Chapter -7) Flash Pass...

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•Rose's Pov•

I flap my wings and even though my back felt like it was on fire, I was smiling.

I land in front of Barry and before I could speak he just grabbed me and held me.

"I got them back, Barry."

"I can see that. Now promise me never to do anything like that again."

"What, so no cliff diving next weekend?" He looks down and kisses me again. "Not a chance, West..."

Oliver, Barry and I were at a church that held the staff of Horus.

"I can't believe you really jumped."

"Couldn't let the boys have all the fun."

"Where do you think this thing is? I haven't actually been in one of these places for a while."

"Hmm, that explains a lot." Oliver was about to say something but I scan the place and spot where the staff should have been.

"We're too late." Barry says behind me.

"Something you're not used to saying very often, I'd imagine." Vandal Savage walks out with the staff and Oliver draws his arrow.

"You tried those arrows once before, remember? They didn't quite finish the job, now, did they?"

"I'm not gonna make the same mistake again."

"You're gonna leave Kendra alone."

"I can't do that miss. While my destiny is to live forever, Chay-Ara's is to die, as is yours now." He raises the staff causing a freaky blue light to spike from it and we run.

Well I kick off and fly back quickly and hide behind a pew.

He aims and hits a pew, causing wood to fly everywhere.

"Any ideas, you two?"

"Oh, now you'll listen?" I say as I spit some wood out of my mouth.

"It's your city." He fires again and more wood everywhere.

"Lets just try to get the staff." Barry suggests. "All right, on my mark."

We both nod.

Oliver gets up and shoots more arrows, while Barry runs towards Savage. I fly up in the air and raise my hand trying to make the staff fly out of his hand but man he's holding onto it tight.

Barry goes flying as he gets close.

That just pisses me off and I feel the flames lick my fingertips.

As Oliver sends more arrows flying I aim my flames at them and the fired arrow gets aimed at Savage.

He sends Oliver flying and then looks at me.

He says something in a foreign language and raises the staff.

"Out! Out! Out!" I swoop down and grab Oliver while Barry starts running.

Savage slams staff to the floor and the whole place erupts.

All three of us go flying further as the blast destroys the church.

"Thanks, Rose." Oliver says as he helps me up.

"No, problem." I look at Barry and we all stand there as the church just burns.

"So, if he is dead, do you think he's getting a first class ticket to hell for blowing up a church or...?"

"Something tells me he's not dead."

"Yeah, I was afraid you'd say that." I say to Barry...

The next morning, Oliver, Barry and I were in line at Jitters.

"Since when is that a thing?" Oliver asks. I smirk at the drink named after Barry and I.
"About eight months. Maybe if you save Star City, you might get one too." Barry says as he wraps and arm around me and moves forward in line. Oliver laughs and glances far.

"I'll a cup of the AA extra whip and two strawberry muffins please." I order. "We still need to get Savage." Barry whispers against my ear. "We'll get him. Trust me." I feel someone step on my foot and turn to see a small boy with a flash action figure.

"I'm sorry." He says to me.

"It's okay, kid. You a fan?" I say pointing at his action figure. "Yeah, they sold out of the Avenging Angel figure. But I still like this one."

"You got good taste kid." I ruffle his hair and he smiles running away from me.

"Oh, who's action figure is sold out?"

"Ha, real funny."

"Just saying. Hey Oliver you okay?" He was looking at the little boy and his mom.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine..."

The next day, we were all going to some farm out in the middle of nowhere.

"I feel like courage the cowardly dog." I comment as I eat a some cinnamon powder donuts.

"I'm not scaring you with a mask."

"You don't need a mask, just don't take off your shoes." I say while smirking at Barry.

"Do either of you know where this place is exactly?" Cisco asks as he drives the van. "It's two more miles....I think."

"We're lost and I'm gonna die because I have no more donuts."

"You know those make you fat." Cisco says to me. "You know I can cut your hair while you're sleeping." His mouth drops open and I give one good hardy laugh.

"Oh, guys, there it is." Barry points before Cisco and I start a shading war. "Thank God I need to get out of this car."

"Snip, snip." I whisper close to Cisco's ear. "Barry, get your girlfriend."

Barry and Cisco brings in some equipment and I look around. "Yup, definitely courage the cowardly dog..."

