Classes (Lilly's pov)

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I started looking at my schedule as we walked through the long hallways. then out off the blue Lizzy said,"oh almost forgot..can I see your schedules!" I nodded as I handed Lizzy schedule and Brandon did the same. Lizzy lokked at the schedules and compared ours to each others as wwe were passing around the school for bathrooms and classes and stuff like that.her face lit up with joy as she squealed, "omg lilly and Brandon we all have the same schedules except for..." She looked at the schedule again, "mythology ,lilly and you to brandon,has Mr.Brunner for that classical have Mrs.Catterniper ." she explained with a hint if sadness but she was still glad. "Oh almost forgot about class follow me, its LA with Mr.Kendfalk ." she grabbed my hand lightly so I would follow her and Brandon just automatically followed me. Seriously if brandons not with me he is usually sick or in trouble. She lead us to our class and opened the door slightly before it made a big creak and got everyone's attention. The whole class stared I heard some classmates giggle and some even whistled , why the heck won't they not something other than stare! The teacher cleared his throat and signalled us to come into the classroom. I was nervous and by the looks of Brandon he was to. Lizy walked in causally with her dress and hair swinging while she walked to her seat. "Okay class look like we have some new students what are your names?" I hesitated and whispered my name. Aperantly he didn't hear me so he asked again. This time I answered louder then a whisper but he still couldn't hear me. I guess Brandon got tired of it so he wrote our names on one of the back of our schedules what our names are. "Oh class this is Brandon and Lilly Henderson." He smiled at us and told me to sit next to a boy with a green Mohawk and Brandon sat next to Lizzy.  Mr.Kendfalk started to teach and that's about the time when the guy with the green Mohawk started to talk. It drove me nuts but after a good hour the bell rang. People ran out the door except for me,Brandon,and Izzy we just walked out,like normal people. Soon came lunch, the school had pretty good food. We found a table and saw Nico he was upset, so I asked Izzy if he can sit with us. She looked at Nico and then me in disgust. "Look, lilly I know you are new and all but you shouldn't even look at that kid....I think his name is Nico, he's weird and totally a suicidal person, I heard he killed his sister." I was shocked so was Brandon. Brandon stood up and whispered something in Lizzy's ear,she looked scared and ran away screaming. Nico came up looking confused," what just happened ??" Nico asked surprised at how Lizzy was running away like her life depended on it. "Oh nothing," Brandon said smirking "just telling her an old friend said hi." I never knew Brandon could be so.......evil. Nico sat with us and we found out we had ALL of the same classes. "Also sorry for not showing you guys around it just slipped my mind.." Nico said guiltily I explained that it was okay and then we spent the whole school day with each other going to classes.

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