Chapter 6 - Group Dates, Cold Guns & Boys, Oh My...

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•Rose's Pov•

"Iris, no."

"Come on, Rose. You know his identity. Can't you just give me a hint?

"I don't know his identity now drop it."

"So you're telling me you're out there helping a man in a red suit fight crime and you don't know his identity?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying now if you excuse me, I came for a strawberry milk, a bagel and less lip from my big sister." I smile and pay.

"This conversation isn't over Rose."

"Yes it is." I leave out with my things and the smile on my face leaves.

When my sister puts her mind on something she doesn't let up until she gets it and the things she wants is the identity of the flash.

Hell Barry doesn't even know it's been me helping him out.

I ran up the steps of the police station and drop off the bagel on my dads desk and go right to Barry's office.

"You're late."

"Well look who's calling the kettle black." He laughs and hands me a beaker.

"Today I am going to teach you the significance about beakers. Your books are over there."

"You're not serious are you? There's a camera in here isn't it?"

"No, Rose. I'm starting you on the basics."

"I though that basics were like having me mixing chemicals and see their reactions. See I know some things."

He shakes his head and I sigh. "Can I at least drink my milk?"

"Yeah go ahead." I walk on over to the big thick book on the desk and place the beaker down.

"The fun in forensic Science...oh joy." I sit down and open the first page and find my self yawning after reading the first paragraph.

While Barry writes on his clear board I take out my x-men comic and slide it in the pages of the forensic science book.

"So, did you hear about what happened my sister is doing?"

"No, what is she up to now a days?"

"She's writing some blog on the streak. I think it's dumb an-"

"She's what?"

I take a drink of my milk and look up to find him staring at me. I swallow my milk the wrong way and start to choke.

He runs over to me but I place my hand up. "I'm good. Don't worry my milk just went down the wrong way."

All because you looked at me with that stupid cute stare of yours.

"Did she say anything else about it? Her blog I mean."

"Nope, nothing important anyways. But what do you think about the streak teaming up with the Avenging Angel?"

"I think it's a cool team up. Iris really didn't say anything else about her blog?"

"Oh it's anonymous." I keep reading the comic and look up to see Barry sigh and rubbing his face.

Don't worry Barry, I won't tell her who the streak is.

It's our little secret.

"Let's see how far you got in the book."

"No wai-"

He moves the book and my comic falls out.

"Whaaaa? How did that get in there?"

"You're hopeless you know that right?" He says as he takes the comic. "Hey I was just getting to the good part. At least let me see if Wolverine gets to Jean on time."

"Spoiler, he totally does." We both look up and a blonde haired woman with glasses standing in the doorway.

She gave me a smile and gave Barry a look.

What was that just then?

"Felicity, what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you."

"Wow, oh this is Rose."

Just Rose...

"Felicity Smoak, and you must be Rose West, Barry has spoken very highly of you." She walks over and shakes my hand.

"Really? What has Barry said about me?"

"You don't wanna hear the boring details, Rose."

"I'm sure those details are way more exciting than learning the basics of a beaker, Barry."

"Oh it wasn't anything bad." Felicity stammers.

Now I'm curious as in what he told Felicity about me.

"Is this where the lightning struck you two?" She looks up at the sky roof and I look at Barry.

"What did you tell her?"

"Nothing really."

"Tell me or I will bring up the pop rock incident." His eyes widen.

"You said that you would take that to your grave."

"I was nine do you honestly think I would hold up on that?"

"Fine, but it's nothing. I just told her that you're one of my best friends and that I wish you'd put yourself out there more."

"I will when you do." I scoff and take my comic from him.

"So did you two like go on a date when you went to Starling City?"

"Psh, no." He then rubs the end of his nose.

Yes they did.

"Your rubbed your nose."


"That's your tell. You always rub your nose when you lie."

"No I don't."

"You just did it again!" I exclaim. He shoves his hands in his pockets and I look back over at Felicity.

