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Frank's pov

"Hi. I'm Elizabeth. You can call me Eli. I like your hair." A little girl said as she pointed to the red sided of my head.
"Hi. I'm Frank Anthony Thomas Iero Junior. You can call me Frankie. I like your hair too. Do you want to color with me" I said and Eli nodded and sat down next to me. She didn't pick up a marker, but pushed her nose up lightly. I imitated her and she giggled.
"What color do you want?" I asked
"Can you color this one blue" Eli said as she leaned over my lap.
"Of course. Here sit in my lap." I said and she crawled onto me like a dog in a bed.

"And this one red" She said.
"You really like red don't you." I said as I grabbed the marker.
"Mmhmm." She nodded
"You would like my boyfriend. His hair is bright red too.
"You have a boyfriend!" She exclaimed.
"Yes I do. His name is Gerard and he's very nice. Is there anyone you like" I said as I put the red marker down.
"I didnt know that guys could have boyfriends." She said, veering the topic away from the question.
"You can like who ever you want. All that matters is that they're nice." I said as I wrapped my arms around Eli.

We sat there watching Finding Nemo until it ended.
"Can we watch another movie Frankie?" Eli said innocently.
"Of course what movie!?" I asked as I stood up to look at the other DVD'S.
"NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS" she screamed and ran over grabbing the disk out of my hand.
"You like that movie?" I questioned as I poped Finding Nemo out of the TV. She nodded.
"My favorite character is Sally." She stated proudly.
"I like Zero. The Ghost dog. Why do you like Sally?" I asked as the starting credits rolled.
"She's beautiful. Her skins weird and she looks dirty but her insides are beautiful." She whispered.
"You're an amazing little girl. Can you sit in this beanbag for a second. I just have to go to the bathroom" she nodded and I left the room.

A large group of people were flowing out of a hallway and I saw Doctor McKinnon all the way in the back with Chris next to him. Thank god they're both so tall. I squirmed through the crowd until I was practically getting run over by my human skyscraper of a friend.
"Hey doctor McKinnon can we talk for a second?" He nodded and we walked down another hall into his office. I sat down in one of the chairs and stared at the album covers on the walls.

"Frank?" He asked as he snapped in front of my face.
"Sorry yeah. Eli. Tell me as much as you can about her." I practically demanded.
"Elizabeth? She let's you call her Eli?" Jeremy said, stunned. I nodded.
"Wow okay. Well she was abused by her dad. Her mom left. She doesn't let anyone call her Eli. She doesn't like most men. She's 7 years old. She's technically a foster kid but she also needs therapy." Jeremy said as he threw some papers around on his desk.
"Can she be adopted?" I stated as I crossed my legs.
"Frank you just tried to kill yourself. I don't think you should be taking care of a child. You're only 17 too."
"Jeremy. I care about her. She would be a reason to live. It would be Gerard and I. I turn 18 in a few months." I practically spat at him.
"When you get out of here you can talk to the agency. Now please leave. I have to get ready for a therapy session with Chris and Ricky. If you see either of them, then please send them here." Jeremy said as he dismissed me.

I walked back to the lounge room to see Chris carrying Eli on his shoulders. He walked up to the TV and Eli leaned forward a placed a kiss on the animated Sally.
"Hey Chris and Ricky.... Jeremy wants you."
"Okay Lil jelly bean, lean back I got you." Ricky coaxed Eli on as he pulled her down.
"We will be back soon don't worry." Chris said as he squatted down to Eli's eye level.
"And I'll be back to tuck you into bed." Ricky said as if he was her father. She nodded and pushed her nose up again. They both planted kisses on her head and walked away.

"Hey little buddy. What do you want to do now?" I asked as I poked her cheeks. She motioned for me to come down to her level, so I bent down and scooped her up, so she was standing on my hip. She giggled lightly.
"What are these holes from?" She asked as she poked my lip and nose.
"Their from piercings. Chris and Ricky have the-" she cut me off
"FRANKIEEEE I want piercings too."
"Where do you want them?" I asked as I sat us down where we were previously coloring.
"Right here and here." She said as she pointed to her dimples. I chuckled and she smiled.
"How about you get your ears pierced first sweetheart." She nodded her heard virgirously and I laughed again.
"I have an idea. Grab me one of those black markers." I said and she ran to grab one.
"Close your eyes for a second darling." I said as I swept my finger tips over her eye lids. She obeyed and I uncapped the marker.

After I drew on two basic ear studs I carried her to the bathroom so she could see.
"Yay. Can you draw them here too" she said as she pointed to her dimples again. I nodded and held her head still and drew them on. She looked in the mirror and smiled.
"I like them. Can you draw pretty pictures on my skin like yours?" She said as she poked my neck tattoo.
"Of course! Let's go back to the lounge in case someone needs to use the bathroom though." She nodded and I swooped her up, and carried her out of the room on my back.

"What else" I asked.
"An alien" she almost screamed. I nodded and got to work, drawing on her other hand. We sat there drawing for over an hour, and then she wanted to draw on me.
"What are you drawing now?" I asked as she dragged the marker along my neck.
"I'm drawing an alien on you two so we can be twins."
"You really love aliens. Don't you?"
"Well if some people believe in a magic man in the clouds then I can believe in life on Pluto." Damn this kids a smart atheist.
"True. True" I said and she got back to drawing.

I really hope you guys aren't expecting an amazing story out of me. Go read every single fanfic before you read this one. Mama destroya signing off

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