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Ricky's pov

I did this to him. I made him cry. I hurt him. Maybe if Balz didn't find me then I would be dead. Then this wouldn't have happened. I sat in the bathroom with a razor blade resting on my already mangled thigh. I could end it right now. I could stop being such a dissapointment. I picked up the blade and held it in my fist. I squeezed my hand closed until I could feel my hand seeping with pain and blood. Did I really want to do this? Fuck why was I questioning myself. I pulled the razor out of my hand and started pressing it against my thigh. All I had to do was pull it across but I couldn't. A single second later Chris broke into the bathroom.

I jumped up from the ground and threw my arms around him.
"Chris please help me" I whispered into his shoulder between sobs.
"Darling let's clean you up and then we can talk." I simply nodded in response as he grabbed gauze, medical tape, and rubbing alcohol from the cabinet.
"Baby...what are these pills." Damn I forgot about those.
"Oh well they're...uh... antidepressants....I really forgot about those. I don't use this bathroom a lot and when I do I don't go in the cabinets. I don't remember when they prescribed those to me" I ranted.
"Okay well you can stop rambling. Don't be nervous. We're going to get you back on it. It'll be okay." He said calmly. I nodded in response. He began to wipe my palm down with a damp paper towel, squeezing really hard. I whimpered and gasped lightly as my fingers started to feel numb. He checked my hand ocassionally, and when the bleeding stopped he soaked the paper towel with the rubbing alcohol. I hissed lightly as the burning set in. Tears were on the brink of flowing.
"It'll be over in 5. 4. 3. 2. 1." Chris said as he released pressure. He quickly wrapped my hand and dropped it to my side and threw my arms around me.

Chris grabbed the pills off the counter and looked at the label.
"Okay this says once a day. How about you take it now or before the party." He questioned. I nodded my head and he opened the bottle and put a pill in my undamaged hand. I swallowed the pill dry and cringed.
"Let's go get dressed and stuff for the party later." He said as he leaned down and kissed me
"Okay" I mumbled. And with that he scooped me up and held me to his chest. He tossed me back onto my bed and grabbed a black shirt from my overflowing closet. He picked a pair of skinny jeans up off the dresser and tossed them at me. He grabbed boxers out of a drawer and held them up.
"You gonna need help getting dressed?" He said with a smirk on his face.
"Nah I think I can handle it." I said pulling the boxers out of his hand. Chris flopped onto my bed as I stood up and started to strip.
"Ahhemmm" he scoffed.
"What you like this." I sassed
"No but if you tease me one more time then you're going to have to finish the job." Chris said smirking his little flirty ass off.

My face went red with embarrassment and I quickly pulled on my boxers and skinny jeans, leaving me shirtless. "Okay now help me pull this over my head" I stated as I started to pull the shirt on. Of course Chris didn't get up and help me so I looked like a fetus turtle as I tried to pull the shirt down. "CHRIS YOU BASTARD HELP ME OR I WONT LET YOU STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "No need to be cruel and unusual" he scoffed.

After I was fully dressed, Chris threw on a Marilyn Manson shirt and a pair of tastefully ripped gray jeans. He changed his plugs to a pair of small black silicon tunnels and was currently working on his makeup as I was blow drying my hair out. "CHRISSS" I whined "CAN I STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR" I yelled over the blow drier. He nodded his head as he finished drawing one of his perfect eyebrows. I made him sit on the floor as I carefully brushed his black long hair out and got to work on making it straight. After 10-ish minutes, my arms were tired and Chris's hair was straighter than me, so I deemed it as good enough. He stood up, taking my face in his hands and began to outline my eyes with a black pencil. Finally he rubbed black eye shadow all over my eye lids. "Okay now don't rub your eyes unless you want to look 100% like a raccoon" he laughed. I nodded and stood up on the edge of the bath tub so I could kiss him. He wrapped his arms around my waste and picked me up so that for a moment I was taller than him. "NOOOOO I want a kiss" I complained as he lowered me onto the floor. "Could have just asked" he murmured as he tilted my head up. We stood there like that for god knows how long, enjoying our peaceful innocent kiss. It was perfect. It wasn't lust filled, it wasn't awkward, it wasn't forceful, it was perfect. My phone interrupted our perfect moment with its violent vibrating.

"Hey. You and Chris coming over soon. Ghost and Ryan are already here and Juliet texted me that she will be here any minute." Balz spewed out with no stopping. "Yeah dude. Just finished getting ready. We're on our way." I said into my phone as I hung up. I grabbed Chris's hand and he questioned me as we ran out of the bathroom to grab our shoes. We ran down the stairs and out my back door. We ran though the neighbor back yard and onto Balz's deck. We made it through the back door just in time to see Juliet pulling up, through the window. Balz, Ghost, and Ryan were all sitting on the couch, staring at Chris and I as we panted. "What happened to your hand" Ryan said, while standing up. I completely forgot, "Uh I dropped a glass cup on the counter top and Ricky went to pick it up and he got glass in his hand." Chris lied, looking down at me. I nodded my head in agreement as Juliet opened the front door. "You guys ready to meet Black Veil Brides" she said motioning to the door. All of us nodded our heads and we filled out into the car. I ended up sitting on Chris's lap through out the car ride and we finally made it to Juliet's house to see a tour van sitting in her front lawn. "You didn't say they're that famous." i mumbled under my breath as I got out of the car. Tonight would be interesting.

Thanks guys for reading. I know that the chapters have been getting shorter and shittier. I hope you like it though. Ill try to update more often. Thanks, Mamadestroya signing off.

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