Nicos POV (experimenting)

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I warned Lilly and Brandon about their future, I knew something they didn't. I went to my room after Brandon woke up and went into Lilly's room. Instead of sleeping I ended up humming a song I knew to well (A/n: I think its called demons, I really don't know) aka Demons. I eventually fell asleep at like 4:30-ish . At like, say about six am hazel woke me up. You are probably thinking why I don't call her mom, the truth is we aren't related by blood at all. I can't really tell people we were adopted brother and sisters type relation thing, we all still technactly met in a war before we found out about being brother and sister. Yeah  ........ 😬. She gently shook me awake as she whispered my name quietly. I groaned then remembered it was Friday!! As in the day I can be homeschooled. Don't ask why I'm home schooled on Fridays I just am. Yasssss, I can sleep in if I want! Sorta.... Anyways that's not the point. This still means a little more sleep. Even if I had nightmares almost every night it was still good to let me sleep. Trust me once, frank came to wake me up, let's just say he came down with a grouchy me, a bloody nose, and a black eye. Like I said, don't wake me up, let me sleep. After hazel started shaking me for a while, I finally decided to get out of my, warm and amazing bed. I knew that frank and hazel were downstairs waiting for me. I jogged to the kitchen in black sweat pants and a black skull T-shirt. Hazel greeted me as Frank waved. I sat down and Frank handed me a plate of blue berry pancakes. I got some syrup on them and quickly ate them. Then after 2 hours at 8 am Lilly and Brandon came into the kitchen. Brandon looked better then he did yesterday and Lilly still looked kinda tired. Lilly gave me a confused but angry enough to 'playfully' knock out glare. I gulped as Hazel started a conversation with Lilly. They got along really well for only 3 days of knowing each other. I started to talk to Brandon and after a while all of us, Lilly, Brandon, and I, we're having a full on conversation laughing and I smiled a little. Weird.....I never smile. In fact, I don't show emotions except sadness and anger. Any ways , Hazel went to the living room with Frank as me and the other 2 just talked. We warmed up to each other pretty fast I learned a lot about them like their favorite colors and how Brandon has a blue obsession. Literally he came down in all blue clothes had blue berry pancakes with blue syrup. It's kinda weird but understandable at the same time, I knew a guy like him once, he's dead. He died at a war with Hazel, Frank, and me. I saw him die and I couldn't even help him. Seeing Brandon's blue obsession brought some pretty sad memories back. I didn't want to let them see me cry so I excuses my self instead and went to my room. It was dark but I didn't care I dropped to my knees and cried. I almost forgot to lock the door. I started to stop realizing u can't do anything about him or my other friends in the war. Lots of my friends were in that war, and they only did it because I enrolled and they didn't want to loose me. I regret that choice to this day, me, Hazel , Frank , and leo were the only surviving ones of the friendship. Sadly Leo was murdered and found dead a week after the war. This event causes me sorrow everyday but I manage to get through the day, with hazels help. Still even with her help and sometimes even Frank's help, I still get the emotions. I dried up my tears and straitened up my emotions before coming down to Lilly and Brandon. Brandon was still wearing blue and I knew that to this day he might be son of  a certain person, a very special person. Lilly with her dark brown hair and her green eyes I could tell she was a daughter of a special person also, I've heard her sing before and it gave me the biggest clue of who she was daughter of. Also her face lights up and sometimes the room seems brighter when she is happy. Unlike me, I tend to make the rooms full of fear and darkness, its just what I do. I wanted to tell them but they were barely used to this house let alone the home they stay in after they know what danger they are in.

What's the danger?
Who are their mom/dad?
What the heck does nice mean??!??,
Hey guys its artist girl 55 and I decided to make this book a little more interesting and fun for your imaginations to think about what will happen next. Sorry if this angers you I'm very busy, oh and comment any ideas you have, plz. No idea is bad at all. 😌


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