We walk in and Oliver notices how late we are.

"You're late."

"Sorry. It turns out, it's not easy fining the ass end of nowhere."

"Yeah, for real. The roaming charges alone are going to bankrupt me."

"We were just discussing Savage's new found power."

"And his magic stick thing." Felicity comments.

"Yeah, Staff of Horus." Carter corrects.

"Well, it's protected by some kind of energy field. Barry and I couldn't even get close to that thing."

"Maybe you two should wear mittens next time."

"What if we made some sort of insulated gauntlets..."

"Oh, yeah, yeah, the magnetic shielding could disrupt the--"

"The staffs magnetic polarity."

My brain hurts listening to the geek squad in action.

"Well, while the Geek squad works--"

"Heard that honey." Felicity calls out to Oliver.

"While they work to get the staff away from Savage, we need to know everything there is to know about him. Well, I googled reincarnated nut jobs and came up with nothing." Thea answers.

"Kendra and I would be the reincarnated nut jobs. Savage is merely immortal." Carter replied.

"Merely? Welcome to the new normal." Thea mutters as she walks out of the room.

"Anyone who's been around for 4000 years should leave a trail. I'll check with A.R.G.U.S., see if they have anything on him." Diggle pulls out how phone and gets to work.

Maybe Cisco should talk to Diggle cause clearly he has service somehow.

As Oliver talks to Kendra about utilizing her new abilities. I walk out the back door and sit on the back steps.

"This would be so amazing if we weren't fighting some crazy immortal nut job."

"I know right?" I turn and see Barry looking out into the field.

"Remember that time when my dad brought us out in the country?"

"Yeah, how could I forget. I had mosquito bites all over my arms." I laugh at the memory as Barry sits down next to me.

"What would you say to a mini vacation? Just for a day, like we just go to a place like this and relax."

"I'm down for it, you know as long as all hell doesn't break loose while we're gone."

"Don't worry about that. We can both be back in a flash."

"Pun off of your alias name?" Barry chuckles and he leans over to kiss be but Oliver calls us in.

"We were discussing her training."

"Um, don't let him train you. I'm sorry Oliver but now every time it rains I can still feel where you hit me with those arrows."

"I'll train her then." Carter comments.

"All right then, I'll be back." Oliver walks away and I grab my bag to bring it to one of the spare rooms upstairs.

When I make it up, I see Caitlyn.



"I want to apologize for not believing in you. About your wings."

"It's okay. But when you get a chance can you check on them for me? They don't hurt anymore but I still want to be sure that they're healthy."

"Sure can do." She walks down stairs and I bring my bag in one of the rooms.

"Wanna share?" I smile as I hear Barry's voice. "Maybe, I mean I did have this really sexy red number just dying for someone to see it."

Barry's eyes widen.

"You--you do? You do?" I nod as I walk up to him. "I figure, we're away from the house. We'll be all alone in this room. We might need to put on some music."

"Why music?"

"Hmm, I might be a loud moaner." I say as I lace my fingers on the back of his neck. "You are?" I lean over and bite his ear.

"Guess you'll have to wait and find out, huh?"

"Oh my god..." He moans. Barry's phone vibrates and I laugh because I can see the annoyance in Barry's face.

"Yeah, Oliver?"

I walk over to my bag and pull out a few things. "Sure, we'll be there in a little bit." Barry hangs up and he walks over holding me from behind.

"We have to go, but I definitely want to see what else you have in that bag."

"Just a lot of curiosity."

Barry and I were speeding through the city and for some reason I felt faster than before.

Maybe it's the new set of wings.

As I fly above Barry I just happen to look over and see...


"Whoa!" I stop in mid air and the other me was gone like that.

I shake it off and keep flying.

I make it to the destination and find Barry, Oliver and Malcolm all waiting for me.

"Thank you for coming. I know this is more than a little crazy."

"Yeah, well, your friend who likes to appear out of nowhere did put this meeting together. Please tell me we're not going to negotiate with terrorists. Or, you know, 4000 year old bad guys."

"Just hunk of this more as a fact-finish mission. Maybe Savage slips up and gives us something that we can use to our advantage."

Malcolm scoffs at Oliver. "Thea said you were being a little more humorous lately."

