Chapter - 5) Broken Wings

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•Rose's Pov•

I felt him tear my wings right from the base of my spine and everything just felt like slow motion.

Cisco shooting him in the neck.

Caitlyn's fearful face.

Harrison pointing his gun..

And me...

Laying beside my broken wings, with blood pooling out of my mouth.

This isn't a dream...this is a nightmare...

72 Hours Earlier....

Barry and I were in the pipeline talking to Doctor Light.

"Zoom sent me here to kill you both, but I didn't want to."

"But you were fine with killing Linda Park." I state. "It was the best bad idea I could come up with. Leave her body for Zoom to find, he'd think I was dead and I'd be free."

"How was he supposed to know where to find her body?" Barry asked. "Just let me go. Let me disappear."

I sigh. "You would spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder, never knowing when Zoom is coming."

"Okay. And what's your great idea? Zoom wants you dead the most." She says looking right at me. I swallow hard ready to answer but Barry pipes in. "How were you suppose to contact him after you killed us?"

"I was supposed to get something--something I can only get if you two were dead--and then throw it through the breach as proof."

"And then what?"

"Then he'd come for me. Confirm the kill and bring me home. Why do you want to know?" She asks him. "Because we want to find him."

"You really don't." She warns. "He's gonna keep coming for us. He's gonna keep kidnapping people like you, forcing them to do what he wants. We have to stop him before more people die."

"Neither of you can stop Zoom."

"Yes, we can. We will, but we need your help." She nods and that's when we devise a plan.


"Zoom wants Doctor Lighting send him your new emblems." Caitlyn says as she pours herself some coffee. "Yes. We need them for bait. If we can get Doctor Light to take our emblems, throw them through the breach, then Zoom will come to collect our bodies and we can trap him." Man that sounds even crazier saying that out loud.

"You know it took a lot of work to make those emblems, right? Especially yours Rose. Do you know how hard it was to get those A's right?" Cisco complains. "This is the woman who was willing to kill Linda in order to escape Zoom, by now she's willing to help us catch him?" Okay captain Caitlyn don't make the plan sound anymore dumber than it is.

"She knows it's the only way." Barry replies. "Before I left earth-2, I worked on a serum to dampen Zoom's speed. All we would need is for Ramon to develop a weapon to deliver it."

"Oh, why does this sound familia-I know! The cold gun, hey Cisco you remember that?" I say looking dead at him. "Everyday of my life and again I'm sorry. Besides I would never let that happen again." He says rolling his eyes.

"Are we forgetting how much more powerful than Barry and Rose Zoom seems to be? I mean if Barry can catch a bullet and Rose and stop them, what's to say Zoom can't catch whatever you shoot at him?"

Okay, I'm siding with Caitlyn and moving to Mars.

"Surprise--the element of surprise. All we would do is rig a projectile to fire as Zoom crosses into the breach. He can't stop what he can't see coming."

"That's great." I comment. "Thanks." Harrison says to me. "Joe, voice of reason here?" Really, Caitlyn? You're pulling the dad card?

Wait no that's a good thing...

"We need an plan. That's as good as any. As long as he can deliver." Dad says as he looks at Harrison. "Don't underestimate me, detective."

I see Barry reaches into his pocket and he looks at his phone. "Oh, Patty needs is back at the station."

"Wait, Patty has your number?" I try not to sound jealous but fail miserably. "Yeah, but only got business." Barry kisses my cheek and I give a half ass smile as he leaves out. I see my dad motion Cisco and Caitlyn to the side and I huff crossing my arms over my chest.

"Business my eye." I mutter. Harrison chuckles. "That's not funny Harry." I snap at him. He raises his hands up as if surrendering.

"I'm sorry, Rose. It's just when you made that face it reminded me of my daughter." He has a kid?

Of course he does, his life is the polar opposite of our Harrison Wells.

"What's she like?" I ask. "She's quite similar to you. Always has her nose in a book, loves to help people and has a strange obsession with strawberry milk."

"Hey. It's not an obsession, it's a lifestyle." He laughs at that. "Anyways, don't think bad of Barry. From the way he is, he wouldn't jeopardize your relationship to be with someone else."

For some strange reason, I have an urge to hug him. But I choose not to. "Thanks...I think."

"I'm leaving, babygirl." My dad kisses my temple and I say bye. When I turn back, I notice Harrison looked a bit sad.

I wonder why?

Maybe he misses his kid...

•Harrison Wells' Pov•

My thoughts drift to Earth 2 after I seen Joe say bye to Rose...

