were whispering about the situation at hand.

"This is weird, he knows things about me."

"I know things about you, I mean, I've lived with you since you were six."

"Barry, that's different. He knows about my scar on my elbow." Barry frowns when he hears that information. "He said that he knew about that?"

"No, he asked me if I had one. Only you and I know about the scar."

I had got the scar on my elbow when Barry and I were playing cops and robbers outside. We were kids just playing around. When Barry saw that I was close to getting him, he ran and I fell scrapping my elbow. Barry had helped me clean it up and we haven't said anything about that scar.

"I don't want to be alone with him again."

"Look, I won't let that happen. Okay?"

I nod and we both see Cisco walking away from the pretty barista with a strange look on his face.

We both walk over to him. "Hey, you okay?"

"Did that barista say something rude to you? I can go talk to her."

"No, it's--I'm fine. But, we have another breacher at Central City bank."

"How did you know that?" I ask.

"Rose, come on." Barry pulls me along and we both leave out getting our suits hen going to the bank.

We both get there just as the breacher was walking off with a bag of cash.

"You got our attention."

"Hello." She says. She then points her hand at me and I see a beam of light shoot out. I move quick and it hits the wall making a burn mark.

What the hell?

She then points her hands to the ground and a burst of light erupts the room.

People start flying and Barry works quick to make sure no one gets hurt.

The woman was gone and I was standing feeling like we just got had.

Barry and I had told Harrison about the latest breacher.

"Her name is Doctor Light. Small-time thief on my earth until exposure to the dark matter from the particle Excelerator and became a meta human with the ability to derive power from starlight."

"Very, cool." Cisco comments. "Um, no. Her light almost burned me."

"Are you okay?" Harrison asks. "I'm fine, I guess."

"Her powers may seem 'cool' but there's nothing cool about having a light beam with the temperature of 5,390 degree kelvin thrown at you. Also with the reputation of a blinding luminosity."

"You know, our Dr. Wells may have been evil, but you're just a dick." Cisco walks away and Barry talks to Harrison.

I only catch some of the conversation as I was looking at her picture.

She looks familiar.

"...We capture Doctor Light and use her to lure Zoom here." The hairs on the back of my hair stand on end.

"The hell we will." I say. "You are insane! Okay, we are not luring Zoom anywhere, especially near Rose."

"Apparently they know each other, and Jay is not a fan." Caitlyn explains as she walks in.

"Well, well, well. Like everyone else, I assumed  earth 2  flash was dead. Why am I not surprised to find Jay Garrick here, still alive and in hiding a full universe away from Zoom?"

"I'm not in hiding. Zoom nearly killed me and stole my speed before the  singularity pulled me here."

"Is that right?"

"Yeah, that's right." Jay replies. "Well, whatever the case, in your absence, Zoom has only gotten more powerful, faster. Barry, Rose, you two have to defeat Zoom now while you still can."

How the hell can I defeat him, when I freeze up a little every time I hear his name?

"No, this isn't the time to be reckless. We don't even know why Zoom  sent Doctor. Light here. She's a thief, not a killer."

"Zoom can make people do things out of character. Thief or not she will kill both of you."

"Alright, look, hey, we can decide what to do with Light later. First, we have to find her, okay?" Harrison glares at Jay and leaves the room drinking his soda on the way.

"Cisco, how did you know that she was breaking into the bank?" I ask him as I walk over to him. "I got an alert on my phone." He says as he pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"There was a little ring-a-ding every time, like there's a robbery at a bank."

"What?" He doesn't make any sense. "But you know what? I think I can get S.T.A.R. Labs satellite to scan for any irregular solar radiation emissions and we can find Doctor Light's light."

"Okay. Well I'' going to call Joe, plus Rose and I can see if CCPD has any leads. Why don't we keep them apart until we get back?" Barry informs them. They agree and we both head out and go to the CCPD.


"Well that was a bust." I say with a sigh. "Tell me about it." Barry replies as we walk down the steps.

"You know, now that I'm thinking about it, we never did go on that date."

"Yeah, kind of thinking about not being choked to death by a man-shark." We both laugh and he backs me up against the stair wells. "How about we try this again?"

"Hm? I don't know, I think the universe is dead set on making sure we don't have a normal date."

"Come on, how about tonight? We go to a fancy restaurant, I get to show off my beautiful girlfriend, while she laughs at my jokes."

"Ooh, honey. Your jokes suck." He mock gasps and I laugh. "What do you say?"

"What about-"

"Light isn't going to be our problem. Meet me tonight? At Chez, around eight?"

"I don't know, Barry." He pulls my chin up and kisses me. "Now do you know?"

