The Weekend After athe Broken Heart

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I woke up at 7:30, confused but then I remembered the day/night before. It was Saturday so I didn't have to go to school. Nobody was up so I quietly snuck into the bathroom. I got a towel and also quickly got the soaps down from the shelf. I took my clothes off and stepped into the shower. I didn't care what the temperate was, even if it was cold. After I stepped into the shower, and washed up and I heard noises, or as far as I knew ,people's footsteps. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me. I got out of the bathroom soaking wet from the shower but dry enough so I wouldn't leave giant puddles all over the floor. I saw Brandon in the hallway, "Good morning Lilly how did you sleep? 🙂" he asked cautiously. I gave him a thumbs up sign and walked upstairs quietly to my room. I closed the door and picked out some clothes to wear. I picked out a Nickleback , a black skirt, galaxy leggings , and some sky blue convers. I put my hair in a French braid and let it air dry. I used no makeup and noticed that Hazel and Frank woke up, also it was 8:05. I wasn't that long was I? Oh well, I went downstairs for some breakfast trying to not show any signs of sadness or lack of sleep from the night before. I was still up set but needed to move on...if only it was that simple. I got to the kitchen and Hazel saw me and smiled. "Good morning Lilly, how do you feel?" I smiled at her, and responded with, "fine, how about you?" I find that it's easier to stop yourself from feeling sadness if you ask questions and keep the subject you like going. Frank waved to me, and Brandon as we saw him. He was eating cereal, he swallowed his meal and greeted us. I ate breakfast and when the phone rang. Hazel got up from the table to get the phone. I heard Nicos footsteps down the stairs. Then Hazel called me, "Lilly somebody wants to talk to you, something about a singing gig made by Jack Daniels?" I got up and took the phone surprised that Jack actually got me a gig, maybe it was before I moved or something.

Phone Convo:
Lilly: hello?

Other person: hi, are you Lilly Henderson?

Lilly: yes

Other person: okay, I'm Bee Fudgertime and I just put you on  that gig that boy, Jack requested a few weeks ago.

Lilly: oh, okay I am okay with taking that gig, can you give me the information

Bee: Sure!! You need to be at the Greenwashers park at 2:30 this Sunday. How does that work?

Lilly: one second..... (In the distance, Hazel do we have anything to do on Sunday at 2:30??? She says no)that works fine.

Bee: Fantastic, well I need to go, bye Lilly!

Lilly:bye Bee
She hung up on me, but I didn't care. I GOT A GIG!!! "Hazel I GOT A GIG!!!😆😆😆" I screamed. "That's great!!" She responded happily. "Brandon...I GOT A GIG!!!" I said to him, not shouting this time. He looked happy, "that's awesome!" He said. "Where's Nico?" I asked, he shrugged. "Probably still asleep." Hazel responded, "He isn't a morning person." Brandon shrugged, and I said a simple oh. It was about 12:45 ish when Nico finally came down. "Good morning Nico 😊" Hazel said cheerfully. Nico muttered a good morning, as he sat down. Okay he is positively not a morning person. He waved with a frown on his face but turning into a small smile as he saw who he was waving to. "Hi Lilly." He said , "hello Nico how are you?" He looked at me and said "good how about you?" I gave him a thumbs up sign just like how I did with Brandon. He got a bowl from the cabinet and poured some cereal into it. I went upstairs and looked at my song from before, it brought tears to my eyes like the night before. I didn't throw it away though it helped in a way. Then somebody knocked on my door, I quickly dried my tears and opened the door trying to look as if I wasn't close to tears again. I opened the door to find Hazel. "Lilly, dear, can you come downstairs there's something the family needs to discus." Hazel said gently, I nodded and walked downstairs with her. We went to the living room I saw, Frank,Brandon, and Nico on the couch. Hazel went to sit in a chair near by. "Um....hi guys what are we here to talk about?" Brandon shrugged, so did Nico. Frank started the conversation. "Lilly sit down please😔." He said sadly. I say in a chair next to Hazel. "Now, we need to discuss family matters." Frank said. "Like what family matters?" Brandon asked. I shrugged. Frank continued, "like Lilly's gig, my promotion, and Nico's story." Nico looked close to tears, and angry at the same time. Showing that his story was private and he didn't like to talk about it. "Let's start with your promotion, Frank." Hazel added when she saw Nico's face. "Okay, so we will have a little extra money due to my new job, no moving, and we can have a little treat more often like going out to eat and things like that." Frank answered calmly. "However I may be home later then 1:30 more like 2 o'clock or at the latest 2:30." He said. All of us (Nico,Brandon,and I) nodded while Hazel said a simple okay. "Lilly can you tell us about your gig so we know more about it?" Hazel asked nicely. "Okay, so my gig is at 2:30, on this Sunday, tomorrow." I said and continued, " it's at Greenwashers park, about.." I pressed my fingers against my head to estimate the miles it was from here. "3 miles from here , so I could walk." Hazel nodded as she wrote the information on a price of paper. "Okay now for the harder part of this meeting, Nico your turn." Hazel said gently, Nico was almost to tears. He shook his head like a kid not wanting to get something like a shot, (without the screaming and constant crying). "Nico they are going to find out sooner or later, might as well tell it now." Frank said with sadness in his voice with a few tears himself. Then I noticed that Hazel, Frank, AND Nico had tears in their eyes. What happened? Nico took a deep breath and went up to his room. He came down with a picture in his hands containing 9 people (5  boys and 4 girls), they looked like us! Wait are we there clones??? So I asked it just to get it out there. "Are we there clones!!!" Hazel nodded. Nico pointed to a boy with sea green eyes and black hair, a girl with blonde princess curls with starling grey eyes, a Latino elf type boy, Hazel , Frank , a girl with brown hair with feathers in it, she looked like me, a boy with blue eyes and blonde hair, like a blonde superman, Nico, and finally a girl with black hair kinda spiked with blue eyes like the blonde superman. "These are our original." Brandon said shocked. "Yes." Hazel said close to tears, actually scratch that already in tears. "Brandon should we take the tint out of our eyes?" I asked not out loud but through a language only clones know. He nodded, (A/n: hi.... Anyway clones have tint in there eyes so it's harder to be found, so if they are really the clone of the original person and they find each other the original person has no clue for safety reasons. Also making up the things about clones as I go along, it may be true or most likely false but it's just part of my story, DEAL WITH IT!!!) I pressed against my ear to disable the tinting. Brandon did the same, he revealed his sea green eyes and I revealed my constantly changing color eyes. Nico look sad and let a few tears drop from his eyes. "Almost forgot!" He said suddenly then ran upstairs to his room to get another thing,picture, I think. I was right he came down and had a picture of him and another girl that looked like his sister. "This is Bianca, my sister." He replied shakily with tears spilling down his cheek, surprisingly not crying like Hazel. Hazel, now, was full on sobbing in her seat. "Lilly we think you are Piper." Frank said as he pointed to the girl with feathers in her hair, "And Brandon we think you are Percy." Hazel said pointing to the sea green eyed black haired boy. They looked exactly like us, except they weren't us, they were the originals. We were their clones. After a few minutes Hazel stopped sobbing in her seat, and Nico just went to his room. Frank called after him but failed to get him out. We all tried but Brandon hadn't so it was his turn to try.

