Chapter - 8 Snapped...

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•Dr. Wells' Pov•

I was in my secret room with Gideon getting ready to write a log on Rose. Since I had done one the day before on Barry.

"New entry, it has been 311 days since lightning struck. Second subject has begun relying on her flight in your every day life, using her extraordinary powers to solve ordinary problems... The subject has been showing glimpses of her darker side though she suppresses it to keep everyone around her safe..."

I think it's time Barry finds out who he's working with.

Then maybe this can go a bit further...

•Rose's Pov•

"Okay, I'm going to tell him. I'm going to look right at Barry. Yeah I am going to look him right in those...really pretty eyes an...and you want a coffee? Oh God I am hopeless."

I splash some water on my face and hear my inner voice tsk.

"Don't tsk me. Its one thing telling him that I love him but telling him that I'm the Avenging Angel? That's gonna take another fourteen years."

How about I tell him?

"Nope, you stay where you belong, in the back of my mind as a whisper." I mutter as I take a long drink from my tumbler mug.

Right before I walk out my door I get a call from Caitlyn.

"Talk to me."

"Dr. Wells would like to have a word with you."

My brow pinches.

"Any idea why?"

"No clue."

"Ohh, you're in trouble..." I hear Cisco say in the back ground.

"I'll be there in a sec." We hang up and I look around to be sure no one was around.

As soon as the coast was clear, I roll my wings out and take off in the air.

The wind in my hair, the sun warm against my skin...

This was the experience that makes this all worth it.

I close my eyes for a moment and just take in a deep breath.

I then get a mental image of me beating Tony with the bat and my eyes open up quick.

I'm not that person.

But you could be...

"Shut up."

When I arrived, Dr. Wells was waiting for me right in the main room.

"Good morning, Dr. Wells...can I just apologize for how I reacted a few days ago."

"Apology accepted Miss West, but I didn't ask Caitlyn to call you for that today. I asked you here because we need to discuss something."


"As you know we have agreed to help you and Mr. Allen with helping saving people. And your help with coming in on a daily basis for testing is very efficient but the matter is when will you tell Barry about helping him?"

Don't trust him...

I ignore her and sigh.

"I'm trying...trying to tell him but it's hard. I don't want him to..."

"Reject you?"

I nod and he looks at me.

"I'm sure Barry will be shocked at first but in time he will come around to the idea."

"That's the thing, I don't want Barry to be shocked. I don't want him to go through the stages of accepting me. I mean I want to tell him, when he gets hurt I want to scream his name but...I know that the risks...."

"...Can I wait just a little longer?"

"I suppose Miss West. Now Caitlyn mentioned that she wanted to see you after our talk."

I begin to walk out but Dr. Wells clears his throat stopping me.

"Barry is smart, Miss West. Be sure to tell him soon or he will figure it out himself."

I just walk out of the room and find Caitlyn on her tablet.

"More testing today?"

"Yes, now I want to test out your telekinesis again-"

"No, I'm not ready."

"But Rose, I think that-"

I cut her off again with a look.

"I said no, I haven't been practicing with it and maybe if I don't use it I'll lose it."

Caitlyn looks like she wants to protest but she bites her tongue and nods.

"Alright, let's test out your wings."

I take off my jacket and roll my shoulders.

Releasing my wings no longer hurt but it's still a strange sensation.

Almost like a million little feathers prickling your skin and scratching it at the same time.

I let out a calm breath and look forward feeling my wings flap lightly.

"That's strange." Caitlyn says as she looks at me.

"What is?"

"Your wings, they were grey right?"

"Yeah." I look at my wings and gasp.

"They're...darker..." I whisper more to myself.

"Maybe it's because of the sunlight exposure. Can I take one?"

I just nod and continue to stare at them.

Darker wings?

What does that mean?

I...I don't know Rose...

For the first time both my inner voice and I are speechless.

Caitlyn takes a few feathers and my wings then disintegrate.


"Yes, Rose?"

"Do you think telling Barry about me is the right thing to do?"

I really want to know about my wings but where do I begin with?

