My parents are what!?

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Zoë's P.O.V.

I was texting my friends when it happened.

"Zoë! Time for bed!" My mom shouted from downstairs.

"Kay! Night!" I shout back, getting off my bed to plug my phone in.

If you didn't know, my mom is Annabeth Jackson, formerly Annabeth Chase, and my dad is Percy. Yes, Percy Jackson, the famous Olympus Swimmer.

I plugged my phone in and turned out the light. After about 10 minutes, I start to drift off into a dream. Then I was woken up by the sounds of screaming. I ran downstairs to see this weird hooded figure holding onto my mom's and dad's wrists.

"Zoë! Don't let them get ahold of this!" Mom shouted at me, then tossed a weird pot to me and a silver dagger with a moon on the helt. I caught them perfectly. Next thing I knew, there was a flash, then Mom and Dad were gone.

"Mom! Dad! Where are you? Knock it off! This is not funny!" I shouted, waking up Luke in the process of searching the house.

"Zwoë, why you yelling for mommy and daddy?" he asked me. "Oh Luke," I said, putting down the pot and dagger to pick him up, "I think Mommy and Daddy are gone. I think they were kidnapped." I was crying and wanted Luke to stay close to me. "Mommy and Daddy are gone?" he asked, tears in his sea-green and gray eyes. I nod, my tears already falling. He started to cry too. Just then, my phone chided. I got a text. I looked at my phone. It was from Bianca Solace-di Angelo.

Bianca: MY PARENTS R GONE!!!!!!!!!

Me: so r mine! I think they were kidnapped.

Bianca: no way! This can't happen! u got Luke right?

Me: yeah. y?

Bianca: I'm coming over. text the others

I hung up that chat and texted the others. Moments later, Bianca was standing in front of me. Over the course of the next 20 minutes, everyone was at my house and worried about their parents. "Where are they!?!?" Kit hissed. Jake rolled his eyes at his sister. "All they threw to me was this pot!" I said angrily. "Actually, that's not just any pot! That's the Hunters messenger bowl!" Reyna said beaming. "So, what does it do?" I asked, hoping it had nothing to do with what Bianca did to get here. "It'll call our Aunt Thalia! Oh, and we are all children of the Heroes of Olympus." Jacob and Reyna said excitedly. They were twins and fought over everything except getting visits from their aunt. "So? What are you two waiting for? Call her!" Andy and Jasmine and Rosa shouted at the same time. Triplets. "Sheesh! Can't you see we are?" Reyna said writing a letter on the side table. She then placed it in the pot. "Now, we wait." they said. After 15 minutes, someone rang the door bell. "How do we know it's her?" I asked with caution. "Simple" Reyna said. "Who is it?" she called to the door. "Honestly, my brother can be so annoying at times! It's your Aunt Thalia! You called?" a voice said through the door. I stood up to answer the door and was surprised to see a teen girl no older than me. "Well, looks like Percy and Annabeth have been busy. Now, where are my niece and nephew?" The girl asked. "Auntie Thalia!" Jacob and Reyna said as they gave Thalia a hug. "Wait, you're their aunt?" I asked, surprised that she looked so young. "Yes, and before you ask, I'm a Hunter of Artemis so I don't age a bit." Thalia said, and she stood there. "May I come in?" she asked, making me nod and step aside.

"So, let me get this straight, your parents never told you that you were the children of demigods that saved the world 3 times?" Miss Thalia asked after we explained it. "Yes and we were wondering why they would give us a Hunter's messenger's pot." I said. "Well, the pot is for calling me only in an emergency. It must have been important for your mom to toss it to you, with the dagger, also." Thalia said, thinking about it some. Her face then became dark and grim. "That must mean that it's time." she said standing up. "How did you know where we have to go?". Thaila raised an eyebrow. "I've been there before, it's one of two safe zones for demigods or legacies." she said, leaving me more surprised then ever. "Come on, Artemis is waiting." Thalia said as she exited the house. "Wait! Where are we going?!" I demanded as I run after her. "Who--" I stop mid-sentence when I see the camp. "Oh, wow." Emily breathed. "Yes. And no grown males may see it. Well, your father saw it and lived. But he saw it when he was 14. Whatever." Thalia said, waving it off. "Lady Artemis, here are the children. We must take them to camp." Thalia said. Artemis nodded her head and said something to a hunter that was standing next to her. The hunter nodded and ran off. "I sent a scout to look for their parents. She might be back tomorrow." Artemis said, turning to us. "We must leave right away." she said as the hunter's camp was gone in seconds. We started to walk. I hope Bianca will be all right without her dads. Oh, did I forget to mention that Bianca has two dads. She calls them Nico and Will not dad and daddy or Dad 1 and Dad 2. And she is tough. Don't mess with her. Ever! We walked till dawn. Then the Hunters set up a camp, until night fall. When I asked why they did this, the Hunter said it was to keep monsters or males from finding us. Time to go. I miss my mom and dad.

Hey guys. What do ya think of this new book? If I should only do a few chapters at a time, tell me in the comments. I will not be writing tomorrow just so you all know, so fill out entries while you can. And remember, winner of the contest gets a P.O.V. of their chose, can add a character if they want and will have a chapter dedicated to them. Bye! Have a good day/night everyone! <3 you!

~~~~ Sage <3 <3 <3

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