Supurrize Plot Twist!!!

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...When the light receded, there stood students (and classmates of Ladybug and Chat Noir). Alya stood up and squealed.

"OMG! LadyNoir is on a date!!!"

Ladybug blushed, "No! We were brought here just like you!"

"Whoops," the voice said. "I didn't mean to do that... Oh well! I'll just show the show about Ladybug and Chat Noir's lives instead of just the puns!"

"Wait... what!?" the superhero duo asked.

The Stormy episode started from the very beginning.

Scene opens at Kids+ TV studio

Announcer (Alec): Welcome to the finals of our KIDZ+ competition! Today, one lucky winner will be chosen to be our new KIDZ+ weather girl!

(Crowds cheering)

Aurore Beareal: Hi!

Mireille Caquet: (giggles)

Alec: We started out with 5,000 contestants. But with the help of our viewers at home, we whittled our talent down to just these two young ladies!

"Who says 'whittled'?" Nino asked.

ALya slapped his arm.


Alec: So let's welcome our fantastic finalists! To my right, Aurore Beaureal, and to my left, Mireille Caquets! Who will be the lucky winner? Vote now! Text 1 for Aurore and 2 for Mireille. And remember, standard text message grades apply.

"I remember this!" Alya gasps. "This was when Aurore was Akumatized!"

Scene changes to Marinette's house when she is chasing Manon.

Marinette: Come on, Manon, give that back!

Manon: But I wanna be a fashion designer, too!

(Marinette falls on the sofa)

Marinette: Manon, please, it's not finished! You're gonna ruin it!

"Ugg... Why are we watching Marinette? Chloe complained.

"Shut up, Chloe!" the voice boomed.

Manon: (giggles)

Marinette: Huh? (crashes into table) Ah! Ugg... (looks for Manon, sees something behind curtain) Hmmm... huh? Ah! (giggles and walks to curtain)

Manon: I'm gonna vote for Mireille, she's the best!

Marinette: Hey, my phone!

Everyone laughs at the girl. Alya wonders where she is.

(Manon grabs Marinette's hat)

Marinette: Ugg... why did I agree to do this again?

(Tikki appears)

"What is that...?" Wonders Alya.

Chat Noir looks at Ladybug who is covering her face.

Marinette: Stay low, Tikki!

Tikki: Don't worry. You know what? If you can handle Manon for a day, any villain here on out will be a piece of cake!

The doorbell rings and Tikki hides

Marinette: Alya?

Alya: Hey, I got a huge scoop for you. Guess who's in the park right now?

Mari: Now? Adrien is in the park right now?

Alya: As we speak!

Mari: Oh, gosh! What...what am I gonna say to him?

Alya: The same thing as usual, (imitates Marinette) 'I... uhh... dahee... wha... ahh...'

"And she wonders why my Adrikins pays no attention to her," Chloe laughs.

Everyone glares at her. Nino has to hold Alya back.

Mari: Stop it!

Manon: Uh, who's she?

Mari: Whoops! I forgot about this little detail!

Alya: And who's she?

Mari: This is Manon, one of my mom's friends' daughters. I'm watching her all afternoon. (gasps) Oh no! I can't go out!

Alya: Lemme guess. Another "you couldn't say no" favor?

Mari: No! I just couldn't... say... no...

Everyone laughs at their classmate.

"Has anyone actually seen Marinette?" asks Alya.

Everyone shakes their head no but continues watching the show.

Alya: Look, no problem! I'll look after your 'little detail' for you!

Mari: Thanks, but I'm responsible for her... Besides, I wouldn't want to do that to you. She's... an absolute angel! (Crashing sound is heard. Marinette screams and runs after Manon, who is carrying a pot and a spatula.) Manon! Put that down! Ugh... Come back!

Alya: You're just a pushover, Marinette. I have to babysit my sisters all the time, which makes me an expert on dealing with angels.

Manon: Who are you, anyways?

Alya: I'm a mythical unicorn from the world of Rispa, disguised as a totally fabulous teenage girl. I grant magical wishes, but only to little monkeys who behave!

Everyone laughed at Alya, who was even laughing at herself.

Manon: No you're not!... Are you?

This made people laugh harder.

(Alya grabs Manon and places her on Marinette's shoulders.)

Alya: Ok! Let's all go to the park!

Manon: Yay!

Mari: Ok!

Scene changes back to KIDZ+ TV studio. The new weather girl is about to be chosen.

Alec: This is the moment we've been waiting for! The viewers at home have made their decision, and the new KIDZ+ weather girl is... Mireille!

Aurore: (gasps)

Alec: Man, she crushed you, huh? Better luck next time!

Aurore: (growls and leaves angrily)

Alec: What's the big deal? You only lost by half a million votes!

Some people face palmed.

Scene changes to Hawkmoth's lair.

HM: The vibrations are so strong, I can feel them eminent anger and sadness. The moment of weakness at my next victim... Such an easy prey for my Akuma. (Puts dark magic into the Akuma and sends it out.)