No one is like me and if I could really talk to anyone right now it would be Barry.


"It would be easier on everyone. Cisco wouldn't have to freak out hiding your suit every time Barry pops up at the lab."

" when can I get those results?" I get up from the table and pull my jacket back on.

"I'll see if I can have them ready for you a few hours."

"Alright see you then.." I look at my phone and see that I have a few notification from my police scanner app.

"Looks like something happened in an abandoned parking lot." I walk out of S.T.A.R. Labs and get the directions with my phone on where the parking lots that the accident happened is.

When I arrive I see my Dad talking to Eddie.

I also see Barry removing a blanket and I see a charred dead body.

"I think I'm gonna puke." My dad looks up and narrows his eyes at me.


He walks right over to me and blocks the body from my view.

"What are you doing here? Better yet how did you know about this?"

"You's funny what you can find out through an app."

He sighs and moves me back.

"You shouldn't be here. You need to go."

"I know but dad...what happened?"

"This is a crime scene. I can't discuss this with you."

He ushers me away and I see Barry look up in time for our eyes to meet.

He gets up and walks over to us.

"Joe, this man, he was electrocuted."

"How? Anything that can combust around this area is intact." Dad comments.

I look back over and something doesn't smell right.

"It smells funny." My dad and Barry both look at me.

"Rose what are you talking about?"

"I don't know dad, but it smells funny."


Does feat even have a smell?

I walk away from my dad and go towards the body and the smell gets stronger.

I feel someone pull me back from the body and see its was dad.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Helping." I say as I continue to look at the body.

"Rose, I need to take a few samples. Do you want to help?" Barry asks as he crouches beside me.

I just nod and he hands me some gloves.

I put them on and feel strangely calm.

"When this man died...he was scared..." I whisper as Barry takes a few pictures of the crime scene.

My dad was talking to a few more workers and I hold a few cases and viles.

"We need to identify him." Barry says to me.

"Want me to take the picture?"

"This guy's face is melted off, how are you going to identity him." Eddie comments as I snap the picture.

"Rose and I got mad skills. Right Rose?"

Barry gives me a smile and I can't help but stare.

"Yeah, we do."

After we get the samples and take the, I walk with Barry.

"Are you okay?" He asks out of the blue.

"I'm...I don't know. I just have a lot on my mind."

"Penny for your thoughts?" Barry pulls me close and let's his arm rest on my shoulder.

Please don't do that.

I get very inappropriate thoughts when you just touch me like that.

I shrug him off by pretending to stretch.

"It's nothing to worry you with. So you're going to S.T.A.R. Labs to get some extra help with the facial recognition? I thought you had mad skills?" I say teasing him.

"Hey, even with my mad skills I need help some times."

Like when you help save people from meta-humans?

I look at him from the corner of my eye and see how the sun reflects on him.

He's going to be in the history books as the best hero alive.

You will too, Rose...

"Doubt it."


"Nothing, so how's life? Anything new going on with you?"

"Nah, nothing really. What about you? Have you heard anything from that Trevor guy?"

I chuckle.

"His name is Travis and no. He's been busy and so have I."

"Busy with what?" He asks.

Busy helping you save people, capturing meta-humans, trying to figure out how I can tell you my two big secrets.

"Just with life in general." I say with a shrug.

"Yeah I think I'm going through the same thing too." We walk in silence for a moment and then I just stop.

"Barry, can I tell you something?"

"Sure, what's up?"

This is just like a bandaid just rip it off quick.

"I wanted to tell you that-"

My phone rings and mentally I think that was a sign of not telling him just yet.

"One minute."

I answer my phone and see it's number I don't know.


"Hey, Rose. Sorry it's Travis. I had lost my phone and wanted to give you my new number."

He couldn't have just text it to me?

I look over at Barry and he was looking at me with a curious look on his face.

"Well I got your new number now. So.."

"I also wanted to call to see if you wanted to hang out? There's this night club I'm going to play at and I wanted you to come."

"Um can I get back to you on that? I'm kind of working on a case with a friend at the moment."

"Yeah, sure. Let me know when you get a chance."

