03 / Hiding The Tears In My Eyes!

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SO FAR, NOELLE had witnessed an abundance of odd things within the short span of a few hours. First, Grover the weird-lonely boy from her english class pranced into the dance with a possey of teenagers who were evidently his friends following him. Then, Dr. Thorn morphed into some sort of monster hybrid creature and demanded the di Angelos follow him. And mere seconds after that, he plummeted from a cliff with Saviour Boy's girlfriend on his back. Now, a tween girl was insisting she was a godess.

"Um....okay," Saviour Boy (Percy) muttered dryly, voicing Noelle's exact thoughts. He seemed truly dumbfounded by the information, as if it were anymore wild then being attacked by a Manticore who took the cruel form of a vice principal.

  Grover though, had a completely opposite reaction. While Percy was totally stunned into silence, Grover kept anything but silent. He fell to his knees, kneeling atop the frosty snow covered grounds, creating indents the shape of his calves. "Thank you, Lady Artemis! You're so... you're so... Wow!"

   Noelle rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest, amused and annoyed by Grover's stuck up behavior.

  "Get up, goat boy," The goth girl snapped. "We have other things to worry about. Annabeth is gone!"

  Noelle assumed they all valued Annabeth greatly, considering her sudden absence caused them all some sort of turmoil. Percy seemed to take it the hardest, though.

   Noelle still didn't understand what was going on— why or how any of this was possible. There was no such things as Godess' or monsters. What started off as a normal—boring day, spent moping around at a middle school dance, quickly turned into a brawl against monsters using medieval weapons and God's wits. Noelle had vertigo from the rapid pace in which the day changed.

   "Wait, hold up," Bianca spoke up from where she stood beside Noelle, holding hands with Nico who looked half-petrified. "Time out!"

   She rotated in a circle, pointing her finger at all of them, minus her siblings, "Who... are you people?"

   Artemis's expression softened."It might be a better question, my dear girl, to ask who are you!Who are your parents?"

   Who was this girl— godess, going around and asking people personal questions about their family life?

  "Dead," Noelle cut in, obviously aggrivated. "Six feet under. We're orphans— a bank trust pays for our school."

  Noelle, Bianca, and Nico glanced nervously at each individual member of the group, taking in their initial reactions. By the looks of it, they were skeptical of what the girl said. As if she, for some reason, lied about the status of their parents.

  "What the hell are you looking at me like that for?" Noelle snapped, suddenly defensive. "What would I gain from lying about our parents?"

"You are a half-blood," Zoe Nightshade said. Her accent was hard to place. It sounded old-fashioned, like she was reading from a really old book. "One of thy parents was mortal. The other was an Olympian."

Noelle furrowed her eyebrows. She had no knowledge of either of her parents being Olympians. Then again, she didn't even remember her parents or know what an Olympian was.

"An Olympian... athlete?"

"No," Zoe said. "One of the gods."

"Je-sus Christ," Noelle scoffed, throwing her head back. "You're all insane, really."

"Di Angelo, I know it's hard to—" Percy began, trying to calm her down or perhaps further convince her of the Olympian's existence. But Noelle wasn't having any of it.

"No one is talking to you, Saviour Boy," Noelle called angrily, turning to face him. "Don't you have a girlfriend to be saving?"

Percy furrowed his dark brows, shock contorting his scarred features. Remind him to never try and help Noelle again. Thanks!

"Cool," Nico chirped.

Bianca jumped in, her voice quivering, "No! This is not cool!"

Nico danced around like he needed to use the restroom. "Does Zeus really have lightning bolts that do six hundred damage? Does he get extra movement points for—"

"Shut up, Nico!" Noelle ran her hands over her face anxiously. "This isn't your stupid game, okay? Gods don't exist, and these people— they are all crazy! You won't believe a word they say. Unless you're crazy, just like them."

  He seemed upset at his older sisters words. She did feel bad for upsetting him but he had to know that none of this was real.

