Drama Brother?!?

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Lily's POV🌸
I was almost positive that my idea would work!!!! 😆 Yay I don't have to move away from Jack...... I think. Later that night I decided to get some sleep cause I had some planning to do the next day..

Lily's Dream:
I was in a small abandoned lot , it was very familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. 😕 I started to yell " Jack, Ellie, Dead murderer Max?!??, anybody!!!!" I saw a dark shadow swallow me like a person taking a big sip of juice. What the heck is happening!?!?!?!? I heard a faint cry in the distance "Lily, Lily were r u ???" It wasnt Jack or anyone I knew at the moment , who was it???? I quickly began to turn my head to see......a kid with jet black hair, electrifying blue eyes, and had a blue hoodie on, I'd recognize him instantly.


A/n: Cliffhanger !!!! Comment ideas of what I should do next!!


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