How can i love when im afraid?

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After school Brandon,Nico, and I walked home. I texted Hazel so she knew and then we were home within an hour. "Hey kids how was school?" Hazel asked face blooming with a smile. Nico shrugged while Brandon and I have a thumbs up. We went into the living room and just started talking about memories, well the happy ones. They were mostly about going to the park...weird. "Hey guys there's a park down the street wanna go?" Brandon asked. Me and Nico nodded as we walked to Hazel. "Hazel?" I asked. "Hmm?" Was her reply, "Can we go to the park, me Nico and Brandon?" She nodded and waved as we went out the door. We walked to an old park with broken swings but only 3 of the swings were not broken. "Let's go!" Nico said as we headed to the swings, it was fun to be a kid, well clone kid once in a while. Then I blacked out but the one thing I saw before was Brandon falling to the ground off the swing along with Nico.
My head hurt and I was cold. "Lilly?" I heard Brandon whisper, "Lilly, Lilly please wake up." I groaned as I opened my eyes. We where in a cell!! I looked around and saw that it was only me and Brandon in the cell. "W-what's going on?" I asked frightened because...well, WE ARE IN A CELL!!! Also because I was chained up to a wall. Brandon was also chained to the wall, no way out...that I could think of. "I don't know Lilly. All I know is that we aren't coming home anytime soon." Brandon said and started to cry. "It's okay we WILL find a way out." Just then I heard a voice, "Oh Lilly glad to see your awake it must be time for your appointment." Then he pushed what looked to be a body, "NICO!!" Brandon screamed, then they unchained me! "Nooooooooo stop please Lilly Lilly Lilly noooooo!!" Brandon screamed as I was dragged force fully to another room that was dark and frankly very scary. "Ugggg let me go!!!" I screamed and started to kick them. Finally they dropped me into the middle of the scary room and closed the door. "Well, well, well, look who wants to play!" I didn't recognize the voice and then the lights turned on. "I played with your little friend but our game didn't work for him." He said with an evil grin. "What do you mean game??" I asked voice cracking and tears slipping down my checks. "The NCSNH game Lilly." Before I could asked he grabbed me and strapped me to a table near by. I screamed, "hush Lilly, it won't hurt much." I didn't know what he was talking about and I was scarred. Then he left the room for a minute or two but the straps were to tight to let me do anything. He came back with a magnet and a chip zapper. My eyes widened, I was trying to get loose. He stroke my head and then held the magnet up to it. I was dizzy but not completely passed out. Then I felt the worst pain that anyone could feel. My head burned just behind my ear, right by my chip! I screamed and blacked out. Next thing I know I'm, in the cell with Nico and Brandon hovering over me. "She okay!!! Brandon she's okay!!" Nico cheered but I wasn't okay. I felt odd, I sat up and looked at them. "What's wrong?" Brandon asked, "I-I'm human?" His eyes widened and Nico's did to. "We need to get out of here." Nico said worried, "it's not safe." Brandon and I nodded, eventually we found a crank in the cell, wow these people are stupid, and escaped. We found that we were under a play set on the play ground in the park. We ran not carried if we were tired, all the way home. Once we were home we saw Hazel on the couch crying and Frank comforting her. She looked up and ran to hug us. Frank did the same, and so did we. Then they saw our injuries. Nico was really injured with 2 broken ribs, a sprained ankle, several bruises, a black eye, and a nasty cut across his leg that didn't have the sprained ankle. I had a black eye, and my space behind my ear was like a horror movie, the bad news was that they didn't see a chip!! Brandon wasn't bad except that he had was missing his chip to (!!!) and, was currently freaking out over my lost chip. "Lilly...this means that you and I are....humans!!" He said, "not exactly." Nico protested. "Remember your originals?" We nodded, "Well your their reformations, aka your kinda like them AND are the same type of person they are." I was confused, "wait what?" I asked. Nico sighed, "Your demigods." Hazel but her lip and nodded, "we need to take you to camp." I looked at Brandon, "Wait what camp, what's a demigod, and what the heck do you mean that we are like them but not like them??!!???" Brandon asked. "Demigods are children of the gods, camp is a place that demigods are safe at because we are chased by mythological monsters from 'myths' , and your almost exactly alike but have different appearances and are different in a fashion way." Hazel explained, "Comon Hazel." Frank said "we need to get them to camp." He lead us to a flying ship?!?!!? "This is the Argo ||." Nico explained, then we heard a loud roar. "Hades, it's a Mintosaur!" Hazel shrieked. We ran to the ship and the 'Mintosaur' charged at us but we got in just in time. Hazel led us to a room full of beds, "go to sleep guys I'll take watch and Nico I'll wake you for your turn" Hazel said. He nodded and we all headed off to bed, "goodnight guys." I said but didn't go to sleep for a few hours based on what I just found out.

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