Chapter -9) The Origin Story begins

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•Rosemary's Pov•

"Hello stranger..." I say to a man with blonde hair. He looks at me and I see he's interested. "Hello...aren't you a bit young to be in a place like this?"

I trail my fingers up his arm. "Darlin, I'm the future. And I'm sure you'd want to know me, no matter how old or young you think I am." He swallows hard and looks over at the bartender. "Honey Coke." I say to the bartender.

"I'm sorry, what's your name?" He asks. "Well my friends know me as Speed demon, do you wanna be my friend, Eobard?"

"How did you-"

I vibrate my hand and touch his legs making him wince.

"I know everything, because you make a huge impact on someone's life. How would you like to know the Flashes timeline? Along with the Avenging Angel?"

I let him go and he rubs his leg looking at me with annoyance. "How come you're doing this?" I get my drink and stare at it until the liquor in it sets on fire.

"Because, I'm one hell of a God..." I say while blowing at the flame and taking a satisfying drink.

•Rose's Pov•

I was waiting for Barry at the restaurant and looking at my ring. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with this man. It's been my dream.

And it's going to come true.

I feel a gust of wind and hear Barry gasp. "Oh, God!" I get up and see he had some flowers that were on fire. "What the hell?" I grab them and the flames die.

"Sorry, about that. I didn't know roses were so flammable." Barry says with an innocent smile. "It's okay, sweet of you, too." I give him a kiss and he holds my hips. "Mmm, strawberry?" He says as he looks down at me. "I had some of dessert. Strawberry, short cake." He laughs. "I wouldn't be surprised if our first kid comes out looking like a strawberry." I slap his arm playfully.

"Kids, I can't believe we're going to get married. I'm going to be Rose Allen."

"It's what you've always wanted, right?" He says as he kisses my ringed hand. I nod and when I look up at Barry I see something dripping from Barry's mouth.

"Bet you thought you got rid of me, huh?" Barry drops in my arms and I scream as I see his heart was ripped out. I look up and see her.

"Face it, you're unlucky, even in your dreams, kid." The other me smiles and she has sharp teeth. "Barry! Barry!"

I scream his name and suddenly I feel her sharp teeth rip at my throat...

I wake up gasping and look around feeling disoriented. "You okay?" I hear Barry's raspy voice beside me and feel his arms wrap around my waist. "I...I'm fine. I just uh, need to use the bathroom." I move his hands and get out of bed.

I make sure I'm quiet and walk out into the hall and go right to the window.

I open it and leap out letting my wings glide me up.

I close my eyes and think.

That other part of me is gone, forever.

I feel a test fall as the dream flashes back in my head.

"She's dead and she's never coming back..."

Hours later I dad, was showing Wally around the station. I was just in the background quiet.

"...and this is my desk, upstairs is the CSI lab, that's where Barry works-"

"That spot where Rose is standing is where I dropped a pencil once." I hear Iris' voice and snap out of it.

"Okay. As you see your sister has jokes." Dad says do Wally. "You okay?" I hear Iris asks. I sigh and my words are stuck in my throat for a second.

"I'm fine." I give a smile but I know she can tell something is wrong. Before she can ask I give Wally a fist bump, and dad a hug.

"I gotta go, but we should definitely have dinner as a family. Nice meeting you little bro. Love you Iris." I skip out before she could get a hold of me and decide to go to S.T.A.R. Labs.

I find Harry working on something and I stand there. "What's that?" I see his shoulders tense up and turns to me. "A formula. Do you need something?"

I shake my head and look at the formula. "Can I vent to you?"

"If you must." I sigh. "I've been having these dreams lately, about...the other me. She's this dark part of me. Like, she's evil. And for a long time when I was away, I really had to think, was her dark intentions really me? Like she made me do some awful things...."

"Is that so?" He comments. "Yeah, and I got rid of her. But she just keeps resurfacing. Like a bad habit or a sexual disease."