"She is pretty..."

And she seems smart.

She's Barry's super type which means I have no chance.

"Rose, why the long face?"

Fix your face!

"Nothing just wondering something. If Felicity is from Starling City does that mean she knows Oliver Queen, because if she does..."

"If she does what? Rose he's too old for you." He says in a deadpan voice.

"Nah, it's too boring to tell you. Besides my parents were six years apart. As a matter of fact maybe I should ask her if he's single now a days." I walk on over to Felicity and feel Barry's eyes on my back.

I forgot how good it felt to tease him.

But true be told he's got me wrapped around his finger...

"Why am I the third wheel?" I groan as I follow Mr. and Mrs. Nerd down to Central City park.

"And the quantum theory..."

My ears are going to turn into dust if I hear one more scientific word or reference.

I look around in enough time to see a frisbee coming my way.

I snatch it out of the air and hear someone jog over to me.

"Wow, nice catch." I look and it's Travis.

"Well you should see my left hook." I hear someone clear their throat and I see its Barry.

"Um, Travis these are my friends, Barry Allen and Felicity Smoak."

"Nice to meet you two."

"So how do you know Rose?" Barry asks as he crossed his arms.

"We went to middle school together."

"Don't mind Barry, he's trying to act tough but he's really just a big softy. But I kind of lost your number can I just give you mine?"

"Yeah, what is it?" As we exchange numbers I notice Barry walking away while Felicity follows him..

•Barry's Pov•

"Hey where's the fire?" Felicity asks as she catches up to me.

"Sorry, I just need to stretch my legs more."

"Well it seems to me that you're jealous, I mean not that I was looking but if I was it would look like you were mad that Rose was getting Travis' number."

I stop and turn to her.

"It's not that. Its just I don't think Travis is right for her." She raises her brow at me.

"Barry, they were just exchanging numbers, you heard it yourself that they had went to middle school together, they probably wanted to catch up on old times."

I look back over at Rose and Travis and see him hugging her.

I feel my eyes narrow at them.

"I can't help that I want to the best for Rose. She's like my sister and I don't want her to get hurt by guys like Travis. I bet he doesn't even know the different between a quantum theory and a quantum leap."

"My my, I don't want to sound like a nag but you sound like you're jealous."

"Me? Jealous?" I scoff.

"She is pretty." Felicity insists.

"She's a kid." I retort.

"She's twenty, that's a five year age difference."

"I bet she doesn't even see me that way." Felicity rolls her eyes and I just follow.

"So what are you really doing here? Does Oliver need something? Or?"

"No, like I said before, I came to see you. You know you didn't call or write...didn't race over."

I furrow my brows and look around just to make sure Rose was out of hearing distance.

"Oliver told you?" She smiles shaking her head.

"Honestly I heard you two talking on that roof top in Starling City."

I was about to speak but I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Uh, yes?" I turn and see it's Rose.

"Just letting you know that I'm going to the library. It was nice meeting you Felicity." Rose hugs me and waves bye to Felicity then runs off by herself.

I watch her go and hear Felicity clear her throat.


"Oh nothing." We keep walking and I wonder in the back of my mind if Rose is really going to the library...

•Rose's Pov•

I sit on the table as Cisco gets his measuring tape out.

"I was right, you're wing span did grow."

"By how much?" I ask.

"Your wing span last we checked was..."

"About eighteen feet." Caitlyn says as she looks over her notes.

"They grew two more inches." I nod and stand up.

"Okay what's next?"

"I want you to flap them but be gentle." She warns. "I gotcha." I inhale deeply and let out a calm breath as I feel my wings flap gently.

"How'd I do?"

"Better than last time." I glare at Cisco. "Hey, the last time you tried this, I had lost my burrito and just found it two days ago."


I look back at Caitlyn and she was writing down more notes. "Hey, where's Dr. Wells?" I ask as I let my wings rest.

