Chapter 5- Know Your Limits...

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•Rose's Pov•

It's been a few weeks since the Clyde Mardon fiasco and I'm still on cloud nine.

All because...

I kissed Barry.

Not on the cheek, but on the lips.


I was smiling from ear to ear as I poured myself some cereal.

"You sure look happy this morning." Iris says as she fixes her hair while coming down the steps.

"Because I am happy this morning."

Iris flips on the tv and the news was on.

"Reports shows that a large winged bird was seen by a few locals late last night..."

"Any clue who they're talking about, Rose?"

"Not a clue, but hey can you pass me another box of captain crunch? I'm on my third bowl but I'm starving."

"You're going to eat us out a house and home." I shrug but she gives me the box of cereal.

I pour another bowl and get a text on my phone from Cisco.

**Barry's going towards a fire on Western and 3rd in downtown Central City**

**On My Way**

"On second thought I'm full." I say as I get up putting my things in the kitchen sink.

"Where are you going?"

"To go see what Barry is up too."

"Good he's suppose to help me out with my paper. Tell him I'm coming to pick him up so we can go the the Simon Stagg presentation later.."

"Sure thing..."

It's not a lie, really. I am going to go see Barry but as...

"The Flash?" I heard from Cisco that that is what Barry is calling himself.

I think it makes sense seeing that he's gone in a flash.

I fly what feels slow to me but from what Cisco keeps saying on my transmitter, I'm going 352 miles an hour.

Pshh this feels like a walk in the park.


"I'm right on him, what?"

"He missed it by six blocks meaning..."

"I missed it too. Alright I'll follow him and let's hope he doesn't miss the address."

I fly quick and smell smoke.

"Peter! Peter! Has anyone seen my son?" A woman asks frantically.

Barry had ran in past her and I bring in my wings so that I can fly easily in the window of the burning building.

I cough as I inhale too much smoke.

I hear crying and land on my feet.

I keep walking, careful not to touch anything with a fiery surface.

"There's fire everywhere!" I hear Barry yell.

He's probably talking to Cisco on his transmitter.

"I'm coming Barry, but I need to find the kid."

I hear whimpering close by.

I hear it as I get close to a door and I kick it open with my boot.

"Where are you?"

"Mommy?" I look towards the closet and open it to find a small little boy cowering in fear.

"Don't worry. I gotcha." I hold out my hand to him but he jumps in my arms and wraps his arms around my neck.

I cough again feeling the smoke infiltrate my lungs.

If this is having an effect on me, I can only imagine what it's doing to the boy. I need to get him out now.

I step out of the room and find Barry coming towards me.

"I hear more people in the building." He yells.

"Go, save them. I'll help you after I get this little guy out." I leap out the window and land in front of his mother making everyone gasp.

"Those wings are huge."

"Did you see that?"

"Those things have to be at least twenty feet long.."

"Mommy!" The little boy leaps out of my arms and goes to his mother.

I leap back into the air and continue to help Barry get more and more people out of that burning building.

After the last one is out I fly to a building about two blocks away, and stand on top of it watching the firefighters put out the flames.

"Why are you helping me?" I smile hearing his voice.

"Because, it's the right thing to do." I turn and he looks at me with a smirk on his face.

"You know you've been helping me out for weeks now and I still don't know who you are other than by your alias. Or how you always seem to find me."

"I guess I'll have to tell you all about it over dinner."

"Or I can just take that mask off."

He's bluffing...

"Then what's the fun in that?" I say as I take a step back towards the ledge.

"Just tell me who you are at least." He says taking a step towards me.

"I already told you. I'm just your friendly neighborhood spider-wait wrong name." I say with a smile as I fall backwards and let my wings guide me away from Barry.

I may not be able to tell him who I really am but I'm happy that I'm able to help him one way or another.

About an hour later I felt like I could help Barry with anything today.

"Alright, Cisco. What else is Barry doing today? Chasing a mugger? Stopping a bank robbery?"

"Rose, it's Caitlyn."


"Hey Caitlyn. How's your day? Have you lost weight? You sound like you did, I can hear it in your I'm going to kill you voice."

"Get back to S.T.A.R. Labs now. I just got done yelling at Barry and Cisco, it's your turn."

