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"Maahi we're going to Ramleela and that's final." vaishali shouted on the phone. Maahi huffed.
"Dusshera's over vaishu, remember??" maahi reminded her.
"Dear Ms Maahi, this is vanasthali and here we have two Ramleela performances, one before Dusshera and one after that. C'mon, there's gonna be rides, food, earrings and everything else. But most importantly BOYS. Trust me girl I am gonna hook you up with a ravishing hot guy. There's gonna be plenty of them....." and vaishali began rambling. Maahi heard her less while dusting off her shelves. Vaishali always had a queer habit of blabbering, complemented with a serious obsession to hitch maahi with a sweet and handsome boy. If maahi detested her one habit then most probably it was the one mentioned above. Besides, maahi always maintained her distance from guys. And ofcourse there was a certain special someone who she tries to stay clear from (Ahem!!!).
"We have tons of hot guys around here in Yercaud. Most of them are actually aspiring south actors, I know that sounds crazy. But don't worry we'll find you a nice guy. Although Karanvir is the hottest guy in the entire Yercaud, he was Dolce Gabbana model after all, yet I think we may find few guys nearing him in hotness."
"Stop it right there Vaishali!!! I don't wanna hear anything about that man like boy. And please I don't need any hot guy." maahi cried out miffed.
"Ok Ok. Calm down angry girl. Well, I know he kissed you on your chubby cheeks and I'll kill him for that but I don't see any reason in not seeing hot guys just because of a dork. However, it's entirely your call if you wanna hang out with guys or not. But you're going with me and that's it. Period." vaishali declared. Maahi rolled her eyes.
"Yeah yeah. But hey, we'll come home soon. I have to study for the upcoming tests." maahi kept her condition.
"Ofcourse my good girl. This is why Karanvir is so much into you, you're a typical good girl. We're at a shortage of them you know." chuckled vaishali. Maahi's cheeks swelled red with anger.
"Shut up vaishu. Don't talk about him or else I am ending our friendship." maahi fumed. Vaishali bit her laughter.
"God!! So much anger. Ok chubby cheeks, no one's talking about him. Bye, take care and..... Karanvir is the hottest dork!!" giggled vaishali before disconnecting the call. Maahi tossed her phone angrily on the bed.
"Karanvir!!! Karanvir!!! Why do people even talk about him??? He's just a bad guy." she muttered irritated. Hanging the dusting cloth on the peg nailed in the wall, she strode towards her bookshelf. Suddenly her phone rang again. She huffed and plodded heavily towards the bed. The number floating on the screen was unknown. She picked up anyways.
"Hello." she said politely. Someone drew in a breath.
"Hi." there was only one guy who had this sensuous manly voice in the entire Yercaud and MAAHI IS SCARED TO DEATH OF THAT MAN. Maahi's blood froze.
"Is that you??" she asked. Her voice quavering. He chuckled smoothly.
"Well if you probably forgot than I should remind you that I gotta name and that's Karanvir. Your Karanvir." the voice replied cheerfully. Maahi was fuming for no reason.
"How can you be my Karanvir?? Are you my brother or my Father??" she said peeved.
"You sound angry for some reason. Any problem gorgeous??" asked he with concern. Maahi frowned.
"You are my problem. Why do you keep nagging me again and again?? I had blocked you then why are you calling me with different numbers.... WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM??" maahi yelled on the phone. Her cheeks flushed and red.
"Maahi is there something wrong?? You are never so worked up. Are you ok?? I don't feel bad honestly when you shout on me, but I am just a little concerned about your health. Do you have a fever maahi?? Should I send a doctor?? Or is there any other issue??" karanvir's voice sank lower. Genuine concern was flowing in his husky voice. Honestly speaking, maahi was on periods. Periods and mood swings are totally normal and because maahi had a history of 'bad periods' she is usually crabby in days like these. Even karanvir's genuine concern felt irritating to her.
"I don't feel any need to tell you anything. Just don't call me again ever." she snapped at him rudely. Karanvir drew in a breath.
