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Ghost's pov

Ricky picked me up from my art class and showed me to science class. Only study hall and English class left and then we get to go pick up Chris. Ugh I can not wait for this day to be over. Everyone was staring at me after Balz' little stunt he pulled. I honestly enjoyed the kiss and the declaration of love but the attention was something I was not enjoying.

The old cranky science teacher stared at me like I was a piece of trash through at the whole class. She didn't accept Ghost as my name so she went through the whole new student list, trying to find my name. Of course she was ignorant and thought I was actually a girl. The only new student on her attendance sheet was 'Devin' but
"No your name can't be Devin. You're a girl." Was her response. Fuck old people and ignorant bitches.

Study hall was run by some incredible young guy. He looked like he was still in high school. His hair was short on the sides and long on the top. He had his ears pierced with diamond studs in.  He wore a pair of tight yet ripped black jeans and a black button down with the sleeves rolled. His pants were sagging slightly and his shirt was untucked. He was tall and lanky with the the bone structure of Andy. This teacher obviously didn't care what we did because he didn't even notice me walk in. He sat in the spinning chairing his feet up on the desk. He was scrolling through his phone. His phone binged a few times in a row and I could see a tear or two roll down his sharp features. No one but me noticed. Ricky was asleep in his seat, everyone else was talking. I stood up and strutted over the unnamed man. He was rubbing his eyes lightly. I sat on the desk in front of him and put a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and flipped to the professional side.
"Can I help you?" He asked as if nothing had happened.
"Come with me." I stated. I stood up and he followed after me.

We stood in the hall for a second before another tear fell from his eye. I took a step towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled his head into my shoulder.
"What's wrong?" I whispered into the top of his head as tears fell onto my black top.
"My brother was in a car accident. My parents are at the hospital right now." He stammered as he pulled away from me.
"Go to him. The blocks almost over anyways. The administration will understand." I soothed. He nodded his head and started to walk away.
"What's your name?" He said as he turned back towards me.
"Ghost" I stuttered before he turned back around and broke into a run.

"Hi Mrs.Frost." Ricky said as he pulled me into the English room. Since we showed up late again, all the beady fuck boy eyes were on me.
"Well hello Richard." She said in her old crinkly voice. She looked old but kind. Almost like a grandma. Her smile was young, but her hair was a silvery white. Absolutely beautiful for a older woman.
"This is your new student I have here. His name is Ghost." Ricky said proudly. I waved slightly.
"Hi Ghost. Do you have a more formal name that I could call you by?" She asked politely as she shook my hand.
"Ghustopher." I said with a small chuckle. Her mouth dropped open.
"You're actual name is Ghost?" She said as she covered her mouth with her hands
"No. It's a long story" Ricky said with a bit of a laugh.
"Oh okay. You scared me." Mrs. Frost laughed and returned to her desk. She scribbled a pass out for Ricky and handed it over.
"Thank you Richard." She waved bye as he exited the room.
"Ghustopher, you can sit in the back next to Victor." She said as he sat in her desk chair. A small Hispanic boy raised his hand in the back of the classroom. I strutted down the row, causing a few guys to turn and watch my back end swinging wide.

"I'm Vic." The boy introduced himself with a charming smile.
"Ghost." I responded quietly before a low class slut tapped his arm.
"Hey Vicky. Can we hang out after school?" She asked as she pushed her chest more towards him.
"No." He responded with no hesitation. He scooted his desk closer to me and smiled.
"Okay Ghost, do you already have a book you're reading for this quarter?" He asked as he drummed his fingers against the desk top. I nodded and leaned down, grabbing my purse. I pulled the thick Edgar Allen Poe story book out and placed it on the desk.
"Uh you have to be able to finish it within this quarter." He stated.
"I know. I'm a fast reader." I responded as I pulled the book open.

By the end of class I was almost a hundred pages in and Vic was probably zero pages into his book with how much he was staring at me. I went to dog ear the page I was on when Vic tapped my shoulder
"It's not good to fold book pages. Use this instead." He handed me a sticky note with a series of numbers on it.
"Text me whenever" he said as he saw me looking at him in confusion.
"Here" I said as I pulled a pen out of my purse. I took his hand and wrote my number down. He nodded his head just before the bell rung.

Ricky was waiting for me outside the room as I walked out. He put an arm around my waist and whispered into my shoulder,
"I don't like how those guys were looking at you." Sure enough, when I turned around, they all were watching me walk away.
"Hey Ricky, we didn't know you had such game.  Maybe you should step aside though and let us talk to this little girl." One of them said as they sarcastically patted him on the shoulder.
"The only fuck you're ever gonna get is yourself." I said as I grabbed Ricky by the sides of his face and smashed my lips into his.  Thankfully he acted as if this was completely natural.  He pulled away first and flipped off the group of obnoxious guys.  I took his hand and pulled his arm around me, directing his hand to my ass.  When we were far enough away, I turned to him a little bit.
"I am so so so sorry about that." I said as I wiped a little bit of lipstick off his face.
"It's cool. I just hope Balz doesn't kill me for that." He said as he looped his arm around mine and led me through the halls.
"I doubt he'll find out." I assured him.  I mean... how quick can rumors really spread.
"Dude... He was standing on the other side of the hall..." Ricky said as he brought me to the main office.
"Well... Fuck it." I said as I was lead into the air conditioned room.

Ricky walked me out to his mom's car and he helped me into the back seat. My mom was sitting in the passenger's Seat.
"Ready to go get Chris?" Mrs. Olson asked.
"Yup" we both responded as she pulled away from the school.

Okay so it has been decided. I'm going to create a sequel to this book after chapter 50. Woop woop. lexfayy helped me plan the sequel and I can't wait. Ahhh none of you know and it's killing me. Anyway I might take a few days off. I've been under a lot of stress and there's a situation going on in my personal life. Thank you. Mama destorya signing off.

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