✈️ Ch 2: Musical Haters

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Despite the fact that her brother had assured her that he wasn't mad at her Claire still felt that he was. She hadn't tried to lawyer up and she probably should have. Her music label dropped her at the worst time...if the same thing happened to Chris with his show the tabloids would go mental. Even if she got kicked off first...at least this way her brothers job would be safe.

As she entered the plane, Claire was sure the metal bird was going to crash, explode and fall apart in midair, the only real mystery was the time frame and order that was going to happen in.

Claire didn't bother greeting the other passengers again. The hi on the tarmac was enough. Any greetings she might get in return were likely going to be insincere. Claire was a rather antisocial person. She found people to be rather sucky and this bunch was probably going to be a headache and a half.

Chris stormed past Claire and almost knocked her over. "Chris-!" Claire was about to berate her brother but he was giving her a reply before he could get an earful.

"I need to talk to chef." He said in an over emotional voice.

Claire frowned. Part of her wanted to go with her brother. With the phone in his hand it was clear he'd just talked to the producers. But she knew he had to talk to hatchet alone. However this left her alone with the contestants and she had no where else to go. Courtney had a permanent sneer pasted on her face. Clearly she was a variable the girl hadn't anticipated.


Claire remained silent. She merely raised a brow. There was an unasked question in her eyes.

"Aren't you going to apologize?"

"For...?" Claire arched a brow as she crossed her arms and jutted out her hip.

"For everything Chris has done to us!" Courtney exclaimed as if it were supposed to be obvious.

"What? You've got to be kidding. I have no input on my brothers creative choices for his show. You all signed up for this, I'm only here because they threatened my brothers job. I don't owe any of you anything. You want an apology, ask my brother. I'm not him."

Alejandro seemed to have gleam of understanding in his eyes as Claire spoke her last sentence.

Courtney scoffed once more.

"Clearly just look at you. Anybody with a brain can see your-" Heather couldn't finish her compliment.

"Aaah don't you start Queen B!" Lashawna snapped pointing her finger at Heather interrupting her. "No sucking up to the hosts sister! No way! You play fair, ya hear!?"

"Whatev." Heather replied, rolling her eyes.

"Campers!! I mean- Contestants I hope you're all adjusting well." Chris returned after a relatively short talk with chef. His eyes looked unusually red.

"Chris do you have something in your eyes?" Sierra asked cocking her head to the side. "They're kind of red."

"No." Chris replied much too quickly. "Nothings in my eyes..."

He was already tearing once more as he set his sights on his sister.

"Are you sure because now your eyes look really watery. You should really check that out." Lindsey put her hands to her mouth in concern.

"It's nothing Lindsey... "Chris internally cursed the girl's stupidity in an attempt to keep from crying.

"Its okay to cry Chris... "Cody said kindly. "...we all know you weren't expecting your sister here."

"Its nothing...drop it. "Chris spoke forcefully.

"But Chris..."

"Yo man! Ya jus' gotta let it out ya know!!! Cry to ya hearts content then make love with ya Claire bear!!!!"Ezekial exclaimed throwing his arms out nearly walking Claire in the face.

Claire gagged at the comment her face tinged green. She felt kind of sick. "Thats wrong...That wording is just so wrong."

"Just this once I am agreeing with you." Courtney said turning slightly green herself.

"Dude thats sick!"Harold screeched reeling away from Ezekiel leaping into Lashawna's arms.

Chris glared at Ezekiel turning slighty red. He balled his fists. This guy had to go.

"Alright people time for the tour! "Chris announced in his hosting voice. The contestants followed Chris to the back of the plane.

"Singing really? I thought Chris was joking about that?" Gwen asked at the front of the group.

"Well, I don't have a problem with it!" Courteny smiled. 

"Yeah cause you like singing." Lawshawna stated pointing her finger at the former CIT.

"Yeah well I don't! Girls sing, little birdies sing, Duncans don't sing." The cast's resident delinquent crossed his arms and glared at Chris.

"Think i'll get to beat box?" Harold wondered.

"I'll beat you if you so much as try!" Duncan said warned. Looking at Harold like he was going to be his next punching bag.

"Why are you doing this to us!?" Heather asked fuming but curious.

"Singing reality shows are huge and the worse the singing the higher the ratings! Which is why you get no vocal coaches or time to rehearse or warning." Chris said.

"You have got to be kidding." Claire mumbled, eyes wide. This show was her worst nightmare. The rest of the cast broke into murmurs of complaint.

"No Clairey, I'm not kidding. Anywho this is the dining area where you will eat your meals and talk." Chris gestured around.

Suddenly, Claire screamed and jumped into the nearest persons arms which just so happened to be Duncan.

"Whoa hey there beautiful, if you wanted a ride you could've asked earlier." He said flirtingly.

"I'm not flirting with you," Claire insisted. "I just thought I saw a rat!"

There were cries of alarm from all the female cast except izzy.

Claire pushed Duncan away getting out of his arms. "Didn't mean to get all close with a prison one."

"Ohh, ouch." Duncan smirked. "You're a feisty one aren't you?"

Claire just rolled her eyes, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Pssh you're all wimps. Its just a rat. You girl's are all the same. But with me i'm stronger faster smarter-" Ezekiel began.

"Chattier, blabbier won't shut uppier! Now zip it! So we can finish the tour and get this bird in the air." Chris glared.

"Is there a lady's room?" Lashawna asked.

"Yup right through there." He said pointing an evil smile on his face. Claire's eyes widened as she recalled what her brother had done in season 1.

Sierra gasped beside Claire coming to the same conclusion.

"You did not do what I think you did." Claire narrowed her eyes at her brother, one hand on her hip.

"Ssshhh Claire, you'll spoil it for the dumber people!"Chris hissed putting his finger onhis sister's lips.

A few seconds after the door closed lashawna's voice could be heard. "There's a camera in the potty again! Can't a sista get a little privacy on this program?

"Why is it always in the only toilet!" Noah deadpanned not surprised but still clearly pissed.

"Because I said so now this way to economy! Chris pulled Claire along, starting a chain reaction. The other contestants all following behind.

"This does not look comfortable." Heather remarked with a frown.

"Okay even the cabins were better than this."Bridget worriedly looked around.

Claire definitely did not want to sit back there.

"Now for first class which will go to the winners! But first...we're pressed for time so let's move on to the elimination room. You don't get peanuts, you don't win and you get to fall out of the plane. I have named it the drop of shame and it shall happen like so!" Chris grabbed Ezekial by his sweatshirt and forcefully shoved him out of the plane.

"Chef start the plane!! Go!!! Before he comes back!!" Chris yelled running from the door as he slammed it shut.

"Tour dismissed meet in the caf in a half hour!!! "He yelled running to his off limits hot tub room.

Okay this was chapter two pt 1!! Comment and check out my other stories! Love you all! Tiff out peace!😊

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