Chapter- 9 The Angel Vs. The Vigilante

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•Rose's Pov•

Everyone on this planet at some point in their lives, has had a major case of the feels. Those days when your heart is just too small to hold the big things you're feeling. Today's one of those days.

We think of our emotions like their unique, personal phenomena, that no one has ever felt what we have felt. And from a scientists point of view there is an explanation for every emotion you feel, anger, love.

But I know there's more to it. Almost a magical touch, because the moment I see Barry smile, all those negative feelings just disappear like that.

I fly past him as he's walking into Jitters and see him talking to my sister.

His smile makes me feel warm inside but then I'm reminded that he doesn't want my help...

So her I am, laying there on the couch feeling as if my life is over.

It's not over Rose...

"Yes it is..." I sigh and cover myself with my favorite blanket that I had ever since I could remember.

I hear my phone ringing and I look to see it was Cisco calling.

"Rose, there's a bank robbery in progress at Cunningham and Sampere."

I shrug.

"Barry's got it. He doesn't want my help."

But he needs it Rose...

"Rose, Barry needs you."

Since when has my inner voice and Cisco have been having meeting about me?

"He can manage." I hang up and pull the sheets back over my face.

I get another call about an hour later but this time it's from Barry.

"Rose, can you come down to the station?"

"Why?" I ask while I stay under the blankets.

"We still have some things to do here at the lab."

I roll off of the couch and lay there on the floor. "Be there in a sec."

When I arrive I see Eddie and my dad talking to the captain in his office.

"What's going on?" I asked Barry.

"I think Eddie's trying to convince the captain, that the flash and the avenging angel are both public menaces."

"Are you kidding me? Is my dad in on this too?"

Barry shakes his head. "No, he's actually on the defending side." I glare at Eddie as he walks out of the captains office. I then looked down at his feet and he's trips. Luckily for him he catches himself.

"Did you do that?" Barry asks. "Do what?" I ask with a raised brow.

My father then walks out and looks at Barry.

"You need to get to S.T.A.R. Labs."

"I know. Come on Rose."

Oh so now I can go with him on his terms?


I sigh and follow after him.

I stand there and listen to what happened at the bank earlier.

"... Everyone in that bank went total savage, for like five minutes. And then they were fine again." Barry explains.

"Anger can be a powerful emotion, if this meta-human can engender irrational feelings of anger in his victims, he can do a lot of damage."

Caitlyn came into the room and was typing something up on the computer.

"Detective West helped get a copy of the cat scans the hospital did on everyone at the bank. Take a look." Caitlyn brings up the scans on the big screen for everyone to see.

"Well look at this emotion centers of the brains are still showing signs of being overwhelmed." Dr. Wells says as he studies the board.

"Particularly the area that controls executive function. That's the part of the brain that stops people from doing, whatever random and potentially destructive thing that pops in their head."

Well that's just scary.

"How do you think the meta does it to them?" I ask Caitlyn.

"That's the 1/2 a million dollar question." She replies.

I look at Barry and see he was on his phone.

"I need to take this."

"You wouldn't happen to be having a late night chat with Iris would you?" I narrow my eyes at Barry after Caitlyn had said that.

"I'm sure she just wants to meet up for some blog stuff."

"No, she wants your identity. She's been hounding me for months now."

"Wait does Iris know?"

"Yeah, I had freaked out and she found me in the garage..." I don't say anymore because I don't want any ones sympathy.

"Well I'm not going to tell her my identity."

"Good I'm coming."

"No you're not."

"One, yes I am and two, you can't stop me. I have telekinesis I can move your skinny butt out of my way. Now suit up."

Barry shakes his head but he doesn't argue.

Maybe because it's just us going to see my sister, not some meta that can make people extremely pissed off.

We arrive at jitters and I had agreed to stay in the background.

If Iris finds out his identity I swear I'm going to punch Barry.

As they talk I decide to sneak out on the roof since I'm really not in the mood to hear their conversation.

The sky is so clear tonight. Not a cloud in the sky and all the stars were shinning bright.

I then see a shooting star and I make a wish.

"I wish, that he would let me help him and if this isn't too greedy I wish that Barry would know how I feel about him and expert it."

"Rose, you there?" I hear Cisco on my transmitter.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Police got a ping from the racer hidden in the stolen cash that the meta had jacked earlier today. Swat teams closing in on the 1600 block of pass."

