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Chris's pov

I fell asleep instantly but slowly woke up to Eli bouncing on me. She was yelling loudly.
"CHRIS. FRANK LEFT ME!" She repeated over and over.
"It's okay. We'll find him. Don't worry." I mumbled out as I slowly rose out of my nest. I picked her up and she started to pound on my chest.
"Stop it I'm bringing you to Frank's room." I said as I walked across the hall with her. Within a few seconds we were standing next to the midget.
"See here he is." I stated as I dropped her down onto his bed. She started jumping on him.
"WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!" She screamed.
"Hey baby girl. I just came to change but then I fell asleep. I swear I would never really leave you. I love you. Now lay down." He ordered. I left the room quietly as Eli snuggled into Frank and fell asleep.

I walked until I was in the dining room. Kuza was standing up and looking for someone. As soon as he saw me he practically ran over. He waved to me and took my hand again. 'HOW ARE YOU?' was written in the iconic font.
"I'm good. How about you?" I asked out loud. 'IM FINE AFTER, CAN WE GO TO YOUR ROOM' was left written on my hand.
"Yeah come with me though. I want blueberries." I said as I flipped our hands around so I was holding his wrist.

I ate half a bowl of blueberries and Kuza filled both my hands with scribbles. Jeremy was back so I took Kuza by the hand and dragged him over.
"Can I go back to my room?" I asked. Kuza kept trying to pull away from me.
"Yeah.." he said with our looking up. Just as I was about to cross through the doorway, he turned around.
"Wait Michael. You're supposed to be in therapy right now." Kuza looked panicked and he grabbed Jeremy's hand. He wrote something very small that I couldn't read. Jeremy just sighed and waved us off. Kuza took my hand and pulled me out of the room.

Kuza and I were sitting in my room, listening to music on his phone. He played everything from misfits to obscure bands that he saw in clubs. He started to write and draw on my wall in sharpie. The wall might as well have been painted black. It was covered in the infamous font and scribbled doodles.
"How do you keep yourself from talking?" I asked. Kuza moved over a bit so he had a clean area on the wall to write. 'I HAVEN'T TALKED IN SO LONG THAT IT WOULD TAKE MORE EFFORT TO USE MY VOICE THAN IT IS TO WRITE'
"Ahh maybe you should talk sometime." To this notion he just shook his head.
"Why not? I bet your voice is totally hot." I laughed out. 'I'LL TELL YOU AT SOME POINT. YEAH 4 YEARS OF NOT SPEAKING WOULD MAKE SUCH A SEXY NOISE.' He wrote quickly on the wall. He turned to me and rolled his eyes. I laughed a little.
"True. Maybe instead of sounding like Morgan Freeman you would sound like a whale with its mouth sewed shut." Kuza smirked and exhaled loudly out of his nose.

He regained his composure quickly and began to write again. 'I SHOULD GO BACK TO MY ROOM. WALK WITH ME?' was the new set of words on my wall.
"Yeah of course. Let's go." I said. Kuza stood up quickly and began to loose his balance. I put an arm around his waist to hold him up.
"You okay?" I asked as he blinked vigorously. He nodded and gave me a thumbs up. Kuza's hair was pulled away from his face and I could see his ears. They were super stretched and hanging around the top part of his ear. He noticed my staring and pulled his ears down. They were half way to his collar bone.
"Damn." I whispered. He nodded and returned the lobes to their previous position. We walked down the hall way with my arms around his waist. His chin was on my right shoulder, his arms draped around my neck.

We made it to his room without bumping into anyone. Kuza took my hand and pulled me into his room. The door slammed shut behind us and I turned to see the locking system slam shut. Kuza walked to the door and pushed a little key into the small hole. He turned it and the whole system undid itself.
"What was that about?" I asked out loud. He turned to the closest wall and scribbled down 'DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT.' Those words almost scared me. I glanced around his room and wasn't surprised. The walls were covered in black ink and scribbled out drawings. Kuza saw me trying to depict the scribbles and stepped in front of my view. He took my hand and pulled me onto his pile of pillows and blankets. 'SORRY ABOUT THE MESS.' He quickly jotted down on the wall.
"It's okay. What are all the blacked out drawings?" I asked as I pointed behind him. 'THE REASON I'M IN HERE' he wrote before dropping his gaze to his shaking hands in his lap.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. You can talk to me though if you want." I said. Kuza looked up slightly. He opened his mouth into a slight smile, and I could see his bleached teeth.
"Are you okay? I mean you just actually smiled!" I sarcastically scoffed. 'IM FINE' was the next thing scribbled on the wall. He lifted his head up and showed a huge smile.
"Woah..." I paused as I saw the pointed teeth. They were all sharpened into small triangles. He opened his mouth all the way and I reached in, poking the tip of the incisor. They were awfully sharp for teeth.
"You did this?" I asked as I took my hand out of his mouth. He nodded proudly. Wow well....let's hope he doesn't bite out my throat or something.

YAYYYYYYYY KUZAAAAAA. Raise your hand if you want more updates. Just kidding don't raise your hand. Just poke out your eyes so you can spare yourself from this piece of shit story. Mama destroya signing off.

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