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Chris's pov

I couldn't do it. I knew it was wrong but I wanted him so bad. I wanted him to be mine. I wanted him to feel comfortable enough to do that.

I was standing outside my house contomplating whether or not I should go inside. What would my mom and dad think of me if the found out. What would Ghost think of me. I walked inside with a fake smile plastered across my face. My eyes fell to the couch where Ghost was laying on his back. Balz was kneeling beside him as he pushed the hair out of his bloodied face.

Balz turned to me, then stood up and grabbed me, throwing me against the wall, all in one motion.
"How could you not protect your brother?" Balz said with rage.
"Joshua drop him" my step mom, thankfully, said.
"Chris your one job was to protect Ghost. I thought I could trust you with my baby." She said disprovingly as she placed a bag of ice on Ghosts torso.
"Maybe if he wasn't so busy with his little gay fuckin-" Balz spit with rage as my mom cut him off.
"Language" she snapped
"Fine. His little gay sex fest." He said with venom.
"CHRIS DID WHAT" my mom half screamed. I quickly walked to my room, not in the mood to hear them. I slammed the door and sat on the floor with my head in my hands.

"Chris open the door. We actually have to talk" I heard Balz say, with a bit of remorse in his voice. I didnt move from my position and Balz cracked the door open slightly.
"I'm sorry for getting mad. I care about Ghost a lot. You just failed him. You were supposed to protect him. You forgot about him all for a guy you barely know"
"Balz shut the fuck up. I know what I did. I have other problems in my life right now. If that's all you're going to say then just get the hell-" he cut me off.
"No. Listen. Ghost and I were at the mall, and some people followed him into the bathroom and almost killed him. He probably has several broken ribs and punctured lungs. Bros before hoes. In this case Ricky is your hoe. You need to pay more attention to your brother." He said as he squatted down to my level.
"I know. I'm sorry. Ricky and I are taking a break. Andy brought Ricky to Ahren's house. He hates me. I drove him away from his own house." I said as if the life was being drained out of me.
"Andy as in tall emo singer?" Balz questioned. I nodded lightly.
"Ahren as in neck tattoo?" I nodded again.
" I have both their numbers. I'll ask about Ricky." He said as he pulled out his phone. Soon I heard a quiet beep and Balz pulled out his phone again.
"Ahren said the Ricky fell asleep and had a nightmare about you. He also said that Ricky feels unsafe because of the whole rape thing. WAIT that says RAPE." Balz yelled.
"Yeah quiet down." I said as I stood up.
"What the fuck. You can't go around raping people." He raised his voice again.
"I didnt have sex with him. We were in the shower and I wanted to and he didn't want to. I let him go. I didn't force him." I said, stuttering a few times.
"Thank god." Balz said with a huff.

Balz's phone went off again and waited for him to speak.
"Ahren said it would be a good idea to stay away from him. He said you you could you could call him and talk on the phone but Ricky is asleep right now." I nodded.
"What's his number" I asked as I pulled out my phone. He listed off the numbers then I hit the small green button.

"Hello?" Ahren said with his Australian accent.
"Hi...it's uh Chris...." I said, looking to Balz for reinsurance.
"Oh. Ricky's asleep. You know you broke him. You fucked him up." He stated blankly.
"I know. I fucked it up. I'm not stupid. I didn't mean t-" he stopped me mid sentence.
"No. There's no way that you can, not mean to almost rape someone" he with venom. I was speechless
"You were in full control over your body. You could've stopped. You didn't." Ahren spit out.
"Ahren. I-" I could tell that he was seething with rage.
"NO. Just fucking stay away from him." He said before hanging up.

I sat there for a minute like a statue.
"I've lost him. I fucked it all up." I muttered before collapsing into Balz's arms.
"Shshsh. Don't worry about it. He needs you just as much as you need him. He'll come around." Balz whispered in my ear. I held myself together long enough to make it to the bathroom. As soon as I slammed the door, I slumped to the floor.
"Hey Chrisy..." I heard Balz knock on the door
"Can I come in..." he murmured.
"Y-yeah one sec-cond" I stuttered as I stood up. My vision was blurred around the edges and black spots were flashing around me. I opened up the cabinet and pulled out a couple of bottles of pills. Two of them for pain. Another for sleep. I uncapped the first and poured a few into my hand. I swallowed them one at a time, dry. I repeated the steps until I was dizzy and my stomach was aching. I opened the door quickly to find Balz standing with his back to me.
"Good you're out" he said as he took a quick glance behind me. At least the bathroom wasn't covered in blood or something.
"No no no christ Chris. Go vomit or I'm bring you to the hospital." I pushed past him and stumbled to my bedroom. I collapsed on my bed as my eyes fluttered open and closed. I could feel Balz shaking my shoulder but it felt more like I was being poked by a million needles. He lifted my head up off my pillow and I felt as if I was swimming through molasses. My eyes closed for a final time and the ring in my ears climaxed before fading completely.

Woohoo a slightly better chapter. Sorry it took so long for this to be published. The more you guys vote for this story and read, the sooner updates will come because I know people are actually reading this. Thanks. So long and goodnight, mamadestroya signing off.

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