"Now go grab Barry and make sure you watch his back." Caitlyn says which makes me smile.

"Sure thing." I get off of the roof and fly inside where Barry and Iris are.

"Flash we gotta go, they got a hit."

"Wait, Rose you-"

"Sorry sis gotta go."

I take off with Barry under me running and I swoop down low enough to tell him where the swat team are.

"Thanks, now go home."

"Not a chance."

"Rose, I'm serious. I don't want this meta to get his hands on you. You're not stable when you're angry."

"What's that suppose to mean?" I say feeling hurt.

"It means go home or I'm telling Joe your secret."

I slow down a little.

"Really, you're going to rat me out to my dad? Low blow Barry even for you."

I fly up out of sight and decide that I can't risk him telling dad.

He may have said go home but he didn't say go home right this second.

Rose, he sai-

"Oh shut up who asked you?"

Staying in the shadows is becoming a specialty of mine.

As I stand on a wooden plank above I see one of the swat members confront the meta human.

He then turns and points his gun at his team which includes my dad.

"Get down!" My dad orders.

The guy fires off a round and I act fast.

I jump off of the plank spreading me wings and snatching my dad out of the way.

Barry had grabbed the others and I look away from my dad as I see him trying to place my face.

I hear a click of a gun and turn seeing the gunman now pointing his gun right at my face.

Maybe I should have wished for a bullet proof face instead tonight.

Barry tackles me down and suddenly two arrows hits the gunman.

"What the?" I look up and that when I see...

"The arrow?"

What is he doing in Central City?

I fly back to the lab as fast as I could.

Because Barry was pissed and my dad had some questions as in who I was.

"Rose? Oh god you're bleeding."

"Gee nothing gets past you, huh Caitlyn?"

I hop on the table and roll up the back of my shirt then lay down.

"How did this happen?" She asks as she gets some of her things.

"I kind of shielded my dad from some bullets, does it look bad?"

"No, you're healing though I may need to cut the skin and tissue to get any bullets out."

"Do what you gotta do doc. But make it quick, I had to flap my wings hard just so Barry couldn't ca-ow!"

"Sorry, Rose. It looks like nothing is there. So that's good. Do you need a bandage?" I feel her clean up the cuts and I shake my head.

"No, I'll heal." I toss off my suit and throw on some sweats and a S.T.A.R. Labs t-shirt.

We hear shrieking and we run into the main room to see Cisco staring at Felicity and Barry.

Might I add Felicity was shirtless and fanning herself.

"What the fu-"

Barry cuts his eyes at me.

"Why didn't you go home?" He snaps at me.

"Um excuse me but I'd like to know why is Felicity showing you her ta-tas?"

"In my defense my shirt had caught on fire. Wait, you know that Barry is the-"

I continue to glare at Barry as Caitlyn hands a shirt to Felicity.

"It's a long story, but welcome back, Felicity. I'm guessing you came here for a reason?"

While they talk Barry motions me over and I go to him.

"Did you get hurt?"



"Are you lying to me?"


"No, look what's with the third degree? People were saved tonight."

"But our meta got away."

"So this is my fault?"

"No it's just. Rose just go home." He rubs his temples and I snatch up my jacket off of one of the chairs.

"Next time, I'm going after him myself."

"No you're not." He says after me. But I was already flying off to care.

I flap my wings hard and notice something.

My wings look even darker than last time...

The next morning I walk into Jitters feeling pretty good.

"Chocolate milk please." I say as I stand by the counter.


"Yeah, I'm trying something new...can I have a strawberry milk too?" Stacey giggles and nods.

"Coming right up." She goes to get my drinks ready.

I turn and my jaw drops.

"Pick up your jaw, sis." Iris says as she stands next to me.

"Is that?"


"And he's?"


Stacey hands me my milks and I pop the top off of the chocolate one and I down it in three big gulps.

"I'm going in."

My sister grabs the back of my shirt.


"He is a customer and he's also here to enjoy a cup of coffee."

I eye the cup of coffee.

"Let me give it to him."

"No, Rose and besides you don't even work here."

"Awe come on, you have a boyfriend an-" I see Barry come through the door and he walks over to Oliver Queen.

"No effing way. Iris give me this coffee."

"No, Rose."

"Come on, I want to give him the coffee."

"Why?" I motion with my eyes and she looks over.

"Oh, I see."

"So what do you say? Please, pretty please?"

"The appearance of the please isn't going to help you."

I pout and give my best puppy dog eyes.