"Coming..." I go to fly off but my head pounds causing me to get dizzy.

"Whoa..." I shake it off and fly off to S.T.A.R. Labs.

When I get there oh Caitlyn was pissed off.

"Have you lost your mind? Barry could have found out your secret. Or better yet, you could have gotten yourself killed."

"But he didn't and I was careful."

"That's besides the point, Rose. You and Barry can't be going around fighting crime like the anti-Bonnie and Clyde."

"Why not? We're doing good and saving lives. Besides this is what we had talked about, me using my gifts for good and to keep Barry safe."

"Well you also agreed that you would take on the responsibilities on helping Barry catch meta-humans that were effected by the particle accelerator explosion. Aside from Clyde Mardon, we haven't found any."

"People in this city still need help and as long as Barry is out there risking his life to save them, then I'm going to be right there."

"Will you please say something?" Caitlyn says over my shoulder to Dr. Wells.

"I think what Caitlyn is saying, in her own spectacularly angry way, is that we are beginning to understand what yours and Mr. Allen's body is capable of. And not to sound like an echo but Miss West, I do caution restraint."

"Dr. Wells, I understand you all care about my well being and Barry's. But this is the right thing to do. I'm sorry." He nods before speaking.

"Miss West, I advise you that you know your limits." He leaves the room and Caitlyn turns to me. "You're coming with me."

"Coming where?" I ask as I pull my hair into a ponytail.

"I am your personal Doctor, as well as Barry's, make up a story or whatever but you are coming with me so I can give him his test results. Besides I don't trust you out of my sight."

"You just want Barry to find out..." I mutter to myself.

"What did you say?"

"That it's very bright out." I say with a quick smile.

She shakes her head and Cisco pulls me to the side. "Hey did anything happen out there today? The sensors in the suit were kicking back some weird telemetry, like your vitals spiked for a few seconds."

"Never felt better..."

So here I am walking into the police station trying to come up with a good lie to tell Barry while Caitlyn gives me the cold shoulder.

Barry looks up from whatever he was doing and he smiles at me. "Hey Rose, Caitlyn. What are you two doing here?"

"I had happened to bump into Rose on my way here. I just wanted to give you some test results."

Damn Caitlyn couldn't even help me out with an alibi?

"Rose?" Barry asks.

"I, uh..."

I look around the room for some help.

"...was interested in knowing if you could mentor me in forensic science..."

Both Caitlyn and Barry gave me a funny look.

"You? Want me to mentor you? Rose West, the girl who fell asleep when I sat down and tried to explain what gene splicing was?"

I'll try to lie better next time..

"You know I am just trying to have a foot in the forensic world and I'm so feeling attacked right now." He holds his hands up in defense.

"I'm just making sure you're in your right mind."

Hell no...

"Psh, yeah I am." My eyes catch a glimpse of something on Barry's desk and I see it's one of my feathers.

"Where'd you get that?" I point out.

"I found it at a crime scene, you know the Clyde Mardon one?"

"Yeah, dad told me about it a few weeks ago..." A phone goes off and we look at Caitlyn.

"I'll be right back I need to take this call." Caitlyn leaves the room and I'm all alone with Barry.

I need to find out what he knows about my Avenging Angel persona.

"So, I read on a blog about this winged girl. I wanna say they called her the Avenging Angel. What do you think about her?"

I wonder if he'll give himself alway?

"I haven't heard much just whatever floats around the station. Why? What do you think about her?"

"I think she's pretty cool, and she helps keeps that red streak guy safe."

"How are you sure it's a guy, it could be a woman."

"Barry, I have a gut feeling about this." I say as I lean against his desk.

"Fine so what if it is a guy?"

"Then that's pretty cool. I mean she's cool, he's cool I think they would make a cool crime fighting couple, I mean team. Don't you think?"

He rolls his eyes but doesn't disagrees.

"So do you have a fascination with the Avenging Angel?" He asks.

"Yeah, totally. I mean if I could I would love to get an autograph from her and the streak."

"Well if I ever bump into either of them I'll be sure to get it for you."


Man he's good.

"..So, are you ready for that thing with Iris?"

I see him rub his temple.

"You forgot didn't you?"

"No, I just-"

"Barry why aren't you dressed?" We turn to see Iris at the door wearing a form fitting powder pink dress.