"I think I understand why are you so miffed today. Um, maahi you should take some rest, I have heard it helps a lot in days like these. Just stay away from cold food and drinks. If still it's not ok then please call me, I'll send a doctor at your house. Take care." he said softly. Karanvir was both evil and shrewd. He had this inbuilt capability to put things together in a relatively short span of time. It took him no more than a minute to figure out that she was on periods. He might not have a sister but guys do hold this much knowledge about menstruation and it's important to have a basic knowledge about periods. He didn't wanted to make her feel awkward by openly discussing things with her as sometimes girls aren't comfortable talking about stuff like these, hence he passively kept his thoughts in front of her. Maahi was having a serious cramp in the lower abdomen. Her fists balled as she tried to bear the pain.
"Shut up." she yelled and disconnected the call. After that, she marched off to her bed and hopped into the bed.

Maahi was getting ready for Ramleela. She had slept a little and her pain was now subdued. She did feel bad for behaving so badly with Karanvir, I mean he was being nice to her. At one point she felt she should just apologise to him for her shitty behaviour but then at another moment she thought why should she?? He was a dork after all. But then, you do feel bad when you are rude to a person who's just trying to be nice with you, especially when you are usually a good person. Now, vaishali came and together they went towards this huge venue where Ramleela is held every year. It was a fare to be honest. There were swings, rides, food stalls, small shops, games and stage adaptation of Ramayana.
"Wow!!! That's nice!!" maahi chirped. She was really feeling good. Vaishali and she first went towards the ice cream truck where they bought two ice creams.
"I'll go to that boat shaped ride."
"BHAIYA JI SMILE!!!" maahi stopped short. Wasn't this voice familiar?? She spun round and gasped. There, just behind her, stood a surprised but blushing Karanvir surrounded by his shitty friends who were teasing him as if he was a groom.
"Here comes the dork!! Hey losers, idling again....you guys should start your own dork club to be honest. No one's more free than you fools." vaishali jeered at him. Karanvir watched her blankly.
"Why are you so obsessed with me vaishali?? I'm out of your league please. Oh!! I can't stand your lustful eyes on me." smirked Karanvir bitterly. Vaishali fumed.
"You will never say that again." she hissed at him. He rolled his eyes.
"I'm scared. Oh God!! Help me please, there's a 5'5 paper thin assailant trying to zap me a 6'5 guy. I'm in mortal danger." he said blankly. His friends laughed. Maahi felt bad.
"Come on let's go vaishu. We need not get involved with bad people." whispered maahi. Karanvir's eyes softened.
"I wasn't serious maahi. I was just playing with her you know. Sorry vaishali if I hurt you." Karanvir said quickly, looking hopefully at maahi. His friends gaped at him in pure shock. Vaishali raised her eyebrow at him.
"Why can't I digest your apology?? What's that you're holding inside you dork??" enquired vaishali. Karanvir literally wanted to punch her face. He spoke inwardly 'Never hit a woman' four times just to remind himself again and again that's he shouldn't raise his hand on a woman.
"I'm holding a gun." hissed he angrily. Maahi grabbed vaishali's hand and started dragging her away.
"Between his legs." maahi whispered and giggled. Vaishali giggled alongside her. Karanvir was not a dork for no reason. That rascal hears everything and when maahi showed that crude sense of sexual humour, he was actually pretty impressed. He was literally smirking like hades from Disney's Hercules as dark thoughts started flooding into his head.
"That gun does a lot of things baby. You gonna see it someday." he mumbled evily before following her towards the ride.