"Gah, I'm really starting to regret teaching you that."

She hands me the coffee and I smile hard.

"Wish me luck."

I walk on over with a little switch in my hips and place the cup of coffee down in front of Oliver.

"Oliver Queen is it? Hi, here is your coffee just how you like it and if it isn't right my sister made it." He gives me a smile and I swoon.


"Oh hi Barry. Now Mr. Queen."

"Please call me Oliver." He says as he accepts his coffee.

I bite my lip a little.

"Oliver. I was just wondering if you had an intern program?"

"I'm sorry, I don't at the moment."

"Awe, that's a bummer but I wrote my number on the napkin. So if you happen to open up a program please keep me in mind."

"I will." I can just feel Barry staring a hole into my skull.

"And if it's easier you can put my number under G.F. like good friend or girl friend. Did I mention I was single?"

"If you excuse me.." Barry grabs my arm and I wave bye to Oliver.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I was introducing myself and since when did you know Oliver Queen? I mean have you seen this guy he is hotter than I imagined and his arms are twice the size of yours." I look back over at him and Barry steps in my view of him.

"They really aren't but anyways, Oliver and I are having a conversation."


"About stuff. Now please don't bother us." He walks off and I flip Barry off.

"I saw that." I move my hand and smile at my sister.

"You saw nothing." She rolls her eyes at me and stands next to me.

"He is hot."

"I know right, that's why he's in my top five."

"Top five?"

"Yeah, Barry is number one but he's staring to get on my nerves so he might get replaced. Oliver Queen is my number two because well look at him. Three is that really hot journalist that came and did that seminar for my class in college for freshmen year, oh, Clark Kent. Four would have to be that cute billionaire from Gotham, Bruce Wayne and my fifth would be that pilot they had in the newspapers you know the one who disappeared a few months back, Hal Jordan."

My sister nods in approval.

"Sounds like you have a top notch list."

"Yeah, I do."

Even though I was flirting with Oliver to make Barry annoyed, I felt a bit guilty.

"You still like Barry right?"

"You know I do." I grab my strawberry milk and pay for it then walk out drinking it slowly.

I'll always like Barry...

•Barry's Pov•

"Sorry about that."

Oliver looks past my shoulder and shrugs. "It's okay she's kind of cute."

I feel myself glare at him but shake it off.

"And the bad guy you and your untrustworthy sidekick were looking for, his name is Roy G. Bivolo."

"How did you get his name, and she is trustworthy."

"Is she?" Oliver is convinced that the Avenging Angel is shady but he's wrong about that.

Sure Rose is a little unstable at times but she's trustworthy.

"She is and please tell me the guy you got the information from is still alive." Oliver just takes a drink of his coffee and that's when Felicity joins us at the table.

"I'm just making sure. Also I thought you said you didn't want to help..."

Rose wants to help...

My inner conscience echoes but I ignore it.

"I'm not, it's just a name."

I get up from the table then. "I need to go to the lab for a bit." Oliver nods and I walk off.

Before I walk out the door I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn and see it's Oliver. "We'll help you catch your bad guy." Past his shoulder I see Felicity mouth 'you're welcome'


"I'm not calling him that, Barry. Also if we work together, I need to be sure your partner won't cause any trouble."

"She won't, I promise."

I strike out my hand and he accepts it and shakes it.

After I went to the lab for a bit I meet up with Oliver at this old abandoned barn house.

"Hey." I say as I walk up the barn steps.

"You're late. Barry, how can you have super speed and still not be on time?"

"Sorry, I guess the super tardiness kind of neutralizes it. so how do we catch Bivolo here?" I ask.

"Oh, no, we don't. We are here to train."

"What's like Rocky?" He gives me a stern look and I shut up.

"I read your friend Iris' blog post on the flash and avenging angel, and I visited all the crime scenes you to fought at."

"Don't you ever sleep?" I comment.

Obviously he ignores me. "Last month you two faced a man named Leonard Snart-"

"We call him Captain cold."

"We can talk about you giving your enemies silly codenames later."

"You mean like over coffee with deathstroke and huntress?" I say with a raised brow.

"The point is that you two engaged Snart on a commuter train, and the post read that your partner was partly responsible for the train wreck."

"Okay, there may have been some damage, but we got the job done, we were heroes."

"You may have, but she wasn't. Now when you two approach a new environment, do you ever case every inch of it? You could but both of you are too focused on the target."