"He's probably doing some paper work." I feel bad that he can't go out for a simple walk or stretch his legs.

It has to suck knowing you're going to be bound to a wheel chair for the rest of your life.

"Do you think I can fly with people?"

"I don't see why not, but for now it's going to be a theory." I hear voices and my eyes widen.

"Barry's here with Felicity. Why are they here?" I hiss as I curl my wings in.

"I don't know but stay in here while we go greet them." Caitlyn and Cisco both leave the room while I wait for my wings to disintegrate.

While I wait I get up and crack the door to listen.

"...Felicity works with the Arrow.." I hear Barry say.

Wait she works with the vigilante of Starling city?

"..So you know who the vigilante is? Wait, Barry do you know who the vigilante is?" I hear Cisco question.

"Look, lets just say my team and I work in the same environment like you guys only more sharp objects, but I also wanted to know about Barry's crime fighting partner. The winged girl?"

"Uh, we don't know much other than she's a meta-human and that she's a good one."

"Is she? Where did she come from? Is a danger? Can she be trusted?"

I narrow my eyes at Felicity's questions and see Dr. Wells past the room.

"Felicity Smoak."

"You're the Dr. Wells."

"Please just call me Harrison." I close the door and suddenly feel tired.

That's impossible I actually slept for seven hours last night.

I lean against the table and the room starts to spin.

"I think I'm going to throw up." I fall and the room becomes tunnel visioned...

She's asking too many questions about you Rose...

You need to get rid of her...

I open my eyes and the other me was hovering with those creepy white eyes of hers.

"Gah! Don't hover you look like a ghost." She smirks and her eyes go back to brown.

"I don't like the way Felicity is asking questions like that." She looks off at the door.

"Yeah well I don't either but there's nothing I can do. Remember, Barry doesn't even know about the secret."

"No, there's something you could do. You can let me take control." I shake my head.

"We've had this discussion before. The last time you tried to break through I kept having thoughts about killing Danton and that Gas guy."

"He almost put your dad six feet under. As a matter of fact lets go see him in his cell."

"No! Because of that stunt you pulled he won't even talk let alone look up ever again. You're dangerous and I need to keep you at bay."

"You'll let me out one day, Rose. All because you're strong but without me you'll never be strong enough."

"Leave me alone." I blink and I was alone in the room.

I still hear voices from the main room.

I look at my reflection on a metal surface and cover it.

I still haven't told them about when I go full angel mode and I don't want to tell them.

I see what they do to metas who go bad, I would probably go insane if I was locked in one of those prison cells, away from my family and Barry.

I take a calm breath.

"I have everything under control." I repeat this over and over until I'm actually calm.

As soon as I hear that they're gone I see Dr. Wells open the door.

"They're gone."

"Good, because I'm hungry know a lot of women would envy me if they knew I could eat like a line backer and stay this thin."

He chuckles and I walk up to him.

"Dr. Wells, do you miss being able to...just walk. Sorry that sounded stupid."

"No it didn't, Miss West and to answer your question, yes I do. But I have come accustomed to this life style now."

I nod. "Well, do you still wanna teach me how to play chest? I'm really tired of Barry kicking my ass in that game."

He smiles at me. "Why of course." I pat his shoulder and leave out of the room.

Maybe I can hang out with Dr. Wells more so he doesn't always have to stay cooped up in S.T.A.R. Labs.

I get to Jitters and see Barry and Felicity.

I don't like her...

I ignore my inner thoughts and see my sister.

"Iris, wait up." She stops and waits for me as I walk over.

"What do you want?"

"Never mind I'll go eat at Big Belly Burgers." I turn to walk away but my sister stops me.

"Wait, you shouldn't keep eating there and I'm sorry."

"Okay, I won't eat there anymore..." I say with my fingers crossed behind me. "So are you avoiding Barry because he's hanging out with Felicity?"