"What if she was real?" He asks. I shiver. "Then that would be the fight of my life. She has no remorse, no morals, she's sadistic and in all honesty...she scares me." He just stood there.

"But you're lucky, Rosemary wouldn't have to deal with her right?"

He simply puts his marker down and leaves the room.

"Thanks for the talk, Harry..."


I was reading a comic when I feel a kiss on my shoulder. "Hey." I turn and there was Barry. "Hey, what's up?"

"Just been thinking about Wally. You know he's pretty cool, though I don't think he likes my dad much."

"Just give him time." I nod and turn to him. "So, do you really think that we can get whatever it is in the Turtles DNA to help us, slow Zoom down?"

"I don't see why not."

"Uh, guys we have a problem." Caitlyn says as she enters the room. "What's wrong?" Barry asks. Jay came in after Caitlyn with a worried look on his face.

"It's Turtle...he's dead..."

We were all down in the pipeline and there he was, dead in his cell.

"How'd this happen?" Harry asks behind me. "Preliminary brain scan shoes an acute brain aneurysm." Caitlyn confirms.

"The night Barry and I captured him, he was fine. Like how?"

"You're guess is as good as mine." Jay says as he looks over at Harry. "Why do you look at me when you say that? Do you think I did it, Garrick? This man was the key to helping us stop Zoom, and help get my daughter back. Why would I jeopardize that?"

Jay shrugs. "I never understand why you do anything, Harrison."

"That's fine with me, Garrick."

"Please, I hate it when mommy and daddy fight." I say as I look away from Turtle.

"Rose is right, now this isn't a set back, we still need to figure out how to stop Zoom. We need to start thinking outside of the box. I mean come on we're still trying to figure out how to close the breaches."

"We should start there, before we get more visitors, like a man who can turn into to bubble gum, no Cisco you're not naming him the candy man." He sucks his teeth and I shake my head.

"Right, I'll get on that." Harry walks out and Cisco volunteers to help him so he follows.

Barry and I go back to the main room and I sigh. "I know, you wanted Tu-" The speaker beeps and we hear Cisco's voice.

"Guys, there's a runway chemical transport truck heading south on Kester."

"On it." Barry and I both say in unison. We speed off into our suits and soon get to the truck.

We find several police trucks chasing the truck down and I fly close while Barry speeds inside.

"Uh, where's the driver?" I ask. Barry was in his headpiece talking to Cisco. "We can stop the truck, someone rigged it somehow!"

A car door opens and I raise my hand slamming it shut just as the truck clips it.

"Sorry!" I shout.

"You guys can't let that truck crash. If you do, it'll take out a whole city block."

Just what we needed to hear.

Barry honks the horn so people stop, so they don't get hit. "That was close."

"And the plot thickens, there's a dead-end up ahead." Cisco says. I look at Barry and he sighs.

I see a jack and point to it. "Get the tires off quick, I'll slow this thing down!" I yell as I fly ahead.

I land a good fifty feet away and raise my hands. I feel the force of the truck push me back and I dig the balls off my feet down into the ground.

The truck does slow down and I see Barry quickly remove all the tires.

The truck slows but I'm still in the way, Barry snatches me out of the way and the truck just stops at the building at the dead-end.

"That was a little close." Barry says to me. "We're heroes. If the job wasn't life threatening then, I'd be worried." I smirk and he sets me down.

"Come on, let's head back."

"Race you." I take off and hear him below me.

Just as I land I get a call from dad.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask as Barry runs in.

"I just got back from seeing Francine, and...she, uh, she doesn't have much time. I already said my goodbyes..."

"I'm coming..." I hang up and turn to Barry. "My mom, uh Francine. She's not gonna make it. So..."

"I get it. Go, say your goodbyes." Barry kisses my cheek and I quickly change back into my regular clothes.

"I'll be back."

"Take your time." I pull my hat on and take off towards the hospital...

When I arrive I feel nervous.

