vi. melpomene pitt

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𓇢𓆸  melpomene blythe pitt

name analysis.
𓇢𓆸  melpomene   "to celebrate with dance and song"
𓇢𓆸  blythe   "cheerful, happy"
𓇢𓆸  pitt   "hollow"

name pronunciation.
𓇢𓆸 melpomene "mel • paa • muh • nee"
𓇢𓆸 blythe "bly th"
𓇢𓆸 pitt "pit"

𓇢𓆸 mel

𓇢𓆸 professor pitt – professional title

𓇢𓆸  seventeen years

date of birth.
𓇢𓆸 june 2nd, 1960

place of birth.
𓇢𓆸 hereford, england

date of death.
𓇢𓆸 not available.

cause of death.
𓇢𓆸 not available.

𓇢𓆸  human, witch

blood status.
𓇢𓆸  half-blood

hogwarts year.
𓇢𓆸  seventh year

hogwarts house.
𓇢𓆸  slytherin

𓇢𓆸 cisgender female

sexual orientation.
𓇢𓆸  bisexual

𓇢𓆸  she/her


𓇢𓆸 savannah lee smith

eye color.
𓇢𓆸  dark brown

hair color.
𓇢𓆸  mel's hair is usually braided, and some variation of dark brown– however, she had experimented with blonde and red before.

𓇢𓆸  five foot seven inches (170 cm)

𓇢𓆸  one hundred and twenty five pounds (57 kg)

significant marks or scars.
𓇢𓆸  not available.

𓇢𓆸 lou has her ears single pierced on both sides.

𓇢𓆸  not available.

𓇢𓆸  aspen, dragon heartstring, ten inches and pliable.

𓇢𓆸  mel's patronus is a bloodhound, which fits well with her loyal, yet unassuming nature.

𓇢𓆸  west midlands british.

𓇢𓆸 mel's wardrobe is rather consistent between settings– either her slytherin robes, or an everyday outfit. her normal wardrobe outside of school consists of long sleeve shirts, skirts, tights, and jackets. she loves a nicely put together outfit, and often times is labeled as "extravagant" or a "try-hard" when it comes to clothing. her favorite color is green (luckily enough for her house), so she often dons green, as well as white, black, brown, and sometimes purple.


𓇢𓆸  student of hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
𓇢𓆸  future professor of ancient runes/charms

𓇢𓆸 hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry – not only did mel attend hogwarts as a slytherin, but she also returned a few years later as "professor pitt" as the new professor of ancient runes. she later took up professor flitwick's position after the battle of hogwarts as the head of charms.
𓇢𓆸 the marauders – the primary/secondary group of mel's friends. other friends include dorcas meadows, marlene mckinnon, and few slytherin girls.

𓇢𓆸 mel is a sarcastic girl, with a proclivity for getting herself in trouble with her sharp mouth. she often come off as blunt or cold, but she has a true heart and an indescribable loyalty to her friends. she is not the kind of person to give up easily, and will always find a solution to a problem, regardless of boundaries or the feelings of others. she is known to be assertive, with a drive to win– as long as this winning doesn't come at the cost of her friendships.

𓇢𓆸 autumn, hanging out in the courtyard or by the black lake (instead of going to class), coordinated outfits, her cat, charms lessons, winning at everything, peppermint candy, playing quidditch (despite her preppy appearance, she can get dirty on the quidditch pitch), etc...

𓇢𓆸 the wintertime, history of magic, losing (specifically at quidditch), being labeled as mean because of her house/prejudice against her house, holiday breaks and being around her family for too long, etc...

𓇢𓆸  mel has a fear of disappointment, specifically disappointing her family.
𓇢𓆸 in her younger years, her boggart appeared as nothing more than her angry family members, her mother scolding her for being insignificant, her father yelling about her apparently fall from blood purity.
𓇢𓆸 as she grew older, her boggart changed with her. disappointment she still feared, yes, but in a different form. most times her boggart would take the form of a ghostly dark mark floating in air– other times a large hissing snake appears– both representing her fear of disappointing her parents through following in their footsteps.
𓇢𓆸 when the riddikulus charm is cast, something happy takes place of her original fear. her parents sing and dance instead of scold, the smoky dark mark turns into fireworks, and the giant snake that haunts her dreams turns into a cartoony sock puppet.