"I will, see ya." We hang up and I blow air out of my cheeks.

"Who was that?"

"Travis, he invited me to see him play. But I don't know if I want to go."

"Really?" Barry's voice sounded a bit clipped so I look at him closer.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, uh Rose I gotta get this stuff over to S.T.A.R. Labs so see you around." He walks off suddenly leaving me there confused.

•Barry's Pov•

I don't know why I got mad when Rose mentioned that Travis guy invited her on a date.

I mean she's an adult and she can make her own decisions.

Besides Rose is like a sister to me.

Maybe that's why I got mad, because I care about her and just don't want to see her get hurt...

As soon as I'm at a safe distance I run and get to S.T.A.R. Labs.

Rose and my guardian angel were the two people that I couldn't help thinking about.

But what makes me stay up late at night is that she's out there and I have no clue who she is.

Why is she helping me?

Is she really a hero?

I find Cisco in the main room fixing up some gadget and he looks over at me.

"You look like you've got a lot on your mind."

"I do actually. Have you or Caitlyn found anything on that girl who helps me?"

He looks back down at his gadget and shakes his head.

"Nope, and neither has Caitlyn. Why?"

"I just can't get her out of my head. I just really want to know who she is and why is she helping me."

"Why so many questions? Why not just accept her help?"

"Because at the end of the day if she were to get hurt all because she was helping me then I don't know how I could take it. She's someone's daughter...someone's loved one..."

We were both silent for a while and I finally take my things from the crime scene out of my bag.

"Anyways, I came here to see if you can help me with identifying a body. A mans body, it was found in an abandoned parking lot charred to a crisp. He had no I.D. no ways to identity him I have no clue how to do this myself."

"Charred to a crisp? That sounds gruesome."

"I know, but can you help?" He crack his knuckles and moves his gadget to the side.

"This baby can do anything...well now since Felicity had made some upgrades to it."

"What are you two doing?" Caitlyn asked as she entered the room.

"Cisco is helping me with some facial recognition."

Caitlyn sits down besides Cisco and I wait on the results as circa scans the picture through.

"I'm just curious on how this guy fried in the first place, is there a meta-human out there that can control electricity?" I asked.

"It would take serious electric discharge to cause that level of tissue damage." Caitlyn comments.

"Guys, according to the software there is an 82% chance your victim looked like this..." Cisco pulls up a mock picture of the victim.


"Hey it was zero when you walked in here, pal."

"Can you cross reference that with the DMV database, maybe get a name?"

"Absolutely... name is Casey Donahue. No Wife. No Kids. He use to work at the Petersburg electrical substation."

"That can't be a coincidence."

"That's weird. Someone just used his I.D. go enter the substation." Caitlyn frowns at the computer as the info displays on the screen."

"It says that the Petersburg grid is experiencing a power drain. Right now."

I need to figure out if this is a meta-human we're dealing with so I move in a flash hearing Caitlyn say be safe...

•Rose's Pov•

I got the call from Caitlyn and now I was at Petersburg's substation .

All she warned me was that the possible meta-human deals with electricity.

Great so don't get fried.

I keep look out from above and hear nothing.

But I do see a red flash under me so I land behind him.

"You shouldn't be here." He says without turning around.

"Neither should you."

He looks at me and I make sure my face is hidden in the shadows.

I'm suited up but I just still feel that he can just...see me.

"This meta is dangerous. He killed a man and made his body unrecognizable."

"Well then I guess we both need to watch each other's backs." I say with a smirk.

He sighs and just walks. I follow behind him and hear some kind of electrical noise.

"Stay behind me."

I walk beside him and we see a man.

What is he doing?

"I'm pretty sure this is a restricted area." Barry says as he walks closer to the guy.

He stops, and looks over at us. I take a small step back as I see that crazy look in his eyes.

Rose do you smell that?

I sniff the air.


The man raises his hand and a electric current fires at us but we separate so it doesn't hit either of us.

"Easy there, Zappy." I hear Barry say.

I keep my distance and the Zappy dude stays fixated on Barry.