Bianca looped her arm through Nico's, "Elle, don't call him that!"

Everyone else watched the bickering siblings akwardly. Until Percy spoke up, this time he adressed Nico, for he knew Noelle would take kindly to be spoken to by him again. "The gods are still around, y'know. Trust me. They're immortal. And whenever they have kids with regular humans, kids like us, well... Our lives are dangerous."

  A small, nonsensical faction of Noelle almost believed the party-crashing physcos. For it would make sense. The miniscule memories she possessed from before Westover Hall were all very dangerous.

    "Dangerous," Bianca said, "like the girl who fell."

  Thalia turned away. Even Artemis looked pained.

   "Do not despair for Annabeth," the goddess announced somberly. "She was a brave maiden. If she can be found, I shall find her."

   "Then why won't you let us go look for her?" Percy asked. He sounded genuinely pained.

  "She is gone. Can't you sense it, Son of Poseidon? Some magic is at work. I do not know exactly how or why, but your friend has vanished."

    Percy looked like he wanted to protest. But he didn't— he merely deflated.

   "Oo!" Nico raised his hand. "What about Dr. Thorn? That was awesome how you shot him with arrows! Is he dead?"

    "Awesome," Noelle scoffed beneath her breath.

  "He was a manticore," Artemis said. "Hopefully he is destroyed for now, but monsters never truly die. They re-form over and over again, and they must be hunted whenever they reappear."

  "Or they'll hunt us," Thalia said.

  Bianca di Angelo shivered. "That explains... Elle, Nico, do you remember last summer, those guys who tried to attack us in the alley in DC?"

  Noelle did infact remember that. She had to sheild her sobbing siblings from them, afterall.

  "And that bus driver," Nico said. "The one with the ram's horns. I told you guys that was real."

  Noelle recalled that too. And a dozen more events that basically prove the existence of monsters.

  "That's why Grover has been watching you," Percy told the siblings. "To keep you safe, if you turned out to be half-bloods."

  "Well obviously he didn't do a very good job, did he?" Noelle quipped, to which the aforementioned satyr perked up at. Her first question wasn't why he was sent to watch over them, but why he sucked watching over them.

  "Hey," He whined, "I was as good as I could've been. It was pretty hard! I did my job well!"

  "You sat by me in English, not slayed a dragon."

   "Grover?" Bianca stared at him as the two argued. "You're a demigod?"

   "Well, a satyr, actually." He kicked off his shoes and displayed his goat hooves, causing a synchronized wave of gasps to elicit from the three siblings.

  "What the fuck?!"

  "Grover, put your shoes back on," Thalia demanded. "You're freaking her out."

   "Hey, my hooves are clean!"

  "Di Angelo," Percy stepped forward warily, "we came here to help you. You, Bianca, and Nico need training to survive. Dr. Thorn won't be the last monster you meet. You need to come to camp— actually I couldn't care less if you do, just your siblings."

Noelle blinked at the boy, disregarding his last words completely. "Camp?"

"Camp Half-Blood," Percy said. "It's where half-bloods learn to survive and stuff. They can join us, stay there year-round."

"Sweet, let's go!" Nico pumped his fists, but his excitement seemed to fade the second Noelle shot him a steely warning glare.

"Wait," Bianca shook her head. "I don't—"

"There is another option," Zoe said.

"I'll take the other option," Noelle chided immediately, "I'm not going anywhere with Saviour Boy here."

"No, there isn't any other option!" Thalia interjected.

Thalia and Zoe glared at each other. Noelle didn't know what they were talking about, but she could tell there was bad history between them. For some reason, they seriously hated each other.

"We've burdened these children enough," Artemis announced after she'd too apparently grown fed up with the tension. "Zoe, we will rest here for a few hours. Raise the tents. Treat the wounded. Retrieve our guests' belongings from the school."

"Yes, my lady."

