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Ricky's pov

Well that's the most anxious I've been in months. I mean a guy I just met, knows about my self harm and smoking.

When Chris and I went back into my house the guys had taken over the entire couch, watching Nightmare Before Christmas intently. There was my fluffy beanbag chair on the floor, so Chris and I sat there. By the time we finished our mini movie marathon, it was midnight and I was drifting in and out of sleep on Chris shoulder. I kept trying to stay awake but I failed every time. I felt it unacceptable to be asleep on my best friend that's a guy and may or may not like me. I didn't want to completely give away the fact that I was into him.

"Uh so there's the guest bed room that two people can sleep in. Someone can sleep in my room. There's also down here. " I murmured rubbing my tired eyes.
"Okay well I'm going to carry Ricky up to his room, so he doesn't trip and fall asleep on the stairs." Chris said proudly, smiling wide. I didn't even have time to object before he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
"CHRISSS ALL THE BLOOD IS IN MY HEAD. PUT ME DOWN." I let out a blood curdling scream.
"No can do." He said, taking the first few steps under his feet. I used my last resort, and hit his ass. To my surprise he didn't flinch or drop me. He chuckled slightly and hit my ass back. I whimpered slightly. Despite the my throbbing head, I could still feel myself getting a boner. My face was as red as elmo. I'm the emo elmo.

Chris finally plopped me down on my bed and curled up behind me. Guess he's sleeping in my bed tonight.... I carefully pulled my sweatshirt and my shirt off, trying not to disturb Chris, who was less than a foot away from me. I gingerly pulled my skinny jeans down, trying not to pull my boxers off with them.

Chris rolled over, throwing his arm over my stomach spooning me. I couldn't tell if he was asleep or not but his hand was dangerously close to my dick.  He stayed there for minutes, not moving a muscle.  I grabbed his sweatshirt sleeve and lifted his arm slightly, swinging it to the side. He stirred and moved around a little and I quickly grabbed my pair of pants and draped them over my junk.

"Ricky you're still awake?" He said, groaning and sitting up.
"Uh yeah. I'm not good at sleeping" I spoke so it was barely audible.
"Okay well uh...I'm going to take off my jeans...If that's cool with you...?" He added the last part hesitantly.
"Yeah its cool" I said, almost instantly his pants were off and pulled his shirt up over his head. He had a few tattoos on his chest. I traced them with my fingers carefully. He stared down and me intently. "Sorry full homo bro" I laughed.

For hours I traced his tattoos, asking him about all of them, we stayed awake for hours and hours. Finally near 3 am, I started to feel sleepy
"Chris I'm gonna get some sleep. See you in the morning" I said as I moved away from him. He moved closer to me until we were just inches apart. "Don't be scared." I flinched as he draped his arm around my side, pulling me into his chest. "Chris why are you doing this" I murmured, barely able to talk or breathe, my face pressed into his chest.
"I can stop if you want" he sounded so dissapointed. He started to pull away.
"No stay. It's cool. I was just...." I paused, looking for the right word. "Confused" I settled for one that didn't foreshadow love. I could feel him nod his head as my eyes closed. I closed my eyes too, waiting for sleep.

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