"I have to feed..."

Okay zombie much?

He raises his hand again and Barry runs out of the electric reach.

Okay Rose think, before something bad happens.

Use your telekinesis...

"No, that's to dang-"

As I was having my inner conversation Barry had ran but the electric current had got him making him scream in pain.

A rush of anger came over me and before I knew what I was doing I was raising my hand and making Zappy fly into a few metal poles.

I swoop down and grab Barry.

"You're getting out of here."

"I want more..." The man says as he gets back up.

"We'll take a rain check." I try to keep my anger down as I take off flying.

I barely dodge the electric current that was aimed at me.

If I didn't have Barry to worry about I would have kicked Zappy's electric butt.

Finish him...

"No I'm not doing that."

Rose, that wasn't my thought...

I ignore her and fly back to S.T.A.R. Labs.


"Is he going to be okay?"

"We don't know, Rose." I stand beside Dr. Wells and slam my hand against a wall.

It hurt a little but not as much as I wanted it to.

"Rose don't be so hard on yourself."

"How can I not? While I was distracted he got hurt. I'm going to find that guy and-"

"And what are you going to do, hm? Go after him? Get hurt too? Then what good would you be to Barry?"

I stand there and wipe the tears away.

"What about his speed? He kept telling me that his body didn't feel right."

Did I really cause Barry to lose his speed?

"That's something that Barry is going to have to discover all by himself."

I watch from a distance as Barry runs on the treadmill, not knowing that I'm there.

That I'm also carrying this burden with him.

"Get better Barry..."

"Rose?" I turn to Dr. Wells and he gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Barry will run again. I promise."

I nod and just leave the lab.

I don't want to think about this day.

I want it to be over...

I tossed...

And I turned...

I tossed again and groan.

I can't sleep all because I'm thinking about Barry.

I need to make sure he's okay.

I sneak out of my window and just run towards Barry's apartment.

"I...really...hate....running..." I say as I catch my breath.

I knock on his door and he answers it.

"Rose, what are you doing here? At 3:00 in the morning?"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to um, talk to you."

"This couldn't wait until like morning when normal people wake up."

I could've came later on.

"I'm sorry I guess I'll go."

"No, you've already gotten here and I would feel like a jerk sending you home at this time. I'll let you take the bed, I'll take the couch."

He invites me in and I look around it.

It was a typical guys place.

Clothes a thrown in places, the furniture not matching, yup this is Barry Allen for you.

"Mind telling me-"

I hug him catching him off guard.

I let him go and stand back. "Sorry, I was just in the hugging mood."

He yawns and nods. "Okay, Rose." He walks across his apartment and I catch a glimpse of something.

"You still have this?" I pick up the old clay sculpture I had made for Barry when I was in the third grade.

"Yeah, it makes a good paper weight." He says behind me.

I elbow him lightly and he chuckles. "I'm joking. Its pretty cool."

"I honestly don't know what the hell this thing was, I just knew Iris was going to pick at me for making this."

"That's why I told her I made it." He places his arm on my shoulder and my heart beats quick.


Barry isn't quick anymore because of me...

"Hey, you look like you just found a strawberry milk with the expiration date three days behind, what's wrong?"


"I had a bad dream, and I know it sounds kidish but dad was working and Iris is sleeping over at Eddie's place and you were the only other person I could think of."

"So you walked about forty-five minutes just to comfort you from a bad dream?"

I look up through my lashes and he just shrugs.

"Come tell me what happened." He leads me to the couch and we sit.

I cross cross my legs and turn to him.

"I had a dream just left."

"Rose, I'm not going anywhere."

"I know but the dream was real and it felt scary."

He pulls me close and holds me for a little.

"I'm not going anywhere Rose. I'll be here for as long as you need me to be..."


"Mhmm, promise..." I look up and see that Barry was sleeping.

I move so I don't disturb him and just look at him.

How does he do it?

Sleep peacefully when he lost something.

I made him lose it...

"I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you get your speed back, Barry. We need to continue to save people and I need you..." He moves on his side and smiles a little in his sleep.