"Mm, when did you get so smooth?"

"Ever since the right girl came around." I agree and decide to go look at the comics to see if I can get any more clues...


•Barry's Pov•

"I still can't see."

Last night, when I came back to the lab, Cisco had set up the satellite so that Doctor Light could be found. She just so happened to be robbing a bank at the time.

Jay had told me that I could just talk to Light and reason with her. I had figured that I could do this alone without having Rose get involved.

But when I went to talk to her, I was taken off guard when I saw she was Linda's doppelgänger.

Next thing I know, I'm blind.

Not only that, if Rose finds out, she's going to be pissed.

"You're suffering from solar retinopathy. Your retinas are severely damaged. You're lucky you're not permanently blind."

"But giant your rapid regeneration abilities, your sight should return soon."

"6.5 hours by my estimation. You know all of this could have been avoided if God just stopped Light instead of chitchatting with her. I mean what if Rose was there?" Harrison points out.

"She caught Barry off guard." Jay snaps.

"Speaking of Rose, no one tell her please. I don't want her to feel as if this was her fault."

"Fine, but you're the fastest man. How did Light get the drop on you?"

"Because Light looks exactly like my ex-girlfriend, Linda Park. Another detail not to tell Rose."

"That's why Zoom sent her--because he knew you'd hesitate. Thank God she wasn't there. She would've been blinded or maybe even worse."

Shut up...

"Wait, so does that mean Zoom had to have somehow that Linda was your ex." Cisco asks.

I rub my eyes and still I can't see.

"Which is why Barry and Rose has to act now,  before Zoom sends another double from Barry's and Rose's life."

"All right, right now, I'm more worried about Linda. When I saw her was under the mask, I said her name. What if Light didn't even realize that she had a doppelgänger here until I accidentally told her?"

"The first thing Atom Smasher did when he crossed the breach was kill his doppelgänger. " I hear Cisco say.

"Yeah, but Light's not like Atom Smasher." Jay says.

"We should keep an eye on your Linda."

"All right, I'll go." I get up and I bump into someone.




"What? Ooh!" I hit my shoulder into something and almost fall but I catch myself.

"Okay, okay. You can't do anything until your sight returns. No, no, no, come on, here's the little rail here." I feel Jay help me and I grab onto the rail. "I'll do it." Jay says. "I'll go with you!" Caitlyn says.

I stand there feeling helpless. Then my phone rings.

I go into my pocket and try to remember how to unlock it.


"Hey, Barry. I'm just calling to make sure that you're sure about this date."

Oh crap, the date.

"Yeah...the date..." I can't cancel, if I cancel she'll know something is up. She's Joe's daughter.

"'s still on."

"Okay, great. I think this will be the first time in a long time I wore a dress."

"Which one?" I ask. "That backless one, you know the velvet blue one." I really like that dress on her. Too bad I'm blind and can't see it.

"Can't wait for later. Well I gotta go, love you."

"Love you too." We hang up. How am I going to get through this date?

I feel someone pat my back. "Bro, I'm telling you, Harry is pissing me off."

"I hear you, um, can I ask a favor?"

"Sure what's up?"

That's when we devise a plan on how I can go to my date without telling Rose about the Doctor Light thing.

It was a far stretch but, it's going to work...or my girlfriend is going to kick my ass for sure.


With Cisco's help I was able to get to Chez in one piece.

I did however almost bump into someone going towards my table. "Sorry." I mutter.

"Okay. She's two steps in front of you." Cisco says over the earpiece.

"Nice glasses, Casanova." I hear Rose say to me. I smile and feel myself bump into what felt like a chair.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." I hear a chair scrap and feel her touch my arm. "Late is your nature. But hey, we're here." She kisses my cheek and I can't help but blush.

I feel for my chair and hear Rose sitting back down. If I could see, I would have helped her to her seat.

Minus one point Barr.

"So, how have you been?" I ask her. "Well, besides my whole family issue. I've actually been pretty good. I've been having these strange dreams though." I can hear the frown in her voice and I reach out hoping I don't knock anything over.

She touches my hand. "What kind of strange dreams?"

"They're about you know who. It gets me every time. I hate feeling like that little girl, who afraid of the boogeyman."

"Hey, don't do that to yourself. You're a strong person."

"I guess, but I can say that last night I had a dream about you."

"Oh? You did?"

"Mhm, it was very steamy too. I was almost tempted to go to your room and reenact it out."

"Oh here comes the juicy stuff." Cisco says over the earpiece.

"Shut up Cisco..." I mutter under my breath. "...tell me what happened." I tap my earpiece so Cisco can't hear.

