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It was early morning when Shivaay's sleep broke. He looked at Anika who was sleeping peacefully in his arms. He gently caressed her cheeks and pecked her forehead.

He turned to look at the clock and it was 5 o'clock. He gently made Anika lie down on the bed and got down from the bed and went to freshen up.

He went to the kitchen and filled the water tank and started preparing breakfast. Today was a big day for them as Shivaay and Anika were about to meet a client.

Shivaay was preparing tea when Anika came out of the bedroom, all dressed up.

She looked at Shivaay who was preparing breakfast. She then looked at the water tank which was filled to the brim. She looked at Shivaay with proud smile. Shivaay noticed her expression and chuckled.

A- Good morning. I see you did all my work.

S- Yes. Didn't want to wake you up from your peaceful sleep.

Anika smiled at him.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

S- It must be the newspaper delivery man. Do one thing, pour this tea in the cup and I'll get the newspaper.

Anika nodded with a smile. She switched off the tea pan and started serving the tea while Shivaay left to take the newspaper.

As the newspaper delivery man threw the paper, Shivaay catched it with a proud smile and the newspaper man chuckled remembering the last time when it hit Shivaay's head.

S- Thank you.

The man nodded and left.

Shivaay settled down on the couch and opened the newspaper and his smile vanished.


According to our sources, Omkara Singh Oberoi stepped up as the new CEO of Oberoi Industries. This position was formerly held by Shivaay Singh Oberoi but after he got disowned, his brother was happy to keep the position. According to Omkara Singh Oberoi's latest interview, he said he is quite happy about this new position and won't let down his family name like his brother, Shivaay Singh Oberoi. It seems that finally money got in between two brothers. Shivaay Singh Oberoi has still not made his presence known to the world.

Anika kept the tea cups on the table.

A- Here's the tea.

She was about to give him the cup when she noticed his pale face after looking at the newspaper.

She kept the cup on the table and sat beside him.

A- What happened, Shivaay?

Shivaay's eyes glistened with tears and he passed the newspaper to her. Anika read the article and looked at Shivaay who was controlling his tears. Shivaay didn't feel bad because his brother took over his position but he felt bad when he read that his brother said that omkara won't let their family name down like him.

Anika hugged Shivaay and her heart broke when Shivaay's tear fell on her shoulder. Tears started making their way through Anika's eyes.

A- Everything will be fine, Shivaay. Time heals every wound.

She said while rubbing his back to calm him down. Shivaay broke the hug and looked at Anika.

S- I don't know where did I went wrong that they hate me so much? I know that I did wrong with you but still you forgave me. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness after everything I did to you but I don't think I deserve their hate as well.

Shivaay sobbed in his palms.

Anika wrapped her arms around his waist.

A- I don't know what to say to sooth you but all I can say is that they're committing a big mistake by losing their father figure like you and I'm sure they'll realise it soon.

Anika said while crying and Shivaay looked at her. He immediately wiped her tears.

S- look I made you cry as well. I'm such a worst person.

Anika glared at him and wiped his tears.

A- Don't ever call my husband, a worst person otherwise...

Shivaay looked at her with a smirk.

S- Otherwise?

A- Otherwise I'll make you eat my handmade burnt food for a week.

Anika said with a smirk and Shivaay's eyes widened in shock.

S- Okay. I'm sorry.

A- Good for you.

Anika and Shivaay both burst into laughter.

A- Look the tea got cold. I'll go and heat it up.

Shivaay nodded his head.

Soon they had their breakfast and left to meet their first client.

Anika locked the house and stopped an autorikshaw. They settled down in the autorikshaw. Shivaay was a bit uncomfortable and Anika noticed it. She gently held his hand and he smiled at her.

Soon they reached their destination.

It was a big bungalow and Shivaay & Anika entered the bungalow. They rang the doorbell and soon the door opened.

They were shocked to see the person in front of them.

S/A- Tia

Hello everyone.🤗🤗

Here you go with the next chapter.😁😁

How was it?😊😊

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