I grab a sheet from his room and spread it over him then look at him again.

"Why do I love you so much?" I keep looking at him as if he's going to reveal the answer to me but instead all I hear is his light breathing.

"Sweet dreams."


Did he just?

I walk over to him and listen again but he says nothing.

"Guess I'm hearing things." I leave his apartment feeling a little better but now I have a mission.

"Operation: Speedster Return is in motion..."


"So dad, I bought you a coffee, two sugars three creams and one pump of mocha just like you like it."

"Awe, thanks sweetheart, now what do you want?"

I do a fake gasp.

"Father, I just came here to give you a coffee to show my appreciation to you."

He raises his brow and I pout. "Fine, I was just wondering if anyone was able to find the guy who responsible for what happened to that guy yesterday?"

"No and even if I did, why would I tell you? You're not on the case."

"But dad-"

"Rose, go home. Be a normal citizen in society." He kisses my forehead and I feel defeated as I walk away from my dad.

"Well that was a bust." I walk off and press the button on the elevator.

Just then two police officers escort a shifty looking man with strange glasses out of the elevator.

I look at my watch then get on.

"That's a quality time piece, young lady." The strange glasses guy says to me.

"Uh thanks, I got it as a graduation gift."

"They took mine, all of them."

"I guess you shouldn't have done whatever it is you did." The police officers take him away and I shake off the encounter.

Maybe Cisco and Caitlyn could help me get the guy's name.

As I walk into S.T.A.R. Labs I hear voices. I stop and listen and the voices belongs to Barry and Caitlyn.

"...I didn't have my speed for very long, but now that it's gone... it feels like a part of me is gone too."

I feel a pang of guilt and peek in to see Barry looking at his suit.

Caitlyn looks at me and I shake my head so she doesn't alert Barry.

I hide back in my corner.

"With or without your speed you're still you Barry." Caitlyn reassures him.

"But I'm not. I'm not the best version of me. I loved being the flash...I'm just not sure if I can live without being the flash."

I begin to leave but stop as I hear Cisco give a name.

"Who?" I hear Barry ask.

"Farooq Gibran. That's the meta human who zapped your powers. I hacked into the surveillance footage from the Petersburg substation. Once I got his face, it was easy to find a match."

"It says here he climbed and electrical tower the night of the accelerator explosion." Barry says.

"No surprise where his powers came from." I mutter.

Suddenly a beeping noise came on in the room.

I peek inside and see Cisco at the computers. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me. This is not happening."

What's happening? I think to myself.

I then hear the Zappy gu-I mean Farooq's voice.

He's outside and he wants in so he can get to Dr. Wells.

Okay I was planning on confronting this maniac but not this soon.

Just then all of the lights in the building goes out.

The building shakes and that's when I knew...

"He's inside..."

I move in the dark hallway and make sure no one sees me. I need to help, but how would my suit is in the room where Barry and everyone else are? Plus I don't have a hoodie.

"Just my luck." I rub my temples thinking.

It's been about ten minutes and the longer I wait the quicker my friends all become toast.

Barry's powers hasn't came back yet and I'm not too confident that I can even save them.

I sniff the air and the smell of fear is getting closer.

I look up and just my luck I see a vent.

"I'll surprise attack the guy."

And then what Rose?

"I'm working on it."

You mean winging it...

"Shut up."

I climb up using some of the rough parts of the wall and push the vent so that I can climb inside.

I try not to breath in the dust and crawl as quietly as I can.


As I keep crawling through the vents I stop immediately when I hear Barry's voice...

"Whoa, whoa, easy. I'm not gonna hurt you."

I crawl about three more inches and look down to see Barry in Farooq' in the hallway through the slits of the vent.

"Don't be stupid Barry." I whisper.

"You can't hurt me. Where is Harrison Wells?"

"Look, I know what happened to you. The night of the accelerator explosion, it changed you. It changed me too."

Farooq lowers his hands and I feel something tingle in my fingertips.

"You were the one in the red suit, where's the girl who was with you?"

Keep calm Rose...

"I'm trying..."