"Well, we were alone and I was getting out of the shower. I just so happen to had forgotten my towel. So I figure, I can make a quick run for it to my room, before you can see anything. But as I run out I bump into you in the hall...."

I'm liking this dream, why didn't she come get me?

"...and I feel all embarrassed and whatnot. But you look at me and I can just see this look in your eyes."

"What kind of look?" I ask. "Oh I think you know..." I then feel her foot slowly inch between my legs and I can feel it twitch in my pants. "Erhm, continue..."

I hear her giggle and she continues.

"And you tell me that my shoulders looked tense. I obviously with the mouth I have, say gee maybe. I try to walk back into the bathroom but you stop me and whisper in my ear, how we probably won't get another chance like this. So you let your hands travel down to my--oh the waiters here." Her foot moves and I literally have a small case of blue balls here.

"Dude, it was getting good." Dammit he still heard her. Well I'll get the details later, when I'm alone with her.

I feel a menu in front of me and just open it.

"I have to say, Rose looks amazing tonight." Cisco says in my ear.

I bet she does.

"You have to tell her how amazing she looks."

"You look amazing, Rose."

"Thanks, though I had to wear my other dress, since I remembered Iris borrowed the other one I talked about."

"Oh...what color is the dress?" I whisper with my hand over my mouth.

"Dude, the camera is black and white, no color."

"Well, that color looks good on you."

"It is your favorite color." I smile at that because I know she's wearing a red dress.

"You look great. Especially in red."

"Oh, Barry go for the white wine. And you're looking at the wine list by the way." Cisco mentions. "Can we get the white wine?"

"Sure thing sir."

"White wine, sounds good to me." Rose comments.

As the evening goes on, we just talk about what's going on non-superhero wise, and enjoy each other's company.

"...I saw some pretty cool things while I was away. Met some cool people. Oh, like Bruce Wayne. He's really nice."

"Wait you met him? That's so--wait you didn't like go on a date or anything did you?"

"Barry, are you jealous? I mean I would be he is really handsome." I can hear Rose teasing me but I can't help but get a little jealous.

"Oh stop. I'm your girlfriend, besides, you're going to be his friend too."

"Why would I be his friend?"

"You'll see." She says no more on that subject.

"She met Bruce Wayne!" I jump hearing Cisco because I forgot he was even there.

"Yeah, I'm still here. Creepin and peepin."

"Sorry, Rose. I just had a small cramp in my leg and wanted to shake it out. But that sounds cool. You did all of that while you were gone."

"I'm pretty sure it would have been cooler if you had been there with me. You know when the world isn't plummeting to its death, we should just have a mini vacation. I mean, see everything, because right now I bet you can't see squat diddily."

"Abort!" Cisco shouts.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Barry, I'm Joe's kid. And from what I've observed, you can't see anything. Do I even want to know?" She laughs and I take the glasses off.

"I'm so sorry, I uh had this eye appointment and I'm temporarily blind because I had my pupils dilated earlier." Good thinking.

"You know you could've canceled, I would've understood." I take the shades off and everything looks blurry.

"I just didn't want to disappoint you."

"Barry, we could have sat at home, with some pizza and watched a movie. Trust me."

"You know, you have a great smile." I tell her and I know, Rose is smiling.

"Really, how do you know I'm smiling?"

"Just a hunch."

When the date was over, Rose was helping me outside.

"Please don't let go. I may trip." We both laugh at that. "I won't, I promise. Okay? Just two more steps."

"All right. Missed one."

"There you go....and thank you." I feel Rose squeeze my hand a bit and I shrug. "No big."

"Yeah, it is. How many girls can say their boyfriends came to a date with dilated pupils? I have to say this date was great."

"Does that mean, that there's going to be a date number two?"

"I don't know, let's find out after this kiss." We both stop and I lean down. Our lips meet and I let Rose's hand go, letting my hands travel to her waist.

"Yup, definitely date number two material." I blink a few times and I can finally see.

"This red dress looks amazing on you, and I think your hair looks pretty up." I see Rose blush. "Now you can see?"

"I can."

"Maybe I should've kissed you before our date."

"Maybe..." I go to get another kiss from her but then my phone vibrates. We both sigh.

"I guess, we go back to being super heroes, huh?" Rose nods and I go to the crime scene...

•Rose's Pov•

I go to S.T.A.R. Labs and find Caitlyn patching Jay up.

"What happened? Is everyone okay?"


"Rose, I'm sorry about Barry." Jay comments. Caitlyn cuts her eyes at him and he goes silent.

"What about Barry?"