"Wow..." I glare something deadly at Barry as he keeps staring at my sister.

"Geez, Barry pick your damn jaw up off the ground why don't you." I walk out of the room feeling annoyed.

That's when I felt dizzy again.

"Whoa..." The room was spinning and Caitlyn was coming back towards the lab.

"Rose, are you okay?"


"Oh my god." Caitlyn gasps as I collapse against her and I feel like my brain was starting to shut down.

I hear footsteps and the last person I see was Barry sitting beside me holding my hand...

I woke up to a white light.

"Pretty light..."

"Her pupils are dilated..." I hear Caitlyn's voice and the light moves.

"Mmm, what happened?" I say as I try to sit up.

But Caitlyn presses her hand down on my shoulder keeping me down.

"Your brain had shut down."

"Say what now?"

"Rose, how many hours of sleep do you get every night?"

I think about that.

"I don't know, like fifteen minutes. A half an hour at the most. Why?"

"That's why you had got a dizzy spell and passed out. Your body isn't like it was before, because of your abilities you need to at least get a minimum of five to six hours of sleep each night."

"Fine, I'll take a sleeping pill. How long was I out for anyways?"

"For about four hours." Cisco says as he walked into the room eating a twizzler.

"What? Wait where's Barry?"

"After Dr. Wells had assured him that you would be okay in our care, which trust me it took an hour to do, he left with your sister."

I smile to myself knowing that Barry cared that much.

"Rose, I know you're not in sync with the world of science but as this keeps going, you need to be honest with what's going on with you. You're lucky that this dizzy spell was able to be solved with a few hours of sleep. What if you have a strange migraine and come to find out it's because you get an aneurysm."

"Then I'd heal quickly." I sit up and Caitlyn shakes her head.

"Miss West, may I have a word with you?" I nod and walk over to Dr. Wells.

"You don't like for people to take care of you. Do you?"

I shake my head and look at my feet.

"Is that because you're always taking care of someone else?"

"Yeah, it's something my mom had taught me at a young age."

"Well that's understandable, but what would happen if Barry had found out that you got hurt or worse? How do you think that would make him feel?"

I chew my bottom lip and nod.

"I get it, I'll start opening up about what's going on with me."

He nods in approval. "See, for a twenty year old you don't seem so wild and reckless. Now go home, get some more rest and if Barry gets into any trouble, we'll take care of it. You just take care of yourself."

I open my mouth to argue but he raises a brow stopping me.


So I know I'm suppose to be going home resting but all that sleep has made me hungry, so why not get a chilli dog at Big Belly Burger.

My phone rings and I see my dads number pop up on the caller I.D.

"Yes dad?"

"What happened to you, today? People at the station said that you were passed out in the hallway and Barry had to carry you out."

He carried me out?

"Dad, I'm fine."

"You know I'm staring to believe that your mother and I should have named you dad, I'm fine. Since you keep saying that."

I roll my eyes as I sit down at a booth.

"Dad, it's just that I'm going through some personal stuff. It's nothing to worry about. I had passed out because I haven't been getting a lot of sleep. Must be from the coma and whatnot."

"I'm your father, and fathers worry about their children."

"I know, I know and that's why I'm asking you not to worry. I'll be home in a half an hour I just stopped off at Big Belly Burgers for something to eat. Want me to get you anything while I'm here?"

"No, Rose just get home when you're done. Okay?"

"Yes dad. Love you."

"Love you too." We hang up and a waitress came over to take my order.

"I'll have a chilli dog with the works, the jalapeño poppers, a piece of chocolate cake..."

The woman gives me this strange look.

Yes lady in going to eat all of that food I'm ordering.

"...And a diet coke."

"Be ready in fifteen sweetie." She walks off and I wait.

"Rose? Rose West?" I turn and see a cute guy smiling at me.

"Um, I'm sorry who are you?"

"Travis, Travis Gilbert. We use to go to middle school together."

"Oh, I remember you. You're that kid that use to eat glue." I grimace blurting that out.

"Hey, it's okay. I do remember that and I'm paying for it still. So how've you been, I heard about your accident in the news paper."

"I'm fine. Just been trying to get back in the swing of things. How've you been?"

"Same, I guess. It's really good to see you after all these years."

"It has..."

