Wally West Storyline????

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Hey guys, so I am currently writing a Wally West Fan Fic, I won't be posting it on here really, it is on Archivesofourown, give it a read here's the first chapter and if you wanna read it there look up superjusticeleaguer.

(Also this is an elsewhere story, Rose isn't in it but you'll love my villain Marrow😈😈 This is Earth 100)


She was deadly, dangerous, and I had to know her...

Wally West, was use to being under Barry's wing. But when Barry get's attacked by a new Meta, Wally has to temporarily take on the Flash mantel. The new Meta in question, goes by the name of Marrow. Can Wally take down tho Meta before she steals his heart?


Barry's POV

"Barry, go left on Lennox!" Cisco yells over my earpiece. I follow his word and go left.

I see the thieves each on motorcycles.

Piece of cake. I've caught thieves on motorcycles before. This shouldn't be different.

"I've got this Cisco!" I call back as I circle around them, causing the theives to get disarrayed. The one in strange body pads however manages to make their bike jump and skids across from me.

I quickly get the other three off of their motorcycles and handcuffed, and then face the remaining one. We then face off.

"You can do this the easy way and just come with me." They take off their helmet and I see a beautiful young girl. She had to be at least Wally's age.

"I'm not the type to do anything easy, Red. But let's cut a deal. You let me go, and I won't have to send you to the hospital." I scoff. This chick is kidding right?

"I guess the hard way then." I get in my running stance and take off towards her, ready to grab her but she does something unexpected.

I gasp in pain and see I had a large, hard, spear impaling me in my side. I drop to my knees and she walks over to me. She then gets eye level to me.

"Hmm, looks like you won't be running this town anymore." She says as she taps her fingers across the spear. Causing me to wince in more pain.

"I guess I can be somewhat hospitable. Names Marrow, not like you'll live long enough to find me again." She backs up and I collapse on my side. I hear, Cisco's voice, but it gets drowned out as I hear Marrow rev up her bike and take off...

Wally's POV

Barry was in critical condition. The spear that we managed to get out of his body was made out of human bones. Where the bone had pierced him, had small splinters of bone.

Caitlin tried to get every piece out, but now all we can do is wait.

"I can find her." Iris purses her lips at me. "I don't want you going after this Meta Wally. You seen what she did to Barry."

"I can't just let Marrow get away with this." I tell my sister as I glance back at Barry with tubes sticking out of his body.

"Well, I got some bad news and some good news. Bad news, Marrow isn't in the Meta database. She must have been underground until now. Or she's just never been found out until today."

"What's the good news, Cisco?" Dad asked. "Ah, good news-"

"The bone spear, is from Marrow. In fact, we have a piece of her DNA, practically."

"Really, Harry? You just had to tell them my good news?" Cisco and Harrison bicker as I walk over to the grotesque bone spear.

I was about to speak but we all hear rapid beeping coming from Barry's monitor. We all take off running into the room and Barry was having some kind of shock/seizure.

Caitlin and Harrison both work fast to find out what's wrong with him. "His pupils are dialed."

"His pulse is rapidly beating faster than normal for him."

"Barry..." Iris holds his hand and I notice something on his wrist. "Caitlin, what's that?" She looks at his wrist and her eyes go wide.

"Harry, look." They both immediately go into action. Dad moves Iris and I out of the room and we wait for the results.

After what seemed like hours, Catlin and Harrison both leave the room.

"It's worse than we thought." Harrison mentions. "What's wrong with him?" Dad asked. Caitlin looks at Harrison as if not wanting to say what was coming.

"Barry, isn't healing. In fact his body is starting to rot from the inside out."

"What?" I ask in disgust. "The bones that we removed, I'm pretty sure one is still inside of him and we scanned for it but the piece must be small."

"His body is trying to reject the foreign bone. But that small piece is so toxic it's rotting him out. It's like the piece is fighting him back." Harrison explained.

"How long does he have?" Iris asks in a shaky voice. "A week, ten days max." Catlin answers.

Cisco just walked out of the room and I take a step back.

"Is there anyway to save him?" Dad asks. "By finding the bone, but there's no guarantee we can find it in time, I'm sorry Joe."

Before anyone could say a word to me, I grab my suit and go searching for Marrow.

She's going to save Barry, whether she wants to or not...

Marrow's POV

I park my motorcycle and hop up on the deck. "Did you really have to stop at big Belly Burger?" Petey asks as I toss him his food. "Oh, want me to return it? We can go out and possibly get fillet mignon, wash it down with some red wine. Oh and dodge the bullets that will be flying past our heads." I say matter of factly as I chomp down on a french fry.

Petey rolls his eyes and takes out the veggie burger I got him. "I'm not saying I'm ungrateful, I'm just saying you need to be more careful. The Flash and his team knows about you now."

I shrug and eat another french fry. "Did you see what I did to The Flash? I know he's a Meta but he's not going to make it. I give him nine days tops."

"That's besides the point Marrow. What if Kid Flash was there?"

"Then I would have kicked his a-" I hold my arm and try to catch my breathe. "You really pushed your limit, Mar here." Petey hands me the vile and I pop the top and throw it back.

I keep my eyes shut for a minute or two and relax once my body no longer hurts. "Thanks." I say as I open my eyes. "What are adoptive big brothers for?"

"Beats me, I'll let you know when I see one." I tease. Petey throws a soggy piece of lettuce at me and I laugh throwing some french fries at him.

I'll never admit it out loud but, I'm grateful that Petey and I found each other. We were orphan kids from Gotham. And everyone knows that if you can make in Gotham you can make it anywhere.

But we got tired of constantly having to fight for what was ours. We when we saved enough money, we moved to Central City. Two sixteen year olds, with only four hundred bucks between them.

We were loving the new sites. That is until four years ago when I was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer.

I wasn't afraid to die, but I didn't want to leave Petey alone. So we used the last of our saving to find treatment for me.

I would say the day we went into that chemo center was a blessing and a curse, because that was the day I became a Meta.

All I remember, was this bright light as I was going through my third time of treatment.

I blacked out and when I woke up, I had this strange armor around my body.

Petey and I were freaking out about my new found powers, but with them, we were able to get anything we wanted. Money, food, even a nice place to crash.

I also gained some street credibility. I wasn't on the top just yet, but I was aiming to be the best Meta that I could be.

Even if that meant hurting people. Hello people hurt us, why not give some pain in return?

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