Beggars At The Feast

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Nico's Dad's place was really cool. And we got to meet who I guess would be our aunts and uncles and grandma. They had like died but stuff happened while we were down there.

I don't understand what happened. But stuff happened. And so they're not dead.

Nico has a lot of siblings.

But I mean, Grandma Maria seemed cool.

"I'm not..." One of our uncle's, Benito, the oldest, was confused as they all were about their age. "Dad, hold old am I?"

"Well I modeled it around Nico's age, being he's the only one of you guys that lived," he explained to them. "So you're 37. It's only April."

"Wait," Nikolas got excited, and I mean they haven't noticed us yet. "Nico lived? Is he okay? Where is he?"

"Relax," Hades assured them, because of course they all got excited about Nico. "He's fine. He's actually doing really well. He's in New York, he'll be here later. After work."

Bianca was the one that noticed us.

"Hey, Dad," she said and pointed us out to the others. "May I ask who they are?"

He had Grandma sit down. Probably because the last time Grandma saw Nico, he was like 10.

"This is Carlos, Finn, and Luana," grandpa introduced us to them. "Carlos is Nico's son, he's 16. Luana and Finn are his partners' kids, they're 16 and almost 13."

Grandma cried. It was a happy cry, and I don't blame her. At all.


As we we're getting ready to head to the Underworld to pick up our kids, I got a text from Hades that seemed kind of sketchy.

Hades 💀: Hey, Percy, you guys still plan on having dinner here, right?

Percy: Yeah, of course! Plans haven't changed for us, why?

Hades 💀: DON'T TELL NICO but because I wasn't able to get him anything for his birthday this year, there's a surprise here kind of waiting for him and you're going to need to be able to like calm him down, more than likely.

Percy: ...

Percy: what's the surprise?

Hades: family. His mom, siblings. They're talking to the kids right now, I'm easing Maria into you coming because as much as I don't think she's homophobic, I don't know for sure so I'll get back to you on that.

Percy: oh yeah that's kind of important

Percy: I'll keep him calm, though

Hades: thank you ✌️

Percy: no problem

The real question is how bad can a mother in law be? I mean, I hope Maria's great because my ex-fiancee's mom was... I mean, she still sends me threats. Over like email.

So that's lovely. She's blocked.

But I mean, fingers crossed, right?


We we're all nervous and excited and anxious. This is our brother and the last time I saw him, and I was the last one to see him alive, he was like 13 and he doing real shitty and not taking my death well.

So I'm really nervous to see what Camp did for him and what he did after. I mean, he's 35, according to Dad and I guess our ages. Which makes me 37. I'm Percy and Annabeth's age. But it's...

I'm an aunt to a 16 year old.

It's weird.

Of course, Nico's gay. I knew. I've known. But Dad was going to ease Mom into it.

Until she asked why he was being so slow about this. If her son is married to a man, at least gay marriage is legal now.

And then dad said they're not married, but they've been living together for a few months now. So I mean it's serious and I guess everyone's just waiting for a proposal like any day now even though neither of them have said anything about it, really. Not in like a close timeframe, that is.

Also, a fun fact: our family is my parents and three sets of twins. Me and Benito are twins, Nico and Nikolas are twins, and then Roma and Regina are twins. Me and Benito aren't identical, obviously, but if we were the same gender, we would he. The other four are identical to their twin.

Well, I don't know about Nico and Nikolas anymore, but we're about to find out.

And of course, Dad won't tell me who Nico's boyfriend is. He said I know him, but I knew quite a few people in my life. He could've gone back to the Lotus and found someone. Someone in Maine. Someone from Camp.

I don't know. Plus, I don't know who's gay or bi or whatever.

Benito was excited to like do the protective big brother thing and scare this guy, though.

And that plan worked well until I immediately recognized Percy with Nico and knew that plan was going to get him hurt because he wanted to like jump him and Dad said it was a bad idea but he wasn't going to listen.

He didn't listen.

He got like judo flipped. Deserved it.

"I told you it was a bad idea." I told my twin brother, who just nodded on the ground, and I mean at least Percy helped him back up, apologizing. Said you really shouldn't jump him.

"I know that now." Benito agreed. "It was a bad idea on my part. I'm Benito. Nico's older brother."

"Percy," he introduced himself as he took my brother's handshake. "Percy Jackson."

"Short for Perseus?" Nikolas asked him.

"Sadly." He agreed. "You must be Nikolas."

Nikolas smiled, saying that was him. The other half of Nico. Nico wasn't here yet. Charon was stalling him.

He meets the others, my mom. They seemed to click, which was good. If Percy knows literally anything about Art, if he knows the name of colors they'll be fine. Mom was always into art. That and cooking. She actually enjoyed being a housewife. She sold paintings so that was our income outside of dad.

And I mean, the paintings made good money.