"I'm sorry, how do you know so much about Savage, Anyway?" Barry asks.

"I don't know anything about him, Mr. Allen. No one does. That's why I'm afraid of him."

"That's not the only reason to be afraid of me. I assure you." We all turn and see Vandal Savage standing there.

"Thank you for joining me."

"What do you want?" Oliver asks.

"What all living things want--not to die."

"I thought that wasn't a problem for you." I say as I cross my arms. "Only if I take the life force from Prince Khufu and Priestess Chay-Ara."

"Kendra and Carter." Barry corrects.

"The three of us are locked in a vicious circle played out over thousands of years. None of your concern"

"We've made it our concern." Oliver draws a bow and points it at him and shoots him with it. Vandal grunts as he pulls the arrow out of his chest.

"Robin of Locksley. I taught him how to use a bow. He taught me how to not feel pain. I'm the enemy you can't defeat. The only way for you and yours to live through this is to render onto me what is mine. Turn over Prince Khufu and Priestess Chay-Ara within 24 hours, or I will lay waste to this city, killing everyone you hold dear..." He looks at me as if he's about to snap my neck then looks at Oliver. "..And after that, I will travel to you home, and do the same thing there."

"All right, I'm just curious--did you rehearse that speech in a mirror this morning, it this all just off the cuff?" He chuckled at Barry's little joke then glares.

"Why would you risk the lives or your friends and family for two strangers? 206 times I have killed them. What hubris possesses you that makes you think that you can prevent me from doing so again?"

Barry shakes his head. "Hmm...not hubris.."

"Hope." I finish.

"I came to this meeting out of curiosity. It is now sated. Bring Khufu and Chay-Ara to Jurgens industrial in twenty-four hours or j will see you dead and buried under the bodies of your loved ones." He tosses the arrow to the ground and walks away.

"We're not giving up Kendra and Carter." Oliver starts to walk away while Malcolm follows. "That's not your decision to make. This is a cycle that has played out for the last 4000 years."

"Savage may be immortal, but he isn't a God."

"Yeah, let's not with the God complex. Just got over that." I mutter as I follow behind the rest of them.

"No, but he's the next best thing. Oliver!"


"You better be certain that your stubbornness does not get my daughter killed. Because if that happens, I will come for you. And in a way that will make you beg for the likes of Vandal Savage." He retreats with the threat still in the air...

The next day..

When we get back to the farm house Oliver tells everyone what had went down.

I had pulled Barry outside and make sure no one else was listening.

"I saw something last night before we went to the meeting."

"What did you see?" He asks. "An mirage image of myself."

"Wait, did you--"

"I think I'll travel back in time."

"Rose, you shouldn't be telling me this."

"I don't know who to tell. This is cool and scary all at the same time."

"Rose the first rule of time tracks is you don't talk about time travel. Because by having this conversation we're screwing around with history."

"Okay, I know this is bad but what am I suppose to do? Ignore this?"

"Look don't panic. You don't know if you time jump for a bad reason. It could have been for a good one. Right? Not only that. Now that you know you time jumped, you might not do it, right? So knowing the future might change the present, which changes the future...."

"You lost me after don't panic."

"Barry?" We both turn and see Oliver. "I'll be back." He jogs over to Oliver and I just rack my brain over some stuff.

"We're in so much trouble..."

•Barry's Pov•

Oliver and I were back at my lab, and I was doing some blood test for him.

"Okay, here you go. I gene sequenced the hair strand with the blood sample you gave me. Still not sure what it has to do with Damian Darhk, but the Y chromosomes match..." Oliver seems to become and more somber.

"Are you okay?" I ask him. "Thanks for this, it's a big help."

He hands me the paper back. "Yeah, well--"



"Don't tell anyone about this." Oliver says as he walks out.

"All right, I'd like to know what's going on here."

"Felicity.." I feel a bit nervous as she walks in he room.  "Yes, I tracked you down. I do that for a living. Actually Rose told me you were coming here."

I speed the paper in my pocket and turn to her. "What was that?" She asks.

"What was what?"

"You just super-speeded somethings into your pocket." She points out.

"Uh, condoms. Rose and I are going to have a big night after all of this. Gonna stay safe."