Last time I seen him his breath smelled like elmers and he had thick glasses. But now he looks pretty hot.

"Well, I gotta go to a gig. Maybe you'd like to come to one of my shows sometime."

"That would be nice." He hands me a card from his back pocket.

"Call me." He leaves and I take the card and put it in my back pocket.

"Here you go." The waitress puts my food and drink down in front of me. I crack my knuckles and dig in showing her how a Central City gets down when it comes to food...

•Barry's Pov•

I hope Rose is okay. I think as I stand beside Iris.

"Oh! Mr. Stagg, I was wondering if I could get a quote from you for my paper?"

His body guard declines the request and they keep going.

"I'll just make something up..." She sighs and looks at me.

"Barry I'm sure she's fine, and trust me I can tell you're thinking about her, it shows in your face."

"I know, Iris. Its just she's like my sister too and I don't want to see her get hurt. I'm going to check on her at S.T.A.R. Labs."

As I go to leave a sound of gun shots echoed throughout the building where the Simon Stagg event was taking place.

Everyone ducks down.

"Quiet down all of you!" A masked man barks out. Five of his other assailants had guns pointed to the crowd. "How considerate you all are wearing your finest jewelry! Almost like you knew we were coming to rob you! Now everyone line up! And don't try anything funny!"

Everyone gets in line and one of the mask robbers yanks up on an old man making me want to get up and defend him.

"Don't, don't Barry." Iris whispers.

"Freeze!" A security guard yells out as he points his gun.

All six of the robbers points their guns in his direction ready to shoot.

"Drop your weapons!"

Instead they fire off their guns at him and I don't hesitate, the moment Iris looks the other way I grab the security guard and bring him out of harms way.

I then run out to confront the robbers but they were already in their getaway car. I began to go after them but I feel lightheaded and fall down feeling weak.

What's going on with me?

•Rose's Pov•

"Barry, don't be sad." I sit down next to him and he looks at me with a kind smile.

"I'm not sad Rose." I feel my little brow furrow and I get up and run as fast as my little legs could take me.

"Whoa, where's the fire?" My dad says as he was bringing out the grill.

"Can't talk now daddy. I need to get a Popsicle for Barry." I grab my little stool and my dad stops me.

"Are you sure he needs one or do you, little lady?"

"Barry...and me." He smiles and grabs a twin pop out of the freezer. "Thank you!" I say as he hands it to me.

I take off running and find Barry just sitting on the steps.

"Here you go." I open the Popsicle and break it in half.

"No thank you Rose. You eat it." But I don't take no for an answer.

"Please Barry? It's your favorite it, cherry flavor." I wave the other half under his nose and he smiles taking it.

"How is it that its your birthday and you're giving me treats?" He says as he takes a bite.

I just sit there and eat along side him.

Because seeing you happy is my treat, Barry...

I wake up from my memory and stretch. I look at the clock on the mantel next to my mothers picture and see that I slept for six hours.

Caitlyn and Dr. Wells would be proud.

"Well I feel refreshed." I run my fingers through my hair and get off of the couch.

I hear the front door and look to see that it was my dad and he had a blank face.

To anyone else you'd think he was thinking, but he was mad and I really hope it wasn't me that anger is directed to.

"Hey, dad. You alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

My look how the tables have turned.

"Before you get mad at me, all I did was what you said. I got home and I took a nap."

"No, Rose I'm not mad at you. Its just that Barry is doing things that I know he can't do."

"What did he do?" He looks at me and hugs me taking me by surprise. "Thank god you and your sister have normal lives."

"Heh, yeah normal..." He lets me go and goes to the kitchen.

"What did he do dad?" I press.

"I don't wanna talk about it."

Okay dad, since you won't give me any answers. I guess I have to get them myself.

I flip on the tv and the eleven o'clock news report was talking about the streak and the winged girl saving a small group of people from a bringing building.

The name is Avenging Angel not winged girl.

"Now I'm very curious about her." I hear my dad say as he stands in the door way of the living room.

"Why is that dad?" I say as I glance at him from the corner of my eye.

"Where did she come from? Why is she out there risking her life with the red streak?"

"Wow dad, you seem really interested in knowing this girl. Are you having a fan-boy moment?" I tease.