"No why'd you say that?"

"Because you two seemed to have been attached by the hip lately."

"That's because he's mentoring me, remember."

"I didn't think you were serious."

I roll my eyes and look over at them. "I've got the perfect idea. How about we have a group date?"

"One problem with that sis. You have to be in a relationship in order for it to be called a group date."

"You know what I mean. Me and Eddie, you and Barry. It will be perfect."

I make a face in disgust. "Ew, I don't want to see you sucking face with cocky cop."

"His name is Eddie and this date will be fun, their having a trivia night tonight." Iris shows me the flyer and I frown looking at the prize.

"Why would I want to win 75$ worth of cappuccinos?"

"Forget about the prize. You get to spend time with Barry in a warm environment."

I think it over as I look at the flyer.

"I guess I can go." My sister squeals and I step back.

"I don't know her." I say to a random stranger passing by.

"I'll set everything up be here around five, and wear something nice. That doesn't mean grab whatever and hope it works. Wear a dress."

"Fine, can I get a triple fudge muffin with a strawberry milk?"

"You got it. Now if you excuse me I'm going to tell Barry the good news."

"Don't tell him while I'm here. Iris? Don't..." It was too late, she was already walking over to his table. I sit down and look at the menu as if I hadn't memorized it over and over again.

I look over and see Barry nodding with a smile on his face.

Okay, maybe this group date thing will go great...

Back in my room I was in my closet tearing through it like a mad woman.

"Where are you? Where are you?" I grab my step stool and start looking at the top of the closet.

"Ah ha!" I grab my box and blow off the dust.

I pulled out my black laced dress and smile like a Cheshire Cat.

"If this doesn't knock him dead I don't know what won't..."

After a quick shower and calling a cab, I seriously need to convince dad on letting me get a car, I was all set and feeling nervous.

"You got this, Rose. You got this."


I open the door to Jitters and see just about every type of trivia geek/nerd you could think of.

I scan the room and see my sister giving goggly eyes to Eddie. I walk up to the table and my smile fell from my face.

Of course Felicity was here and her dress looked fucking fabulous.

"Rose." Barry had got up and hugged me.

"Hey...Barry." I look over at my sister then. "I didn't know we had an extra guess."

"I hope you don't mind, I really like trivia and wanted to join."

"No, I don't mind."

I look at our teams name as I sit down wedged between Eddie and Felicity.

Who did the seating arrangements?

"E= Mc Hammer? I don't get it." Barry and Felicity both laugh at the hidden joke.

"You see, I came up with the name. Because you know E=MC squared is Einstein's formula for kinetic energy, and you know, can't touch this."

The last part Felicity and Barry had said in unison.

"Oh that's so cute talking in unison like that. Iris, a word please." I get up from the table and when my sister and I are out of earshot I glare at her.

"What the hell is this?"

"It's a group date."

"No, no, no. This is a two couple and a fifth wheel date. And guess who's the fifth wheel here Iris? I'll give you a hint. Me."

"You're not the fifth wheel." I cross my arms and she places both of her hands on my shoulders

"Honestly I didn't know that Felicity had invited herself. But don't let her spoil your date. Just go in there and show Barry what he's missing. Also when he saw you in that dress I saw him drool."

"Did he really?"

"Defiantly, I had to give him like five napkins. Now let's go back before they start without us." I nod and we walk back over.

"Rose, here take this seat. I don't want to trip going down the steps."

"Honey what ste-" I can see my sister had kicked Eddie under the table and we both swapped places so that I was right next to Barry.

"You look really nice tonight." He whispers. "Thanks, you do too." I can't help but feel warm inside as our elbows accidentally brush against each other.

"Alright folks, here the first category. This segment will be about comics.."

Everyone at my table looks at me and I smile.

"I think I'm going to like trivia night."

About an hour later I sat there blowing bubbles in my milk while Felicity and Barry had their nerd talk over famous dead scientists.