"...Well, let me tell you something. If you're incapable of aligning the quantum helix and, by the way, the sole purpose of your employment here at S.T.A.R. Labs, could you save me some time and effort? Could you go out there and find someone who can actually do you job for you?" I hang up and rub my eyes. I then look up and see both Jessie and Rosemary.

"There it is, sis. Dad's work voice." Jessie says as she helps Rose with her chair.

"Ah, remember when dad would bring us to S.T.A.R. Labs with him, and he's use that work voice? Oh it use to freak us out big time how differently he'd talk here than when he was home."

"Shouldn't you two be at school?"

"I graduated high school when I was 15, dad and Rose graduated when she was 14." My smart girls.

"Right, you two are my college girls."

"Yes, and I think missing one day, isn't so bad. Then again when you can teach the class better than the professors--"

"Rose.." Jessie teases. "I'm sorry, but the drivel Professor Stein was teaching was making me fall asleep." As my two girls bicker, I can't help but smile.

Though I lost my wife. I can't help but feel that I'm still the luckiest man in the world.

Jessie's phone buzzes and she looks at it smiling. Which makes me wonder why?

"I'll be right, back I have to take this." As she leaves, Rosemary was looking at a picture on my wall.


"Hm, sweetheart?"

"I took two steps this morning. Don't worry, Jessie wasn't there. Can I show you?"

She turns and I see her struggling to get up.


"I got it." I stand there and see my daughter, lift her self up. She slowly gets up and takes two steps towards me. She looks up at me and I see the biggest smile on her face.

"Se-ah!" Her knees give out and I run to her before she can fall. "Are you okay?" She nods as I help her back to her chair. "Dad?"


"Was it true?"

"Was what true?"

"What the Flash said about you at the press conference? That your particle accelerator  created the meta-humans?"


"Dad, you can tell me. I promise it will stay between us." I sigh and kneel beside her. "Jay Garrick, it turns out, is much faster at assigning blame than he is at actual heroics."

"Dad, the flash is a hero."

"Uh-huh. This isn't coming from you because you have a little crush on him do you?"

I see her left eye turn white and I see I've crossed a line. "I never understood why you disliked him so much, but now I know it's because he knew what you'd done. And if this is all're the reason I'm like this."

"Rose, ple-"

"No!" The vase on my desk shatters and she backs out.

"I'm leaving."

"Rosemary where are you going?"

"To find Jay and tell him that you need to be stopped." That was the very last time I saw my daughter.

That very evening, her picture was all over the news, saying she was abducted down town by Zoom...

As I snap back into the present, I look at Rose talking to Caitlyn and just know deep in my bones, that if her and Barry can't stop Zoom, then my girls, are dead...

•Rose's Pov•

"Why is this driving me crazy?" Caitlyn sighs and hands me my phone. "Why do I need this?" I ask.

"So you can call Barry instead of asking me 20 million different scenarios that keep popping up in your head." She walks off and I pout.

I was only going to ask, if Barry gave Patty his number so that one day they could run away together and join a circus, but I guess I see what she means.

"Speak of the speed demon." Barry was calling me and I answer on the third ring.

"Hello, this is the streak house. You kill 'em, we grill 'em."

"Well, then. Can you put my girlfriend on?"

"I'm sorry sir, we aren't canibals here, I do urge you to seek help." Barry laughs at my comment. "You know, anyone else would say we're nerds."

"Hey, speak for yourself. I would only be considered a nerd because of association with you. You've dragged me down to your nerdy depths of no return."

"I don't hear you complaining." He chuckles and I can't help but feel warm inside. "So, I was calling to see if you wanted a bite to eat?"

"Sure, where to? I'll meet you."

"How about home? We can have take out."

"You had me at take out, meet you in like five minutes?"

"Sure." We hang up and I see Cisco walking back in with a bag of food. "Hey, Rose. Want a burrito?"

"Can't, I'm actually having lunch with Barry in a few. Be back though to you know plan our impending doom."

I take off running until I get outside and open my wings.

I'll never get over this feeling. Flying isn't just feeling the wind in you hair, it's much more than that. It's like...the world can no longer keep you tethered to it.

Moments later I was landing on the roof, and climbing into my window.

Kinda glad Iris and Linda aren't here yet.

I can hear Barry downstairs and as I walk down the hall, I think about how much my life has changed since.

I'm a meta-human.

I finally dating the guy of my dreams.

But Zoom is out there sending people to kill me and Barry.

My real mother is out there, while I killed the mother that took care of me.