"Mm, cute yet super inappropriate. Now show me cause I know your lying."

"I really don't think-"

"Barry.." She warns. "Okay, I did lie but I don't know what the deal is. It's just a DNA test." I take the paper out of my pocket and hand it to her.

She looks it over and I can see this sad look crawl across her face.  "No it's not..." She whispers.

•Rose's Pov•

We were all waiting for Oliver to come back, but Felicity was waiting for him outside.

"Are you serious? He's a father?"

"Shh, not too loud." Barry says to me. "Sorry, this is did Felicity take it?" I ask in a whisper. "Surprisingly very calm."

"She's gonna kill him."

"Rose, no she isn't."

"We're going to be scraping Oliver Queens remains off the front lawn."

"Rose this isn't funny."

"I am not laughing, Felicity is going to commit murder and I'm going to stop her." I march outside and feel Barry slam into me as we see Felicity and Oliver talking in a very hushed tone.

She then walks away from Oliver and you can tell that he wants to go after her but chooses not to.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask.

"Oliver? What happened?" Barry asks as he walks down the steps. "Nothing, I'm fine." He walks past us and goes into the house.

We follow him. "You sure? I mean, you don't seem fine. You seem out of it."

"Let's just go inside, guys." He drops the conversation and I look at Barry.

We walk inside and Oliver was speaking to everyone.

"...Coming up in Savage's deadline."

"Where's Felicity?" Thea asks. "Are the Gauntlets working?" Oliver asks ignoring the obvious question.

"They have to be, we're out of time." Caitlyn answers.

"I think they'll work. That staff's going to go from can't to this to invisible touch." Cisco answers. "Savage doesn't know Kendra had access to her full abilities, which makes you our ace in the hole. We're going to put you up against Savage; you attack with the element of surprise. I will lay down cover fire. Barry, and Rose will speed in. Barry you snatch the staff while Rose distracts him. But just in case, make sure you back each other up."

"Got it."

"Where do you need us?" Diggle asks. "This is me, Barry, Rose, Kendra and Carter. We've got it."

"Ollie!" Thea comes forward but Oliver shuts her down. "No, we're not risking anymore lives tonight than we have to."

"Guess we suit up." I say as we all get ready for what's about to come in a few hours.


Oliver, Barry, Kendra, Carter and I were all walking into the industrial building, making sure the plan goes as followed.

Vandal Savage walks out with the staff in hand.

"I see you brought them. And dressed for the occasion."

"We're only doing this because two lives aren't worth two cities." Oliver says to him.

"Well, in that case, you are wiser than I give you credit's been a lifetime. Still wearing those ridiculous outfits, I see. You don't need to be here for this. The culling has a tendency to be...unsightly..." He says as he reveals the many weapons under his jacket.

"..You see your new friends have betrayed you." He taunts. "Jus do what you're going to do."
Carter replies. "It's wonderful to see you again, my love."

"I will never be your love." Kendra says in a venomous tone. "I know. That always makes this...easier. Chay-Ara..parting is such sweet sorrow." He pulls out a knife and walks over to her ready to stab her in the chest.

Oliver grabs his arm and they begin to fight.

I raise my hands snapping the chains off of Carter and Kendra while Barry finds a good access point to grab the staff.

Oliver gets hit and Savage points the Staff at me but Barry gets in the way.

"No!" Oliver tackles Savage and that causes the staff to fall to the ground.

Carter extends his wings, but when it's Kendra's turn, nothing happens.

When Savage knocks Oliver down, he throws two blades and they strike Carter right in the chest killing him.

Kendra yells his name. She runs towards Savage and before I could stop her, he stabs her in the stomach killing her as well.

I move quickly, and grab the staff, in hopes that maybe we can still get rid of Savage.

The gauntlets weren't working because my hands felt like they were about to melt off of my wrists.

But I hold on and point it at Savage. It shoots a beam of blue at him and I keep holding on.

"I've got it!" Barry runs over to me and holds it as well.

"You got to let go, Rose!" He yells. "No, I'm not leaving you. Or Oliver." My face suddenly feels hot and I try to work in my fire so that I can stand it, but remember Barry could get hurt so I stop.

"I'm fast, I can get Oliver out of here. Now go. I'm right behind you."

I know he's lying.