We got off on a strong start don't get me wrong but when the subject changed to science my mind went blank and Barry was no longer looking at me, cheering me on.

"Are they even speaking English?" Eddie whispers to Iris. "Your guess is as good as mine." I say before blowing another milk bubble.

"And the point goes to E= MC hammer!" The host announces. Barry and Felicity high five each other and I'm wishing something could end this date early.

"So Felicity what do you do?" Eddie asks.

"I work in computer science at Queen consolidated."


I bet Oliver Queen would be able to show a girl some attention. I cut my eyes at Barry while he was smiling at Felicity.

Don't like her Rose?

You know you can call on me to take care of her.

"Shut up."

"Hm?" Barry asks.

"I mean, shut up you work with computers? That's gotta be an awesome job and I bet your boss is hot."

"Rose." Iris warns. "What I'm just saying."

"Well Mr. Queen does have good looks and charm, but I have to say I have more enjoyment just being behind the keyboard."

"So does that mean your single?" She blushes from my question and looks down.

"Yes, I guess I haven't found that special someone."

I found mine but he just doesn't seem to get the hint.

"That's a shame, right Barry?" He looks at me and I can tell he feels uncomfortable.

"Yeah I guess."

"Because you two I'm sure would make the perfect couple. Am I right? I mean you love forensic science and you? You're a computer girl. Everyone is happy." I get up from the table.

"Rose don't l-" I hold my hand up cutting my sister off.

"I don't feel really good. I'm just going to call it a night. It was a pleasure guys."

"Do you need a ride home?" Eddie offers.

"No, walking is just fine."

"Wait, Rose let me walk you home at least."

"No, Barry I'm fine. Stay with your date."

"Whoa I'm not his date." Felicity comments. I don't even bother to reply I just walk out wiping the tears away from my eyes.

She's perfect for him and I never had a chance on this date.

Tsk tsk, if only you would have let me take control...

I ignore my inner voice and start walking.

My phone rings and I answer it on the third ring.

"What?" I angrily wipe another year away.

"Barry is going after a Lenard Snart." Cisco says over the phone.

"What kind of meta is he?" I ask.

"He's not a meta..."

Then what's the big deal?

"Rose, Snart has a weapon that can hurt Barry. You need to get to him before Snart has the opportunity to use it on him." Dr. Wells answers my unspoken question.

I guess my personal feeling for Barry will have to be nursed with Ben & Jerrys later.

"I won't let him get hurt."

I go into an alley way so no one sees me and take off into the air.

Dear god please don't let a pervert be looking up my dress.

I was suited up and had followed Barry into a museum where he pushed my dad out of the way causing the cold gun to hit Barry.

"You okay?" I ask Barry.

"Ah. It burns." I see the frost on his suit smoke and I glare at Snart has he takes off running.

He almost hit your father!

He hit Barry!

Get him!

I need to stay calm.

I can't go off script here.

I see my dad from the corner of my eye and I take off flying after Snart.

He blasts a shot at me but I dodge it. Barry was running under me and I see he's healed up quickly.

He still shot him...

She hisses.

"Let's see how fast you two really are." Snart starts shooting at random civilians and it doesn't take a second to think as we both split up and start moving people out of the way from that cold gun blast.

A security guard starts walking up behind Snart and he shoots his gun at him.

Barry moves quickly but I see he'll get him along with the security guard so I fly down push Barry and the guard out the way.

But in doing so the cold gun blast catches my wings and I slam into the ground screaming as I hear a crunch coming from my shoulder.


"Looks like your partner needs some medical attention." Snart says with a smirk as he leaves the building.

Barry came to my side and he looks at the damage.

"They have frost bite."

It's true because I feel the hot icy pain starting to spread to my lower back.

He lifts me up and I bite my tongue to keep from screaming.

"I got you."

He runs me out and I feel like I'm about to die.