Brandon's POV🍁:

I was amazed that I found my original! This was very important most clones don't ever find their original let alone find a picture of them. Even though this Percy guy looked a lot actually just like me I'm still not sure. I know that the original person is hard but I felt like I should of been able to find them by now. Then Nico ran into his room everyone except me tried to get Nico out of his room. They all failed, so I gave it a go. "Nico, dude it's Brandon open up." I heard a small voice ," no it's my fault I shouldn't have ever went to the meeting." I was confused. "What do you mean by its your fault?" I heard sniffles on the other end of the door, "Your original people are dead, I could of helped them, I shouldn't have ever even went on the battle field wounded." This made no sense but yet a little bit, so far I was guessing that the originals died in war or something. "Nico open up it isn't your fault, please you don't have to talk if you don't want to. I know how you feel." I said honestly, I did, it was like me loosing Lilly thinking she was dead because I might have left to late or something like that. Nico thought it was his fault his friends died maybe he considered them family, but he had the same feeling I had. I heard the door unlock, after a few minutes it opened. Revealing Nico, tear stained cheeks, red eyes, and tears still threatening to spill. I gave him a manly hug. He stopped crying and went downstairs with the rest of the people. Lilly instantly hugged him, and Hazel . Frank hesitated and hugged him after the girls practically squeezed the life out of him.

Lilly's POV🌸:

I hugged Nico as soon as he came downstairs. My ears were like actually very very very very similar to radars so I heard everything they said. I can't help it, when I feel sadness my radar ears lol in and I can't turn them off, it gets burned into my memory. Brandon was behind him, kinda just looking in the corner. It was weird, anyway Hazel joined the hug feast. Then when we were done hugging the life out of him Frank gave him a hug. "Um...nothing left to discuss and Nico probably doesn't want to tell anymore of his past so...meeting dismissed." Frank said, I ran into my room. It was around 2 o'clock in the afternoon and I was bored. I went to Hazel so I could ask her things, get to know each other more. "Hazel..." I said gently as I walked up to her. She was still upset and crying a little but enough to understand the words she was saying. "Hi...Lilly." She said between her tears, "Hazel what's wrong?" I was concerned and had a hint it was about Nico's past. I just needed to make sure so I didn't just bring it up. "Nico's been through so much, it hurts to know that he's young, lost friends in war, and lost his sister." I patted her back, "Hazel his life isn't anything to cry about, it's gone past those stages of sadness for him and I think his life is looking up, karma is being nicer to him." Hazel nodded, her tears drying up, "When did you get so wise?" She asked, "learned from the best." I replied, it was true Hazel taught me a lot these past few days, I was just putting them in my own words.

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