"Nothing, we uh, had a run in with Light come to find out she's Linda's doppelgänger. She had killed someone tonight."

I feel cold all over. "I'm so sorry, Barry and I should've been there."

"It's not your fault. Light's never killed before, I thought we could reason with her."

Harrison walks out into the room after hearing Jay say that.

"You cannot reason with someone under Zoom's influence, and now a man is dead because of you, Garrick. This whole thing is because of you. Barry doubts himself because of you, and I quite frankly don't want to even know what would've happened if Rose was there. But believe me, Barry and Rose can do what you could not. Those two can stop Zoom."

Jay gets up. "I spent two years hunting Zoom."

"Wrong! Zoom hunted you! You spent the last two years of your life running, running, running from Zoom."

"Zoom would have killed me just like he will kill Barry and Rose if you lead them down this path!"

"No, because they're not like you. Barry and Rose they go towards danger, from turn from it, because they are not cowards." Jay throws the first punch and I raise my hands making them separate.

"Okay, mom and dad. Let's not get a divorce here over the kids!" I snap at them. "He started it." Harrison snaps.

"I said enough!" I move my hands and they both fall down.

Just then Barry walks in and he looked a bit shocked. I walk over to him and clue him in on what's going on.

"Okay, I'll talk, to Harrison, you talk to Jay."

"Got it." We both follow who we're going to talk to into different parts of S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Rose, I'm sorry about what happened in there. But if you and Barry listen to him, you both will get killed."

"I get it. You're looking out for us. And quite frankly the meet thought of Zoom makes me want to run and hide. But I know one thing, I won't run away because I know I have someone there. I want to get rid of Zoom and if you can just help."

"I'm sorry Rose, but I don't want that much blood on my hands."

I sigh and think of something from earlier. "Jay? Who's Rosemary?" His eyes widen and I see he knows what I'm asking. "Ask Harrison, that's a demon that he's taming."

What's that suppose to mean?

When we go back to the main room I see everyone looking at something.

"Is that?"

"Lights Mask? Yes."

"How did you get it?" I ask as I look at it. "Iris shot it off Doctor Light when she attacked Linda." Barry explains.

"You know how to use the mask to find Light?" Jay asks the question towards Harrison. "Yes, I do. All we have to do is give it to him." He looks right at Cisco.


"Why me?"

"Because you have powers."

Harrison Wells doppelgänger say what?

Cisco gives a nervous laugh. "What are you talking about?"

Harrison reveals a little watch on his wrist.

"I developed this watch to detect meta-humans." He points the watch towards Barry and I. It beeps and he moved it away from us. He walks over to Caitlyn and it doesn't beep.

"You never got an alert on your phone. You never reprogrammed the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite, and this is why..." He points his watch at Cisco and it beeps.

"...he's a meta-human."

"Cisco, have you known about this, and you didn't say anything to us?" Barry asks.

"yeah, I was going to tell you. Thanks a lot, Harry. I swear I was, but I didn't. I just--I was afraid."

"Afraid of what?" I asked. "Dr. Wells said the dark matter gave me this, this gift. He said that one day I'd thank him for it. What if I become like him?"

"Cisco, I don't think any of us would become evil if we all of a sudden got powers, even if they were from Dr. Wells." Caitlyn says.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. I should have said something. It's my fault. I'm sorry."

"well, you can be sorry later, because right now, we have to use your powers to find Doctor Light." Harrison points out.

"Cisco, your abilities, how do they work?" Jay asks.

"Uh, I get these feelings sometimes, these vibes, these visions of the breachers when they come to this earth. I just, I'm not sure what triggers it. Sometimes it just happens. Sometimes it's when I'm touching something of theirs."

"Touch the mask. You want to find Doctor Light, do it." Harrison tells him. Cisco looks at the mask and touches it and we wait...but nothing happens.

"I don't think it's working."

"Try again...." Cisco looks at the mask then. "...Try again!" Harrison shouts. "Whoa." I take a step back from him and make sure I'm next to Barry.

Cisco touches the mask and nothing again. "I'm sorry, it's not--"


"I can't control it."

"Because you're afraid."

"I'm telling you I don't know how it works! I can't just make it happen!" Cisco shouts back.

"I'm telling you, yes, you can!" He shoved the mask to him and Cisco gasps.

"South Plaza train station, platform 15." Cisco says when Harrison moves the mask sway from him. "What are you two waiting for?"

Barry and I get our suits on and we go to the destination Cisco said.

"Uh, guys the platform is crowded." Barry says over the radio.

"Yeah, are you guys sure she's here?" I ask.

"She should be wearing a black trenchcoat." Cisco tells us. We look around and I spot her.