"That guy has some issues, man," Kim stated.

Scene changes back to KIDZ+ TV station.

Aurore: I should have won, I have the talent, the star looks, everything! But she took everything away from me. They took everything away from me! They- (the power suddenly goes out) Uh? Ah! (Akuma enters the elevator. Aurore swings her parasol and the Akuma infects it. The power turns back on.)

HM: So correct you are. You should have won. Yes...

Aurore: I should have won! Yes!

HM: Stormy Weather, I am Hawk Moth. I can give you the power to seek revenge on them as my weather girl. All you have to do is bring me the Miraculous. Can you do that?

Aurore: Yes!

HM: That's my weather girl. Show the world who the best weather girl really is!

(Elevator doors open, revealing Stormy Weather.)

Scene changes to the park where Adrien is having a photoshoot.

Mari: Come on, We're gonna stroll over there real cool as if we just happen to be passing by.

'Oh no...' Ladybug thinks. 'Please not this...'

Alya: Then what?

Mari: Then? I'll invite him out for a fruit smoothie at the end of the shoot! Then, we'll get married! Live happily ever after in a beautiful house and have two kids? No three. And a dog! Maybe a cat? Nah, forget the cat! A hamster! I love hamsters!

Cat Noir and Ladybug were both blushing.

Alya: Let's just start with happen to be passing by and see if we can get to that smoothie.

Mari: (Giggles.)

Photographer: Magnifico! Super! Come on now, I want to see hunger in your eyes!

Mari: Remember cool! Just be cool...

Everyone laughs at her way of being 'cool'.

"Classic, Marinette!" Laughs Alya.

Alya: Um, we couldn't be more invisible.

Mari: Ok, let's start over.

(Adrein sees them and waves.)

Mari: Did you see that? He waved at me!

Alya: Yeah, I saw it too. Pretty normal since we're in the same class.

Scene changes back to KIDZ+ studio where Mireille is entering the elevator, when she exits, she sees Stormy Weather.

SW: (Laughs) I am Stormy Weather! The only weather girl who always gets the forecast right! And unfortunately for you, there's a freak icy front moving in right now! (traps Mireille in the elevator with a wall of ice.)

"Woah!" Juleka exclaims. "That's kinda cool!"

Mireille: Somebody get me out of here! Help!

Scene changes back to park.

Photographer: Bravo! That's it! Give me the smile when your mom brings in spaghetti! Okay! And now, oh no! Mama dropped the spaghetti! And now you have to eat the spaghetti off the floor! Oh yes! You're angry! Show me angry, yes, yes, yes!

"I feel like this guy had an interesting experience with spaghetti at some point in his life..." commented Alix.

Manon: (Sees a balloon) Marinette, I want a balloon with Mireille on it! Can I? Can I? (Mari isn't listening)... Marinette? Marinette!

Mari: (surprised) Ah!

Photographer: Silenzio!

Manon: Come on!

Alya: Come on, Small Fry! I'll get you that balloon!

Manon: No! I wanna go with Marinette!

Mari: I'll deal with it. I am her babysitter.

Rose "awed".

"That's so cute! Marinette is such a good babysitter!"

Alya: But what about Adrien?

Scene changes to outside the KIDZ+ studio where the cround is waiting for Mireille as SW comes out.

Civilian: Where's Mireille?

SW: For all of you who voted for Mireille, I'd advise you to move indoors. It's going to get very blustery! Oh wait... too late. (Makes and icy win that blows away civilians.)

Scene changes back to the park.

Mari: Come on, let's go back.

Manon: I want to ride the merry-go-round!

Mari: No, no, no, no, not right now, I gotta get back to Adrien...

Manon: You promised!

"No she didn't!" Mylene interrupts.

Manon: You aren't gonna break your promise are you?

Mari: Aw, please, please, please, not the baby doll eyes! You know I can't say no to the-

Manon: (does the baby doll eyes)

Mari: Aw...

The class 'Aw's' with her.

(Manon grabs Mari's hand and giggles.)

SW is flying and sees banners of Mireille and a balloon with Mireille's face in it.

SW: Uhhh!

Civilian: (hands another balloon to a little boy) Here's another one!

Photographer: (Sees Adrien is getting tired) Oh, no, no! The boy has eaten too much spaghetti! We need more energy! More romance! We need... a girl! (runs over to Alya) You! I need an extra!

Alya: Who, me?

Photographer: Si! To pose with Mr. Adrien!

Alya: You don't want me, I... uh... I think I'm having an allergic reaction to this apple! I know just the person you need! Hold that thought! (runs to Marinette)

"Marinette's very lucky to have a friend like you," Ladybug told Alya.

"He-he, 'lucky'," Chat Noir smirked.

Ladybug face-palmed.

Alya: They need an extra to pose with Adrien!

Suddenly, all the lights go out. A few screams are heard.

"Oh, relax!" Called the voice. "I'll go fix the pawer! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love cat puns! BRB!!!"

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