001. The Reaping

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Chapter One - The Reaping

VELVET MERROW LET the old man prick her finger and press the bloody mess into the scanner, letting it beep before she drew it away quickly.

Her finger now stung like a bee had just kissed her skin. Carefully, Velvet drew it up to her mouth and cleaned it off before guiding her young sister-who had just gone through the same process as her-to the area where they had to stand for the Reaping.

Even though it was now beginning to throb a bit, the sensation in her finger helped Velvet focus on something other than the current situation. And it reminded her of every time she pricked her finger on a needle while sewing. It almost felt soothing.

This specific Reaping meant something different to Velvet, as it would be her very last and her sister's second and brother's first. This chapter of her life was closing while it was just now opening for her siblings.

And since the Hunger Games as an entirety happened to be a taboo subject in her household, Velvet hadn't mentioned her thoughts to anyone else.

No one except for the hummingbirds that would flitter outside her window during the hot afternoons.

Thirty years ago, Velvet's mother had lost her only sibling-her kid brother-whom she had practically raised herself to the Games.

According to District 8 locals, Selene Merrow had never been the same afterwards. Seeing your 12-year-old brother decapitated would do that to a person.

Even though it meant that Velvet had to be careful about certain words that she said near her own mother, Velvet liked to think that it helped her live a life away from the Games.

"Look, Vettie," her sister Paisley tugged at her sleeve, "they're starting."

"Ok, shhhh." Velvet said absentmindedly, her mind had already become focused on the people onstage.

Two people stood up front-near the microphone-on top of the metal platform with the foreboding Justice Building looming behind them. Towards the side of stage were groups of Peacekeepers and previous victors.

The mayor, Davis Cooperman, sped through the annual stuff, a big speech about the good of the Hunger Games and the benefits the victors would get; everyone had heard it a million times.

He finished quickly as he never was one for public speaking, oddly enough. And as soon as he finished, he moved back into the shadows so he could go through the rest of the ceremony peacefully.

"Ahem." a light and cheery voice spoke into the microphone, taping the thing to test it, as if Cooperman hadn't been using it 10 seconds ago.

Avita Creed.

The tribute escort of District 8.

Every man fantasied about her and every woman wanted to be her.

She got to live the glamourous Capitol life while also getting to travel around Panem. It seemed glorious.

Every year for the past 7, Avita would arrive in 8 with a new wardrobe and new hair, ready to bring two more teenagers to their deaths.

And she never stopped smiling.

"Are you all excited for the 70th Hunger Games?" Avita spoke with her voice dripping with enthusiasm.

The crowd stayed silent.

"That's what I like to hear!" She stood and smiled for a moment, fixing one of the golden flowers in her matching hair, which had been put into two buns, right behind her ears.

Last year her hair had been blue, and before that it was pink.

And her outfit wasn't any better. This year it consisted of white, almost clear dress that appeared to be little plastic pearls stuck together. The most exciting part was the waistline and below, which begun to straight out as soon as the dress dipped below the hips.

Even though Velvet partially resented Avita, her appearance was always a hit.

"Now," the gold-haired lady drew the attention back to herself, "time for everyone's favorite part. The female tribute."

Avita sauntered over to the clear bowl with many paper slips waiting patiently inside.

She dramatically slid her hand inside, hesitating before carefully drawing a slip from deep inside the pile.

Time seemed to switch to slow motion. Every second felt like an hour.

Which means it felt like 2 days had passed before Avita had even opened the slip and read the name in her head.

A collective breathe was held by everyone in the crowd.

'Well here we go." Avita whispered into the microphone in front of her.

Velvet swore everyone within a five foot radius could hear her heart rapidly beating. They could smell the sweat dripping down her neck. The grip she had on her little sister's hand.

A question hung in the air, above everyone's heads: who would be dying this year?

"Velvet Merrow!"

Time went from slow to three times speed immediately.

Velvet didn't have time to think, or react in any way before Peacekeepers had found her in the crowd and started dragging her up to the stage.

Velvet's heart was caving in. She stood there, up on the stage, to the left of Avita, as her life was coming to an end.

All the lasts would begin now. The last time she sees District 8. The last time she sees her family's faces in anything other than a memory.

It all ended now.