Why am I not healing fast enough?

Because you're not strong enough.

Another shock of pain courses through my body and I can't help but scream.

"Make it stop! Please!"

He runs me inside of S.T.A.R. Labs and places me on the table.

"Oh my god!" Caitlyn gasps and rushes over to us.

"What happened?"

"She was helping me and Snarts gun had blasted her wings."

I feel my body shake violently.

"She's going into shock, you need to leave out of here."


"Go!" Caitlyn yells. Barry leaves and I automatically reach out for him.

"Don't go..." Frost breath pasted my lips and Caitlyn tries to warm me up.

All this pain can end you know...

All you have to do is say the word.


Can what? Control this?

Oh Rose, you're not strong enough without me. Now be a good girl and let me help.

I feel my eyes starting to roll back.

"Don't go to sleep Rose!"

Say it Rose...

"Help me!!!"

Suddenly the room goes black and..

•Caitlyn's Pov•

One minute Rose was screaming and the next she was deathly still.

"No, no, no, Rose. Please-"

Her eyes open and they were pure white and slowly turn back to brown.

She sits up and her hood covers her face.


She looks up and it feels like she's looking right through me.

"I'm fine." She says in a monotones voice.

"You just had..." I notice the frost bite on her wings as skin were starting to melt away.

"Third degree frostbite..."

"I said that I was fine." She gets up and leaves the room. I start to follow her but the door closes instantly in my face.

How did that happen?

I open the door back and Barry was right there still with his mask on.

"You're up? After all of that?" Yeah I'd like to know how she's healing so quickly too.

She just smiles at Barry and walks out.

"Caitlyn, did you?"

"Catch a glimpse of her face? Nope can't say that I have."

"Is she really okay? She seemed..."

"Off? Maybe that's just how she is I mean we don't really know her."

I really don't know how Rose was able to heal fast or how the door closed in my face after she left but I know one thing for sure.

Rose West is a whole new mystery to me...

•Other Rose's Pov•

"I like this." I flex my ha-

That's my hand now let me back in.

"Oh Rose you know I can't let you do that. Last time you were in charge you almost got killed."

That wasn't the deal let me out!

I wince at her yelling in my head and put my suit deep in the book bag.

I walk up the steps to the house and find Iris watching tv.

I glare at her but smile when she turns to look at me.

"I'm really sorry about tonight, Rose."

"Don't worry about it I'm over it. Do we have any chips?"

Iris will know you're not me.

Hm wanna bet?

"Um yeah, there's some in the cupboard." I sling the book bag down and go to the kitchen while she follows me.

God she's annoying the way she hovers.

"I um kind of wanted to tell you something."

I turn to her and eat some lays.

Mm these taste good.

I reach my hand in and a chip instantly flys up.

What was that?

Rose asks in my head.

Something you'll thank me fore later.

"So Eddie and I kind of been talking and I decided to stay with him for a while.


Rose screams in my head.


"Are you mad? I mean I know you don't care for Eddie and all-"

"I'm not mad, you need to live your life. And I need to go take a nap. If you need anything please just wait till morning to tell me."

I toss a chip in the air and catch it in my mouth.

Show off...

As soon as I take the book bag up to the room I lock the door.

"Rose, you have no idea what power you possess."

Well I know who's possessing me.

"Don't be bitter, you feel stronger right?"

I do but-

"But now you can look death in the eye and not flinch. Do you know how helpful that is for Barry? For you? This is a blessing don't treat it as a curse."

She was silent and I know she will understand.

"I am the perfect meta-human to take on Snart."

But he has that cold gun.

"I know and that hurt, so now it's personal..."

•Barry's Pov•

I can't stop thinking about her screams.

About how she had risked her life and saved that guy but she got hurt in the process.

I don't know why but I feel like seeing her get hurt was like seeing a loved one get hurt.


I keep running and thinking about her.