I just hope the scale doesn't tip now. Let it stay where I have 50% good 50% bad in my life.

I find Barry in the kitchen, zipping around with his speed to make our lunch date look fancy.

Instead of interrupting I just stand there watching him.

I then see him finally slow down and admire his work. "Nice." He turns around hearing me say that with a smile on his face.

"Is it? I mean I didn't think I would get the candles right, you know an-" I stop him with a kiss.

"It's nice, and with you being here, it's perfect." I tell him.

"Hey, I'm suppose to say that."

"Are you? How about we're both perfect, just like this." Barry leans down and as I think he's about to kiss me, but instead he lifts me up making me squeal.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asks as he places me on the counter. "Mad? Pshh, why would I be mad?"

"Rose, I saw the look on your face when you heard about Patty having my number."

"You saw that?" He nods and I blow air out of my cheeks. "Rose, Patty is just a friend."

"Who happens to take interest in you." I comment. "That maybe so, but I'm interested in you. I'm in love with you." I feel warm all over and I pull his face to mine and kiss him.

As we continue to kiss, I can't help wrap my legs around him.

His hands go to my shirt and he pulls it off of me.

I can see him looking. "It didn't heal?" I look and see his thumb runs across my scar on my body. The same scar the lead pipe had went through.

"No, and I'm glad it didn't disappear. This scar is a reminder that I'm not God. I'm me."

Barry keeps looking and instead of this situation going weird, I go for his shirt. He lets me take it off and I can't help but stare.

Wow, he looks hot. Barry goes to take me off of the counter but we both fall so I land on top of him.

We both laugh and Barry reaches up holding my hips.

"You're perfect. You know that right?" Barry asks. "And so are you." I go to take my bra off, but both of our phones ring.

I raise my hand making my phone fly into my hand. My eyes widen, when I read the text from Cisco.

"What's wrong?"

"Light escaped..."


"Doctor Light managed to hack into the lights of her cell. The whole building runs on fiber optic's that operate on pulses of light, so she turned off the dampeners and used her powers."

"I told you how dangerous she was. You should have listen to me in sedated her." Harrison says as he paces.

"I thought we had convinced that helping us was the only way she'd free herself from Zoom."

"Well you two thought wrong."

"Okay, look, Doctor Light is gone, so instead of assigning the blame, let's try to figure out what we're going to do next." My dad says.

"Do you think she's going to try and take Linda again?"

"I told Iris to bring Linda to the house, just in case, to keep an eye on her. How are we doing with the speed-dampener?" I ask.

"I think we isolated the composite."

"And we're modifying the dart The Arrow used to take down Wells."

Both Cisco and Caitlyn explains.

"He's not Wells. I'm Wells."

"Whatever, Harry." Cisco snaps as Harrison continues to pace the room. "But we don't even really know if this thing works."

"Until we try it, no. This all be a field test, so can we end this scintillating staff meeting and get back to work?" Harrison states.

"Or how about I say whatever everybody's thinking? Maybe it's a good thing Doctor Light is gone. Maybe it's the universe stopping us from doing something really stupid." Dad comments.

"No." Barry answers. "No. Keep going. Rose and I are going to figure out another way to get Zoom." Barry and I walk out and we hear my dad calling us.

"Hey, you two. Slow your roll. I want to to have a word with you both."

"Joe, look, we know what we're doing."

"Okay, I don't, so why don't you clue me in?"

"We're trying to stop Zoom. I want to stop Zoom. I don't want Rose to get hurt, or you or Iris or anyone else. I thought you were on board with that."

"I'm keeping my options open."

"Dad, I don't understand why you think this is a choice. Zoom wants us dead. The meta-humans that he's sending from earth-2, they don't care how many innocent people get in the way. Look what happened to Iris and Linda's boss. He was just collateral damage in Zoom's war. Who's to say the next time, that might be one of you guys? I'm not risking this. I'm sorry."

"I know, but I'm just wondering if young after him now is premature. I mean, we barely know anything about his abilities."

"Wells does."

"You're putting a whole lot of faith in the man wearing the face of a common enemy between you two. I think we should find Jay, get him to help us on this."

"Rose tried. I tried, Jay made if pretty clear that he doesn't want to help get us killed, and we can't just sit around and wait for Zoom to make his next move anymore. We can't. Aren't you the one who told me life isn't about playing defense, sometimes the only way to succeed is by working the offense?"