"She's not here." Barry answers.

"That's too bad, I wanted to feed from her too, but she left too fast that night."

I grind my teeth and he starts to move closer to Barry.

"Alright, I know this has to be terrifying. That's why I want to help you, okay?"

"The night of the explosion, when the light hit me, it stopped my heart. Jake and Darya--"

"They were your friends." Barry says as he keeps a safe distance from him.

"I woke up and they were beside me, dead. They were trying to give me CPR. They were touching me and I electrocuted them."

"This is not your fault."

I keep my eyes trained on Farooq.

My breathing becoming shallow and my inner voice was becoming more and more quiet.

"I know. Wells did this to me..." He looks at his hand and I see an electricity spark from it.

"Farooq, you need to listen to me."

Farooq electrocutes Barry sending him flying and I smack the vent open and tackle Farooq to the ground.

"You wanted to feed from me? I'll give you something to feed on."

I touch his head and he starts screaming as I think about his brain turning into mush.

"Rose!" I hear Barry's voice and for a split second I stop and look back.

I didn't want him to find out this way.

I wanted him to find out by me telling him.

"Go somewhere safe." I raise my hand shutting the doors in their faces.

I hear them all scream my name but Barry's voice was more defined to me.

Rose sto-

I silence her voice and Farooq places a hand on my chest sending a bolt of shock to my heart.

I scream in pain and hear Barry yelling at others for them to open the door.

"You taste good." Farooq says as he gets up.

A laugh escapes my lips.

I don't feel the bolting shock anymore.

In fact I don't feel anything.

"Let me give you seconds..." I say with a smile on my face.

•Barry's Pov•

What just happened?


"Barry, we need to get out of here." Cisco says as he tries to drag me off.

"She's in there with him, we need to save her."

"Barry, we can't do anything for her now and you don't have your powers. We need to go and jump start you."

Dr. Wells is right, I don't have my powers and I can't help Rose.


Is she the Avenging Angel?

When her eyes went white just before she closed the door, I had a quick thought.

"She's her..."

"Caitlyn, get buried to the treadmill. Cisco, bring the generator online. Make sure Barry gets the charge...." Dr. Wells instructs.

Caitlyn takes me towards the room where the treadmill was and I stop her.

"Did you know?"

"Barry now isn't the time-"

"Did you know?" I say in a more stern voice.

She swallows and looks down.

"She didn't want us to tell you. It was her secret."

"All this time, Rose has been helping me and I didn't even see it? I'm so stupid."

"Barry, I know you're upset with Rose. but you need to get on the treadmill."

First Iris and Joe are being held hostage at the police station and now Rose is facing the guy who took my powers.

As Caitlyn tries to set up everything we hear a thud and we both move away from the door.

"Too much...too much..." Farooq mutters as he drags himself into the room.

"Faroooooooq come out, come out, where ever you are. I thought you said you were hungry..."

I hear Rose laughing. I take a peek and see that she's bleeding from her mouth.

Farooq raises his hand and shocks her.

She goes down but then gets back up.

"Did you think that would hurt me? Did you!"

She raises her hand and Farooq goes flying into the other room.

I see her crack her spine and she continues to walk towards him.

As they continue the fight in another room I get up and get on the treadmill.

"Get the treadmill ready."

"But you're still hurt.

"We don't have time!" I snap at her.

She hesitates.


"Barry I can't."

"Rose can't handle Farooq all by her self much longer. I need to help her and I need to get to Joe and Iris too. I need my powers back."

"If I turn this on it could kill you."

"If you don't we could all die."

"I already lost someone I cared about in this building. I can't do it again."

I sigh and look at her. "Listen, someone once told me that I was struck by that lightning for a reason, that it chose me. I'm not sure I believe it. Right now it doesn't matter what I believe..."

I get back on the treadmill.

"...What do you believe?"

Caitlyn looks at the switch and I close my eyes.

"You can do it Caitlyn."

She flips on the switch and I feel a jolt of electricity coursing through my body.

I fly off of the treadmill and crash into the wall. I hear Caitlyn gasp and she runs over to me.