"Black trenchcoat. Found her."

"Everybody, get out of here. Go, go, hurry!"

As everyone scrambles away she takes off the trench coat.

"Why won't either of you just let me leave?"

"We can't let you leave. You killed an innocent man."

"That was an accident." Light replies.

"Trying to kill Linda Park wasn't." Barry says to her. "It's the only way that I can be free from Zoom, unless I kill you two."

"Yeah, can't let you do that either, kinda wanna go home after this and watch How To Get Away With Murder. So we've got a problem."

"We'll see." She throws her beam of light at us and we both doge it hiding in different parts of the train station.

"Guys, should have talked about this before I left, but how should we stop her?" Barry asks.

"Keep trying different angles, guys. Find her blind spot." Jay tells us. I move away and try to get to upper level.

I hear Harrison tell Barry that he needs to confuse her, to create a after image of himself so she has more than one target.

Everything was going fine until I saw Light had Barry cornered.

I get behind her. "Flash, move!" Barry runs and just as Light was about to throw her beams at me I flap my wings hard making her fly into a pole, hitting her head and knocking her out cold.


Dr. Light was now safely locked away in the pipeline.

I walk over to Harrison and offer him my hand. "Thank you." He looks at me and I see a small smile on his face. "You're welcome."

"So what now?" My dad asks.

"We do what Dr. Wells said. We use her to lure Zoom here, end this once and for all."

"Barry, you can't be serious." Jay says. "More breachers are gonna come. More innocent people may die. I can't let this happen anymore and I know that you agree with me Rose."

"He's right. This has to stop."

"You two are making a mistake. Okay, Zoom is a nightmare you can't wake up from."

"We've already had our worse nightmare. His name was the reverse flash, and I spent a long time being afraid of him, and Rose was manipulated by him. So we're gonna gonna be afraid anymore."

"Okay, Barry. You and Rose maybe faster than me, but neither of you are ready to fight Zoom by yourselves."

I step up. "That's just it, Jay. We won't fight him by ourselves. We've got all of them here to help us. We have Dr. Wells. We've got you." He shakes his head and takes a step back from me.

"No, I can't in good conscience help you both when I know it'll only lead to you losing your speed, or even worse, your deaths... You need to ask yourself why this man, for years, wouldn't it meant that he was responsible for the particle accelerator exploding underground. He may not be Harrison Wells from your earth, but he has just as many secrets as the one you knew." Jay then leaves and I feel as if maybe we shouldn't try to go after Zoom.

I mean if Jay is this scared of him, shouldn't we?


The next morning, Caitlyn, Barry, Cisco and I were all at Jitters getting coffee and you know it, strawberry milk.

I'm a rebel.

"Hey, you okay?" Barry asks me. "Yeah, just bummed that Jay left like that."

"I know what you mean. I was just getting use to Jay being part of the team." Caitlyn comments. "Well, look, Jay is a hero. They always seem to show up just when you need 'em." Yeah Barry has a good point.

Cisco walks over with our drinks and shows Barry a piece of paper.

"You got her number? Nice."

"Yeah, going on a date next week."

"I guess things are looking up for Cisco Ramon." I say as I shake my milk.

"I guess so. Still stuck with these powers, though. Just don't know how to feel about 'em."

"Hey, look, you don't got to go through it alone."

"On the bright side, you get a cool name."

"Oh, snap! You're totally right. I got to think about this one. Well, you know me. It's got to be perfect. Something that really sings, you know? Something like--"

"Mm, Vibe." Cisco looks at me and I never seen him smile so hard.

"That's it...Vibe..."

Guess we all agree on Cisco's new name.

"I'm starving. Anyone want anything?"

"Didn't you just eat two breakfast sandwiches?"

"Didn't you want a hair cut?" I snap at Cisco. Everyone laughs and for now, I feel...normal....

Earth 2

•Rosemary's Pov•


"Rose wake up..." I can hear my sister calling my name and I can barely open my eyes. "Jessie?" I open my eyes and look around.

My head hurts.

I hear a thunderous clap and I shut my eyes again.

He's here.

"Your father has abandoned you two."

"You're lying! Our father is the smartest man alive. He'll find us, he'll save us and then he'll kill you." Jessie says. I open my eyes and see Zoom staring at me.

I wish my legs would let me move but they haven't worked since the accident.

"I will not die. But that's a different story for her." I see Zoom unlock the cage and he grab my leg dragging me out and locking the cage back again.

"Jessie! Help me!"

"Let her go! Let my sister go!"

"What happens to you and your father is still to be decided." He says to Jessie.  He picks me up and runs out of the room with me screaming to my death...

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