"Barry?" I come to a slow jog as Felicity came into the room.

"What are you doing here? You should go back to your hotel room. Get some sleep."

"You should too. I mean get some sleep not go to my hotel room."

I sit down and take a few breaths.

"I..I can't stop hearing her scream. She risked her life for that guy, for me." Felicity sits besides me.

"I guess I was wrong about her. Seems like you put your trust in her completely." I nod and rub my face.

"She's more than just the winged girl that the news keeps talking about. She helps me save people, catch metas. She's like..."

"Your guardian angel?"

"Yeah..but I had a moment where I almost watched her die. I just can't let that happen again. I have to be faster."

"Barry it's not your fault and it's not her fault. Both of you were doing what you do best. Help people. And it's not Cisco's either. I know you're upset that he made the gun but he had his reasons."

"Look I get it, he didnt trust me, but now Snart has it.."

"Barry, when you met us. Oliver and Dig, we were a well oiled archery machine but it didn't start out that way. We weren't tossed together over night we came together, one at a time. Believe me it took a lot more than watch Oliver do the salmon ladder to get me to trust him...." She gets up and begins to walk out of the room but she says one more thing before leaving.

"...I seen what this life can do to someone. Don't put all the blame on yourself. You've got people in your corner to help with that load." She walks out and I sit there.

I was now in the main room looking at a screen that displayed a monitor of the museum.

"I figured out a way to track Captain Cold." Cisco says as he enters the room. "You've gotta stop naming these guys." I hear Caitlyn comment.

"Barry listen to him." I turn looking looking at everyone but Cisco.

"How?" I reply.

"The cold gun is powered by and engine control unit, a microcomputer that regulates air-fueled ratios so the sub cold chambers don't overflow and-"


"Right. This E.C.U. was receiving updates wirelessly from my tablet. If I could boost the signal using Central Cities network and send a false update-"

"Will get a ping back and-"

"We can locate Snart." Dr. Wells takes off his glasses and smiles.

"How long will it take?" I asked. "First I have to hack into the cities network, so I don't know 30 minutes maybe?"

"I can do it in less then one. When it comes to hacking I'm the fastest woman alive." Felecity takes out her laptop and starts typing away. "Alright, I'm in."

"Are you kidding me?" Caitlyn looks impressed.

"Alright I'm sending the updates, and were connected." Cisco does his thing and smiles.

"Network is triangulating his location." Felicity confirms.

"We got him. He's heading west on Nelson towards the train station." She looks at me and Dr. Wells looks at the screen then.

"It appears that Mr. Snart mate have gotten what he came for."

I move fast and get into my suit. Then turn my transmitter off.

"Whoa you turned tour transmitter off how are we going to stay in contact with you?" I look right at Cisco.

"I don't feel like talking right now." I take off running and deep down I know I shouldn't act this way but right now I know she's going to follow me to Snart and I can't have her getting hurt again...

•Other Rose's Pov•

The cellphone rings and I see read the text.

**Barry is taking on Snart...**

"I'm on my way."

Watch how a real hero saves the day, Rose.

I know she's mentally banging on her cage for me to let her out but I have an obligation to uphold and that to get Snart by any means necessary.

**Where is he?**

I get a reply instantly.

**West on Nelson, train station**

I change into the suit and hear Rose scream.

You can't do this! Let me out!

No can do Rose...

I shake my shoulders and I hop out he widow then take flight towards the train station.

Time to show you the new tricks you have.

I see Barry's red blur crash into a trains window and I follow suit.

"There's nowhere to run." Barry says in a commanding voice.

Please let me help him...

"Give it up Snart." He looks at both of us and points his gun.

"I didn't see either of you before. Does your mothers know you're both out past your bedtimes?"

My wings disintegrate and I feel the this rush of energy in my finger tips.

"All depends. Does yours?" I raise my hand and he gets sent flying.

Barry looks at me with a look of mixed fear and surprised.

