We go to Camp Half-Blood?

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Love this picture!!!!!!! That's all. Carry on.


Andy/Jasmine/Rosa's P.O.V. (sorry for doing this, but triplets fight over everything!)

Hey! Andy Valdez here! [Shut up, Jasmine! I have the mic right now! Not you too, Rosa! I'm telling Dad after this!] Like the author said, I'll have to change off to my sisters and it'll, hopefully, be in different fonts. Or not, seeing as the author can't do fonts(HEY!) and we might have to tell who's narrating what. Anyway, as we walked on from last night, recap: our parents were kidnapped by some evil bady and we're going to some camp, I keep wondering the same thought: Why didn't our parents tell us about this? I shook my head, clearing all thoughts. [Give me back the mic, Rosa!] Sorry, Rosa just tried to take the mic. Ha! Let's see who's talking now, brother dear! [Curses.]

Hullo everyone! Rosa Valdez here. Sorry for the accent. I just got back from England last month and my siblings say it's weird. Anyway, if your wondering what's going on, I just took the mic from my brother. I don't look at all like him. He looks like mum with caramel colored hair and almond eyes, and I look like dad with long curly hair and light brown eyes. Jasmine looks like both with caramel hair and light brown eyes. Lucky{Yes, Jasmine, I know! No need to bloody rub it in!} Anyway, we all went some place else to study. Jasmine went with Auntie Emily in Mexico, I went with Uncle and Auntie Smith and Andy stayed with mum and dad. So, when Jas gets the mic, she may or may not sound weird and curse in Spanish. She does that sometimes. It's not fair! I get England, where we say almost everything the same bloody way, Andy is the same country and Jasmine gets all the fun with the different language! I do know some French, though. "Zut!" I say, surprising everyone after I saw what percent my phone was at. I had my phone so we could understand some of the stuff Jas said. "¡Rosa Elia Valdez!" Jas called out. "What Jas? I'm busy." I replied, not looking up from my phone. Worst. Mistake. Ever. "AHH!" I cried, almost falling to my unpleasant death. Thankfully, someone caught me before I fell to my death. "Oh my gods, thank you!" I cried, turning to see my savior. "Your welcome, I guess." Reyna Grace replied. I may have blushed some. {SHUT UP ANDY! I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON HER!} [Suuuure] Don't mind my brother, he can be quite annoying at times. [HEY!] Anyway, as we were walking, someone gasped in surprise. Reyna turned to see who it was, and got a surprise in return. A hydra was right behind us, spitting acid and fire. Thalia shot an arrow but it cut a head clean off. She shouted a curse that would not be family friendly and shot another, piercing the heart. The beast fell dead. Thalia told us we should get some sleep but I'm a little anxious, y'know, after seeing a monster almost eat us. Jasmine crashed the moment she hit the pillow though.

Jasmine's P.O.V.

My sister has a crush on my best friend! AHHHHHHHHH! MY LIFE IS OVER! Wait, Reyna might not feel the same way. But I know she does because of a game of Truth or Dare when we were all younger. What an I going to do?!?! What if I tell mom and dad...? Nah, that would just be awkward. Very, very awkward. Anyway, hey! I'm Jasmine Valdez, youngest of the triplets by 3 seconds. Whatever, I don't care about age. "Hey! Sammie! Wake up!" I whisper/yelled. He stirred, for like 5 seconds, then went back to sleep. "Fine. Be like that. Sammie Mars Zhang!" I say. Sammie bolted awake. "Works every time." I say, a smirk visible on my face. "Shut up, Jas. It's like 12:59 P.M. and I want to sleep." He said, rolling back over. "Jacob! My sister likes your sister!" I exclaim. That got him up. "What?!" He practically shouted. "SHHH! Are you trying to get us caught!?" I hiss. This resulted in him rolling his eyes. "What? I was in the middle of a good dream." He says, causing me to raise an eye brow. "Boi. If your still dreaming about that slut liking you, dream on! Louisa is a complete and total jerk." I stated. Sammie blushed. "Actually, it was about someone else..." he said, his voice trailing off. I raised an eye brow again. "And who might this person be?" I asked, taking a seat on my sleeping bag. "I-I don't w-want to s-say." He stuttered out. He was also blushing. "Fine. Wanna play truth or dare?" I asked, smirking. Sammie nodded, still a fiery red color. "You first." I said, looking at my phone to check the time. "Truth or dare?" He asked. I laughed. "Dare." I replied, not noticing the fact that he blushed even more after I laid my hand down in his by accident. "I dare you to say your crush." Sammie said. I dropped my phone. "M-me gusta Mateo." I stuttered, blushing like mad. "Who?" Jacob asked, mildly confused. I rolled my eyes. "I told you who I liked, but you never said you had to understand it." I explain. "Oh..." he said, still blushing. "Anyhow, truth or dare?!" I ask excitedly. Sammie thought for a moment. I wonder what he's thinking about.

Sammie P.O.V.

SHOOT! I think I might have a crush on Jasmine. Right, worry about the game, not Jasmine. "Umm, truth." I hear myself say. Jasmine grinned. I whimpered. "Do you have a crush on one of your close friends?" She asked. I paled, then blushed so hard my face was probably a tomato. "How'd you know?!" I exclaim, kinda because this is Leo's daughter and I don't want to be covered in glitter the next morning. Jas grinned. "A little birdy told me about your 'crush' on a certain friend." She explained. "Reyna! I'm going to kill you!" I screamed, blushing. "Shhhh!" Jasmine said, placing a hand over my mouth. Jasmine listened, clearly not seeing my blush. "Hide. Now." She instructed. I did as told, hiding in my sleeping bag. We were waiting for what seemed like an hour. Something came into our tent and started looking around. When it came near me, I froze up, not trying to make a move. The thing wasn't fooled. It grabbed my sleeping bag and I fell out. "HELP!" I screamed, seeing a hooded figure try to grab at Jasmine. She kicked it hard in the leg. The thing crumpled. Thalia ran in, her bow loaded. "Don't. Move." She hissed at it. "Don't shoot!" It called, pulling back the hood. It was a girl with dark black hair, blue eyes and freckles. She kinda looked like Thalia. "Riley? What are you doing here?" Thalia said, dropping her bow and hugging the girl. The girl started to sob.

"Mom's gone. " She said.

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