"Dad?" I call out to him and he was walking into the hall. "Don't be scared, Rose."

"I, I can't help it. My mother is dying in front of me all over again."

"Rose, this isn't the same." I swallow hard and play with my fingers in my lap. "But-"

"I'll be right in the hall. Francine she wants to talk to you." I nod and look at the door. "Did Wally and Iris-"

"Yes, they said their peace, now it's your turn." I take a deep breath and walk into the room.

"Hey..." She says weakly as she looks at me with a soft smile. "Hi..." I shove my hands in my pockets and walk over to the side of her.

"I'm, could...make it." She says.

She looks so frail right now. "Um-"

"Please, I want to...tell you that I'm sorry. For abandoning you. I should...have came back...but you belonged with Joe and Iris and your mother."

"But your my mom." I say chewing the inside of my lip. "Only biologically. But my sister? She's your mom. She raised you and helped you become the beautiful young woman you are...right in front of me."

I sniffle back a tear and Francine opens her arms. "Don't cry baby."

"But I can't help it, my mom is leaving me again and there's nothing I can do." I wipe my tears angrily and she sits up. I lean down and let my head rest on her shoulder.

"I've been so angry since this illness came and I've thought, why would God punish me like this? Was it because I was a bad mother? Because of what I did to you? But now I know, this was all on myself and God is the one who brought us back together."

I bite my lip to keep from crying and she looks at me at arms length. "You watch after your brother. He's a knuckle head but he's a good boy."

I nod and she gives me a kiss on my head.

"Fra--mom, can I show you something?" I ask as I take a step back. "Sure.."

I lock the door quickly and lift my shirt.

"Rose what are you doing?"

"I just want you to know, that Wally will be safe with me. Because, I'm..." I take a deep breath and let my wings go. Francine looks shocked and I let them extend for a moment.

"I'm the Avenging Angel. Mom I'm a hero." I smile through tears and she touches my wings. It flinches but relaxes in her touch.

"I'm so proud of you. My daughter, is protecting Central City." I pluck a feather out and hand it to her. "I'm glad you're happy mom."

"No, I'm glad you're here. I love you so much Rosebud." I take my wings in and hug my mother again.

I forgive her for what she did, and now I hope she goes peacefully...

Dad and I walk into the main room and I see Barry, and he seem to be in heavy thought.

"You okay?" I ask as I touch his arm. He snaps out of it and looks at me as if he wants to tell me something and doesn't.

"He's...Reverse-Flash is back..."

Something in the back of my neck feels warm and I hear a chair hit the wall. "Rose calm down."

"How! Eddie Thawne died so Eobard Thawne should have been erased out of existence. Where is he?"

"You calm down." My dad says. I glare at him and he raises his brow so I calm my face.

"He hurt me dad. To the point where my brain felt like it was cooking in my skull. He opened the door for my evil self to reek havoc and I can't, not only that he hurt Barry."

"Sweetheart, I know you're hell bent on getting revenge but that's not the answer."

But it would feel good to hurt him...

Everyone was clued in and I was sitting there just listening.

Harry explains how Eobard was in the speed force, most likely protecting him like a bomb shelter, keeping him alive and well in this time line.

In other words the Thawne that is now here, hasn't killed Barry's mom yet, he's basically going through his own origin story.

I close my eyes and I get flashbacks of him showing me the monster that I could be.

"Rose?" I open my eyes and Barry was beside me. "I won't let him hurt you again. I promise." He holds my hand and I nod.

"Let's find Dr. McGee, and then I want to lock that son of a bitch in the pipeline until he rots...."


I'm standing in line waiting for my strawberry shake and I'm thinking.

Lock him up, throw away the key...

Or just snap his neck.

No, I'm a good guy, I'm not like I was before. I'm an Angel, not a demon...

When I pay for my drink I get a text from Barry telling me that Cisco got a Vibe and he needs us back at the lab.

I get back to the lab in seconds flat and hear Caitlyn's voice.