I know he's going to die. Oliver is going to die. My worst nightmare is happening before my eyes and I can't do this.

"Barry, please. Don't do this. Don't do this please."

"Fly, out of here Rose. Fly." Barry grabs the staff which sends an electric shock to my body and I get shot back.

Savage runs into Barry and grabs the staff.

He then hit the staff in the middle of the room and everything seem to go in slow motion.

First Oliver was disintegrated.

"Rose! Go!" Then it was Barry.

I take off flying feeling like my chest was about to cave in.

All I could see was Barry looking at me as we failed to save everyone.

I fly faster as I scream and cry all in the same motion.

The city behind me burns behind me and I glance to my side and see another me.

I fly hard and go into a quick light.

I gasp as I fly hard and when I blink, I'm at the meeting...again?

I collapse to the floor and look up to see Oliver, Malcolm and Barry staring at me.

"Thank you for coming. I know this is more than a little crazy..." Oliver says.

As the conversation of the meeting plays out in front of me again, I stay quiet until it's over.

I can't keep this to myself. They have to know what's going to happen.

When Savage walks away, Barry looks over at me. "Rose, you all right?" I nod but know, that we need to talk.

When Barry, Oliver and I make it back to the farm house, I stand and turn to them.

"There's something you guys need to know, and Oliver before you decide to share your plans with the team, just know it's not going to work."


"Barry, I know I shouldn't but I won't stay quiet. I time jumped, because we failed and you told me to fly, so I did and everyone in the city, our friends, family. They all died." I sit down and just cry with my hands on my face.

"Hey, look at me. Tell us, what happened, tell us everything." Barry moves my hands and I look into those eyes.

"You died. Oliver died...Carter and Kendra...we failed to keep them alive. And Savage won."

"Rose, maybe what you know, from the future. Man this is strange. Anyways, what you know, we can use that to our advantage. So what you're saying is the plan to take down Savage doesn't work?" Oliver asks.


"Then we come up with a new plan." He says simply. "No. No, no, no. Okay, look, you can't. You--when time is messed with, it just doesn't end well. Barry knows this first hand."

"But, what you're telling me is that it already doesn't end well. Rose, people in our line of work, we don't get second chances. We need to take this one."

"Okay...I just hope you're right."

Barry helps me up and I hold his hand just to be sure it's real.

"All right, let's start with what went wrong." Oliver says as he walks.

"You did. When we go up against Savage, your head's big in the game. You're not yourself."

"Why not?"


"Rose, why not?" He turns to me and I bite my inner cheek. "Okay, are you planning on giving Barry a hair sample to run forensics on in the near future?"

He glances at Barry. "Yeah..."

"Well, he does and from what Barry told me, you were pretty shaken after the fact. And the. Felicity found out, and you guys had a pretty big fight, and it sounded like it was over between you two."

"What was the fight about?"

"I...I'm pretty sure you're someone's father, Oliver...." He looks sad and I continue. "...So when we go up against Savage, you're not focused. And then Kendra can't access her powers, and then the tech they're developing to counteract Savage's staff does not work, over, Oliver."

"This time they won't. This time we do things differently..."


The next morning, I was sitting on the back porch while Caitlyn was measuring my wing span.

"Wow, they're two inches longer than the last pair. Also thinner. So that answers your speed question."



"How are the gauntlet gloves going?"

"Pretty good, why?"

"Just making sure...triple check them." She nods and I draw my wings in. "You seem shaken up."

"Yeah, you can say that...."

When we go back into the house, Cisco was coming back inside with Kendra.

"Oliver, you were right. I don't even know how you knew, but you were right--the gauntlets won't work, they're missing a critical element."

"How do you know?" Diggle asks. "Because I remembered. I remember his Savage killed us the first time, back in Egypt." Kendra answers.

"I've never been able to remember our first death."

"Well, these sky rocks--meteors--they fell in and they completely destroyed the Royal Palace."

"During the middle Kingdom, Egypt experienced a high level of meteor activity..." We all look at Felicity.

"You're just an encyclopedia of knowledge huh?" I ask. "What? I know stuff." She answers.

"Which is one of the many reasons we love you so much, but also doesn't seem to help us stop Savage." Laurel says.

