The numbers

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It's been 3 months since me and Jack have been in a relationship and by this time your probably thinking ...... how do we clones know so much about the real world???? Well we also before we were given out to families we got a update on humans. So after me and Jack got Lunar we decided to play some games to get to know each other more . We decided to play the game , so we played Scramble . Jack and me loved Scramble and played 3 times before we decided to play a new game . We asked my caretaker for any advice on really good games and she suggested the game , Friend Trivia , a game she played when she was like 13 with her friends . She was very positive about it and thought it would be a good game for us . So the game started up ....


Jack - " Okay I'll go first ," he got the first card out " Ok Lily what's your favorite thing to do ?"
Me - " Hang out with you and Lunar ." Lunar just jumped on the game board me + Jack laughed .
Me - choosing a card , " Jack what's your full name ?"
Jack - " My full name is , Jack Peter-Blake Daniels ."
Me - " Very nice name Jack ."
Jack - "Thx now let's see ," Jack picked a card " Lily what's your full ( clone ) number ? "
Me - " 58214 why is that one in the deck ?"
Jack - " It wasn't I just wanted to know because mine is 58214 ! "
Me - " I have to look at a book the creators gave me before I left be right back ."
I looked at the book and it was something I never thought was true , but I thought there wasn't any true love only in fairy tales .
Me - " Jack come here I found the book ."
Jack - "Ok be right there ."
Me - Jack came into the tiny room and I showed him the page . " Jack it seems the book says we're soul mates !! 😍"
Jack - " Lily I think it's true ."
Me - " So do I Jack but before we rush into things we need to check something ."
Jack - " What do we need to check ? "
Me - " The creators " I say this nervously .

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