Because it isn't a matter of if she dies. It's a matter of when.

No amazing mentor or endless sponsors will change that.

So it's best if she just accepted the fact now.

Her lip quivered. This was supposed to be the last one. Tears pushed their way to the front of her eyes and Velvet tried desperately to force them back.

Deep breaths.

"And for the male tribute. . ." Avita muttered in suspense.

From Velvet's side view, her hair seemed shinier, and her dress looked more see-through.

"Cord Dunne!"

A terrified mother scream somewhere in the crowd.

Velvet recognized the name from around town, some kid who spent his free time stealing food for his family.

The cameras around her hurried to get a spotlight on Cord, it only being a few seconds later that a young teen boy with tears running down his face is shown.

He's a scrawny boy, who probably wouldn't last much longer than Velvet.

What a depressing duo.

Peacekeepers start surrounding Cord, preparing to drag him up to the stage the same way they did for Velvet, dragging him away from his friends and family.

But before he can take two steps, another boy-a few years older than Cord-throws himself out into the walkway.

"I volunteer!" He screams, his voice rough, "I volunteer!"

"Ah! How exciting?" Avita claps, "A volunteer!"

The Peacekeepers drop Cord, who falls to the ground and stays there, and surround the volunteer, guiding him up on to stage, next to Velvet.

"Now, what is your name?" Avita rushes over to the new tributes with her microphone.

"Rayon Toreau." He mutters, almost under his breath.

Velvet looks to her side to get a better look at Rayon.

The first thing she notices is the vague residue of tears under his eyes. And while his face seems tough, she can also see the faint quivering of his bottom lip.

His hair is a caramel color and it looks freshly cut, his mother had probably trimmed it this morning in preparation for the Reaping. The niceness of his hair doesn't do quite a good enough job to make him appear clean because his clothes are full of patches plus they seem a tad too tight.

"There you have it folks!" Avita cheers, "Your tributes from District 8 for the 70th Hunger games; Velvet Merrow and Rayon Toreau!"

* * *

The mayor closed the ceremony with a few words and then the crow dispersed. And for the first time, Velvet wouldn't be leaving with it.

The tributes were taken into the building behind the stage to say their final goodbyes to their families before departing for the Capitol ].

Velvet stood in an empty room, patiently waiting for her family to walk in. The walls around her seemed to be getting smaller by the second.

She had a plan on what she would say when they walked through that door. There would be worries and tears but she would assure them that she would be coming home. That she would win for her siblings, and when she came back they would be rich and get to live in a big house.

Her parents wouldn't believe her but maybe it would instill some hope in her kid siblings, so they wouldn't miss her too much.


The four Merrows made their way over to Velvet, taking turns to give her a hug.

All of them looked like they had cried, which was slightly comforting.

"Promise me you'll try to win?" Salix, her twelve-year-old brother whispered.

"Of course buddy," Velvet choked on her words, "I'll be back in no time."

After a few minutes of empty promises and last glances, her mother took her siblings out of the room to give her father a moment for serious talk.

"You gotta try, honey." He started holding her hands, "You're stronger than you think, and a few days of training is all you need to get good with some weapons. Plus you're smart okay, most of the kids don't know anything besides combat, which is good to know but when it comes down to surviving in an arena, you gotta know more. And you do. Velvet you can win this if you don't give up too early."

He takes a moment to swallow some tears.

"Please." Tears are now trickling down his cheeks, "Don't give up."

"Dad..." No other words could leave her mouth, they got stuck in her throat.

They take one more minute to converse silently, with their eyes, before he is dragged out of the room and Velvet is put on a train.

As the train left the station, she took one last look at her home, it hadn't been much, but it had been enough for her.

AUTHORS NOTE: hi. oop. i wrote the last scene while listening to pheobe bridgers, can you tell? anyways this was pretty hype, right?? lol. this chapter was a little shorter than i wanted, but trust, the next ones will be longer.

how do we like the characters? bc i love like every single one.

next chapter we get to know them better PLUS meet their mentor... and that's pretty hype.

i also just finished school and finals are almost over so there will hopefully be another chapter not too long from now bc i have no social life and when schools not happening im on wattpad way too much.

ok bye! please don't be a ghost reader and share !! bc i need attention !!

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