"Barry, I think at the time we were talking about your high school football tryouts." I choke back a laugh and Barry glares. "You said you would never bring that up again." We both walk out and Barry can hear me trying to hold my laugh.

"Stop, it's not funny."

Hell yeah it was...


We get back to the house and check up on Linda and Iris.

"Hey." I say to my sister as Barry and I walk through the door.

"Are you guys having a dinner party?" Barry asks. Now that he said that, why is there so much food on the dining table?

"You would think."

Linda then walks out with what looks like a roast. "I know, I know. It's just, sometimes cooking helps me to relax."


"Have you heard anything about Doctor Light? Am I still in danger?" She asks us.

I look at Barry and hope he can explain better than me.

Oh, is that jalapeño poppers? I walk over and take one.

I take a bite and... I almost had a tear in my eyes, they were so good.

So I did what any American super hero would do.

I took the whole the whole tray of poppers and ate them.

"...I'm going crazy here, Barry."

"Yeah, she is." My sister comments. A timer dings and I glance at the kitchen. "That is the cake. Hope you're hungry."

"Can you make brownies too?" Barry and Iris both look at me. "On second thought...never mind."

"She's not kidding. There's enough food in there to feed an army. Or at least three Rose's."

"Hey, I heard that." I snap back at her.

"She must be terrified." Barry comments. "Uh, more like furious. Larkin died trying to protect her, and only makes it worse that the person who did it looks just like her. I mean, trust me. If Linda had Doctor Light's powers right now..."

I stop stuffing my face and walk over to them. "That's it. Iris you're a genius."

"How? I mean I know I am but how?"

"Linda and Light, they're identical. So identical that Light even thought she could fool Zoom. Now we have Lights suit. I mean I know this all sounds crazy but-"

"No, no, no, it's not. We make Zoom think that Linda is Doctor Light and use her to draw him out."

"Isn't that too dangerous?" Barry asks. "Let's let Linda decide. I mean she's desperate to catch the person who's responsible for Larkin's death, and she deserves the chance to help us." Iris and I both convince Barry that we should add Linda on to the plan.


Iris was bringing Linda into S.T.A.R. Labs, while Barry and I were all suited up and waiting.

When we hear them coming we speed out. As Barry talks, I tuck my wings close to my back and I see the awe in Linda's eyes.

"Whoa..." Was all she could say.

You'd think after Barry and I explained what she needed to do, she would get it right.


She almost set Cisco's hair on fire and blew out a fuse.

But other than was a total disaster.

"We're gonna die."

"Hey, Angel. Be positive." Cisco comments. "I'm positive that Linda is going to blow a new hole in my face while she blows a hole in the Flash's face."

I hear Linda scream and see her hand was on fire. I run to her and eat the flame with my hand.

"Never mind I'm positive you're going to kill yourself first before Zoom can get to us." I mutter to myself.

As more of the trial run goes on, she gets a little better.

She then hits my poster along with Barry's and I clap.

"Told you she'd be good."

"I'll send you my funeral bill..."

Moments later.

"Okay, no offense to Linda but there is no way she can pull this off." Caitlyn says out loud. "Well, maybe if she didn't scream every time she fired." Harrison comments.

"Yup, Linda had a rocky start, but she can pull this off. I know she can. All right, did you find someplace near breach where we don't have to worry about civilians getting in the way?"

"Yeah, Barr, there's a place by the docks that's usually deserted at night."

"Great, how are we doing with the speed-dampener?" I ask Caitlyn. "My tests indicate that t would work."

"It will work, I'll tune up Ramon's gloves, make sure they work better."

"Perfect." Barry says.

"Hey, where actually going to go through with this?"

"Yeah, we're doing this. Rose, are you coming?"

"Huh? Yeah."

Even though the plan is all set, even though Linda is prepared...I'm still not sure if I want to face Zoom.

What if he hurts someone, what if he hurts me?

"You okay, babygirl?" I feel my dad beside me and I look at him.

"What if something goes wrong? What is someone gets hurt? What if-"

"Hey, what happened to you? You seemed so positive about all of this?"

"I'm just thinking about the possibilities of what could happen. I don't want to face Zoom."

"Then why are you going through with this?"

He takes me to the side and I look around at everything but him. "Vincent, talk to me."

"Because, I know everyone is doing their hardest to keep me and Barry safe. I don't want to seem...weak."

"You're not weak. Quite frankly if you weren't thinking this way, I'd think something was wrong with you. You seen Linda, she's not ready."

"I know."

"I understand Barry is pushing this, but you don't need to do the same. I see your actions when someone mentions Zoom. You tense up and you look terrified."

