Chillin' With the Dauntless- 104

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"Y/N! Tris!"

You turn around to see Uriah. Marlene and Lynn are right behind him, Lynn holding a blueberry muffin.

"Thought I could find you here," he says, swinging an arm around a pole. "I heard you guys got ranked pretty high."

"So you just wanted to congratulate me?" Tris says, smirking. "Well, thanks."

He walks over and lightly punches her shoulder. "So stop moping. I'm going to shoot a muffin off Marlene's head."

Your head jerks up. "You're going to what?"

Marlene grins. "Why aren't you guys out celebrating? You're basically guaranteed a top ten spot if you keep it up."

"Tris is too Abnegation to celebrate," Lynn remarks, then narrows her eyes at you. "And Y/N too Amity to not to. You didn't make a big friendship banner to celebrate?"

You glare at her. "I'd make her one if she punched you."

Lynn winces, then laughs. "Alright, fine. You got me."

Marlene skips over to the target.

"They're plastic pellets," Lynn explains, eyes shining with anticipation as Uriah pulls a gun from his waistband. 

Marlene plops the muffin on her head, then freezes. "Wait!" she says, pulling it off and taking  bite. "Mmkay!" she shouts, the word garbled by food.

"I take it your rank is good," Tris says. 

Lynn nods. "Uriah's second. I'm first. Marlene is fourth."

"You're first only by a hair," Uriah says, aiming. He squeezes the trigger. The muffin falls off of Marlene's head. She didn't even blink. 

"We both win!" Marlene shouts, taking a bite of the muffin. 

"Gross!" Uriah calls at the same time you say, "Give me a piece!"

You both look at each other and start laughing.

"Initiation's supposed to wear us down to who we really are," Lynn is saying. "That's what Eric says, anyway."

"Four says it's to prepare us," Tris says dubiously.

You raise your eyebrows and take the piece of muffin Marlene offered you. "Maybe it's both."

The door slams open, and Four and Zeke walk in just as Uriah fires at a target.

"Thought I heard something in here," Four grunts.

"Turns out it's my idiot brother," says Zeke. "You're not supposed to be in here after hours. Careful, or Four will tell Eric, and then you're as good as scalped."

Uriah wrinkles his nose at his brother, pushing the gun away. 

"You wouldn't tell Eric," Lynn says as we walk through the door, eyeing Four suspiciously.

"No, I wouldn't," he says. 

"Wait a second," Four calls, then turns to you and Tris. "You two belong here, you know that? You belong with us. It'll be over soon, so just hold on, okay?"

He scratches behind his ear, like he's embarrassed by what he said. Tris stares after him like he just transformed into a zebra. She darts up and slides her hand into his, then abruptly walks away. You follow her. Huh. She must like him.

Advance to 106.

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