After The Explosion

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Lilys POV ,

Okay so after the explosion my caregiver had big news for me !!!! (A/N : kk so since we have like no name for her let's name her um........... Ellie !!!😋😋😋 yay she has a name !!!!) "Hey jack do u have any idea of what the news will be ??" I asked but he seemed a bit down and he didn't answer .I did see Ellie talking to him earlier before we went to find everybody in the school . Hmmm what if the news is bad ??!?!?!??! Oh no I thought as Ellie was about to tell us the news .........

Cliffhanger !!!!!!!!!!!!! JK I would never do that ......... again 😳

" um lily YOUR BEING ADOPTED !!!!!!! " I couldn't believe this , wait what if I have to leave Jack 😱😱😱????

A/N : hey guys sorry so short couldn't think of anything much having serious writers block 😔

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