Overheard- 106

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The dorms at night are cold.

You roll over, wrapping your blankets around you. Must be something to do with how underground everything is: maybe, if you make it into Dauntless, you can convince them to make an engineering job, so you can work on insulation!

You begin to get excited at this thought, smiling and thinking about how you could bring heat and warmth to the cool of the Dauntless space, striking out on a new path and-

Clang. Someone's awake, and walking. You roll over, squinting to see who it is, because you don't want another Edward situation. Your feet slide onto the cool ground, pulling on a jacket. 

It's Tris, you realize as she slides out of the dormitory. Your heart races- maybe she'll lead you to the source of how she's so good at the serums! Maybe there is a secret, after all. And if there is, that could bode very well for your rankings.

You slide out, slinking through the shadows, trailing her through the dripping Dauntless halls. Excitement bubbles in your blood, but then...

...but then Tris pauses by a water fountain, and you almost groan out loud. Did you seriously just stalk someone out of the dorm just to watch them get water? (You did. Oof.)

"I'm glad you're at least making use of your time here," a voice sniffs, and you freeze, scrambling into an alcove before anyone can see you. You pull yourself up into the pipes on top of the ceiling, wrapping your shaking legs around them to keep yourself up. 

Eric is just underneath you, and he shakes his head with a grimace.

"Oh, come on now," Jeanine says coldly, looking up at him. "You knew you weren't smart enough to stay an Erudite. Be glad I'm letting you have such a high role in our new city, even in another faction."

Eric still says nothing, and a stab of pity pokes through your heart. No wonder Eric hates what Dauntless stands for so much- he wanted to be Erudite.

"So?" Jeanine prompts, pausing right beneath you. You shiver, clinging tighter to the slippery pipes. 

"So far there haven't been any signs of it," Eric grunts, twisting a button on his arm.

"Well, you wouldn't have seen much of it yet," Jeanine replies dismissively. "Combat training shows you nothing. The simulations, however, reveal who the Divergent rebels are, if there are any, so we will have to examine the footage several times to be sure."

Divergent. That's weird, you think, tilting your head. What's a Divergent? You haven't heard anything about that yet. Is Dauntless hiding something from you? 

"Don't forget the reason I had Max appoint you," Jeanine snaps. "Your first priority is always finding them. Always."

Eric swallows, forcing his eyes to the ground. "I won't forget."

Jeanine smiles, a thin-lipped motion. "Excellent. You couldn't have done this without me, Eric. I hope you know that. You owe me."

With that, she disappears down a hall, vanishing like a puff of blue smoke. Eric waits a moment, then swears loudly, punching at the wall. He practically shakes with anger, exhaling hard. He glances around, then storms back the way he came.

There's a muffled yelp from where Tris was standing, and you drop down gracefully from the pipes, running towards the sound.

"Shut up and keep her mouth covered," Peter commands, and you turn the corner to see Drew, Peter, and Al carrying Tris. 

If you move to help Tris, advance to 107.

If you said yes to Peter's offer before, advance to 108.

If you help them get rid of Tris, advance to 109.

If you do nothing and run back to the dorms, advance to 110.

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