I groan as I sit up. "Are you okay? Did you feel anything?" She asks me.

I raise my hand and feel it move fast but I'm not there yet. "It didn't work." With then hear a loud boom in the hallway.

We run into the hallway to find Tony lying there not moving.

"Tony? Tony how did you get out? Tony!"

"Barry, he's gone."

"FAROOQ! You didn't have to kill him!"

I hear Rose scream in the distance.

"Barry we need to get to Cisco."

"But we can't just leave him like this."

"We don't have a choice." We get up and run, but I look back as my childhood bully laid there dead on the floor.

"How did he get out?"

We arrive in the room with the generator and Cisco.

"You're winded that's not good." Cisco comments.

"I need to take a blood sample to see what happened."

I roll up my sleeve for Caitlyn. "I can't believe he's dead."

"Dr. Wells?" I shake my head.

"No, no. Tony Woodward."

"He skate from the pipeline." Caitlyn says as she draws blood.

"He must've got out when the blackout hit." I say as I look at Cisco.

"Not possible. The pipeline was designed to withstand a power outage. Someone had to have let him go."

"I did..."

We all turn towards the door and see Dr. Wells.

"...I released him."


"Who died for our intruders attention and to give Miss West a hand since your powers aren't back yet. Speaking of which we need to work harder to get your speed back."

"You used him..."

"He was a necessary as it turns out the plan failed."

"I have his blood on me, Rose is out there risking her life for us, and all you're worried about is how it failed?"

"I'm worried for all of our sakes. Especially Rose."

"Don't use us for an excuse for your actions. Tony didn't deserve to die."

"Does Caitlyn? Does Cisco? Do you or I? How about Rose? Because if she's out there any longer she's going to die."

I clench my jaw hearing him mention her.

"I had a choice, Mr. Allen it was either him or us and I chose us without a second thought."

"You talk about how you want to save lives and find ways to cure people but you don't care about people at all."

"Maybe you care too much Barry. I knowing being a hero is important to you and to Rose. That's why she's out there. She has the same mind set as you. She will make sure she keeps innocent people safe and will even die trying." He replies back.

"I don't want her to do that. I want her to be safe too... You know what I've noticed, Dr. Wells? That you're a chest kind of guy. We're all just pawns to you. So who do you sacrifice next?" I say glaring at him...

•Rose's Pov•

I crack my spine and keep walking with my hands held high.

I can smell him but he smells different.

"Anger..." I scoff as I heard him towards outside.

"You know Farooq, I have to say you're worthy opponent. I've never felt so alive like I do right now."

I laugh as I wipe the blood from my lips and nose.

I open the door to the garage of S.T.A.R. Labs and his scent gets stronger.

I see Barry, Cisco, Caitlyn and Dr. Wells entering the garage.

I need to find Farooq, and I need to kill him.

"Second van, keys are inside." Cisco tells Barry.

Barry gets in the van and I hear him try to start it up but the engine stalls. In fact it just stops working. Even Dr. Wells' chair stops working.

I smile and move back in to the shadows.

I don't need to come to Farooq, he's going to come to me.

He suddenly walks out in front of the van. He's weak from overfeeding off of me, but I know he won't die until he gets to Dr. Wells or at least until I get to him.

He raises a weak hand towards the van and it gets shocked, luckily Barry gets out in time.

"Barry..." I feel my emotions push through but they get snatched back as I see Farooq point his hand at Dr. Wells.

"Finally, I can see the man who turned me into this monster."

Caitlyn and Cisco goes to Barry to make sure he's okay and I wait for my chance.

As they talk my head begins to pound and I feel a giggle escape my lips.

"I must kill him..."

He hurt Barry...

"He has to die..."

"I am truly sorry for my machine turning you into this." Dr. Wells says to Farooq.

"Because of your machine, my friends are now dead and now it's your turn."

He sends an electric shock and-


Barry uses his speed and moves Dr. Wells out of harms way.

He then speeds back and he was in his Flash suit.

Farooq sends more electricity to Barry and he dodges each one, except the last.

