Barfing our guts out...

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I woke up in a sweat. I wasn't on the Argo||, instead I was in my bedroom. "Hazel?" I yelled, uncertain she was here. "Ye- oh sweetie your awake!!" She replied gleefully. "I had the weirdest dream, I was a demigod! And I was being chased by a Mintosaur, with you guys on a flying boat." I said confused, "Oh that was just a dream.." Hazel laughed it off but she was starring at the corner of the room. Then I heard Brandon yell, "Lilly?!!!??!!" I got out of bed and into his room. His room had navy blue walls, a bed with black covers and blue pillows in the left hand corner, a nice sized closet, a pine wood desk, and white fuzzy carpet. "Yeah? What's wrong Brandon?" I asked as I saw tears down his face. "The men.."He said as I hugged him. "What do you mean?" Brandon, while trying not to sob, started telling me about his punishment by the men who turned us into humans . I calmed him down and saw Nico at the doorway. The stood there but eventually slowly came on the bed to help me get Brandon to stop crying. He eventually fell asleep in my lap. I didn't think much about the flash back part but I just assumed it was going to pass over time. After a while I left , carefully, I went downstairs and heard whispers from the kitchen. I pressed against the wall trying to get what they were saying but all I heard were a few words.
I was trying to put the words together but it just didn't make sense. I walked into the kitchen to see it was hazel and nico whispering the words. "Hey Lilly, you okay?" Nico asked, I nodded but frowned as I heard Brandon and frank come down to the kitchen. Brandon sat next to me and I held his hand under the table. I gave frank a quick wave. "You okay now?" I asked/ whispered to Brandon seeing him quiet. He gave a sad and distant nod. "Wait don't we have school?" I asked Hazel, she smiled as she replied, "School was canceled due to...cockroaches and live eating maggots invading the school." "Okay then..." I replied weirded out. Frank and hazel disappeared to the public library after that and Nico, Brandon, and I talked. There wasn't really much of a topic we just talked. "Did any of you guys ever have one of those weird dreams that you never forget?" I asked, the boys nodded. "To many to count," said Nico. "Mind sharing?" I asked as Brandon nodded. "I'd rather not.." Nico said sadly as if he was remembering something sad. "Okay," Brandon said understandingly. Nico shot him a greatful look. As if they shared a kind of secret, or something along those lines. Then Hazel and Frank came home. "Hey Hazel...what happened after we escaped the park?" I asked hoping for proof that the Argo || is real. "Oh..well you guys passed out after you and Brandon where don't freaking out." Frank replied because Hazel wasn't in the room at the time.  Suddenly Nico eyes widened, he held onto his mouth and sprinted to the bathroom. Brandon, Frank, and I went to the bathroom to see if he was okay. We saw him hunching over the toilet and by the sounds of it barfing his guts out. "Oh my gods, Hazel! Hazel, Nico sick!!" Frank yelled as Hazel hurried from wherever she was. "Oh my gods, Nico are you okay." Hazel said but Nico just responded by barfing his guys out more. "Frank get towels, crackers, and ginger ale." Hazel said as she patted Nico's back. Me and Brandon left the room so we wouldn't get sick.

The next day at about...3:24 am...
I woke up clenching my stomach. "Ugggggggg" I groaned then I ran to the bathroom. There was good news and bad news;
Bad news, I didn't make it to the bathroom or the toilet, and I barfed on the floor
Good news, I felt a little better

Brandon came into the hallway, his eyes widened. "Hazel!!! Hazel, oh my god. Lily you okay? HAZEL!!" Brandon yelled. Hazel rushed into the hallway, her hair all over the place, she looked as if she didn't have sleep all night. "Why? First Nico and now Lilly!" She whined, I'm guessing that she didn't like barfing people. "Brandon go back to bed and bring a trash can in case you catch the virus like Lilly and Nico. " Brandon nodded and ran to his room. I groaned again and started to run to the bathroom again. I actually got to the bathroom this time! (Yay😄). Hazel rubbed my back as I threw up everything I ate. I tried not to wake up Nico who was by the toilet covered in blankets by a bowl. After an hour or so I was done and was taking small sips of ginger ale. I fell asleep and didn't wake up for a few minutes, then I barfed out my ginger ale...yeah I didn't eat or drink anything for the rest of the night. I finally fell asleep at 7:23 am and didn't wake up until noon.

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