𓇢𓆸  mel was born to a rich, pureblood family, in hereford england. her father, ptolemus pitt, was the descdant of a most righteous pureblood family– the pitts. known for being cruel and ruling with iron fists, the pitts were not messed with within the wizarding community, and highly respected by blood supremacists. unfortunately, the most the pitts every really had to their name was bad luck. despite still being wealthy, mel's family dealt with what they considered "hardship", including two wayward daughters, a curse to the pitt family business, and eventually, the biggest scandal to their sacred bloodline. mel and her sister calliope began going to school ag hogwarts at eleven, like many wizarding children, and were sorted into gryffindor. both girls were quiet and malleable under their parent's regime, but mel could never be perfect enough for them. callie being the youngest go much of the special treatment, having better grades and bending more easily to their father's whim. mel on the other hand was outspoken, and began questioning her father's tactics more and more as she got older. she feared two horrible outcomes to her boldness– either she be outcast from the family, or perhaps worse, she be forced to partake in the growing dark lord's inner circle. just when it seemed the latter of the two options might come true, tragedy (or a stroke of luck, in mel's case) struck. somehow, it was revealed that the pitt's weren't all they were cracked out to be. in fact, ptolemus pitt was the child of a love affair between his pureblood mother and a muggle man. his parents had knowingly kept the ruse up for years, and hidden away the affair. mel finally felt free from her father's grasp, but at the risk either being ousted by society, or far worse by the dark lord's means. soon after the scandal, mel's father fled the country, perhaps saving his wife and children from a horrible fate (or saving his own ass).

𓇢𓆸 cressida pitt (née carrow)– mother // 7/10, mel loves her mother quite a bit, but she worries severely what her mother thinks of her. mel worries specifically that her mother
𓇢𓆸 ptolemus pitt– father // 5/10, mel's father is a bit of a drunk, a bit of an aggressor. once from one of the prestigious families in britain, he doesn't stand for any sullying of their name– even at the expense of ousting his own daughters (despite being a half-blood himself and lying through his teeth).
𓇢𓆸 calliope pitt – younger sister // 9/10, callie and mel have been best friends since they were born, and share everything with each other. unfortunately, callie and mel had different views on family matters, which put a wrench in their relationship.

𓇢𓆸 dorcas meadows – 8/10, dorcas and mel were fast friends. dorcas was the first to show kindness to mel. she was also her first friend outside of gryffindor, and not of blood purity.
𓇢𓆸 marlene mckinnon – 6/10, marlene and mel had a rough start, especially because marlene believed mel was stuck up, but they later put aside their differences.
𓇢𓆸 lily evans – 8/10, like dorcas, lily was extremely kind in a time where mel needed it most. they became fast friends as a result.
𓇢𓆸  james potter – 7/10, james originally labeled mel as just another slytherin, a rotten apple like 5e rest. despite this, james was able to see past his initial label, and instead look at mel through the eyes of a friend, then eventually as someone who loved her.
𓇢𓆸  remus lupin – 9/10, mel likes remus because he's quiet and sweet, and always has a nice word about everyone around him. she also likes how snarky he can be.
𓇢𓆸  sirius black – 7/10, sirius and mel are more alike than they want to admit. both come from pureblood families with similar backgrounds, and come second to the "golden child" within the familial rank. sirius resented mel for staying in the life, and being a coward,  it couldn't help but admit they were too similar not to be friends.
𓇢𓆸  peter pettigrew – 5/10, mel doesn't dislike peter, she thinks he's nice, but quiet, and hasn't gotten much time to get to know him.

past relationships.
𓇢𓆸 evan rosier – 5/10 evan and mel never really liked each other. the dated only to please their families, or more in mel's case, to fool her family into thinking she fell in line with their beliefs. they called it quits relatively soon, as it wasn't anything serious.
𓇢𓆸 james potter – 9/10, being with james was one of the first times mel felt loved. she loved James more than anything, but feeling appreciated and respected for the first time outside of her blood purity or whatever else, was worth more than anything else.

love interest.
𓇢𓆸 james potter

relationship with love interest.
𓇢𓆸  at first, james and mel couldn't really stand to be around each other. the differences in their families and their backgrounds caused too much of a divide between them, and they didn't get along much until much later into their schooling at hogwarts. a few years in, and some mutual friends later, they grew a bit closer, and were able to get to know each other a bit better.
𓇢𓆸 in their sixth year, james asked mel out, much to the school's shock. for once mel didn't care about who she was or what everyone thought of her, just focused on her own happiness for once in her life.

additional information.
𓇢𓆸 mel plays a chaser on the slytherin quidditch team, and has since her fourth year.
𓇢𓆸  mel has a black cat named clio, a descendant of the pitt family cat.
𓇢𓆸  much of her father's scandal still follows her around. without his "betrayal", mel worries she might have been forced to become part of the dark lord's inner circle.


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