"Dr. McGee's dead?" I walk in and everyone was standing around Cisco.

"What's going on?" I whisper to Barry. "He'll explain." I then listen. "...Harry and I were trying to hone my powers to find Zoom, and then we ended up using them, finding The Reverse-Flash, and that's when I saw him kill her. And then he left."

"He left? Like jus-What do you mean he left?" I snap. "Rose, please. Cisco, what do you mean he left?" Barry asks. "McGee built him some kind of speed machine and he ran into it and got flung back to the future."

Barry sighs.

"You'd need superluminal energy to send someone through time."

"Tachyons." I say out loud. "We can track their location once they've been activated." Barry says as Harry goes over to the computer.

"Anything?" I ask. "Nothing."

"Cisco, you're sure that's what you saw?" Barry asks. He nods, but thinks. "There was a lot of crazy tech...the time. The time was 9:52pm, if I remember correctly."

I glance at the clock, and see it's only 6:00pm. "We have time to save her." Caitlyn comments.

"Right, we have three hours, fifty-two minutes to find her and stop Reverse-Flash. Let's do it." We all prepare and get ready to save Dr. McGee from our worse enemy...

I get a call from Iris later that evening. "Did you see your mom?"

"Yeah, I said my goodbyes. And I forgave her."

"That's good, really good. I was going to go comfort Wally a bit then come see you and guess what our little brother likes to do in his spare time."

"Iris if he likes to watch dirty movies that's his probel-"

"No, he street races."

"What? That's dangerous."

"I know and I'm trying to get it through his thick skull but he seems like he won't listen."

"I'll talk to him, but right now I gotta go and drown some demons." I hang up before she could ask.

"Anything yet?" I ask Harry. He shakes his head. "No, no sign of tachyon activity."

"We're running out of time. We've got to find them." I mutter.

"It's gonna take a few minutes for the device to reach full power once it's activated but when we find it, you and Barry are gonna have to get there fast." I nod and see Barry talking to Caitlyn.

"What's that about?" I ask as she walks over to Harry. "About Jay he's sick. And we're trying to find his doppelgänger."

"So no luck?"


"Rose, Barry, Tachyons! 87th and Ave J." We speed into our suits and go to the location.

"Guys, hurry up!" Cisco says on our earpieces. "He's gonna kill her." Caitlyn says in a worried tone.

Something inside of me sparked and I phase right into the building walls, feeling Barry right behind me.

He was just about to kill her but I raise my hands sending him flying across the room. Dr. McGee gasps. "You okay?" I hear Barry say, then I'm just focused on him.


"God you are beautiful." He says looking right at me as he gets up. My anger heightens and I kick him across the room. "You ruined me! You ruined me!" I see a sharp object and raise my hand, but he gets up and grabs me. "I do this? No you have it wrong, you ruined me, and I'm happy. I want to please you my lady. I want only go please you." He was ripped away from me and I see Barry stand in front of me.

I look at the machine and instead of having the sharp object kill him, I send it towards the machine destroying it.

"No! That was my way home!" He screams. My eyes glaze over. "Who said you could go home?"

"I'll find another way back, you're just testing my faith. But I want to know, why are you teamed up with The Flash? Clearly you are far more the better person."

Barry can feel my annoyance so he goes in and punches him. He gets in a solid punch but Eobard hits him again. "I'll find out your identity flash. And her's. And once I've gotten it I'll destroy you and have her for my own."

"You wish." Eobard throws Barry off and pulls his mask back on. "Catch me if you can." He speeds off and we both follow, flying/running after him all over Central City.

He was in Barry's reach but he runs off as if taunting him. Which makes me more angry so I decide I'll cut him off somehow.

Once he's in my clear shot, I trip him up into a building and Barry follows me inside.

"You think I'm a God? Then I'll show you no mercy!" I lift him in the air and feel my hands ignite. "Angel, stop!"