Barry goes down screaming in agony and I take my chance.

Smiling as I do.

I cover his eyes and whisper...


I then snap his neck and he goes limp.

I killed him..

I look down at him and suddenly a shock of emotion hits me all at once.


"I killed..."


I feel a laugh rush out of my lips but then it turns into screams as I fall on my knees in front of Farooq's dead body.


I scream until someone holds me.

I smell sadness and look up to find Caitlyn holding me moving me away from the body.



"No! No, no, no, no."

"Rose?" My body freezes up as I hear Barry's voice.

"Don't look at me." I say as I wipe my tears.



The garage door that was stuck suddenly flys up and I take off running.

Don't look at me.


I'm a murderer...

I was flying aimlessly around when my phone rang for the eighth time.

I begin to ignore it but I pick it up and see its Iris calling.

"Hello?" I say as I try to sound calm.

"Rose, where are you? Dad thought you were in the station with us and that maniac time guy."

"Wait what?"

My sister tells me everything that happens and I rush to the hospital.

As soon as I get outside I take calm breaths and walk into Eddie's room.

Everyone was there, including Barry but I don't dare look at him.

"Whoa, so I heard you shot someone. Wait was it Eddie! I knew he had it coming." I say to lighten up the mood.

"I didn't shoot him, Rose. I shot the clock guy."

"Oh, sorry Eddie." I say with an apologetic smile.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm so high right now, I don't think I'll remember what you said."

"Ha that sounds like my freshmen year in college."

"What did you just say young lady?" My dad says with a stern look.

"Hm? What, coffee? I'll go get some coffee. Eddie you want coffee? I'm going to get some coffee." I leave out the room and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Rose we need to talk."

"No we don't." I walk away from Barry but feel him follow me.

I get to the cafeteria and Barry grabs my shoulder and makes me look at him.

"Yes we do."

"Why? I'd rather forget tonight."

I then remember the way Farooq's neck snapping against my fingertips.

Barry wipes my tears away and he hugs me.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you." I cling to him and finally just cry out the rest of my tears.

"I don't want to remember this night, Barry. Never ever again."

He just holds me and for that moment, everything seems okay.

But I know the moment he lets me go, he will have questions and I will be a murderer.

"I think I always knew."

"Hm?" I look up at Barry and he was looking at me making my face become warm.

"I think my subconscious always knew you were the one behind the mask but I just didn't want to accept it."

"Well, now you know my secret. Surprise I am a meta human, now lock me up and throw away the key."

"Rose...this. This thing that's going on with us, I don't want you risking your life anymore."

I move out of his touch.

"You don't have the right to tell me that. Not while you're out there too risking your life."

"Rose I don't want to see you hurt."

"And neither do I." We both stare each other down. Neither of us budging.

"I'm not going to stop helping you."

He backs away from me and my heart drops.

"You have to, Rose. What about your family? If you get hurt I'll never be able to look at Iris or Joe ever again."

"Barry don't do this. Don't guilt me."

"Don't follow me anymore to get meta-humans."

"Or what?" I say with more tears threatening to spill.

Damn it I thought I did enough crying tonight.

"Or I'll just stay away from you." He turns and walks out leaving me behind and I feel like he just broke up with me.

I close my eyes and even though I don't want to remember this night for obvious reasons, I'll remember it because this was the night my nightmares came true.

"You promised you wouldn't leave..." I whisper after him...

•Dr. Wells' Pov•

The next day I go to my secret room to write another log on Rose and her progress.

"Good day, Dr. Wells."

"Yes, it is, Gideon. Bring up my log, please, new entry. It has been 312 days since lightning struck. In the past 24 hours Rose's secret was revealed, and she also had her first kill. I must say she look just as I expected when she went rogue. She still has feelings for Barry Allen, but that's expected as such. I thought that her attachment to him was slowing down the process, but instead it's speeding it up. She has proven that she would not only risk her life for Barry Allen, but she would also kill for him as well. Now in the meantime, good news..."

I pull up the video clip and watch as Rose declares herself as a God.

"...the future looks brighter than ever..."



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