"No just the opposite. She is risking her life out there just like he is. I'd hate to see what her father would say."

I slink low on the couch and chew my lip.

The next day Barry had called to make sure I was okay so instead of saying yes, I decided to surprise him.

I walk into his lab and he smiles at me and gave me a hug as soon as I was arms length.

"Don't ever scare me again." I hug him back and hear his heart beating super fast.

He lets me go and I look at him."I won't, Dr. Snow told me to get more sleep. So I did and now I gotta bone to pick with you."

"A bone to pick with me?"

"Mmhm, my dad came home with that blank look on his face and he had happened to mention that he's upset with you. Mind telling me why?"

He sighs getting ready to tell me and that's when my dad came in.

"Rose? What are you doing here?"

"I'm actually going to be mentoring her in forensic science."

"Dad, don't give me that look. I love science, you know E=Mc sphered."

"It's squared Rose."

"See why I need a mentor?"

My dad brings Barry over to the side and I stand there looking at Barry's clear board.


My inner voice whispers.

My ears peek a little and I catch a bit of what my dad is telling Barry.

"... Simon Stagg's Head of security was murdered last night. The coroner took some skin samples. Hopefully they belong to the killer. I'm heading over to Stagg's industries right now..."

Barry was about to say something else but my dad leaves abruptly.

"Cold shoulder treatment, you must have done something real bad."

"I didn't do anything bad-" His computer beeps and he walks over to it. "What's that?" I asked as I look over his shoulder.

"There was a murder last night, the skin cells belong to the murderer, but these cells are naïve. Stem cells that replicate and become any cell that the body needs. They only come from babies."

"So you're telling me that the murderers are Gerber babies?"

"I um, need to go and tell your dad about this."

He walks out and I follow behind. Everyone in the station seems to be scrambling.

"Captain, what's going on?" Barry's asks as the Captain rushes by him.

"Not now, Barry. An armed gunman is shooting up Stagg industries."

"Joe's there..." Barry whispers but I seem to hear it.

He then turn to me. "Rose I need you to stay here okay? I'll be back." He runs off and I get the tingle in my spine.

There's no way I'm about to have Barry and my dad in harms way...

I can see Barry's red streak as I follow him in the sky.

Really gotta thank Cisco, that my outfit doesn't chafe while I fly at this speed.

I follow Barry into Stagg industries and he races inside then yanks the guns out of the hands of...three triplets?

I look in the direction of where they were about to shoot and I see..


"Get out of here Joe!" Barry yells.

"Not a chance!" My dad answers back.

Sorry dad, but I can't have you in any kind of danger.

I move quick and take him outside before he could protest against me.

When I come back Barry was facing the triplets.

"Whoever you are give yourselves up."

"Sorry. We're not going anywhere until Simon Stagg is dead." They say in unison.

Okay that's just creepy.

One grabs at Barry and I yank him off throwing him into a metal barrel.

Barry knocks another one out and..did he just multiply?

While I was distracted the other grabs me by my leg and throws me causing me to hit my back against a concrete wall.

Barry was getting pummeled.

Something inside of me snapped.

"Get off of him!" I screech. My vision becomes sharper and I hit one with my wings not caring if he got hurt or not, I just wanted them away from Barry.

Barry had got up staggering and he looks at me.

"Come on, there's too many of them." I follow behind him and when we get to a good distance I land.

I had my hands on my knees taking in deep breaths, trying to calm down.

"Are you alright?" Barry asks.

My hands start to shake and my heart starts to speed up quadruple amount of times than its use to.

I then hear my inner voice hiss in my ear.

Don't ever touch him!

He's ours!

Kill them Rose!

Kill them for touching him!

I hold my head and feel Barry's hand about to touch my shoulder.

I jerk away from him and take off flying.

Shut up! Stop talking!

My inner voice becomes silent and my shaking stops.

"I need to tell Caitlyn about this."

Because I'm scared as hell as in what is happening to me...


"Yes, Rose?"

"Is it okay to come to S.T.A.R. Labs or is Barry there?"

"He just left. He doesn't want to be hero anymore."

"What?" I wince holding my bruised rib.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you when you get here." We hang up and I grab my book bag with my suit in it so Cisco can clean it.

But as I head out I meet up with Barry at my front door.