"No, he needs to pay for his sins." I hear Eobard scream and I focus on cooking him.

"Rose, stop, you're gonna kill him." I hear my dad's voice on the earpiece and I hesitate but Barry touches my shoulder and I stop. He lands on the ground smoking but healing.

"Get him in the pipeline, before I change my mind and end him...."

Once he was in the pipeline, I was just staring at him on the monitor, and he was staring back with a smile on his face.

"He can't...?" My father asks. Cisco shakes his head. "Phase his way out? No, he can't do that."

"It's the same cell we used to hold Dr. Wells last year." Caitlyn confirms. I start to walk. "Rose, where are you going?" Barry asks.

"I'm going to talk to him."

"No, you're not."

"Barry's right, you can not go and talk to him. You saw, this man is obsessive and the objects he's obsessed with are you and Barry. He's here to learn about you two.  Don't let him learn anymore about you. Because if he learns even an a tad bit that could alter the time line."

"He killed Barry's mom! He made me into a monster!"

"Rose, he's from the future. He hasn't done that yet. He doesn't even know you're the Avenging Angel, or that Barry is the flash and you need to keep it that way."


I won't let a secret slip, but he's not going to just sit there in that cell, smiling like he won...

We stood in the shadows so he couldn't see our faces.

"Is that you Flash? And you my lady?" When he says that why does my skin crawl? Oh because I hate him.

"Why do you make this notation that I'm some sort of God?" I ask. "Because, I have seen you do some wonderful things. God like things in fact."

"I don't walk on water, I don't turn water into wine. I am just a woman, who hates you and is so tempted in killing you." Barry holds my hand and that when I notice I was shaking. "You hate me? Please don't. I don't want you to hate me, I want you to love me. You promised you would."

"Why would I do that?" I ask with a scowl. "Because I am faithful to you, and will remain so, even if you hate me." I squeeze Barry's hand a bit and I just know I'm done talking.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Barry asks. "I didn't always. I wanted to be you actually. For years I spent every waking moment figuring out how I could be like you, but as fates cruel joke, I was never going to be you. So I became the reverse you. For all the lives you saved, I killed,"

"You're poison, Eobard. You poison everything you come in contact with, and to know how your future ends, is sweet victory. But the small part, the selfish part of me, wants to see you dead right now. It wants me to set your cell on fire and watch you bake like a yellow and red potato. But I am good. I have him to remind me." I say as I look at Barry.

"I'll learned what time period you both are from. And soon, I'll learn your names. Then, I'll make sure I'm worthy enough to have you all to myself, Angel..." He says with a smirk.

"You rot you piece of shit." I say before closing the pipeline cell back. "Guys we need you in the cortex, now." Caitlyn says over the speaker.

We both run and find Harry and Caitlyn holding Cisco down as he shakes. "What's happening?"

"He's experiencing an uncontrollable amount of electrical energy in his brain."

"Caitlyn, English!" I yell as I try to help. "He's in a state of chronic seizing."

"Can you stop it?" Barry asks Caitlyn. "I don't know." She says with a scared look.

This is bad...really bad.

"Hold him down!" Harry snaps. "We're trying." Barry yells back. I let go. "Move back." I raise my hands and they move. I manage to hold Cisco down with my powers and not hurt him at the same time.

"Benzodiazepine, this should do it." We watch as Caitlyn gives Cisco a shot in the arm and he stops shaking. "Am I good?" I ask. Caitlyn nods and I lower my hands.


Cisco turns transparent and slowly sinks in the bed. "What the frank and beans!?" I jump back while everyone gasps. "What's going good on? Where the hell am I?" Cisco screams. "It's the time line. Cisco messed with it when you two captured Reverse-Flash, the time line was ruptured, and now he's paying the price." Harry explains. "Can we fix this?" I ask. "We have to send the Reverse-Flash back to his time."

"What?!" Barry and I say in unison. "This will save Cisco and you two need to return Reverse-Flash fast."

