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Gwen's death was all over the media.

"Can you believe that they could be near campus?"

"No, I'm genuinely shocked. I would've expected the police to have caught them by now," Lilith said as she held onto herself.

Esme and Lilith had been talking for about two hours in the Starbucks about what had occurred yesterday afternoon. Esme had completely forgotten by now why they were there in the first place.

"Hey." August suddenly appeared with an iced tea in his hand. "Did you guys hear about the poor girl's death?"

"Yeah, we were just talking about it." Esme gestured August to sit with them.

"I can't believe that the Providence murderer could be on campus now. It's insane." August shook his head in disbelief.

"I know!" Esme angrily waved her hands up from the table, "why do they have to target us now? We're just broke college students."

August sighed. "Well, whoever it has no morals. They're just...crazy."

Lilith took a sip of her coffee. "I agree," she calmly set the cup back down, "you never know who could be lurking in the dark."


It seemed as though Lilith was home free. No one had suspected her and they never would. Once Lilith was alone in her room, she reached under her mattress and took out her journal. Now the words scattered across it were:

Lilith smiled and opened it to a fresh blank page. She now wrote things that had to do with the people she murdered. "GWEN: about 5'11? long dark hair, tan, nose ring. Strength? Weakness? Easily deceived. Murdered with a sharp weapon, switchblade. Did not have time to react. Almost caught." The words "almost caught" stumped her.

However, Lilith would have never been caught. The girl that had gone to ask whether if Gwen had finished putting everything away, left after she heard no response. She had thought that Gwen had already left and didn't bother to open the door to check. Gwen's body was found in the early morning. Lilith placed the journal back underneath her mattress and decided to take a walk around campus.

Police were everywhere, asking students questions and if they had any affiliation with Gwen. It would be difficult for Lilith to continue her murder spree from here on out. But that wouldn't stop her. Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she checked the text that was sent to her.

Hey, sorry I got carried away earlier today and we weren't even able to talk about the meeting :/

No worries. We were all shocked when we heard the terrible news.

I know :( but that shouldn't keep us from continuing on with our daily routine. There's going to be a memorial next week I think. In the field. That's all I've heard tho.

Anyway I was thinking of just sending out an email to everyone announcing the winners, that way we don't have to meet up in person.

Yeah, that makes sense. But I think we should still have a meeting next week where we do come together, just so people don't think they're alone through all this.

Good idea. I'll text you later :)

As Lilith put away her phone she suddenly heard her name being called from behind her. She turned and smiled.

"Hey, is everything alright? You haven't been answering any of my texts," Emerson said as he embraced Lilith.

"Sorry, I've just had a lot on my mind recently."

"I know what you mean," he nervously put his hand into his pocket and brought out his Juul. "I can't believe that psycho killer is here."

Lilith twitched. "I don't think they're here on campus. I think they're just watching from afar."

"I just hope they fuck off from now on. I don't want them ruining the rest of my senior year."

Emerson looked at Lilith as he exhaled a white cloud. She was not amused. "I-I mean our senior year, of course."

She and Emerson began to walk down the path of the quad, watching as officers went in and out of buildings.

Lilith then asked a question she could possibly regret. "Did you know the girl?"

Emerson's jaw set. Lilith watched his movements very closely. She saw as his eyes wandered. He wanted to be anywhere but there at this moment.

He finally answered, "I think I might have met her at a club meeting maybe. Or a party. She seemed familiar but I couldn't quite remember from where."

Wrong answer.

"I would see her around. She was a friend of Tucker's. I hope he's doing alright." Lilith sighed.

There was a silence after Lilith had finished talking that would ring in her ears for hours that day. She wanted so badly, at that moment, to stab into his heart.

And that was exactly what she was going to do.

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