"And, Bianca, Noelle, come with me. I would like to speak with you."

"What about me?" Nico asked.

Artemis considered the boy. "Perhaps you can show Grover how to play that card game you enjoy. I'm sure Grover would be happy to entertain you for a while... as a favor to me?"

Grover just about tripped over himself getting up. "You bet! Come on, Nico!"

Noelle however, didn't see Grover was fit to entertain Nico. "No, I'm not leaving my brother alone with this... donkey."

Grover took offense to this. While Artemis merely chuckled. "You can trust him, and I. Nico will be safe."

   Hesitantly— very hesitantly— Noelle agreed. Only because something about this godess was incredibly reassuring.

   Nico and Grover walked off toward the woods, talking about hit points and armor ratings and a bunch of other geeky stuff. Artemis led a confused-looking Bianca and Noelle along the cliff. The Hunters began unpacking their knapsacks and making camp.

NOELLE WAS ABSOLUTELY FLABBERGASTED for the thousandth time in the mere span of an hour. First, the exterior of Artemis' tent seemed to completely betray it's actual size. The interior of the tent was huge and warm. Alot warmer than the frigid outdoors for a fire burned in the center brazier. gazelle horns. The walls were hung with animal pelts: black bear, tiger, and several others I didn't recognize. I figured an animal rights activist would've had a heart attack looking at all those rare skins, but maybe since Artemis was the goddess of the hunt, she could replenish whatever she shot. I thought she had another animal pelt lying next to her, and then I realized it was a live animal—a deer with glittering fur and silver horns, its head resting contentedly in Artemis's lap.

Then, the aforementioned godess had nonchalantly tossed the offer of immortality to the two young girls, promising if they join her crew of hunters, they'd stay young forever. At first, Noelle geunienly considered the offer- but her common sense was quick to shut it down. Nico and Bianca needed her.

But before either of the di Angelo sisters were able to confirm nor deny her offer, the godess changed the subject and began discussing the day's events. She demanded her loyal lieutenant: Zoe Nightshade fetch Saviour Boy.

"Are you gonna ask him to join your hunt, too?" Noelle quiered, half-joking, half-serious. She didn't know why Artemis needed Percy. She was completely capable of recalling the day's events on her own.

Noelle knew boys weren't allowed to join the hunt— but that didn't stop her from asking. Bianca elbowed her, while Artemis merely said, "No."

When Percy arrived at the tent, alongside Zoe, he seemed just as flabbergasted as she was at the actual quality of the temporary shelter.

"Join us, Percy Jackson," the goddess said.

Percy sat beside Bianca, on the opposite side of Noelle. He knew what was good for him.

"Are you surprised by my age?" Artemis interrogated.

"Uh... a little."

"I could appear as a grown woman, or a blazing fire, or anything else I want, but this is what I prefer. This is the average age of my Hunters, and all young maidens for whom I am patron, before they go astray."

"Go astray?" Percy asked.

"Grow up. Become smitten with boys. Become silly, preoccupied, insecure. Forget themselves."


Zoe sat down at Artemis's right. She glared at Percy as if all the stuff Artemis had just said was his fault, like he'd invented the idea of being a guy.

"You must forgive my Hunters if they do not welcome you," Artemis said. "It is very rare that we would have boys in this camp. Boys are usually forbidden to have any contact with the Hunters. The last one to see this camp..." She looked at Zoe. "Which one was it?"

"That boy in Colorado," Zoe told her. "You turned him into a jackalope."

"Ah, yes." Artemis nodded, satisfied. "I enjoy making jackalopes. At any rate, Percy, I've asked you here so that you might tell me more of the manticore. Bianca and Noelle have reported some of the... mmm, disturbing things the monster said. But they may not have understood them. I'd like to hear them from you."

And so he told her.

When he was done, Artemis put her hand thoughtfully on her silver bow. "I feared this was the answer."