"Rose, is your dad home?"

"Nope, now if you excuse me."

"Oh are you heading out?" He sounded a little sad and I just couldn't leave him like that.

"Yeah, but I can spare a few minutes for you. What's up?" I let him in and we sit down on the couch.

"It's just...I have this friend."

"Is this friend a he or she?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Just answer the question Barry."

"It's a guy-"

"Wait are they cute?" I ask as I wiggle my brows.

He chuckles and looks at me.

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?" I ask. "Always manage to make me smile even when I'm having such a shitty day?"

I shrug and cross my legs. "Guess it's my superpower."

"I guess so..." He just looks at me for a minute and I feel weird.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He chuckles again. "Sorry, it's just I can't believe that you were the same little kid who use to share twin pops with me and would always make me feel good about living here."

"I do it because I love you...being around."

Nice save.

"I love being around to."

"And Barry?"


"What happened with your friend?"

"Oh it's just, he's going through some hard times and he just doesn't know what to do anymore since people keep doubting him."

"Well you tell your friend that if he can see deep inside of himself and ignore the negativity. Then whatever people say about him shouldn't matter."

"I'll be sure to tell him that." He smiles and gets up.

"Well I don't want to take up anymore of your time, I'll get going."

"And I'll tell my dad you were looking for him."

He nods and I look up at him smiling.

Why do you make me feel this way about you Barry Allen?

I go all the way to S.T.A.R. Labs walking, because I was a little scared I might go super angel on the way there.

"Cai-holy shit it's the triplet man!" I get ready to face him but he doesn't do anything, just stand there.

"His name is Danton Black and he's our latest meta-human who can just so happen spontaneously replicate. But don't worry he isn't really here, it's one of his replicates." Dr. Wells says as he enters the room with Cisco and Caitlyn.

"Wait so how did it end up here?" I ask as I wave my hand in front of his face.

"I grew him." Caitlyn says with a triumphant smile.

"You know, people grow plants as a hobby, or even Chia pets. But Cisco can I talk to you for a minute?"

He walks over to me and we walk into the lab.

"Can you make me a voice modifier?"

"Sure what for?"

"Can you keep this between us?" He nods and I check behind him to make sure no one was coming.

"I want to be able to interact with Barry. Sure I've spoken to him but it's always at a distance or in a low voice. I don't want to slip up and he finds out its me through my voice."

"I gotcha. But how are you so sure that he's going to come back, he said it earlier that he was done."

"I have a feeling he's going to come back. So how long will the voice modifier take?"

"Not long I'd say twenty minutes."

"Thank you, Cisco. I need to go, if Caitlyn asks, I slept off whatever was bothering me."


•Barry's Pov•

I was ready to quit.

Ready to throw in the towel but that bit of advice that Rose had told me earlier made me reconsider and give being a hero a shot.

Then I start to think about her.

My guardian angel. What would she do if I stopped fighting crime? Would that mean I'd never see her again?

"What are you smiling about?" Cisco asks me as he hands me another one of those bars he made for me.

"Just a thought..." I was all suit up and ready to go against Danton Black.

I may not be able to take on all six or multiple replicates at the same time but I know she'll have my back and I know I need to find the source.

The prime and take him out.

I get to Stagg industries and see Danton with his replicates, they were about to shoot him but instead I move quickly and get him out of the way.

I leave him and his office. "Stay here." I order.

I leave to face Danton.

"You weren't planning on facing him without me were you?" I hear as she lands from out of the shadows.

"I knew you'd show up. I have a plan, can you keep the replicates busy while I look for the real Danton?"

"Sure thing, I've got your back, and you've got mine."

We move out and she flies back into the shadows. I see her silently taking out a replicate at a time.

"I know Stagg stole your research, but that doesn't give you the right to murder." I say to Danton...or is it one of his replicates?

He fired off a shot but I dodge that easily. I speed pass him knocking him and three more down my in my wake.

I stop and see her still taking more replicates out.

"You think this is about my job." One came up pointing a gun. I charge slamming him into a podium.

"This is about Elizabeth..."

"...She was my wife." Another replicate says behind me. he fires off at shot but I move before it can hit me and knock them both down.

"She had a degenerative coronary disease. She'd been on the transplant list for years, but..."

"...Time was running out."