Exactly five minutes later, maahi found herself sitting on that boat shaped ride which locally was called 'columbus' due to its similarity with a ship. She was ill at ease because right across her, on the other end were Karanvir and his friends. Maahi tried everything to ignore him but everyone knows that you just can't avoid Karanvir Roy. During the entire ride karanvir's eyes were on her while maahi literally overlooked him by enjoying the ride. She did scream a lot when the ship went to and fro speedily but that was pure fun. Akhil was holding onto Karanvir like a baby. He was scared of rides. After the ride was over, maahi and vaishali moved towards the Ferris wheel. Karanvir, obviously, followed them here as well. Now he was slightly edgy as maahi was hell bent on ignoring him. Maahi, honestly, wasn't thinking about him because she was just having fun. But you just don't know what's going on inside a possessive freak's head. He wasn't happy for sure with that little ignoring game of her. Now, when maahi was standing in the queue to get on the little carriage on the Ferris wheel, Karanvir hauled the people standing behind her, threw them back harshly and took his place right behind her. Maahi didn't pay attention because she was too focused on looking at the gigantic wheel going round and round. His fingers skimmed her soft and mildly scented hairs as he left small kisses all over her hairs which she didn't feel. A boy of 9 watched him in shock, he glared at him and the little guy ran off. When maahi's turn came to sit inside the compartment, Karanvir drew vaishali behind by her pony and sat in her place inside the box, taking maahi by surprise. By the time vaishali pulled herself together to shout, the wheel operator had already pushed them up and the second empty compartment was infront of vaishali now. Vaishali had no choice but to sit without maahi. Maahi, however, looked disappointed.
"What's this?? I want to sit with my friend." she said to Karanvir, a little worked up. Karanvir smiled at her.
"But I wanna sit with the girl who means so much to me." he said softly, his eyes twinkling with admiration. She snubbed him.
"I don't care, I am not sitting with you." she said flatly, looking down to see where vaishali was. This triggered him.
"Why not gorgeous?? Why do I feel that you're not interested in me??" he asked bitterly. Maahi looked at him in surprise.
"Why would I be interested in you?? You are nothing to me." she said to him. He looked mad. Immediately he yanked her wrist. She gasped loudly. The Ferris wheel had started.
"But you're everything to me. Why do you do this to me maahi?? Why do you hurt me everytime??" he said darkly, madness glinting in his dark eyes. She began tearing up. He looked scary.
"Please leave me." she begged as the wheel was going round and round fastly. He quickly jumped next to her on her seat and she gasped in fear.
"Why do you don't like me maahi?? Huh!! What..... don't you like these hairs??? I can change them for you.....just tell me what hairstyle should I choose...." he said, his hand caressing her face. She sobbed. Karanvir looked evil but more than that he looked crazy.
"Please.....stop troubling me....just leave me alone!!" she sobbed and begged. He kissed fervently on her hairs, fingers, cheeks and nose, which ultimately horrified her.
"I'm not troubling you maahi.....I can never trouble you, Can I?? I don't trouble you right??" he asked, insanity visible in his small, almond eyes. Maahi literally was freaked to hell. There was no way she was pissing off a crazy guy. His eyes literally watched her as if she was a treasure which he wanted to lock away in his closet so badly and never let anyone see it. He cupped her cheeks in his big, warm hands.
"You'll be my friend maahi. Huh!! Will you be my friend??" that wasn't a request, especially with those evil eyes. She nodded meekly, hoping that ultimately this madman would leave her. He looked elated. He drew in a sniff, grinned and said.
"Thank you maahi. Now I will be your only friend from now on ok. I will be the only one for you just like you are for me." he whispered. Maahi sobbed, too scared to speak. The Ferris wheel was still going round and round. Suddenly his eyes darkened and maahi quickly tried to think what she said wrong. His fingers pressed into her cheeks deeply as he squeezed her chubby cheeks. His eyes were dark as night as he looked her in the eye. Obsession so conspicuous in his eyes.
"Don't ever think of leaving me maahi. You can never escape me. You and I will be together forever and if you try to be with somebody else than know what am I gonna do???" he asked in a whisper. She fearfully shook her head, face red with tears. He smirked cruelly.
"I'll kill him. I'll kill anyone who'll try to take you away from me.... who'll try to come between us. I'll fucking kill him. I'll eliminate everyone just to keep you with me. You belong to me. Just me. My little precious peony.....you are mine alone." he said, eyes clouding with obsession and madness. Maahi was spooked. All she did was sob as he pulled her to his chest and wrapped his big arms around her tiny figure. The Ferris wheel went round and round.
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