Zoe sat forward. "The scent, my lady?"


"What scent?" Percy cut in.

"Things are stirring that I have not hunted in millennia," Artemis murmured. "Prey so old I have nearly forgotten."

She stared at the trio intently. "We came here tonight sensing the manticore, but he was not the one I seek. Tell me again, exactly what Dr. Thorn said."

"Um, 'I hate middle school dances."

This earned a scoff from the eldest di Angelo. Not only was he annoying— but also stupid.

"No, no. After that."

"He said somebody called the General was going to explain things to me."

Zoe's face paled. She turned to Artemis and started to say something, but Artemis raised her hand.

"Go on, Percy," the goddess demanded.

"Well, then Thorn was talking about the Great Stir Pot—"

"The Great Stirring," Noelle corrected with a criminal roll of her eyes "Stupid."

"Yeah. And he said, 'Soon we shall have the most important monster of all—the one that shall bring about the downfall of Olympus.'"

The goddess was so still she could've been a statue.

"Maybe he was lying," Percy shrugged.

Artemis shook her head. "No. He was not. I've been too slow to see the signs. I must hunt this monster."

Zoe looked like she was trying very hard not to be afraid, but she nodded. "We will leave right away, my lady."

"No, Zoe. I must do this alone."

"But, Artemis—"

"This task is too dangerous even for the Hunters. You know where I must start my search. You cannot go there with me."

"As... as you wish, my lady."

"I will find this creature," Artemis vowed. "And I shall bring it back to Olympus by winter solstice. It will be all the proof I need to convince the Council of the Gods of how much danger we are in."

To Noelle, it seemed like they were speaking another language— one that she didn't speak. With all these odd names and terms that she'd never heard before.

"You know what the monster is?" Percy asked.

Artemis gripped her bow. "Let us pray I am wrong."

"Can goddesses pray?" Percy asked, and Noell rolled her eyes again. Though, it was a good question. She just liked rolling her eyes at him.

A flicker of a smile played across Artemis's lips. "Before I go, Percy Jackson, I have a small task for you."

"Does it involve getting turned into a jackalope?"

I hope so, Noelle thought.

"Sadly, no. I want you to escort the Hunters back to Camp Half-Blood. They can stay there in safety until I return."

"What?" Zoe' blurted out. "But, Artemis, we hate that place. The last time we stayed there—"

"Yes, I know," Artemis said. "But I'm sure Dionysus will not hold a grudge just because of a little, ah, misunderstanding. It's your right to use Cabin Eight whenever you are in need. Besides, I hear they rebuilt the cabins you burned down."

Zoe muttered something about foolish campers.

"And now there are two final decisions to make." Artemis turned to Bianca and Noelle, who were now standing beside eachother. "Have you made up your mind, my girls?"

Noelle nodded immediately, while Bianca said, "I'm still thinking about it." Earning an odd look from her sister.

"Wait," Percy uttered. "Thinking about what?"

"Mind your own buisness," Noelle scolded the boy.

Bianca, however, said, ""They... they've invited us to join the Hunt."

""What? But you can't! You have to come to Camp Half-Blood so Chiron can train you. It's the only way you can learn to survive."

"It is not the only way for a girl," Zoe said.

"Guys, camp is cool! It's got a pegasus stable and
a sword-fighting arena and... I mean, what do you get by joining the Hunters?"

"To begin with," Zoe said, "immortality."

Percy stared at her, then at Artemis. "She's kidding, right?"

"Zoe rarely kids about anything," Artemis said. "My Hunters follow me on my adventures. They are my maidservants, my companions, my sisters-in-arms. Once they swear loyalty to me, they are indeed immortal... unless they fall in battle, which is unlikely. Or break their oath."

"What oath?" Percy questioned.

"To foreswear romantic love forever," Artemis said. "To never grow up, never get married. To be a maiden eternally."

"Like you?"

The goddess nodded.