He's got a point. But Rose isn't some bad guy.

"You two just run in the line of fire." He comments as we both walk off the porch.

"Can you not badmouth her anymore?"

"Fine..." I see him pick up his bow and arrow off of his motorcycle.

"What is that for?"

"You're going to run over there, you're going to come back at me, and going to get hit with an arrow."

He's kidding right?

I chuckle.

"No I'm not."

He chuckles then, but it's not a chuckle for humor.

"Yes, you are."

"Okay, fine, I will humor you." I run across the field and look right at him. "Ready?" I see him draw his arrow and aim it at me.

He shoots the arrow and I run catching it with ease.

"Nice try."

Suddenly two arrows hits me in the back making me scream.

"Ahhh! You shot me?"

Oliver gets behind me and yanks the two arrows out of my back which makes me wince in pain.

"I heard you healed fast."

I'm really glad Rose wasn't here, she'd not only have seen me get my ass handed to me but Oliver would've probably been more than happy to pierce her with an arrow....

•Rose's Pov•

When I walked through the door of my room I had got a call from Cisco.

"Shouldn't you be calling Barry?"

"He's busy at the moment. But he did manage to get the guy's name. It's Bivolo and I just got a ping from the facial recognition software on him. I'm thinking about calling him Prism what do you think?"

This is my chance to show Barry that I wasn't useless, that I wasn't just some girl that's getting in his way.

"Where can I find him?"

"Traffic camera just caught him entering a residence at 168 Jarvis."

"Got it." I fly to S.T.A.R. Labs to get my suit and then race off to where Bivolo was hiding.

As I enter the building I walk up the stairs and go to the first door I see.

I mentally pop the lock and nod.

If this hero thing doesn't work out I could probably be a good burglar.

Rose focus..

I step inside and just my luck I see a room full of stolen painting and other stollen merchandise.

"I knew you'd be coming for me. I could see it in your eyes at the warehouse. When I got that man to shoot at those cops... You got angry."

I tackled him to the ground and get the urge to punch him.

Don't Rose...

When I look into his eyes I see a flash of red.

"Have some real anger, sweetheart." He pushes me off and I feel dizzy...


"There's no sign of macular damage. Your retina and cornea seem unaffected."

"See, told you I'm fine." I tell Caitlyn as I move back from the eye scanner.

Barry was just staring at me.

Just yell at me already why don't you?

"You said that Bivolo whammied you? No desire to go postal on any of us?" He says in a calm voice.

"No, I mean something weird happened with his eyes for a sec."

"Weird you say?" Caitlyn asks.

"Yeah everything went red and the next thing you know Bivolo was gone. I mean obviously his powers didn't affect me so--"

"Rose it was stupid for you to go out there alone. You take too many risks, and as fast as you are that's going to catch up to you."

He's joking right?

I turn to Barry and scoff.

"Look you're just mad that he got away from me. Or maybe you just need to stop caring and let me be!" I snap at him.

I leave the room but hear Caitlyn scream as the glass on the door pops.


Barry is lucky I'm helping him at all.

I bump into Felicity in the hall.

"Hey Rose."

Why is she still here?

I keep walking and hear Barry coming behind me.

"Look, Rose. I'm sorry but I'm not going to just stop caring about you. I'm looking out for your best interest. Besides I've spoken to the Arrow and he thinks you're reckless."

"Oh so you're having secret meetings with the Arrow about me now?"

"No it-"

"Just shut up you're giving me a headache." I run off and take a few calm breathes.

Why is everything looking down today for me?

I expect to hear my inner voice comment but she's quiet.

I wonder why?

Barry had followed me all the way to the police station, where I was suppose to meet up with my dad.

The Captain had walked past us and stopped Barry.

"Allen! Where are you with the Bivolo Case?"

God why is he so annoying?

"Why don't you just shut up and wait."

"Excuse me?" The captain says looking at me.

"Are your ears clogged? I said. Shut up. And Wait."

"Look you may be Joes' kid but-"

"But what? Are you going to keep my dad here late at night when he should be at home with his family? Are you going to make Barry work longer hours since you're so impatient? Face it Cap, you can do a damn thing to me. You're not my boss but if you take it out on them I swear to god--"

I feel a pulse of energy about to burst through my finger tips but Barry grabs me and slaps his hand over my mouth.

"I'm so sorry, Captain. Rose is stressing out about family stuff."

"I don't want to see her face around here again." The captain says as he walks away.