"We just caught him! Now we have to let him go!" I yell. "Keeping him here, Rose is killing Cisco!" Harry yells back.

I clench my jaw and look at Cisco. Then I look at Barry. "Harry, make sure that fucker never comes back in this timeline again. Barry, come on."

"Wait, Rose the tachyon in the speed machine. It was destroyed. How are we gonna get him back?"

"With you two. You both can send him home."

"How?" I look at Harry and he rubs his temple. "The both of your speeds with Thawne's speed, that'll be enough to catapult him through the time continuum. You two can do it." I nod and take off to put on my suit along with Barry.

I thought being a super hero meant saving people and getting justice served. But no, there's no justice. Just returning a coward to his timeline and forever having this feeling of murder on my tastebuds.

Barry and I both there and I feel Eobard smiling as he looks at me. I feel my eyes glaze over and glare at him.

"I win, and I-"

"Shut up, stop talking." I hiss at him. He scoffs and pulls his mask on. Barry moves me so he's looking right at me. "You're okay to do this?"


"Hey, I hate him just as much as you do. And sending him back, letting him off his leash is leaving a disgusting taste in my mouth. But this saves our friend."

"I know. Let's get him back before I snap his neck." Barry kisses me and I can feel Eobard glaring at us.


Harry walks over to us as he keeps his gun aimed at Eobard, and explains what we need to do.

"All you two have to do is provide him with enough momentum to get him past the space-time barrier."


"Hey, listen to me. Thawne knows about the nth of you. Right here, right now. This is his origin story, this is going to happen no matter what. There's nothing either of us can do. But you can move on with your lives. The way you intended." I nod and give Harry a side hug.

"Thank you." I move back and we stand there. Barry, Eobard and I. All side by side.

"Time to send you back where you belong." Barry comments as the main door was open. "We'll meet again soon, Flash."

"We'll be ready." I answer. We walk forward and we take off.

I keep inline with them as I fly and we all get faster and faster as we run around in a big circle.

In a simple blink I see a time warp form in the middle of the room so Barry and I both pick him up and throw him through it. We stop and he was gone.

Barry and I go to check on Cisco and my body finally was able to relax when Caitlyn tells us he's gonna be okay...

Barry and I were sitting on the couch watching Amazing Race.

"You okay?" Barry asks during a commercial break. "Y...yeah. Lately I've been thinking about old demons. And to the surprise one of them shows up..."

"Thawne." I nod. "...yeah, when he showed up, I was angry. Pissed off to the point...where well you know. But he's gone. Back where he belongs. Which makes me a bit...scared."


"What if she comes back?" Barry gives me a strange look. "The other you?"

"The monster. That thing that was rotting my brain. What if she comes back?" Barry pulls me close to him and kisses my head. "She won't. Because you're strong and badass." I think about her and shiver. "Yeah. I'm strong..."

~Rosemary's Pov~

"So, got what you needed?" I ask as I flips small coin. "Everything but the names. An-" I walk away from Eobard and he grabs me by the shoulder.

I grab him and twist his arm back popping it out of its socket. He screams and I yawn. "You'll heal, don't make such a fuss."

"Why can't I know your name? You look just like her. Why? Are you from the future, too?" I bite his ear and tug hard making him wince. "I am the future, sweetie." I let him go and he slowly pops his arm back in place.

" it true you'll never love me?" I hold his face and bring him close just so he thinks I'm about to give him some affection.

"You pathetic creature, you really think I'm capable of loving you? There's only one man I want, and that's not you. As far as my name? I like the name Speed demon, get it? Since I'm one hell of a woman?" I laugh and mush him back and take off until I'm back on my earth.

I hear Zoom in the other room with my sister and the other prisoner.

As I see what's up I get a ping on my phone. I look and see it's a text from Bartholomew.

I want to text him back, I want to explain but I ignore the message.

"Don't worry, I'll give you all of me when I take all of her." I say as I think of Rose....



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