"So you just go around the country recruiting half-bloods—"

"Not just half-bloods," Zoe interrupted. "Lady Artemis does not discriminate by birth. All who honor the goddess may join. Half-bloods, nymphs, mortals—"

"Which are you, then?"

Annoying, stupid, and nosey.

Anger flashed in Zoe's eyes. "That is not thy concern, boy. The point is the di Angelo's may join if they wish. It is their choice."

"Bianca, Noelle, this is crazy," Percy pleaded. "What about your brother? Nico can't be a Hunter."

"Certainly not," Artemis agreed. "He will go to camp. Unfortunately, that's the best boys can do."

"Hey!" He protested.

"You can see him from time to time," Artemis assured the girls. "But you will be free of responsibility. He will have the camp counselors to take care of him. And you will have a new family. Us."

"A new family," Bianca repeated dreamily. "Free of responsibility."

The tone of Bianca's voice concerned Noelle. Sure, it sounded great. But she couldn't seriously be considering it.

"Bianca," Noelle warned, gripping her sisters arm. "You can't seriously be considering this?"

She looked at Zoe. "Is it worth it?"

Zoe nodded. "It is."

"You can't just leave us," Noelle told her little sister angrily. "What about me and Nico? What about your real family?"

Bianca turned to the older girl. "Join with me?"

"And leave our ten year old brother to fend for himself?"

"I'm sorry, Elle," Bianca sighed, then she turned toward the godess. ""What do I have to do?"

""Say this," Zoe told her, " 'I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis."

"I... I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis."

Bianca was actually going through with it. She was leaving her family behind to join some stupid hunt. After everything Noelle had done for her.

"I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt."

Bianca repeated the lines. "That's it?"

All it took was a few lousy lines to lose her sister.

Zoe nodded. "If Lady Artemis accepts thy pledge, then it is binding."

"I accept it," Artemis confirmed.

Noelle had officially been seperated from her little sister, the one she vowed to always protect. How could she possibly protect her if she would no longer be around. A nasty funnel of emotions stirred within the pit of her stomache.

Had she not done enough? Is there something more she could've done to care for the girl? Obviously. Becasue Bianca was clearly too eager to find a mew family.

The flames in the brazier brightened, casting a silver glow over the room. Bianca looked no different, but she took a deep breath and opened her eyes wide. "I feel... stronger."

"Welcome, sister," Zoe greeted.

"Remember your pledge," Artemis said. "It is now your life."

Noelle couldn't speak. She'd failed the girl. And she'd lost her.

"Do not despair, Percy Jackson," Artemis comforted the boy. "You will still get to show the di Angelos your camp. And if Noelle and Nico so choose, they can stay there."

"Great," he scoffed bitterly. "How are we supposed to get there?"

Artemis closed her eyes. "Dawn is approaching. Zoe, break camp. You must get to Long Island quickly and safely. I shall summon a ride from my brother."

Zoe didn't look real happy about this idea, but she nodded and told Bianca to follow her. As she was leaving, Bianca paused in front of Noelle. "I'm sorry, Noelle. But I want this. I really, really do."

Noelle fought back the sting within her irises that she knew symbolized the sudden appearance of tears. She wouldn't cry infront of all these people. She just wouldn't.

"Yeah, whatever."

Then she was gone. And Percy and Noelle were left alone with a twelve year old godess.

"So," Percy said glumly. "We're going to get a ride from your brother, huh?"

Artemis's silver eyes gleamed. "Yes, boy. You see, Noelle di Angelo is not the only one with an annoying brother. It's time for you to meet my irresponsible twin, Apollo."

"Don't call my brother annoying. You don't even know him."

MAX SPEAKS: okay pull up hoe! unedited chapter bcs i promised lia i'd update this today!! i actually hate this so badly it's ass af... i wanted to showcase how hurt noelle is by biancas decision but idk if i did it well. vote ans comment and i'll love u forever 💗

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