Rewrite #1

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I took a deep breathe. Slowly walking out of the factory I was raised in. The smoke from the 2 chimneys clouded the are and brought tears to my eyes. "Good bye.."

 I whispered as a girl with honey colored hair and hazel eyes led me to a black limo. "A-a limo?" I asked shocked, the girl nodded. She got into the passengers side managing to not say anything to me at all. I walked/ got Ito the limo. Looking around, I didn't see much. The limo had red seats, no extra things so I was okay. I twirled my thumbs, a common things for humans to do. Staring at my feet; another thing!

 The honey haired girl looked at me through the small window; the window separating the drivers side and my side of the limo. "Listen." She said breaking the silence, I looked at her. "We are going to drop you off at an orphanage, clone 5284, we have given you the human name Lily." She said, her voice soft and she had a heavy, British accent.

 "'am." I quickly added, her eyes looked at me. It seemed they were looking straight into my circuits. She nodded, finally breaking the silent stare fest. I looked out the window, amazed at the forest of green and dirt. I've never really been outside ever do this environment was all new to me.

The birds were rather loud and annoying as I tried to calmly 'freak out' mentally. Lilly tried to block them out, only to mess up her volume of hearing. "Okay. I have failed within 3.9673957993759358437592870679175369604356965927562856428506298629642988628998654286892546982689246982689526892 minutes and I have already failed." Lilly muttered to herself, 'You haven't failed young clone. You've just have found a challenge." the honey haired girl said. 

"yes ma'am." I replied politely. After what seemed like hours, which as the clock sad 16.3958458 minutes. The limo had stopped at an old looking house. The window shutters were a faded green, some of the paint chipped off at random places. The main color was a newly painted royal blue. And the gravel path leading the door made the house look nice and welcoming. The dark oak steeps leading to the door.

"Welcome to your new home clone 5284." The honey haired girl told me. "Wait! Ma'am what is your name?" I asked her, she looked at Lilly. "My name is Marcie." The girl-Marcie replied.

Marcie got out of the limo and opened Lilly's door. Lilly walked out, and Marcie instantly got out. "Choose friends wisely Lillian." Marcie said before the limo drove away. Lilly took a deep  breath and saw a middle aged woman on the porch.

"Who are you dear?" The woman asked, "Clo-" Lilly stopped herself, she was Lilly- the shortened name of Lillian. "I'm Lillian, but you can call me Lilly." She said, the woman looked confused.

"Dear do you have parents?" She asked her, Lilly shook her head. "Oh, please come with me. This is your new home." The woman said.

She led Lilly up the stairs, past the kitchen and living space in the 1st story. Several children ages 6-14 where at the second story. Fixing their beds and getting bathroom supplies. "Children!" The woman shouted, getting all the children's attention. "Yes Miss Calvenna?" The children asked, some louder and more enthusiastic than others.

"We have a new child with us today. Her name is Lillian. Lillian?" She asked- looking toward Lilly. 'Yes?" Lilly asked, expecting the worse.

"May you tell us about yourself?" Miss Calvenna asked her. All the children looked at her. "Um, of course. No problem. But please- call me Lilly. Um, and I am 15 years old." I squeaked, a girl waved and a boy smiled. I smiled back. "Okay. Thank you, children please show her to her bunk and give her the rules we have here." Miss Calvenna said, walking down the stairs.

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