"So if I couldn't get her a new heart--"

"You were going to grow her one." I interrupted. He shoots but I move causing that replicate and the other to shoot each other.

"I was so close until Stagg stole my research. So he could reap the glory. And I got to bury my best friend. Now, I'm alone."

I knock him down and more keep coming and they were all coming straight at me.

She swings down knocking the first fleet out with her wings.

"Go find the real Danton." She says as she picks up a keyboard and swings it around knocking two more replicates out.

I have to remember what Dr. Wells said, I need to isolate the prime, find the one showing weakness and take that one out.

More run towards me and I focus for a split second.

The middle one, he's sweating. That's the one I want.

I dodge the other replicates and grab Danton by the shirt and knocking him out cold as soon as I get him on the second floor.

I look and the only one standing down stairs was the Avenging Angel.

"You did it!" She flies up to me and lands on the banister.

"We did it." She smiles and it looks familiar somehow.

"Watch out!" She pushes me out of the way while Danton had charged.

He slams into her and they both end up crashing out of the window.

I run to the broken window and she was holding him by his hand as she was in the air.

"I got you." I hear her say.

"No!" I see him replicate his hand causing her to lose her grip and he falls to his death.

She tries to save him but it was too late, his body had hit the ground.

We both see the blood pool around him and she looks at me.

"I'm so sorry, I tried to save him but..." She looks back down.

"Hey." She looks back at me. "We can't save them all, no matter how hard we try." She nods and takes off flying leaving me behind.

I guess I have a partner to help me fight crime.

I look back down at Danton and hear my transmitter.

"Barry, what ha-"

"We tried to save him but....I guess he didn't want saving."

"I guess not..." Caitlyn says quietly.

•Rose's Pov•

It's one thing watching a bad guy get shot by your dad, but it's another when you're holding someone's life in your hands and they don't want to be saved.

I slide down the wall of my room and cry.

That man wanted justice for his dead wife, yes he killed people to get it but what if I were in his predicament?

Would I had gone to desperate measures for my loved ones?

Would I kill for them?

God I hope I never get into that situation.

I see a text on my phone from Barry.

** Hey your dad brought pizza, wanna come by the lab and grab a slice? :)**

**You had me at pizza and grab a slice :)**

"My real life beacons..."

I arrive at the lab and see Barry and my dad laughing.

"I guess you two are back in harmony, where's Iris?"

"Yeah, we are and she's taking a double shift at Jitters." My dad grabs another slice and I grab one as well.

"Hey, I don't wanna sound mushy but, I'm really glad you guys are in my life."

"Me too baby girl." Dad says as he kisses my cheek.

"Awe, I knew you cared." Barry takes a bite out of his pizza and I nibble mine.

How can he be so...normal after what happened?

Get use to it, if you wanna keep working with him and keeping him safe...

My inner voice is right. I don't think about Danton, instead I'm just glad I was able to take another meta-human off the street.

"Barry, hands off that slice it's mine." I swat his hand away and hear my dad laugh.

Being a superhero is going to take some use to but hey somebody's gotta do it...

•Dr. Wells Pov•

I enter Stagg's office and see himself pouring a drink.

He looks up with a hint of surprise on his face. "Wells, who the hell let you in here?" I ignore his question and ask my own.

"You been having s party out there?" He nods. "Well I'm sure you saw on tv, a former employee of mine tried to kill me."

"Mm, A former employee with the ability to replicate... Faced off against a man and a woman who can move at super speed."

"You've seen them too, haven't you?"

"I have.." He offers me a drink but I decline.

"They are extraordinary. The power they possess, it's like a miracle. Can you imagine if you could control their powers? His speed on legs? Her speed by wings? You can change what it means to be human."

I can see the glimmer in his eyes as he talks about Barry and Rose.

"I'm gonna get them, all because with them, they are the key to the future of science..." I take off my glasses and place them in my front pocket.

"Indeed, they are the future. The Flash and the Avenging Angel..."

I stand up and Stagg's gives me a shocked look.

Oh it's priceless..

"What the hell?"

I stab him right in the chest and he gasps.

"Forgive me, Simon. I worry that you will think this is personal, and it's not-it's just that, those two need to be kept..."

Simon falls on the ground dead as a pool of blood begins to form around him.




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