"What should I do?" My dad gives me a hug and kisses my head. "You'll know what to do when the time is right, I promise."

Then it hits me.

Everyone, including Linda is willing to risk their lives. But it's not fair that Linda doesn't know, the real reason...

I walk through the door and see Linda, typing on her laptop.

"Oh, hey, what's up?"

"Not much, um, can I talk to you?" She places her laptop down and looks over at me. "Uh, sure."

I walk over in front of her and take a deep breath.

I open my eyes and feel my wings slowly uncurl from my back.

"Oh my god!" Linda yells. I raise my hand to stop her from leaping off of the couch.

"You're trusting me, Linda. So I need to be honest with you...I'm the Avenging Angel." I let my eyes frost over and she looks at me with shock.

"I don't know if this is the coolest day of my life, or the craziest."

I laugh and put my hand down. "Trust, me. You get use to that feeling...."


Okay, here it is. Time to face the big moment.

Barry and I were both in position and we wait for our cue.

"...I'm here to kill The Flash, and no one can stop me!"

"God, no wonder she's a journalist. She can't even act her way out of a paper bag." I hiss. Barry holds in his laugh and we stay quiet.

We count to ten and we both stop right in front of Linda.

"Alright, Doctor Light, here we are." Barry says. "But we're gonna skip the part where you say you're gonna kill is and go right to the part where neither one of us will let you."

"I'm here to kill both of you, Angel. Wait, what are you doing? We're skipping that?" She whispers the question.

"Yes." I whisper back. "Uh, I am loyal to Zoom, so get ready go fry."

She raises her hand and her beams shoot out. Barry and I both separate. He runs while I fly up in the air.

She aims for me but, misses entirely. But I fake like she hit me and fall down to the ground.

"Ah!" I groan. "Gotcha." She does the same to Barry and he falls. "And you too."

"Yeah, you did." I say while I get up. "Real good too."

"Alright." Barry was now up as well. "Bring it on." Linda taunts. Barry and I both charge her and she raises her hands, hitting both of us.

We go down.

Linda stands above us with a smirk. "Told you, Zoom always wins." She grabs my emblem and leans down whispering.

"You're okay, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sure we're both fine. We had to make it look good." She nods and goes to grab Barry's emblem off of his chest.

"Here it is, Zoom, I did what you wanted. Now bring me home." She tosses our emblems into the breach and we wait...

And we wait...

And we wai-I really wish I peed before we did this....

Why do I feel like spongebob's voice over that says; Ten hours later. Is deemed appropriate?

"Hey, stop fidgeting." Linda hisses at Barry. "Sorry, it's been an hour. I landed in a ridiculous position on Rose's boot."

"Guys, I think my foot fell asleep." I whisper.

"Guys, he's probably waiting to see if you two are really dead. Any minute now, he's gonna strike." Cisco says over the earpiece.

"Screw it. Barry, please get off my foot."

"Gladly." We both get up and dust each other off.

My dad and Harrison come out from their spots, Harrison was looking pissed.

"So Wells ain't taking this well."


"How about you guys?" Dad asks us. "It just sucks. You know."

"Yeah, dad. But is it bad, that I'm glad Zoom didn't show up."

"No, it's not." My dad puts his shoulder around me and we walk back to the lab.


Cisco had slapped a new emblem on mine and Barry's suit. "There you go. It's like you two think these just grown on trees or something." He scolds us.

"And we threw away the others ones for nothing." Barry replies.

Harrison was on the computer looking over the footage for the 100th time.

"He should have showed up." He comments. "Maybe Light was wrong. Maybe he can't see through the breaches. Or maybe he finally decided to give up." I suggest.

Barry's phone vibrates and he answers it.

Something in the air felt cold to me all of a sudden.

Like, the wind crawling up your skin and choking your neck.

I see a feared look on Barry's face and he looks right at me.

I don't know how, but I knew.

Zoom was here.

Harrison's watch alarm was going off. Barry was trying to get a calm word out of my sister.

And I was trying to keep from having a metal break down.

He's here.

The boogeyman is here and he's coming to get me.

"Zoom had Linda." Barry says to us. "He's on the roof." I hear Cisco say. Barry goes into his suit and I should too.

Really I should. But I'm frozen in fear.



I don't want the monster to come get me...

I feel my chest ache as I hear Barry scream in his earpiece.

"Barry..." I was still afraid but less now that I hear that Barry was in trouble.


"Barry!" I run and put on my suit, letting my body guide me.