"When did you learn how to do that?" I ignore his question and start walking towards Snart.

"You know if I were to take that gun away I bet if be able to end you."

"That's all depends if I let you." He fires off the gun and Barry tackles me down only letting the cold blast ricochet and land on the trains floor.

A frost hole appears and the train then gets caught half way causing the other half to delay.

That's when Snart fires off another round and the train then start to fall off its tracks.

Save them!

Okay Rose!

Barry and I scramble up and we both start taking people as many as we can off of the train as it rolls.

I see a little girl in mid air about to crash through a window and my body acts.

I crash through and take her out just as the train rolls towards the water.

"Are you okay?" I ask her. She just nods and I hear someone scream in the distance.

I look and see Snart firing the cold gun at Barry.

I grit my teeth and leave the girl.

I move just in time to block the next shot and I feel a jolt of pain in my side.

"You're fast kid." He says as he goes to shoot again.

I shake off the ice and stand up in front of the barrel of the gun.

"Go ahead. I don't need to be fast for this."

What are you doing?

He won't kill right now, it does him no benefit.

This is insane! Barry needs help!

I want my revenge...

"If you're lucky I'll let you shoot me."

He smiles at me and I see my reflection in his goggles.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For making me step up my game, not only with the gun but with the job. It's been educational." He moves the gun away from my chest and starts to walk away.

"Where do you th-"

Rose what are you doing?

"Get out of my head."

Rose I-

•Rose's Pov•


I feel her being slammed in the back of my mind and I gasp for air.

"He's getting away..." I feel defeated but I look at Barry.

"You're hurt."

"No I'm fine. But yo-"

A light shines on both of us and we see a S.T.A.R. Labs van driving our way.

"Where's Captain Cold?" Cisco says as he, Felicity and Caitlyn came out holding what looked like and even bigger cold gun.

I back up.

"Don't freak. It's just one of the old vacuum cleaners."

"Cold got away with the gun."

"I'm so sorry, sh, I wasn't thinking straight." I back away from them all and my wings slide out of my back.

"Wait don't go." I take off hearing Barry call out to me.

I'm sorry he got away Barry...

I was sitting in the kitchen eating ice cream when I heard a knock on the door.

"Coming.." I open the door and see Barry holding a gallon of strawberry milk.

"Can I come in?"

I eye the milk then look at him. "Leave the milk you can go." He chuckles and I can't help but smile.

"Fine you've twisted my arm. You can come in."

I invite him in take the milk from him.

"Sorry about my little tantrum tonight I was just being moody and a trivia pooper."

"No, I should say sorry. I was being a total tool for just paying attention to Felicity."

"I understand, I mean she's smart, she pretty and she has a pretty cool fashion sense. What I'm saying is she's a cooler girl version of you."

I pour myself a cup and Barry takes a seat.

"Felicity and I are just friends. True we have some things in common but that's just it." I chew on the lip of the cup.

"It sounds like you're reassuring me."

"Am I? Rose I never want you to feel ignored. Iris has Eddie and I guess we've got each other. So I guess it's just us two musketeers since Iris ditched us." We both laugh and chuckle and I pour him a glass.

"I like this."

"What?" I ask.

"Being able to come here and talk to you. This feels so natural. I'm glad we're friends..."

My heart aches hearing that F word.




"I don't know you choose." I think.

"Cheers to friendship..."

May god help me out of the friend zone.

"Cheers." We clink our plastic cups together and I notice from the corner of my eye that the strawberry milk mix was sliding across the counter towards me.

I was thinking about adding more strawberry flavor to the milk but..

"What?" Barry goes to look but I run over and stretch in the way.

"Nothing. Just wanted to stand here. That's all." He gives me a funny look but continues to drink his milk.

I grab the mix and put it back in the cabinet.

You'll need me to help you control your new gift Rose.

"Over my dead body..." I whisper to my cup of milk...



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