I push Barry's hand away then. "Yeah same to you!"

Barry spins me around.

"Rose, what's gotten into you?"

"I'm fine." I try to walk away but he grabs me which makes me angry.

"Let me go."

"No, you need to calm down."

"You need to let me go or I will slap the hell out of you."

"Rose calm down."

"I am calm!"

I snatch from him and then see Iris walking out of the station with Eddie.

He thinks that I'm a menace?

Oh I will show him a menace.

"Rose." Barry grabs for me but I raise my hand and he slams into the wall.

"Don't touch me again, or next time you're going to take a nasty trip down the stairs." I walk away from Barry and walk out after my sister and her boyfriend...

•Barry's Pov•

"Her eyes, they glowed red and she was scary." I tell Caitlyn as she pops my shoulder back in the socket.


"I'm sorry. And as far as Rose, it's possible that her body is fighting off the effects, so it's hitting her slower."

"When it comes to rage that is not a good thing especially for Rose." Dr. Wells comments.

"So I was right, Rose is the Avenging Angel?"

We turn and see that Felicity was in the room.

I'm so glad Rose wasn't here, in her condition she'd probably go off on all of us for letting Felicity find out her secret.

"She is and she needs help. I know I can't stop her alone."

"I'll make some calls to the Arrow." She starts taking out her phone.

"Make sure that Oliver Queen is equipped to take on Miss West. Oh and please remind him that she needs to be alive after this ordeal."

Dr. Wells says with a smirk to Felicity.

Wait how did he know, Oliver was the Arrow?


I was waiting on a distant roof with Oliver as we keep look out for Rose.

"You care about her?"

"She's not a bad person, Oliver. She's a good person and I would trust her with my life."

He sighs and looks at me.

"She is still reckless and if she's going off on rage like you said she is then I don't think she's at a trustworthy state."

"I don't care what you say. I'm going to save her. With or with out your help." He places his hand on my shoulder.

"I'll help you."

"Thank you Oliver."

A crash breaks our attention.

"Do you think that's her?"

"I don't know but we're about to find out..."

•Rose's Pov•

Moments Before...

I watch them driving in the car below me.

How can my sister still date this guy after the things he said to the captain?

I bet they're laughing about it.

Laughing about me.

Oh I'll show them both.

I beat Eddie to a pulp and make sure Iris watches.

I swoop down low and open the side of the car and snatch Eddie out.

My sister gets scared and she crashes into a mail box.

I throw Eddie to the ground and crack my spine.

"I heard you were looking for me. All this time you've been thinking that I'm the bad guy, but I do a better job at protecting this city than you or anyone else at the police department. As a matter of fact how about I live up to your expectations and show you how bad I can really get!"

I walk closer to him and he takes out a gun. He fires a couple of rounds and I use my wings to shield me.

I flip in the air over him and kick the gun out of his hand.

"That could've hurt me, detective."

He backs up away from me.

Be afraid of me...

I want you to fear me like a God...

He moves quick it takes a gun out of his ankle holster but I grab him by the throat and knock it out of his hand.

"You think you can just kill me so quickly! I will show you how to kill. Starting with you!"

I start to squeeze and hear my sister scream.

"Stop! Stop this please!" I look at her and she steps back. "You're not this person, you're good, you're not a murderer..."

"But I am, Iris..." I focus back on Eddie but something latches onto me and yanks be away from him.

"Run!" I hear a deep voice say.

"Eddie run!"

"Get back here! I'm not done with you yet!" I yell after Eddie and Iris.

"You need to calm down." I hear Barry say behind me.

I look and see that the Arrow was there too.

"So you're teaming up with him and not me? Oh you two are going to regret that." I swing causing the Arrow to collide into Barry and I fly up in the air and see Eddie and Iris still running.

I start off after them but I feel something hit my shoulder.

I touch it and see blood.

I look down at them and see The Arrow had his bow aimed at me.

"You let him shoot me!" All I see is red and I swoop down towards The Arrow.


I hear Barry say.

I raise my hand at him and he goes flying.

I grab Arrow and we fly high in the air.

"I heard you didn't like me.Well the feelings mutual." He then stabs me with an arrow and I scream dropping him.

He uses his arrow and latches on so he doesn't fall to his death.

I on the other hand feel dizzy.

"2000 milligrams of horse tranquilizer, should be hitting you any time now."

I scream and feel the tranquilizer boil in my blood making the effects disappear.