The monster's gonna get me...

No, he won't. I'm not a little girl.

When I make it to the roof, I see a black figure holding Barry by the throat.

It turns and I'm hit by the same fear I had when I was a little girl.

"Hello, Rose..." His voice sent chills down my spine.

"Let him go, Zoom!" I demand as I try to shake the fear away.

"You remember the last time you told me what to do? Or should I remind you?" He holds Barry over the edge and I feel my heart in my throat.

"I said let him go!" I raise my hand and yank Barry away from him, while sending Zoom over the edge of the building.

I grab Barry and he was pretty beaten up bad.

"Are you okay?" I ask. "Rose, you can't defeat hi...m." Barry struggles to breath and I get this sudden rush of anger.

"I'll kill him." My eyes frost over and I leap off the roof swooping down ready to face Zoom.

"Where are you!" I shout.

I hear thunder clap behind me and turn in enough time to see him rush me. I raise my hand and feel it heat up.

I send a fire ball at him but he catches it and crushes it in his palms like nothing.

I blink and suddenly he had me by the neck.

"You are pathetic in this earth, and the other."

"And you're just as pathetic!" I throw another fire ball in his face and he lets me go.

We both land and I flap my wings.

"Tonight, you're going to stop tormenting me! And my friends!"

"My, my. I was born to torment you!" He rushes me and I try I to fly off but he grabs me and I feel his hand vibrate into my back and I can't breath.

"Let's show Central City what you're really made of, shall we?"

Before he runs off with me, I see Harrison from the corner of my eye and he shoots the dart. Sadly, Zoom catches it.

"Never forget, I am the fastest man alive!" He then stabs me with the dart and my body shuts down like a rag doll.

"Rose!" Harrison yells as Zoom races off with my useless body.

We run inside of the building my sister works and I see her along with a few other people.

I see my sister looked scared and I just can't move.

"Look at your hero...." I  see someone recording and hear a few cameras shutters.

"...This woman is no God. She is nothing!" He runs us out and suddenly we were in the police station.

"The days of The Avenging Angel and Flash protecting the city is over. Just look at her now." He holds me over the balcony and I see my dad along with a few officers they had their guns pointed as us.

"No, your fire!" My father shouts. "Put her down!" Patty yells.

"Now what will you do without your precious heroes?"

"Shoot that's thing, now." Captain Shouts. They all shoot and not a single bullet hits him.

Instead he had a handful of the bullets and dropped them on the floor.

"Nice try." He runs me out of there and we were back at S.T.A.R. Labs, right in the main room.

"Rose!" Caitlyn shouts my name.

"Harrison Wells, you thought you could defeat me with this?" He rips my mask off and everyone gasps as they see my bruised face from him dragging me all over the city.

"I made a mistake, please don't hurt her."

"Yes, you made a costly one." He slams me to the ground and I then feel his knee in my back.

"N.." I hear flesh ripping and the pain hits me so intensely that I can't even scream.

I felt him tear my wings right from the base of my spine and everything just felt like slow motion.

Cisco shooting him in the neck.

Caitlyn's fearful face.

Harrison pointing his gun..

And me...

Laying beside my broken wings, with blood pooling out of my mouth.

This isn't a dream...this is a nightmare.

I gasp and feel more blood pool out of me.

Zoom runs away wounded but the serum didn't do much if he ran out so quickly.

I see the tip of my finger reach for one of my wings and they disintegrate right before my eyes.

Caitlyn moves me to my side and I see Barry running in to my side.

"Rose, stay with me! Stay with me."

I feel something wet drop from my back and finally the pain catches up to me because I do one ghastly gasp and pass out...

"This is all you! If Rose dies, you die!"


"Joe, Rose's vitals have stabilized. Let's let him go."


Something feels warm against my face.

Like a sheet or something.

I can't hear what's happening next but I feel his touch.

"Rose, I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry..."


I cough and everyone was silent.

I open my eyes but they feel heavy.

"Guys I think she's awake." I hear foot steps and I feel my wings flap.

"Mmm, my wings..." I moan.

"Rose, sweetheart. Daddy's here."


"Rose, you're on your stomach until your back is fully healed. It was broken bu-"

"My wings!" I shout, regretting it instantly because my ribs hurt.

Everyone was silent again.

"My wings...hurt."

" wings are gone. They disappeared and I don't see any signs of them coming back." Caitlyn says.

"My wings...hurt...they hurt!" I scream, not from anger, but because even though I heard what she said...I can still feel them.

And they...


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