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Brandon, Nico, and I talked for a while. We got along great but I knew something was wrong with Nico. He seemed broken and sad, I could tell from his eyes. Also I can read emotions so..... I really knew he was broken. Then Nico excused himself and ran upstairs. I was about to check on him and then Hazel told me not to, "Lilly don't .... Nico has a troubling past and sometimes he just can't take the heat of all the things that happened, especially to his friends😔😔." Hazel looked close to tears and Frank did to, I was confused because they were showing mixed emotions. I shrugged it off and soon like an hour later, Nico came back down with red eyes from.....crying?? I shrugged that off to. Hazel told me to not bother Nico and stuff so I didn't. Then I suddenly remembered that we had school. Well sorta, the tour for me and Brandon but Nico had to actually learn today. It doesn't matter I still didn't want to be late. I wonder if Hazel or Frank remembered... Probably not. So I yelled "what about school???" Hazels eyes went wide, "oh dear I almost forgot, Nico get ready, Brando and Lilly get ready also meet me at the porch in 15 minutes!!" I quickly ran upstairs with Brandon behind me on the way up. I got dressed, wearing a sea-green blouse, some nice black leggings , a blue beanie, and some blue flats. I got out my hairbrush and brushed my hair quickly and then putting it into a messy but yet average braid. I heard Hazel shout, "Lilly, Brandon come on let's go!!" I ran downstairs said bye to Frank and to the porch I went. It was almost summer and my beanie was really hot on my head, but I couldn't take it off if I did I might expose a chip in the back of my ear that proved I was a clone. I usually put my hair down so it wasn't usually a problem but since it was a little more showing I decided not to take a chance. Since I didn't leave the house since I got there, I never got a good look of the front yard or the garage. Hazel met me outside with Nico by her side, also Brandon was by my side as well. Hazel quickly grabbed some keys to the garage and opened it. Inside was a nice purple car (A/n: to lazy for details make it up in your head because then you can have a chance to be creative with your choices 🙂) . It was well washed and I admired it for a second or 2. We were all in a rush to get to school and we all piled in the car. I was nervous and excited at the same time, new school, new faces, new secrets. Oh boy, this might be a new start good or bad. Before I knew it I was in the schools parking lot, Brandon squeezed my hand as we said bye to Hazel and Nico. We soon looked at each other, gulped , and went to find the main office. We were kinda lost though, dozens of students walked the halls like herds of animals. It was like a movie but at the same time not even close. After about 5 minutes of wondering through the halls we gave up trying to find it on our own and figured to ask somebody. "Brandon we should probably ask somebody for directions before we end up missing the whole school day in the hallways." He nodded also we went to find somebody that could help. We saw a girl with blonde hair, hot pink tips, with a nice blue dress on. "Come on Brandon let's ask her," I said as I pointed to the girl. He nodded again, and lead me to the girl. "Hey, um, can you help us around the hallways to the main office.... Please." Brandon asked, the girl looked at us and nodded. What is with all this nodding?!??!?? Oh well. The girl lead us into a long hallway and then to our left was the main office. "Thanks," I responded great fully as she left. She looked at me and smiled, "oh by the way my names, Elizabeth but people call my Lizzy." Brandon spoke up, "Okay thanks Izzy!" Izzy left the office to go to her classes I guess so then it was just me and Brandon. But I didn't mind, the office was nice. It had peach colored walls and blue tile flooring. Then Brandon went up to the lady at the desk, "excuse me." I tapped on the desk as Brandon just stood there... I have no idea why he didn't speak up, oh yeah he's very shy. (A/n: I'm just gonna say it now.... MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄🎄🎄🎄) Anyway, the lady looked up at us, her blue eyes full of hatred and meanness, is meanness even a word... Oh well. She had beautiful red hair pulled back into a nice bun. She fakes a smile. "Um.... Can we have our schedules please😥" Brandon asked nervously. The lady's voice was full of hatred as she asked us our names. "They are Brandon (forgot to mention last names so gonna make them up now) Handerson  and this is Lilly, my sister." He looked scarred to be talking to her and secretly I was a little scarred myself. I mean the woman is scary. She looked at the computer and handed us our schedules. But then I remembered, we needed help finding the classes. "Um..excuse me ma'am but...can you get somebody to show us around the school and take us to the right classes so we don't get lost." She looked up at me with a bored expression still full of hatred. She picked up the phone hooked up to the speakers around the school. "Elizabeth Angelington please report to the main office medianly." After a few minutes Lizzy came through the doors. She seemed happy to see us. She smiled and lead us out of the office into the big and confusing hallways.

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