"That hurt!" I charge at him and he goes to shoot another arrow but I shift it so its aiming at him again.

He dodges it and I take my chance and tackle him down.

"You don't know me to not like me!"

He hits me with the bud of his arrow and I feel my nose bleed.

Oh he's dead.

I make him fly across the alley and walk over to him.

I raise my hand but then feel someone grab me from behind and I hear my shoulder pop out of the socket.


"I'm sorry Rose but this is what I had to do to stop you." Barry says in my ear.

"You're on his side!"

A S.T.A.R. Labs van came out of no where and I hear Barry yell now!

The van doors open and I'm met by lights.

All the anger and rage in my body slowly melts away and I'm feeling nauseous.

"Rose are you okay?"

I groan and fall against Barry.

"Is this what a bad hangover feels like?" He smiles at me and I pop my shoulder back wincing.

I look over his shoulder and see The Arrow getting up.

"Is he going to shoot me again?"

"No, no. He won't." He walks over to us and I feel like I've seen his face before.

"Barry didn't stop believing that you were a good person. Even when I was ready to take you down."

I glance at Barry then back at him.

"I don't know if I can trust you 100% but if Barry can give you a chance I guess I can too. but if you ever do this again-"

"Trust me I won't. Ugh, I think I'm going to puke." Barry chuckles and I see Cisco and Dr.Wells in the van smiling.

"Well, Rose I think we have one more stop and that's catching that meta-human together."

"Thanks a lot for saying my name out loud like that, Barry." He chuckles and I look at the Arrow again.

Wait a minute I know those arms anywhere.



The meta was in his prison talking about how he was going to get out and blah blah blah.

"I have a prison like this. It's not as high tech as this and it's on a North Korean island but this is pretty decent." Oliver says as he walks with Caitlyn and Cisco.

"Hey Rose?" I turn to Barry waiting to hear him yell at me.

"Go ahead and say it."

"Say what?"

"I told you so and that I should've stayed home like I was told."

He places his arm around my shoulder as we walk.

"I wasn't going to say that. I was going to say thank you and that this partnership is going to take some use to."

"Really?" I smile at him and he nods smiling back.

"I'll watch your back as long as you watch mine."


He then stops and looks at me.

"You know now that I think about it you did kiss me when I met you as the Avenging Angel."

"I was on medication and wasn't thinking straight. I must have mistaken you for Oliver Queen." The smile on his face was gone.

"Rose, that isn't funny."

"You're right, if it was I would have said haha at the end."

I move out of his touch feeling happy inside.

"Do you think Oliver will call me?"

"Rose he's older than you...."

Teasing Barry is going to be funny for a while...

We say our goodbyes at Jitters and Felicity was sitting beside me as I watch Barry talking to Oliver at the counter.

"You know, he cares a lot about you."

"Hm?" I look back at Felicity.

"Barry, he cares a lot about you. When you were on your rage trip he made sure that everyone took special precautions so you wouldn't get hurt too badly."

"He did?" I look back over at Barry and see him smiling with Oliver.

"Promise me that when you two get married that I get an invite."

"What? There isn't going to be..."

She raises her brow at me.

"I promise..." I smile at the idea of being Rose Allen some day.

My sister pasts by our table and I hop down.


"Eddie was able to get the task force approved. But not against the Flash. Against you."

I take a step back.

"But Iris, I didn't mean to hurt Eddie. I swear this meta had did th-"

"Rose, just stop. You hurt my boyfriend, you almost killed him and that's something that can't be forgiven."

I feel like she slapped me across the face.

"I said I was sorry."

"Apology not accepted. Look I'll keep up appearances for dads sake but as of now I don't want anything to do with you."

"No Iris I-"

"I need to get back to work." My sister leaves me standing there.

"Everything okay?" Barry says behind me.

I keep the tears back for later and put on my best fake smile.

"Yeah, she's just being catty today." I wave bye to Oliver and Felicity as they go and look at my sister.

She just ignores me.

"Rose, you know you can talk to me about anything right?"

"Right and I'm sorry for what I did to you, I guess I have a lot of bottled up anger."

"It's okay. Just make you you let it out once in a while." He then kissed my cheek and hands me a chocolate milk.

"Sorry they ran out of strawberry."

"That's alright. Thanks Barry..."

I have Barry's trust again but at the cost of my sisters.

"Why does this milk taste like my life?"

Bitter sweet...







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