"It's the calamity Professor Boardman was referencing. The meteors, they had a glow about them. And Savage's staff had two gemstones with the exact same glow." Kendra says as she remembers.

"Yeah, The gemstones might be made up of the same element as the meteorite." Barry summons.

"The Egyptians would use meteorite in their craftsmanship."

"And the mineral glow in proximity to each other."

"Like Sanakara stones." And the geek squad is back in business.

"Okay so the stone we need is at the keystone city museum of natural..."

Barry leaves out and comes back with a hunk of rock.


"Hopefully I got the right one." Barry says as he hands the rock to Cisco. "I can synthesize the compatible isotope out of this and coat the gauntlets with it."

"Okay, Cisco. Do it." Oliver pats his shoulder and goes on with his speech. But this time, everyone is included. Team Arrow, and team Flash...

We had the plan all set and we were all in place.

Before we walk out. I stop Oliver.

"Ollie...everyone is in position. Are you sure about this?" He looks at me. "About changing the future? Rose, what can happen here that is the worse than what already did?"

I look back and catch Barry looking at me. "If I knew that, I wouldn't be so worried."

"Let's do it." Oliver walks off and I stop Barry. "No one is dying tonight."

"I know, because this plan is going to end up with the good guys winning."

As Savage says his little speech, we wait for the right moment.

"Chay-Ara, parting is such sweet sorrow." Instead of a fist fight, Oliver draws his arrow and cuts off Carter and Kendra's chains.

Carter fights Savage first. But gets knocked down.

"Now Kendra!" Oliver commands. Kendra nods and this time, her wings emerge.

She swoops and knocks Savage flat on his ass.

This time, Team Arrow drives in and they take their positions.

Savage aims the staff at Barry, Oliver and I but we dodge it.

Diggle, shoots his gun while Thea start shooting arrows. Laurel does her canary cry and Savage gets disoriented.

Those three all fight him and he slowly takes them down but doesn't kill them.

Oliver, shoots his arrow at Savage and it hits him. He keeps shooting just so he can get that staff away from him.

Barry and I both wait for an open chance. When Savage is distracted. I raise my hand and the staff flys out of his hand and I grab it out of mid air.

This time, the gauntlets work!

Thank god...

"Get clear!" I yell as I point the staff at Savage.

Kendra and Carter managed to get Diggle, Thea and Laurel out.

Barry was there and I just have the same moment in my head, of him dying.

"Get out of here, with Oliver!"

"No, we're not leaving you." Oliver joins us and Savage seems to falter a bit so we take that moment and aim it higher, making him turn into dust.

The staff turns into dust as well and we stand there in awe.

"Did we do it? Is he gone?" Kendra asks as everyone came running back.

"Yeah, game over for him."

I smile at that and we all leave...

I sit in the room wearing my red laced teddy and see Barry walking out drying his hair.

"Boy, nothing like a hot shower after defeating a bad gu..." He looks right at me and I stand up.

"Too much?"

"N--not at all. It's not too much. It's perfect. Really perfect." I stand up and walk past him then lock the door.

"When you had died, all I could think about was how my whole life died with you. A life that we wouldn't be able to share...."

I runs my finger tips over Barry's torso and I can see goosebumps emerge off of his skin.

"I don't want to waste a single moment."

"Rose are you sure about this?" He looks down at me and I nod. "Yes, I want this. I want you Barry Allen. I want you to make love to me, because that's when we can share this moment. When we can have something to remember."

I reach up and feel his fingertips crawl under my red laced teddy. He pulls it above my head and I see his eyes smolder as he looks at my now naked body.

"I love you so much. You are the only woman I want to spend the rest of my life with." He leans down and picks me up then leads me to the bed.

"I love you too." I feel him kiss my neck and his fingers moves down towards between my legs.

I moan and feel as he climbs on top of me.

This is a moment I'll cherish no matter what.

Because Barry part of me. No matter what...

Yes! I have one more chapter and I'm all caught up! And you guys should know this, Rosemary will make a special appearance to her dear old dad...and it's not a jolly one.

Spoiler! Reverse-Angel?
Or would that make her a Devil?

Leave a comment below and don't forget to vote ;p hope you all liked this chapter as well!

Time for bed, up up and away in my pj's!! Haha

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