"Dam, Bianca."Percy of course had to give me shit because he already knows me. "You're getting old."

"We're the same age, dumbass."

Everyone laughed. They laughed at my remark, I laughed at the dam joke.

But Nico shows up a few minutes later and you know, we cried. It was a lot. He cried. It was emotional. We missed him, he missed us and he really wasn't expecting it. At all.

We we're happy, though. And while we're at dinner, everyone's talking and like we know each other. Trying to catch up with Nico, get to know Percy. Because I know him, sure, but not that well.

"Did you go to college at all?" Mom asked Percy, and I was expecting him to say like military or no, he stays at camp and trains kids, which is like just as good. I'm assuming.

"Yeah!" But this bitch proved me wrong. "I studied a handful of things, mainly WWI and WWII, I got a master for those, and then I have a PhD in Art and Art Psychology."

Mom liked this, but oh my gods.

Nikolas reacted really quick to this, and he's sitting next to Nico. He was loud.

"You married a professor!?"

Yeah, he wasn't expecting to go half deaf.

Nikolas is a little louder and more out there than Nico is. He's the extroverted one. Nico is not.

"We're not married, but yeah." Nico confirmed for him, kind of. "Thanks for the yelling. I'm half deaf now."

"Wait," I said because the Percy I knew didn't seem like he cared or gave a shit about art. "You got a PhD? In art? Since when do you care about art?"

"I've always liked art, I don't know." He told me, shrugging. "I didn't draw every second of my life with camp and all. I illustrated my mom's book when it came out. I mean, that was 20 years ago and looking back it's not very good, hut she loved it."

This means that Mom and Percy just hit it off. They could probably talk about art for hours without running out of topics in art.

But yeah, it was a weird thought. Percy was a professor at NYU. And on top of that, he makes and sells some of his own art. He did say that there are things he won't sell. But most he will.

And of course, for the girls, my brother, and Nikolas, they kind of died between Birkenau and Buna. The girls were too little, sent to the gas chambers, Dr. Mengele tortured Nikolas to death, and Benito was shot. Just because..

So they don't know that all of that is over.


I was fucking ecstatic to have them back. They were going to stay with us until their houses are ready. Which will be in like a week or two.

But Nikolas walked over to me as we're getting ready to go. He seemed kind of nervous about this.

Honestly, I get why. The last time he was up there, he was tortured to death just because he was a twin. By Mengele. That psycho.

"Hey, Nico," Nikolas approached me, looking a little worried about this. "We're not going to he take again, are we? Because if so..."

"What? No!" I insisted, forgetting that I'd have to clarify that. "No, Nikolas. Mengele has been dead for like 40 years. Being a Nazi is like illegal worldwide now. We're safe now. It's the 21st century. We're safe."

"Okay, good." He remarked. "I mean, at least I don't have like nightmares anymore. Benito gets them sometimes. Not that often. Do you or...?"

"Not really, no," I told my brother as we grabbed their stuff. "For a while, I really didn't remember a lot of it. But when it came back, it definitely came back. I stopped having them about I don't know... A month ago? Recently."

All I care is that the nightmares are gone.

But we managed to get home without much trouble, and set everyone up between the main area and the two spares we had downstairs. The girls shared a room, Benito and Bianca shared, and Mom offered the couch.

It was s big couch, though. And also retractable. I've slept on it multiple times just to wake up and fine Percy there next to me.

"This place is... Super nice," Bianca remarked as she was unpacking and I was helping. The others were around the city, looking. "Like, I get that you guys have decent jobs, but how the hell do you afford this?"

I shrugged.

"It's in his name," I insisted. "he paid it off, not me. Carlos and I didn't even move in until 3 months ago."

"I still can't believe you ended up with Percy."

"Wow, thanks." I responded sarcastically.

"Not in a bad way," my sister clarified and I rolled my eyes. "I just always assumed he'd marry Annabeth and have 20 kids with her."

"Oh, we all did." I assured her that that never changed. At all. "But he went to college in Germany and she went to MIT, so they broke up and he got engaged and had Finn and then his fianceé made bad choices and then adopted Luana and he came back like 9 months ago so it was cool when Finn and Carlos became friends, being that's how we were reunited."

"And now you live together."


"When's the wedding?"

I sighed.

"Bianca," I'm sure this was like the eighth time I said it. "We're not engaged. A wedding has not been planned for us because one isn't needed yet. It's been 8 months, not years."

"Well, yeah," she understood that. "But Nico, you fucking were in love with him when you were like 15."

"And I also thought he was straight and didn't have the guts to come out." I added on to that statement. It was true. "I don't regret not dating him when we were younger. We probably would have broken up when he was in college. Plus, Finn wouldn't be around then and I probably wouldn't have adopted Carlos and I love both of them to death, okay?"

She sighed.

"Fair enough."

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